MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 465 make peace

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  He Lingchuan coughed lightly: "This is the pioneer of flying fields in the Chiyan Kingdom, General Ling."

   "General Ling?" Zhong Sunmou focused his eyes slightly, "The military order has been issued, you should be on your way to the front line now, why are you still staying in Zhitian Township?"

"It's up to you..." General Ling wanted to slap him, but suddenly remembered the power of this guy, and changed his words abruptly, "I'll arrive within the time limit, it's still early!" Zhong Sunmou couldn't directly take him down, but if he It is also very disgusting to send a report letter to the capital of Chiyan.

  So he quickly changed the subject: "The victim was also a soldier of our Feitian Army. I want an explanation! Where is the murderer, what is his identity, and how should he deal with it?"

   "The case is not finished, and the secrets are not to be leaked. This is the rule." Zhong Sunmou said calmly, "General Ling, go to the war with peace of mind. At that time, Lingxu City will send a note to Chiyan Kingdom, and you will have the answer."

  Where is General Ling willing to go? By the time he returned from the front, at least a few months later, the day lilies were cold.

  He didn't trust this "inspector" from the bottom of his heart.

He Lingchuan opened his mouth to help him out: "Before I came, the crown prince asked me to investigate thoroughly. Be sure to send the final result, not this—" he pointed to the golden note in the guard's hand, "—to him. Do you have any questions? Just go find the prince, I can't stop halfway here."

  Zhongsun Mou was stunned, and was about to retort when someone walked in from outside the courtyard door, and when he saw the scene here, he said "Oh".

   This is an old man in his fifties, with half-white hair and two oiled paper bags in his hand.

   Seeing this group of vicious and vicious characters in the courtyard, he turned around and fled.

  But how can everyone let him go? Zhong Sunmou's bodyguard rushed out and grabbed him by the shoulder, dragging him back.

   Use your true strength to detect it, and you will know that this is just an ordinary person.

   Without waiting for strict questioning, the old man recruited.

  It turned out that he was the servant in charge of taking care of the place. The owner, Mr. Mai, only came three or four times a year, and left after staying for less than ten days each time. Then the yard was completely quiet. He usually sweeps the floor, grows flowers, and prepares some side dishes to accompany the wine. His days are quite pleasant.

  When asked what Mr. Mai does, the old man didn’t know very well, probably a merchant. Because as long as Mr. Mai comes, there will be guests here every now and then, sometimes several times a day.

  When these people sat in the study, Mr. Mai closed the door, and no sound could come out.

  General Ling asked him: "Haven't you ever thought of eavesdropping on the corner of the wall?" Although these people are doing shady business, they are likely to set up a barrier when discussing matters.

   "No. Mr. Mai also praised me, saying that my biggest advantage is that I have no curiosity."

  Zhong Sunmou also spoke: "Do you know Mr. Mai's full name?"

   "I don't know, he didn't mention it."

   "What is he doing here?"

   "Uh, most of them are reading and drinking tea in the study, and occasionally going out, so I don't know where to go."

  He Lingchuan asked him: "How many days did Mr. Mai stay this time?"

   "Five days... no, six days."

   "So where is he now?"

   "I don't know." The old man looked blank, "It stands to reason that he should be at home, Mr. Mai likes to take a nap."

  However, when He Lingchuan found him, there was no one in the courtyard.

   Mr. Mai sensed danger and ran away early?

  However, it took He Lingchuan a short time to conduct a sudden trial of Wan Dahu, and then he rushed to Shuanglu Town without stopping, only a quarter of an hour before and after. How could Mr. Mai know in advance?

  Who, and when, leaked the news?

  Zhong Sunmou asked a few more questions, seeing that the old man couldn't find any useful information here, he waved someone to take him down to dictate the portrait.

  The unexpected appearance of this old man gave both parties present a time to relax.

  Zhong Sunmou looked at He Lingchuan, and was about to speak when the tiger Jiao Yu said first: "Master Zhong Sun, I suggest to investigate the case together so that we can concentrate our advantages."

  He Lingchuan said with a smile: "Either the truth can be found out, or you can send a note to Lord Chiyan now and ask the prince to recall me."

  General Ling said loudly: "That's right! You are standing on the land of Chiyan and want to forcibly expel the special envoy of the prince? You must first ask us if we agree!"

  He Lingchuan glanced at him.

   This General Ling looks reckless and straightforward, but he is actually a very cooperative red face.

  General Ling means that you can’t do it if you don’t agree, the token can only bluff others, and I will still beat you out.

  Smart people are afraid of being generous.

  Zhong Sunmou was also thinking quickly in his mind at this time.

  He has a serious relationship with Fushan, so of course he will not be polite to his subordinates.

   The so-called special envoy of the prince refused to comply, Zhong Sunmou only found it ridiculous. That's why **** has nowhere to come, and there are plenty of opportunities in the future, if you don't send him away, let him take the blame.

  So he pondered for a while, and his face softened: "It doesn't matter if we communicate with each other, so that there will be an explanation to the upward. What clues did you get?"

  Zhong Sunmou's attitude suddenly softened, but He Lingchuan raised his vigilance instead.

  When he himself wants to do something bad, he also likes to first suppress and then raise.

But on the surface, I still have to borrow the donkey from the **** to soften it: "I have found a few disappearances of monsters here, including General Ling's descendants. In the past six months, dozens of monsters have disappeared in the north of the central part of Chiyan. The Messenger case is similar."

   "You mean, the messenger in Lingxu City was just accidentally killed by a murderer who hunted the monsters?"

   "Hunting in secret." He Lingchuan corrected him, "The Wan family in Zhitian Township has confessed that he and his nephew partnered to kill demons and get pearls."

   "Get the beads?" Zhong Sunmou frowned, "What beads?"

  He Lingchuan stopped talking: "Master Zhongsun, it's your turn."

Chief Zhongsun let out a sigh of relief: "I found out from the north, not limited to the Chiyan territory. A few bird monsters saw the white-shouldered eagle flying to the cliff to avoid the rain, but they didn't seem to come out after dawn. I asked repeatedly , They didn't dare to confirm it, and later I collected evidence under the cliff, and the evidence finally pointed to Shuanglu Town, Zhitian Township, which!"

  General Ling interjected: "Then this guy surnamed Mai got wind of it and ran away early."

  Zhong Sun Mou said in dismay: "General Ling, be careful with your words."

   "I just want to know, what should we do now?" General Ling is a pragmatic person, "He has already run away, how can we continue to investigate this case?"

   "A bounty is offered for the posting of the surname Mai." Zhong Sunmou said, "The portrait will be released soon, and the nearby villages and towns will post it. There are so many eyes on the sky and the earth, it is difficult for him to escape."

  This is a kingdom of monsters, not only humans but also all kinds of monsters are staring at the bounties. Whether you are eating or squatting in the pit, you don't know where there will be a pair of inhuman eyes watching you silently, and it is hard to guard against.

  He Shi Shiran walked out with only one guard, and said to He Lingchuan: "I still have some news, you follow me."

   There is a big hole in the door of the study room, so of course it is not suitable for keeping secrets.

  He Lingchuan and Jiao Yu exchanged glances, followed him to the main house.

  General Ling also followed of course.

  He was about to tell the two Zhanfeng beast guards to guard the study, but before he could say anything, He Lingchuan patted his long neck and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about anything."

  General Ling really swallowed his words, and silently followed him into the main house.

  Zhong Sunmou closed the door himself, and even put a barrier before he said in a low voice: "This case must be handled to the satisfaction of the emperor."

  Dijun is the master of Lingxu City, the demon emperor who rules the entire Bega Empire.

  So this sentence carries a lot of weight.

  He Lingchuan heard something beyond his words: "Then how can the emperor be satisfied?"

   "The timing of this case is strange, the emperor thinks it was done by foreign spies." Zhong Sunmou looked at He Lingchuan and said, "But the conclusion of your analysis clearly has nothing to do with this."

   "The courier in Lingxu City was killed because someone secretly caught sporadic little demons? Heck, how can such a conclusion win the trust of the emperor?"

  If the Son of Heaven doesn’t believe this is an accident, they will be in bad luck if they are subordinates.

  He Lingchuan humbly asked for advice: "Then Master Zhongsun thinks, what should we do with this matter?"

"We still need to dig deeper into this area." Zhong Sunmou said seriously, "If it is true as you said, the white-shouldered eagle just encountered an accident, then the people behind the scenes should stop their flags and hide after they know that they have killed the messenger of Lingxu City by mistake. It’s right to get up, at least until the limelight passes, how can you continue to commit crimes one after another, and the more you do it, the more you will be more eye-catching, so that you can catch the clues?”

  This kid has a bad mouth, as if the clues they can find are all given by the hands behind the scenes. General Ling's mouth moved, and finally swallowed the sentence "Mother P".

  He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat. What Zhong Sunmou said was not unreasonable, but he still said: "Maybe it's because the top and bottom are out of touch, and Wan Song didn't understand the intentions of the people behind the scenes; or maybe it's because the tasks assigned by the superiors are too heavy, and they are lucky."

  It is actually very difficult for an organization to go up and down, and order from top to bottom. It is normal to have confusion, entanglement, and disorder in the middle, not to mention the selfishness of the top and bottom, and the collision of interests.

  The bigger the organization, the bigger the deviation.

  The upper layer consciously holds the pearls of wisdom in their hands, and what they think is to follow the words, but the shrimp soldiers and crabs at the bottom will implement them, and they can make trouble for you by force.

   Doing bad things with good intentions often comes from this.

General Ling stared and said: "Master Zhongsun, if you must say that it was the work of a spy, only the people in Lingxu City know the flight route of the white-shouldered eagle! If you don't go back to Lingxu City to find out what happened, you are always wandering around in Chiyan. What is the use?"

"There is already a special person in Lingxu City to investigate." Zhong Sunmou quickly said, "After all, the white-shouldered eagle disappeared in Chiyan. Even if its itinerary was leaked in Lingxu City, then the shooting down was carried out in Chiyan. Find the murderer, Problem solved."

  He asked He Lingchuan: "You said Wan Song, Wan Dahu's nephew, is the murderer. Where is he now?"

   "I don't know." He Lingchuan said bluntly, "Since you can find Buffalo Alley, I also expect you to find the whereabouts of the murderer."

   "Whether it's the white-shouldered eagle or the descendants of General Ling, they all disappeared near Zhitian Township." Zhong Sunmou raised his chin, "The murderer likes to hang out here, so why not use Wan Dahu as bait to catch him out."

   "That's what I mean." He Lingchuan smiled, "Then Master Zhongsun, why don't you hurry back to Youtian Town? The news that Wan Dahu is actually controlled by us must not be revealed, otherwise Wan Song will not be fooled."