MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 468 Traces of Mr. Mai

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  Chapter 468 Traces of Mr. Mai

  The old man screamed and passed out.

  His eyeballs were gouged out, and he rolled in Zhong Sunmou's spoon, completely intact.

  Zhong Sunmou grabbed the cup casually, poured water to wash his eyes, and then held it up to the light for a closer look.

   "It really is this thing." He picked out a small red worm-like creature from the eyeball, and the thing fell to the table and wriggled, "Eye mite."

   This bug is harmless to humans, and the old man didn't even know he was planted with this kind of thing. It is a medium that allows the user to share the vision with the eye mite host.

  Because the eye mite itself is a parasite, the guards checked the old man's supernatural powers and spell remnants, but found nothing. However, this kind of bug will adjust its body color when the light changes suddenly, and this flaw was caught by Zhong Sunmou.

   There is no doubt that it was Mr. Mai who tampered with the old man's eyes.

   That is to say, Mr. Mai can also see what the old gatekeeper sees, and he doesn't need to show up in person.

Zhong Sunmou was startled when he saw the eye mite, and instead of being angry, he was happy: "The distance between the eye mite and its owner should not be too far, otherwise it will be ineffective." He ordered the guards, "Send people to step up the search, and this guy is likely to return. Hide in town!"

  The subordinates rushed to do it, dragged the old man away by the way, and then took clean water to wash away the blood on the ground.

  Zhong Sunmou stood by the window and took a long breath.

  The subject under investigation is very cunning, these arrangements cannot be temporary, especially the trick of eye mites.

   That is to say, after the old gatekeeper walked into the small courtyard, Mr. Mai saw everything in the courtyard clearly through his eyes.

   How many people were chasing him, what they looked like, and their relationship with each other, all these information were easily obtained by the other party.


   Half an hour later, the guard returned to report:

  The local government office is very cooperative. The streets and alleys of Shuanglu Town have posted rewards. Mr. Mai's portrait is on the wall, and there are people preaching loudly. Those who can report Mr. Mai's whereabouts will get fifteen taels of silver. This huge sum of money has attracted many townspeople to watch.

   Some people were also amazed, saying that Mr. Mai looked like a good man, but he didn't expect to be a fugitive.

  Zhong Sunmou's subordinates hurriedly asked, and all the townspeople confirmed that Mr. Mai really looked like this, and several merchants in the town bought goods from him to do business.

   The description of the old gatekeeper is still very accurate.

  Of course, now these businessmen have all been taken down for questioning.

  Zhong Sunmou listened to the report with half-closed eyes, and suddenly asked: "By the way, where is the group surnamed He?"

   "They have left Mr. Mai's house and went back to the inn."

   "Didn't go anywhere else?"

   "No, I went straight back to the inn and didn't stay anywhere else."

  Zhong Sunmou laughed lowly: "I also thought they had other skills." It turned out to be nothing more than that.

   "But after you left, they stayed at Mr. Mai's house for more than two quarters of an hour."

"do what?"

   "I don't know, the two wind drill beasts are guarding the door, we can't get in, I only know that they are talking in the study, and they seem to be watching something together."

  Zhong Sunmou's face was slightly gloomy, but he quickly figured it out: "They were one step ahead of me, and they may have found something in the search, but they refused to share it with me."

   "Also, what is the name of this He? Is there any news from Baishi County Magistrate?"

   "It's the first time that Baishi county magistrate has seen him. I only heard Guard Jiao say that the special envoy is not from the Chiyan country, and the crown prince respects him a lot."

   "Not from the Chiyan Kingdom?" Zhong Sunmou was amazed, "Fu Shanyue actually found a foreigner to be his special envoy?"

  The guard couldn't answer this question again.

  A special envoy is not only a nickname, but also has corresponding privileges.

  Giving these powers to a foreigner, is Fu Shan more ambitious or does he trust this person?

  The eldest son of Chiyan Kingdom, Zhong Sunmou knows better than others. People who can make Fu Shanyue so arrogant and fierce can also respect him, he should have two brushes.

  But he hated Wu Jiwu before, and he didn't take a good look at the surname He.

  At this time, there is humanity again:

   "My lord, the chewing tobacco has been identified, and it is indeed produced in Qizhou, Chiyan Kingdom."

  Mr. Mai’s desk contained half a tube of chewing tobacco, which they also brought back for analysis.

  Zhong Sunmou sneered: "Do you still need them to identify? Only Qizhou's chewing tobacco uses white-skinned bamboo tubes. This kind of bamboo tube can give off a citrus-like aroma."

   Not only are the Beja feudal kingdoms have their own tobacco production, but even the chewing tobacco produced by the same demon kingdom is divided into regions.

  One side supports the other side's people. Similarly, the people of one side are also used to chewing tobacco on the other side.

  Zhong Sunmou knew that many dignitaries and merchants would bring local chewing tobacco with them when they went out, and they were not used to changing brands.

   "Also, there are also the clothes brought back from the chest in Mr. Mai's bedroom."


"We brought back twelve pieces, two of which are made of 'Yanghubai'." The humane said, "'Yanghubai' is a time-honored brand in Qizhou, a specialty of Baishaqu, and is very popular among local people. All of them have been worn for a while, not brand new clothes."

  If you have a daily upper body, it is not specially put on to confuse people.

  Zhong Sunmou said slowly: "Qizhou Baishaqu?"

  That place is already close to the northern border of Chiyan Kingdom, and a hundred miles further north, we reach the boundary of Lingxu City.

   After a while, the guard reported again:

   "My lord, Mr. Mai's account books have been analyzed."

  They almost emptied Mr. Mai's study, especially all the paperwork, not a single piece of paper was left for He Lingchuan.

  Although these documents may be a cover created by Mr. Mai, Zhong Sunmou still thinks they are meaningful.

  Because these businesses are real.

  Everything that exists must leave traces.

   He has a lot of people under him, and he quickly took out the analysis results:

  Mr. Mai is mainly engaged in the herb and oil business, but they are all small businesses. In Shuanglu Town, they are at best a medium-to-lower scale and unobtrusive.

  But such a trivial business cannot be supported by him alone, especially Mr. Mai only comes to Shuanglu Town three or four times a year.

  Business needs to be contacted and interviewed, unless...

   "He has a local warehouse in Shuanglu Town. He doesn't have to worry about importing and exporting goods. When customers usually want to buy things, they go there to sign the receipt and collect it."

   "In this way, he is just an underwriter?" Zhong Sunmou's face suddenly became serious, "He still has a family!"

   "Yes, we've found his source as well, probably in—"

  Zhong Sunmou interrupted him: "Near Baishaqu in Qizhou?"

   "Ah no, it's Qizhou, but it's in Fengchao Mountain." The subordinate hurriedly said, "It may be twenty or thirty miles away from Baishazhen."

  Zhong Sunmou nodded: "The cunning rabbit doesn't eat the grass beside the nest, he won't directly expose his nest."

   Just then, someone knocked lightly on the door outside the guest room.

  The guard opened the door and saw the old postman holding an oiled paper bag:

   "Someone sent a letter outside, asking us to pass it on to the adults here."

  The guards didn't dare to send the oiled paper bag directly to Zhong Sunmou, and only opened it by the door.

   There is a book inside.

  Zhong Sunmou took a look and said "Hey": "Who gave this?"


   After He Lingchuan returned to the inn, he first filled his stomach, and then went back to the room to adjust his breath.

  Others thought he was an old god, and even General Ling, who was so impatient, didn't go over to ask more questions.

  In fact, through the eye spider's perspective, he had a panoramic view of what happened at Zhong Sunmou's place.

  Your side is surrounded by monsters, with good combat power, but when it comes to reading documents and analyzing data, humans have to do it. Since manpower is limited, it is better to pick ready-made ones from Zhong Sunmou.

   That's why he let Zhong Sunmou take away all the documents - anyway, he couldn't grab much at the time.

   "That is to say, all the clues point to the vicinity of Baishazhen in Qizhou? This Mr. Mai seems to be a shrewd person, will he leave such obvious clues?"

  At this time, there was a sound of peeling and pecking from the door.

  He Lingchuan opened the door, and the shop assistant standing outside handed over a greased paper bag:

   "My lord, someone has appointed this for you."

  The fierce tiger, which was lying on the soft couch and licking its fur, raised its head upon hearing the sound.

  He Lingchuan took the paper bag: "What does that person look like? Where did he go?"

   "Yes, it was brought by the lame beggar in the back alley."

  He Lingchuan didn't listen to what he said, and jumped downstairs, and caught up with the beggars outside the shop in two steps.

  Since he is lame, he cannot walk fast.

  He took out two copper coins and waved them in front of the beggar: "Which direction did the person who asked you to give this go?"

  The beggar pointed to the west.

  Jiao Yu also heard the sound, and He Lingchuan asked him to smell the smell on the oiled paper bag: "Chasing!"

   This is using the tiger as a dog. Jiao Yu didn't have time to bury him, so he ran forward following a whim.

  He Lingchuan took the time to ask the beggar: "What does that man look like?"

   "A tall man with a gray cloak, and the material is fine, but the brim of the hat covers his face, so he can't see what he looks like."

  He Lingchuan threw the copper plate to him and went upstairs by himself.

  After about a cup of tea, the tiger came back.

  Seeing it returning empty-handed, He Lingchuan comforted him: "It's okay, it took a long time for the **** to get to the store, enough for Mr. Mai to retreat calmly."

   Otherwise, why would they find a cripple?

   "The smell disappeared halfway through." Jiao Yu shook his head, "He used some spells to cover himself. What's in the paper bag?"

  At this point, there were a few bangs from the floor outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

  The knock on the door was very distinctive, and He Lingchuan knew it was General Ling when he heard it.

  Opened the door and saw that the old sheep had shrunk to the size of an ordinary sheep, looking up at him eagerly: "I heard something moving here!"

   "You have long legs." He Lingchuan knew that General Ling probably had one ear always listening here, not letting go of any trouble.

  Honestly speaking, whether it is a human or a monster, it is worthy of respect to be so dedicated to the tribe.

  He came in with the sheep, took out the oil-paper package, and opened it in front of the two monsters.

   There is a book wrapped here, strictly speaking, it is a manuscript, only about seventy or eighty pages, but the book cover is crisp, and it looks brand new at first glance.

  Jiao Yu was amazed: "Hey, this is... "Record of Worshiping the Gods"?"

  This masterpiece is a manuscript written by Wu Chen, the former demon emperor of Bega, in his later years. It is owned by the nobles of Lingxu City and all the demon kings.

  Of course, people in Lingxu City and the capitals of various demon countries may also have collections.

   Both Jiao Yu and General Ling have read this book: "Who will send you this?"

  (end of this chapter)