MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 482 Doubtful

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  Chapter 482 Doubts

  He Lingchuan asked her: "What is Fu Songhua's temperament?"

   "I don't talk much, I don't like to socialize, and I don't like to laugh, but I am shrewd and assertive."

   "How was he caught a few days ago?"

"It was a hot day, and he went home to eat two bowls of sour plum soup and took a nap, but suddenly someone rushed in from outside. Mr. Fu...Fu Songhua jumped the wall to escape, and I immediately heard fighting and shouting outside. After a while, someone came in and said that Fu Songhua Arrested, we are all accomplices, all, all going to jail!"

   "After you came in, have you seen Fu Songhua?"

  Mr. Li shook his head.

   "Who else is in his family?

   "I, I don't know. I haven't seen his family, and I haven't heard him mention it." Li Shi said, "He usually returns home after socializing outside, and he hasn't taken a concubine in recent years."

   "You don't know anything about his parents, brothers, wife and children?"

  "I asked before, but he only said that his parents had passed away a long time ago, and he had no brothers or married wives. If he asked again, he would get impatient."

  Baisha is a good place for recuperation. Many powerful people will buy land and houses here, and put a concubine in addition. This concubine has no contact with the family members at all, and only serves them in Baisha.

   It would not be surprising if Fu Songhua did the same.

  He Lingchuan leaned slightly, and said softly: "Fu Songhua has pleaded guilty, do you know what that means?"

  Mr. Li shook his head. From the time she entered the prison to now, she has been confused, and only knows from the few words of the police that Fu Songhua has committed a felony.

   "Lingxu City has always severely punished the enemy country's secret operations for rebellion, and beheading the capital is the lightest. Even if the relevant people sit down, you will not survive."

  As soon as these words came out, Li's face turned pale, and he lost his voice in shock.

   "So think about it carefully, does he have any relatives? Even a little clue is fine."

   At the critical moment of life and death, Mrs. Li finally racked her brains.

   After a long while, she said: "Fu Songhua was away from Baisha for two Chinese New Years, and I don't know where he went. I asked, and he said he went to business, but all the managers under him are still in the city."

   Chinese New Year is a time for reunion, even if it is not good, there must be a living person around.

   "Very good, what else?"

Mrs. Li thought for a while and then said: "My maid, Amei, saw Fu Songhua buying things on the street twice. One time was buying pine nut cakes that children like, and the other time they were buying two toys. They are not cheap. .I thought he was a child used to please merchants, but now that I think about it, maybe...?"

   Maybe Fu Songhua bought it for his own children.

   Mrs. Li couldn't say more. She begged for her life before the jailers took her down.

  He Lingchuan can only say that I try my best.

   Next, the steward under Fu Songhua will be interrogated.

   Only after asking this question did I know that Fu Songhua's main business is aquatic products, that is, there are so many lakes, rivers, streams, and bays around Baishayu, and there are really rich fishing products. The supply and demand of Baisha and its surrounding areas are booming, so middlemen are naturally needed to deliver aquatic products from fishermen's wharfs to the dining tables of urban residents. There are a lot of merchants in the city who deal in this kind of fresh goods.

   In addition, Fu Songhua also started a few side jobs to serve as a hedge during the off-season of aquatic products. Among them are the oil and herbal medicine business, but they are only a small amount, at least that is how the steward described it.

  In the whole of Baisha, there are three to five hundred people who do these three kinds of businesses, if not eight hundred and one thousand.

  The three merchants further confirmed the steward's confession.

  He Lingchuan also asked the steward: "Do you often travel with Fu Songhua?"

   "Yes, I've been out with him a lot these past seven years."

   "Which place does he often go to?" He Lingchuan raised his hand to stop the other party from speaking, "Which place is the most frequented place in recent years?"

  The last three words, stress.

  The steward said without much thought: "That should be Sharon Town, sixty miles away. We go there three or four times a year. We don't go to other places so frequently."

   "What are you doing there?"

   "Purchase. White paint is produced in Sharon Town, which can prevent corrosion."

  He Lingchuan thought for a while and asked again: "You always stay in the same inn in Sharon Town?"

   "Yes, Dazhao Inn. The other inn is closer to the source of raw materials, but Fu Songhua said that the Jokha Inn is quieter. I thought he was saving money."

  The last question: "During the stay at the Jokhang Inn, will he act alone?"

   "Yes. He doesn't necessarily take me with him when he socializes with merchants."

  He Lingchuan finished asking.

   After these people were taken down, he stared at the opposite prison wall in a daze.

  The county magistrate Baishaxun encountered a few setbacks with him, but he didn't dare to speak out.

   After a while, He Lingchuan suddenly asked, "Which local households did Zhong Sunmou have the most close contact with after he came to Baishahou?"

  The County Magistrate of Baishayu was taken aback, and immediately said: "How dare the lower officials follow Master Zhongsun's whereabouts?"

   "I think you dare." He Lingchuan stared at him and said, "If it weren't for the eyeliner all over the city, how did you find out when the inspectors just arrived on your land?"

  Although Zhong Sunmou is arrogant, he still has to do his job, right? You can't rush to reveal your identity every time you go to a place.

  With so many outsiders in Baisha, how did the county magistrate recognize the spirit inspector of Lingxu City?

  The county magistrate hurriedly waved his hands: "Ah, how can the lower officials have such abilities?"

   "You don't have it, so who has it?" He Lingchuan looked at him, speaking earnestly, "Hasn't the magistrate of Tian County distinguish between the inside and the outside? The wrath of the emperor, whether it is Zhong Sunmou or the dignitaries in the city, can't stop you!"

  The exhortation in the words is strong, and the county magistrate of Baisha is in a dilemma.

   That's all, even if stretching and shrinking the neck is a knife, let's pass the current level first. He took a deep breath:

   "It was the rich and powerful of Lingxu City who first discovered the whereabouts of the inspectors. The news spread throughout Baisha within a few days, so Mr. Zhongsun has been busy with official business and entertainment these days, so he has no skills at all."

  He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "I heard that the senior officials of Lingxu City also live in Baisha?"

   "Isn't it?" All the officials in the city are older than him, and it's not easy for him to be a county magistrate.

   "These dignitaries like to live in the northwest of the city?"

   "Yes, the powerful and the rich also like to live there, the scenery is beautiful and the air is fresh." How to say that, when you go out, you will be prosperous, and when you go in, you will find peace.

  He Lingchuan was thoughtful: "What do these wealthy families usually do for a living?"

   "Everyone who makes money in Chiyan, probably has some, after all, there are money and contacts." Baishayu County Magistrate said with a bitter face, "Specifically, the lower officials dare not spy."

"Don't dare to pry, but I must have heard about it. Come here, I'll give you the pen, and you write." He Lingchuan pushed the white paper and ink on the table in front of him, "Don't worry, there is no one else here. I also assure you that it will never be published.”

   This pen and paper was originally prepared for Li and other suspects, but I didn't expect the county magistrate to use it himself.

  The county magistrate of Baishayu grasped his pen like a soldering iron, knowing that he was powerless to resist, so he could only use his pen like flying.

  He Lingchuan urged him in front of him: "Write carefully, the more comprehensive the better."

   It seems that Magistrate Tian himself is writing the confession.

  In an instant, he filled two large sheets of paper.

  Magistrate Tian put down the pen, pushed the paper, and said in a low voice, "My lord, please take a look."

  He Lingchuan picked it up and looked at it carefully, and asked him, "Are you sure there are no omissions?"

   "This, it may not be comprehensive in a hurry..."

  He thought that He Lingchuan would still blame him, but he didn't know that the other party smiled: "It's okay, I was in a hurry, you can come to me to check and make up for the omissions whenever you think of it."

  Tian county magistrate was flattered instead: "Yes, yes."

   "The content I asked you today must not be passed on."

  Magistrate Tian nodded immediately: "Definitely, definitely!"

  He Lingchuan smiled at the tiger lying on the ground again: "Old Jiao, are you tired from traveling all the way?"

  Jiao Yu is used to his demeanor and remains indifferent: "What do you want me to do, just tell me."

   "I want to invite you on an urgent errand." He Lingchuan leaned close to its ear and whispered.

  The magistrate of Baishayu didn't dare to eavesdrop, but took two steps back to avoid suspicion.

  I saw the tiger shaking its ears all the time—He Lingchuan was too close.

   After finally waiting for him to finish speaking, it nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll go right away." Standing up, it arched its back and stretched, and walked out with tiger strides.

  He Lingchuan looked at its back and praised: "The monsters are sincere, if you agree, go, and don't play with those imaginary."

  The county magistrate Baishayu felt that he was being targeted, so he could only keep smiling.

  He Lingchuan stood up and stretched:

   "Okay, find me a place to live with a good view."

  The magistrate of Tian County heaved a sigh of relief, and finally came to the link he is best at!


  Early the next morning, He Lingchuan went out to visit the mountains and rivers.

  He didn't hide his whereabouts either. Many nobles in the city heard that the Prince's special envoy was coming, so they sent him a post asking to see him.

  He Lingchuan didn't have time to socialize. He was about to throw away all the greeting cards when he accidentally saw the signature on one of them, so he put it in his arms and went out.

   This was voted by an official from the Chiyan Kingdom.

  Baisha is also unique in a world full of green mountains and green waters. The sandbanks as detailed as snow, the Pinghu Lake where thousands of birds gather, and the ice springs that are still cold in midsummer are indeed holy places for sojourners.

   Today is still accompanied by the county magistrate Baisha.

   Tangquan came out after soaking, He Lingchuan straightened his clothes:

   "Magistrate Tian, ​​Baishazhen has a beautiful scenery, and it really deserves its reputation, but why is it being repaired everywhere? This clanging sound is really not an ordinary disappointment."

  He came along the way and saw at least two scenic spots being renovated, as well as a temple, and three private mansions with craftsmen in full swing.

  Even the Tangquan Xiaozhu they just walked out of has a gatehouse that is being repaired. The gate has just been painted and smells.

"My lord, Baisha is known as a confluence of hundreds of waters. There are thirty-seven lakes, big and small, as well as rivers, streams, ponds, and swamps. There is a lot of rain this spring and summer, and the water vapor is eroding the wood severely. Can it be repaired frequently? Otherwise, if a falling tree falls and hurts someone, it will be a big trouble."

  There are too many local dignitaries, if you drop a piece of flowerpot wood from upstairs, you will either be rich or expensive.

  He Lingchuan said, "I'm going to Chaohu Tower, how far is it?"

   "It's very close, and you can walk there in a quarter of an hour." The county magistrate of Baishayu recommended, "It's very comfortable to have tea and see the scenery there."

   "Okay, lead the way."

  (end of this chapter)