MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 5 finally come

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  Chapter 5 is finally here

   But the grandpa in the audience was sleepy-eyed, and he added: "Next time, if you change to a theater, don't call it 'Picking Xiantai'. Are immortals peaches, and you can pick them at your fingertips?"

  Liu Baobao smiled and said: "This store was originally called 'Zhaixingtai', but later the owner thought that Xianzi would be better for business. That is what it is called when it is lacking."

  He Lingchuan squinted his eyes half-closed: "Oh, Heishui City lacks immortals?"

   "No shortage, no shortage, Master He in Heishui City is enough!" Liu Baobao hurriedly said, "What kind of thing is a fairy, something that is legendary and ethereal, can only be written in a storybook. Who can lack it?"

  He quickly changed the subject: "Then change to Mr. He's "Dingdaoshan"?"

   "Okay." His father's name has been brought out, can He Lingchuan say no?

  He leaned back, lay back on the soft couch and half-closed his eyes. The middle-aged man waved away the attendants around him, and then asked him in a low voice: "Are those nightmares again?"

   "Hey. How is that possible!" He denied it with a smile, "Uncle Hao, let's go to the theater."

  The middle-aged man, Uncle Hao, didn't argue, and just stood by the side with his mouth shut.

  The famous actor's skill is amazing, and the audience applauds. He Lingchuan looked at it for a while, then moved his eyes to the curling smoke on the incense burner, and subconsciously grabbed the **** bone necklace on his chest in a daze.

  Replacing the original body for more than a month, except for the big crime when he woke up covered in blood, the days in Heishui City can only be described as comfortable.

   Jinzhou is located in the most northwest corner of Yuan Country, and Heishui City is only ten miles away from the border, and it guards the country gate for Da Yuan. The name sounds good, but this kind of geographical location is destined to not get the loving gaze of the monarch's father, not to mention that it has been calm and war-free in recent years.

   But the advantage is also that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.

  The He family is a standard earth emperor on their own one-acre three-point land, and He Lingchuan, the eldest son of the prefect, can get the wind and the rain in Heishui City and even the entire Qiansong County.

   The standard of food, clothing, housing and transportation is only three words:

the best.

   It’s hard to say that there are delicacies, playthings, and daily income on the table, but many rich people in the mainland may not be able to enjoy them.

  He Lingchuan grew up to be sixteen years old in such a carefree environment.

how to say? He Lingchuan's evaluation of the original body is that he has a bad temper and is somewhat arrogant by nature.

   This guy is usually high-spirited, and he likes to hunt with eagles and dogs, otherwise he would not encounter major accidents on Calabash Mountain.

   Now the skin has healed, but the new owner has no intention of regaining the hobby of the original body.

   Over the past few months, He Lingchuan often thought of what happened at the bottom of the cliff, and wondered if the murderer who killed the leopard demon clan would chase after him to Heishui City. But time passed bit by bit, and the city and the outside were calm.

  Behind the appearance of a good life, there always seems to be an undercurrent surging. This made him, a hard-working wage earner who was originally only worthy of blessings, feel uneasy when enjoying the fragrance of privilege.

  He Lingchuan took two sips of warm wine, suddenly felt a little stuffy, and signaled Uncle Hao to open the window.

  As soon as the window was opened, cool air rushed in. The people on the second floor couldn't help shivering. All the papers on the table in the box next door were rolled downstairs, and two of them were still small-value bank notes, which immediately triggered snatching from the audience.

  No one cared about the commotion downstairs, Liu Baobao tightened his clothes.

  He Lingchuan took a deep breath and drove away all the little emotions. Just when the play in the audience was over, he took the lead in applauding, and happily said: "Okay! Reward!" After saying that, he untied the jade ring from his waist and asked someone to take it down for a reward.

  With the leader on the list, the atmosphere of the scene reached a high point, and the audience downstairs also gave money.

  Outside the window is the main street of Heishui City. When the window is opened, the hustle and bustle comes in with the wind. He Lingchuan glanced at it, and saw that the market was full of traffic and traffic. The main street, which has been widened three times before and after, can accommodate eight standard carriages driving side by side, but at this moment there is not even a gap of two feet square.

   "Is it so lively?"

  Uncle Hao was standing next to He Lingchuan, and heard the voice: "It's already August, and the merchants must pass through as soon as possible before the closure of the Hongya Commercial Road, and transport the last batch of goods before the winter."

   This is after the Calabash Mountain accident, Master He arranged for Aiko's personal expert to prevent him from being in another accident.

  He Lingchuan nodded.

  Heishui City is located on the edge of the Panlong Desert. It looks desolate, but it is the main road connecting the western countries and the big kite inside, because it is a must-see point on the famous Hongya Road.

  Desert business has always been dangerous, with changeable weather and frequent bandits, and Panlong Desert is the best of its kind. Countless predecessors worked hard to find a relatively safe passage through the Panlong Desert, that is, the Red Cliff Trade Route.

However, the Panlong Desert Center will change its face in September. At that time, even the Red Cliff Trade Road is no longer safe, so experienced merchants must rush through early, so that they can survive the closure of the Red Cliff Trade Road for a few months. Make a fortune by raising the price.

  The busiest season is the New Year's Eve elsewhere, but Heishui City is at the moment.

  All the rich and powerful merchants have come, all businesses are flourishing, there is a lot of hawking along the street, and there are no vacancies in the horse troughs at the post station. The taxes collected by Heishui City in the past two months should be considerable, right?

  He Lingchuan came to his senses after thinking of this, and found himself worrying about his father's work, which made him feel amused.

   At this moment, someone downstairs begged to see the young master of the He family.

   This was sent by a local gang called Hongbaidao to report. After coming up, they saluted without making a sound, just looked around.

  He Lingchuan waved his hand, and the servant immediately retreated three feet away; Liu Baobao was also very obedient, and found an excuse to walk to other boxes.

   Only Uncle Hao stood still.

   "Tell me, what's the matter?"

   This guy was sent by his own altar master, saying that two travel-worn outsiders walked into Zhuzhi Tavern just now, and wanted to inquire about something.

In a traffic fortress like Heishui City, there are as many tourists traveling from south to north as crucian carp crossing the river, so the best places to inquire about news are of course local restaurants, teahouses, and Hongguanfang. Miscalculated.

  But they obviously don't know the special local ecology.

  Organizations like Hongbaidao, although they talk all day long that "it's not easy for brothers to make money", they actually occupy one of the most profitable businesses in the local area: alcohol.

  The two of them were unlucky, and happened to walk into the tavern of Chang Qi, a member of the Red and White Road.

   "Tracking down the injured sand leopard?" He Lingchuan felt his heart be pulled hard after hearing what he said, "Are you still designated near Heishui City?"

   Trouble finally came.

   "Exactly." The member of the congregation glanced at him and quickly bowed his head. The young master had blue veins popping out of his forehead, and he looked furious, "Those two spoke with foreign accents, and the gang said they sounded like people from Yuandong. The wine seller said that Sand Leopard lived in Xishan, far away from here. Very good. They didn't refute it, they just asked people who had clues to find them, and they would be rewarded regardless of the target's life or death."

  (end of this chapter)