MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 501 gift in the middle of the night

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  Chapter 501 Big gift in the middle of the night

   Who knew that the Hundred Faced Nightmare was personally cleaned up by the giant red shadow outside Panlongmeng, nothing happened to He Lingchuan at all. When he came to chase the curse master, he was full of blood, and he was able to fight and fight.

  He Lingchuan's opponent can summon the Nightmare with Hundred Faces, invite the Fan brothers, and set up a series of traps. It can be said that he is meticulous and cautious.

  If you change someone to face it, it will be a dead end.

   But He Lingchuan was able to escape.

  For Zhong Sunmou and others, this is called a wrong step, a wrong step.

  It was so wrong that I was wronged.

   "Although the curse master is likely to escape, we still have to try to chase it." He Lingchuan grabbed a chair leg from the storage ring, pointed to the blood on it, and said, "Where did he go?"

  “…” Use it as a dog, how many times is this the first time? Jiao Yu was too lazy to care about it, and took a serious sniff, "This man eats too much chewing tobacco, the smell of smoke is in his blood."

   "No, no, I just took this out of the fire." Is this guy reliable?

   "That's what I said." Jiao Yu coughed and walked around the inn, sniffing as he walked.

  He Lingchuan was in a hurry and couldn't rush it.

   Fortunately, Jiao Yu finally found the direction: "This way."

   One man and one tiger ran to the northwest.

  There are fewer and fewer low-rise houses on the side of the road, and they are replaced by large houses that occupy a large area. The exquisite gate walls and grand buildings are not inferior in the night.

  Finally, Jiao Yu stopped in front of a mansion.

  He Lingchuan passed so many houses, only this one had a seal on the door.

   "No way?" Even though saying that hurts Hu Hu a bit, He Lingchuan couldn't help but said, "Are you sure you didn't lead the wrong way?"

   This is Jiao Zhai.

  Fu Songhua's residence before he was arrested.

  How did the curse master escape here?

  The tiger sniffed twice: "That's right, the smell of blood is very strong, and it's leading here."

"Then what?"

  He followed the tiger and jumped over the wall into the ear room.

  The tiger sniffed and walked in the front hall, and finally stood by a clump of bamboo: "The smell disappears here."

   "Here?" He Lingchuan drew out his saber and made two false slashes forward.

  The strong energy on the knife made the bamboo forest rustle, and the birds and bats resting on the nearby trees were frightened and flew up.

   But other than that, there is no other movement.

   "There's no one here." Otherwise, he couldn't hide from the fierce tiger with added strength.

  He Lingchuan slowly withdrew his knife: "Someone has taken care of him."

   There are many ways to erase the smell and eliminate the whereabouts. When he was a patrolman, he learned no less than three or four.

  But the curse master was injured and fled here, it must be because someone came to help him.

  The two of them walked around the house a few times, but found nothing new, so they had to go back.

  Jiao Yu said bitterly: "No wonder that guy Zhong Sunmou spends so much time, because he is sure that we won't catch anyone."

  He asked He Lingchuan again: "You were plotted by him, is there nothing wrong?"

   "This curse master invited the nightmare to harm me in a dream, and I broke it. The backlash of the spell he suffered should not be small."

   "Nightmare?" Jiao Yu was surprised, "There really is such a thing, and it was only known by name before."

   "Nightmare harms people without anyone noticing." He Lingchuan thought of something and subconsciously stood still.

  Tiger also stopped and waited for him: "What?"

   "It's nothing." He Lingchuan shook his head and continued to walk towards the inn, "I remembered a strange thing from the past. Recalling it now may also be the result of a nightmare."

  He Chunhua rushed to Xiazhou to take office. A few days before arriving in Dunyu, the head of the Li family, the head of the four major families, Mr. Li died suddenly.

  The old man Li, who can eat and sleep, and is in good health, walked in a dream, without any scars on his body. It is said that the talismans to exorcise evil spirits are all there, but they have not taken effect.

   Now that I think about it, was that what Nightmare did?

  He Lingchuan sighed and found that he was not surprised at all.

  Perhaps I already knew in my heart what was going on. After all, once Old Man Li died, the entire Dunyu was quickly controlled by the new Xiazhou Chief.

  After returning to the inn, He Lingchuan held his stomach and said, "It's still early before dawn, I have to recover quickly."

   "Good night." Jiao Yu wagged his tail, "The other party probably won't do anything tonight, right?"

  He Lingchuan closed the door, drank some water, took medicine and applied it to the wound.

  I got a souvenir in my dream, so I have to go back and have a look.

  According to the habit he has developed over the past few months, he must first untie the knife and put it by his side, otherwise he will be in a panic whether he is meditating or sleeping.

  However, when He Lingchuan reached out to grab the scabbard this time, he suddenly felt that the weight was wrong.

  Looking down, there was only a scabbard around his waist.

   Floating Life disappeared.

  Hey, where is my knife?

  Inseparable for several months, the existence of this knife is as natural as breathing. He Lingchuan froze for a few breaths before his face changed drastically.

   Isn't it just like the **** bone, it won't go away, can it be retrieved automatically when thrown?

  Can this knife be lost?

  Suddenly there was a snoring sound outside, and there was movement outside the window paper.

  He Lingchuan's heart tightened, and he rushed to the window and pushed it away, only to see a starling's wing stuck on a branch, struggling desperately.

  Night flight is prone to accidents.

  He Lingchuan cut off the branches. The bird was free, flapped its wings and flew away.

Um? cut?

  He lowered his head slowly, looking at the long knife in his palm.

   This feeling is indeed floating, but where did it come from?

  As if responding to his question, Fu Sheng disappeared in the next second.

   Could it be?

  He Lingchuan froze for a moment, as if he understood what was going on, and silently said "Dao Lai" in his heart.

  The idea came up, and the long knife appeared again in the palm.

   Grips very snugly.

  He Lingchuan grinned from ear to ear: "Human sword is one?"

  In the middle of the night, you suddenly gave him such a big gift, why are you so polite?

  Actually, it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that the human knife is one, the Fusheng knife was just taken into his body by him.

  The ancient and middle ancient immortals could use their bodies as sheaths to warm and nourish magical artifacts with their own true strength.

  It's a pity that the spirituality of the magical artifacts of later generations is getting lower and lower, and the price charged is getting higher and higher. Practitioners simply don't accept them, and they are equipped at the waist like ordinary iron.

  In this era, probably only quasi-artifacts and above can integrate with their masters.

   "What's the matter, you've advanced again?" He Lingchuan stroked the blade, remembering the powerful nightmare that Dafang Pot ate tonight, "Could it be because, you guys have nourished tonight?"

  Even the red giant shadow was dispatched in person, that nightmare should be a great supplement to them, right?

   Of course, the Fusheng Knife will not respond, but after inspection, He Lingchuan found that its characteristics seem to have changed a little.

   "Breaking the Army": Break through the opponent's Yuanli and restore the original damage, but the possibility of bursting out is very slim.

  Now this "very small" has become "possible".

   That is to say, the possibility of him playing the "Breaking Army" characteristic in the future has increased by more than one level.

   As expected of his precious sword, if you feed something delicious, you will get feedback. Unlike the Dafang Pot, no matter how many rare treasures it eats, it still looks like it doesn't care about people.

  He Lingchuan felt that tonight he would wake up laughing from his dreams!

   There was a knock on the door of the house, and the voice of the tiger demon came in: "What happened?"

  It heard the sound of He Lingchuan opening the window again. What happened over and over again this late at night?


  But the tiger still scratched at the door.

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to let him in.

  Tiger jumped directly on the couch and lay down: "Come on, let me protect you."

  When He Lingchuan lay down, the tiger started to lick its fur. It is a nocturnal animal, and it is more energetic after dark.

  He Lingchuan looked up and saw it lying under the moonlight, with two eyes like lanterns.


   This time, the breathing was directly falling into a dream, and He Lingchuan stood under the Ju Luo tree again.

   Obviously Panlong Dreamland understands his needs very well.

  The net bag was fortunately stuck on the branch. In the eyes of Panlong City people, this pocket is a big rock, and even urchins are not interested in it.

  He Lingchuan took off the net bag, only to find that Meng Meng's head was half deflated again, and he was frantically calling for help.

  He asked Gu Luoshu: "Did you steal it?"

   As soon as the voice fell, the tree roots on the monster's head fell off.

  He Lingchuan couldn't help but laugh, it's a bit late to eliminate the evidence, isn't it?

   This juluo tree is still young after all, so I couldn't help stealing it and felt guilty.

  He Lingchuan turned into an empty street corner, and then lifted the head of Nightmare and asked: "Answer the question obediently, or I will bury you under a tree as fertilizer."

  Fate is in human hands, what else can it say: "You ask."

   "Who sent you? Name."

   "I said I don't know..." It was still full of resentment.

  He Lingchuan held it and walked out: "Forget it, let's use it as tree fertilizer."

   "Stop, stop, let me tell you!" Nightmare's head yelled repeatedly, "That curse master is called Cheng Yu. He has worshiped us for many years, and when he encounters a difficult idea, he will ask us to help."

   "Are you so particular about what you ask for?"

   "That's not true, but opponents that Cheng Yu can't deal with are usually very powerful and delicious."

   "What is the background of this Cheng?"

   "We really don't know about this." He Lingchuan moved his hand, and the strange head yelled, "I'm serious. We don't pay much attention to reality."

   "Where are the Fan brothers?"

   "What brother?" The strange head looked puzzled, "Who?"

  He Lingchuan grabbed it and made a gesture to throw it at Gu Luoshu. The strange head shouted: "I swear, I don't know any Fan brothers! I haven't even heard of it."

   That's all, He Lingchuan just asked casually.

  He is also very interested in the nightmare where Dafang Pot is shot by himself: "Why me 'we'? How many faces does your deity have?"

   "One hundred and twenty-seven. Our name is the nightmare with a hundred faces, but in fact there are more than a hundred faces." The strange head said, "Every time a consciousness is awakened, a face is born."

   "So how did the original 'Hundred Noodles' come about?"

"When I was in the human world, my deity was called Bai Yu, an immortal. Many years ago—I can't remember exactly how long—he was seriously injured and was on the verge of death. Because he was unwilling to perish between heaven and earth, he tried his best to escape into the dreamland. , and settle here from now on.”

   "Why are you seriously injured?"

"I don't remember anymore." The monster said, "When our nightmares devour the energy of humans or monsters, we will also receive their memories. These messy memories will slowly overwrite our own. Over time , we don’t even remember where we came from. It’s the same with this deity, it only remembers its original name, and everything else has been forgotten.”

   Congratulations to @小鱼儿吹吃巴吃儿儿儿儿,Congratulations on mentioning a thoughtful little padded jacket!

   I wish mother and child health, eat well and sleep well.



  (end of this chapter)