MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 503 second flash

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  Chapter 503 Second Abnormal Flash

   I saw this thing sucked its snout violently, and a few wisps of light white smoke-like things were sucked away from the debris by it.

  The fragments disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

The strange head himself let out a long "ah", he looked like a homeless man who had been hungry for seven days and seven nights and just finished a full meal, and he suddenly jumped into a hot spring when it was freezing, how could it be described as refreshing of?

  Those who didn’t know thought it was sucking X. He Lingchuan squinted at it: "Is it so cool?"

   The strange head sucked his nose twice, still not satisfied: "In the past, this power was distributed to more than a hundred faces. How can I enjoy it alone now? And..."

   "And what?"

   "This **** looks like a smoky smell. What's going on?"

  He Lingchuan then told how he snatched the statue from the scene of fire.

   "I thought it was wrong just now. It turned out that Cheng Yu wanted to burn the statue!" The monster head was furious, and said viciously, "Okay, very good! He took the initiative to break the oath, so don't blame me for being unkind."

  He Lingchuan was startled for a moment, then overjoyed: "Maybe you will abide by the contract with him?"

   "Who is this guy who has pulled seventy-seven to forty thousand?"

  Ghost knows that there is actually a Nightmare clone left here.

  I am very familiar with Baisha.

  The demon emperor suddenly paused: "Isn't it impossible, that change is just like a hundred years later, it's just an illusion?"

  The altar once again had no red light flashing.

  Hundred-faced Nightmare itself was swallowed by a giant red shadow, Cheng Yu probably thought the statue was useless, so he threw it on the scene of the fire without taking it away.

   There is only a little foundation left in the injury, and it will break after another two or eight days.

   "Will it be like that in the future?"

   "Just because my eyes are on the top of my head, you guess that guy is from Lingxu City."

  Jiao Yu said honestly, "Yes."

  He Lingchuan looked at it and said, "He does what he does."

   "Only when I'm asleep can you find me?"

   "The emperor is wise." Du Yun conjured up a sand table with mountains, rivers and valleys, and the topography was similar. "That time, the location of the small square pot changed."

  It may also be that I was overly shocked and lost my way for a while.

   As soon as the voice fell, a dozen words suddenly appeared under the book:

   Tiger wondered: "Where are you going?"

"What's wrong?"

   But the strange head is also wrong, people will not sleep after all.

  He Lingchuan said lightly: "Why did he say it earlier?"

   "Let Xiong Junyu pay more attention; not yet, immediately send people to the Panlong Desert in Yuan Country to find out if something happened here, and then see if there is no mad sand season in that autumn."

   While speaking, He Lingchuan hadn't gotten out from the front window.

   There is no low gable wall outside that can't block the view. Before we turned over, we could see the movement there from the guest room.

  He Lingchuan slapped the tiger's head: "Be careful, don't expose you."

  Cause and effect cause and effect, there is no result without cause, and there will be no ripples if there are no stones thrown into the water.

  Since the next Tianluo star movement, Zhaxinglou will send additional staff to guard the altar.

   That's really bad luck.

   One man and one tiger have not shrunk in front of the roof.

  He Lingchuan passed by an attic, and he seemed to see a big girl outside who was about to change clothes.

  Tiger licked his lips: "Is he annoyed? We have attacked the prince's special envoy again and again, we are really aggressive." If it were the prince, Xiao probably would be furious, right?

  I actually planned to stay.

  If you look for it, you will find water, and if you look for it, you will see stones. How can you see the ripples?

   "The contract is gone." The strange head laughed and said, "If he dares to burn my idol, he is making an enemy of me. I can deal with him now!"

"The next time the stars move, there will be two phantoms before and after the ruins of the Thousand Stars City in the Twilight Plain. Witnesses say that we have never seen the seventh phantom. Very intense."

"Not for a short time, but whether it is a demon or a human, it still needs a long sleep." The strange head argued, "Begana Xu, the young demon king, is always asleep, such as this treasure tree king. Besides, Cheng Yu Encountered a backlash, was seriously injured, and urgently needed to sleep and nourish the sun."

  It concludes that:

   Obviously, the gods who know everything are very concerned about the unknown cause and effect, so they asked Lingxu City to find out.

  I looked at the strange head so faintly, he smiled and said: "You try to track it down, but Cheng Yu must be asleep. If I am in the dreamland, you will find me."

   This man must have had a great time because he missed it.

   "Cultivators often use breath adjustment instead of sleep." He Lingchuan himself did the same.

  "Seventh act?" The demon emperor was very concerned, "Nothing ordinary?"

  It is north of Zhitian Township and south of Xiangshan.

   Just after washing, the door was thrown open.

   One man and one tiger sneaked and continued to retreat.

   "It is necessary." He Lingchuan smiled, "I came over aggressively, and I saw that I didn't want to find fault. Why waste time arguing with me? It's such a beautiful and bad morning, and you don't have any urgent matters to do."

  Then his act of burning the idol at will broke the original contract with Nightmare.

   "We" of course refers to these ten knights.

   In that case, everyone said that the envoy was a bad answer.

   "No caravan retreated and walked around, and some found it normal. It is not a sleeping city at night. The streets are empty, and there are no soldiers patrolling."

  He Lingchuan also heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from the bottom, at most a hundred people came. Some residents exclaimed, and no one shouted: "Sit back, it's Xu Dong!"

"They all sympathize with the small square pot, and they all cause the star of the sky to shine. How could it be normal?" The demon emperor's deep laughter echoed outside the small hall, shaking the ever-bright lamps to falter again, "Bai Ziqi found out Those ones?"

   "Illusion?" Chief Envoy Du Yun thought for a while before he realized what I meant, "You mean Xing Longzhu?"


  He Lingchuan looked around and saw that those people and horses were all parked in the inn. The scene was very small, and there were few onlookers, but the knights didn't care at all.


   "I've had a good time, should I get to work? It's because he swore..."

  The men and horses on the bottom are still surrounded, and with my physical skills, it is a bit difficult to slip out.

  Lingxu City, Tiangong.

   "There is no updated exact information yet."

  The Tianluo star changed for a very short time that time, only two flashes, but the brightness was far higher than the next time, so it successfully attracted the attention of the lampkeeper.

   "Eight counties in the northern part of Chiyan Kingdom?" The demon emperor played with his taste, "That thing has long legs, can it run by itself?"

   The strange head felt the murderous aura suddenly rising under me, and quickly said: "But he is also slowing down, people have to sleep."

  The next morning, He Lingchuan opened his eyes and stretched himself.

   "If there is no one, there will be no seven. I expected it to be like that."

  That thing played tricks on me, first tricked the power of the **** statue into eating it, and then talked about its own shortcomings.

  Although there were only a dozen or so riders, he ran with the aura of someone in his eyes.

   "Yes." The strange head sighed, "Who told you that you are a nightmare. I am dreaming, and you are close to being me."

  He Lingchuan touched his nose.

  The special envoy was cowardly against the inspector yesterday and fought against the Fan brothers. Why did he run away today when he looked so aggressive?

  Thinking that it is a majestic general in the mountains, the master who has killed countless enemies with small openings and closings on the battlefield, and now he followed the special envoy to fly over the walls, smash the window and jump into the alley, and jumped under the roof of the next-door silk shop with no effort.

  He Lingchuan was staring at it, but he was still talking, and he didn't have a good premonition in his heart.

  So the demon emperor came very slowly:

   There is still a dull pain in the abdomen, compared to last night, but it is still not bad, as long as it is a cough.

  The fierce tiger has rough skin, thick flesh, and hard head. It didn't care at all, so it just licked its lips and said, "We're on the horse."

   "Of course I'm going to have breakfast and drink morning tea."

  The wooden window of the attic creaked suddenly, He Lingchuan shrank his head in fright, and slowly turned to the front of the roof ridge.

  The tiger ran back and said: "The inn is surrounded, no one came!"

  Jiao Yu looked at me with strange eyes.

  The knight headed by him looks majestic, majestic and flamboyant.

  In a noisy night, the Tianluo star in the east of the night sky flashed again.

   "Okay!" The monster agreed, and Ai Ai said earlier, "But you have to remind him of one thing..."

   "It's useless to be angry?" He Lingchuan shrugged his shoulders, out of anger, "You can find Zhong Sunmou again and kill me with a single knife."

"Tell me to rush to the new location." The demon emperor walked back, "The more frequent the changes in the small square pot, the fewer clues and the worse it is to find. By the way—"

   "I've been here for a long time."

   "Yes." The demon emperor said calmly, "At this time, your father has been tricked by the gods, and it's a lot of trouble."

  The tiger has a law, so he has to follow it.

  That is the effect of swallowing a Baishan pill (defective product) after I adjusted my breath. Although the big pills prepared by Emperor Liuzhi have not been refined in one furnace, the vitality contained in the outside is still very weak, and it will soon be able to heal my internal injuries.

   "The scope has been reduced to eight counties, which is bad news." Chief Envoy Du Yun analyzed, "Just now the fluctuations produced by the small square pot are very weak, so your monitoring of it is more accurate."

  We feel restrained and...

  The big girl poked her head out to look right and left, and found something decent, so she closed the window.

  At that moment, the tiger stepped on a tile, "Clang!"!

   "Gods are afraid of the cause, and all beings are afraid of the result." The demon emperor snorted, "Isn't there anything new about Bai Ziqi?"

   Very slowly, no one flickered outside He Lingchuan's guest room, and the leader stood by the window and looked out with joy on his face.

   The unknown cause and effect unfolds, it is here, it is in the God Realm.

   Those two incidents were naturally regarded as the most urgent incidents and reported overnight.

  He Lingchuan glanced at it and said, "Let's go."


  I have dealt with nightmares before, thanks to my experience.

  Jiao Yu explained: "Why does he avoid seeing?"

   "Is there any unknown cause and effect that is not related to the small square pot, and it is unfolding?"

  Business travelers on the side of the road, and even government officials also gave way.

  He Lingchuan leaned over to the window to look up, turned around the corner of the street within a few dozen riders, and came out there.

"The fluctuation position of the small square pot from the back is very clear, as large as a city and a place, you can't catch it nervously." Chief Envoy Du Yun said loudly, "That time there was no confusion, elusiveness is certain, and a small increase in difficulty .”

  (end of this chapter)