MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 511 It's time to come

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  Zhong Sunmou immediately said to Fan Sheng: "Brother Fan, don't worry, I'll do it myself."

  He Lingchuan smiled: "Let's say it first, I don't accept shark beads. You can produce those things yourself, and you can have as many as you want."

  The allusion of the merman crying into pearls at night is the irony of Chi Guoguo at this time.

  Zhong Sunmou glanced at him, his eyes were cold, but what he took out was not a magic weapon, but a pile of precious banknotes: "Fifty thousand taels of silver."

   This stack of banknotes has a face value of 3,000 at the smallest and 10,000 at the largest.

   As soon as he slapped the banknotes on the table, the noisy Chaohu Pagoda fell silent.

   A bet of 50,000 taels?

   This is a record-breaking bet at the Baisha Hexiang Festival.

   "It's your turn." Zhong Sunmou took some time to see how He Lingchuan would respond, "If you can't afford the money, you can pay for that round shield."

   "My shield?" He Lingchuan was taken aback, this guy actually fell in love with the soul-stirring mirror?

   That's right, he has always used this mirror to detect magical organs recently.

  The mirror yelled in his ear: "Don't, don't! I don't like soaking in water!"

  Zhong Sunmou is a mermaid, spending at least half of his life in water. It's a mirror and hates rust!

  Of course, only He Lingchuan could hear its cry. The latter reached into his arms and stroked the mirror for a long time, with a look of hesitation on his face.

   Seeing him in such pain, Zhong Sunmou secretly sneered. A poor ghost from a foreign country, holding up the token of Fu Shanyue and wanting to pretend to be the uncle?

   One move to knock him back to his original shape.

  But he finally took out the mirror and handed it forward: "You mean this?"

  Zhong Sunmou naturally took it over and looked at it carefully.

  The mirror surface can be seen, and the style is simple and simple. It is not a contemporary magic weapon, and it is a little damp. It must not be sweated by this guy, right?

  Zhong Sunmou reached out his hand in disgust and wiped his trouser legs twice.


  In fact, he couldn't put it down when he held the mirror. But he only flipped through it twice, and He Lingchuan snatched it again.

  Fan Sheng was standing behind Zhong Sunmou, and he was too late to stop him.

   "Forget it, this treasure is too expensive, and you can't pay it for another three fifty thousand!" He Lingchuan regretted it on the spot, and took another long time in his arms.

  Zhong Sunmou mocked with his hands behind his back: "It's fine if you can't afford to gamble, I won't force others to do what's difficult for me."

  Cen Boqing smiled and said, "Master Special Envoy, may I lend you some first?"

  The aristocratic relatives who were watching the fun were pointing and pointing in private.

  In the tower, there are dignitaries from Lingxu City and old gentry from Chiyan Kingdom. Everyone has different positions and identities, and the way they look at He Lingchuan is very complicated. The people of Lingxu City agreed with Cen Boqing, as if there was no one else around, but the people of Chiyan Country looked worried, and secretly blamed him for running out to provoke troubles and couldn't get things over.

   Fifty thousand taels. Even though the place is full of riches and honors, who would bring fifty thousand taels with them when they go out for nothing?

   That’s 50 million dollars!

   Xiang Yan couldn't see it, coughed lightly and was about to speak. But He Lingchuan waved his hand, and finally took out three fist-sized, deep red Xuanjing from his arms!

  He also seemed to be relieved: "There are too many things, and I found these small ones after searching around. The price can reach 80,000 taels, so I'll discount it to 50,000 and bet with you."

  The buzzing discussions around stopped abruptly.

  Jiao Yu grinned, and no one would know that it was smiling without making a sound, but Lu Dutong directly gave a thumbs up: "My lord special envoy!"

  He Lingchuan put Xuan Jing on the table, and Baisha County Magistrate said: "Magistrate Tian, ​​please be a witness."

  Tian county magistrate nodded like a pounding garlic: "Yes, yes, rest assured!"

   Once hard currency like Xuan Jing came out, even Zhong Sunmou had nothing to say.

  The bets of the two were placed on the table, and the county magistrate Tian immediately sent his men to guard the surroundings, and no one was allowed to come near.

   Every year at the Lotus Fragrance Festival, there are big bosses fighting for their strengths, but they are not as good as this year, one by one.

  Buying and leaving, He Lingchuan explained a few words to Jiao Yu and Lu Dutong in the past.

   Then he jumped straight off the tower and landed in the water.

  Everyone saw him paddling the lake twice, asking for some official's horse from the bank, and galloping all the way to the pebble beach.

  He bowed his head to the **** bone necklace and said, "It's all up to you, you have to work hard later."

   Those mysterious crystals were the wages that Fu Shanyue paid in advance to He Lingchuan.

   Of course the divine bone necklace would not respond, He Lingchuan just took it for granted.

   Two of Lu Dutong's subordinates were sitting on the boat No. 97. After hearing He Lingchuan's explanation of their visit, they immediately jumped off one of them and gave way to him.

  Originally the fierce tiger Jiao Yu wanted to join in the fun, but Tiger Claw rowing was inconvenient and the weight affected his speed, so he had to stay in the tower to watch the fun.

  But when it turned around, it saw Zhong Sunmou and Fan Sheng whispering a few words, and then went to Cen Boqing together.

  What bad things do these three want to do?

  It secretly felt bad.

   Sure enough, Fan Sheng immediately found Tian County Magistrate, pointed to the six or seven people behind him and said: "We also participate in the fundraising competition."

  Tian county magistrate was taken aback: "You, how many of you are going to participate?"

  Fan Sheng shouted loudly: "Yes. Can't you?"

   "Uh, but, but..." Magistrate Tian hesitated. Each regatta can only carry two people, and if these seven or eight people go into battle, four more boats will be added to the competition. Everyone on the tower and down the tower basically finished betting, but the participating teams made temporary adjustments and complained when they said it.

   At that time, it is not Fan Sheng who will be blamed, but the county magistrate of other fields.

   And County Magistrate Tian is not stupid, he can tell at a glance that they are going to deal with the special envoy of the prince.

   On the territory of the Chiyan Kingdom, they still want to bully the few with more, and publicly plot against the special envoy of the prince, so they don't take Chiyan seriously.

   "The special envoy is right." The tiger stepped on Lu Dutong's foot, "You go!"

  Lu Dutong immediately squeezed into the crowd and shouted: "Magistrate Tian, ​​thirty people from my side also want to join!"

   "Three..." County Magistrate Tian was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he was dumbfounded, "Oh, that will take another fifteen ships! Besides, where can we allocate so many ships temporarily?"

  In fact, there are more than 100 boats officially participating in the Lotus Fragrance Festival, and there are usually more than 10 extra boats for spare. Baisha is a land of fishing and rice. It is a joke to say that there is no boat. It is nothing more than a longer time allocation.

   But as the host, County Magistrate Tian insisted that there was no one, so what else can others say?

  Lu Dutong chuckled: "Then I don't care, we want to go too."

  Why can Fan Sheng and his men go but not him?

  The guests at the back were also talking about it. The Lotus Fragrance Festival has been held for many times, and I have never encountered such a thing.

  Still stood up to Yan and said: "My lords, this event is only for the joy and auspiciousness. You two have gone, and you still don't scare the other teams?"

  Another guest from Lingxu City chimed in: "What was the original, what is the best now, don't make extra trouble!"

   "Yeah, don't waste time, okay, let's start!"

   People who can stay on the tower are not stupid, and they can tell at a glance that the two sides plan to fight in the Dutch palace. It sounds very lively, but the lotus palace is so far away and the lotus wall is so high, those present can't see it at all.

   It has nothing to do with them if they can't see it.

  Besides, the bets are all set, so who would be willing to add variables temporarily?

   Isn’t this just an opening event, please keep it simple and not too complicated, okay?

  The complaints from all the guests came ahead of time, and County Magistrate Tian was overjoyed.

Fan Sheng and Cen Boqing whispered a few words, and Cen Boqing coughed lightly: "It is indeed wrong to temporarily add ships. So how about it, the original number of ships remains the same, and if Mr. Fan wants to play at the end of the game, you can change people in my team. good."

  He looked at Lu Dutong and said, "Special Envoy He changed your team members, and Mr. Fan changed my team members. Isn't it fair?"

  This means to change one member each, so you don’t want to go down, Lu Dutong.

  Here is full of dignitaries with impatience on their faces. Lu Dutong didn't want to make trouble with his neck, so he borrowed the donkey from the **** and said, "OK, I think it will work."

  So, the final result was that Fan Sheng went alone, without a single guard.

  He also jumped off the tower and rode his horse to the lake.

   This guy is not competing, but killing people. Tiger Jiao Yu and Lu Dutong looked at each other, and they both saw each other's worry.

   Special Envoy He had foreseen it earlier, and before leaving, he whispered in their ears:

   "If they want to form a group, you also come."

   Lu Dutong made such a mess, and the best result was to force Fan Sheng to go alone.

  Fan Sheng was obviously very confident about single-handedly clearing away Special Envoy He.

  He should also be confident, his force value is much higher than that of everyone present, including Jiao Yu and Lu Dutong.

  The last time Jiao Yu and Special Envoy He played two against one, they never did anything to anyone else. This time Special Envoy He wants to single out Fan Sheng alone, can it work?

  Jiao Yu was glad that the special envoy had just entered the competition suddenly, and Dacen and Fan were caught off guard.

  It is very sure that He Lingchuan has long been prepared, but Fan Sheng hastily joined the battle.

   I hope that the special envoy can regain some advantage in this regard.

   After Fan Sheng also rushed to Pebble Beach and boarded the boat of the Cen Mansion, County Magistrate Tian began to ring the bell.

   This time, the ringtone was unusually tight—

   This is the signal to start the game.

  Suddenly, a hundred boats raced across Tantou, flying towards the Lotus Palace.

  He Lingchuan had already washed his hands in the lake water mirror several times, still worried, and quickly moved away from the shore with the boat.

   Right at this moment, he heard the familiar howling of a tiger, majestic and distant.

  The roar of a tiger can be transmitted very far, and the residents in the mountains may not be afraid once they hear it, because it may come from the distant mountain on the opposite side.

  He Lingchuan looked back at the Chaohu Tower, knowing that it was the signal sent to him by the tiger Jiao Yu, and his complexion sank slightly.

  Fan Sheng really didn't let go of this opportunity, what should come has come.


  Zhong Sunmou stood beside Cen Boqing, looking at the group of boats below, and remained silent.

Cen Boqing looked around and saw that the other people were separated by the guards, so he said in a low voice: "I have searched in the city, but there is nothing; I have searched nine towns outside the city, and there are only two left. There will be good news tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.”

  He smiled coldly: "Have you also submitted a complaint to Lingxu City? It's an anecdote that the special envoy of the prince of Chiyan Kingdom robbed a repeat criminal."

   "I have handed it over, but I haven't replied yet. It would be best if I could find Fu Songhua and send him back as soon as possible, no matter whether he lives or dies." Zhong Sunmou became irritable when he thought of Fu Songhua who had been kidnapped. I thought that the tough battle I was going to fight would be in Lingxu City, but I didn't know that the plan was perfect, and the first step was frustrated in Baisha.

   This is not a good sign. "That county magistrate of Tian is also ignorant of current affairs.