MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 519 Search for me!

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  Cen Boqing turned around suddenly, no longer calm: "Fu...Prince, my old servant did nothing wrong, he was only framed, which crime should he be imprisoned for?"

   "If there is any suspicion, there will be an interrogation." Fu Shanyue said unhurriedly, "This is a normal process. You ask the people in Baisha who don't understand?"

  The magistrate of Tian County winked, and the official came forward.

  Cen's mansion can't let it go, the guards are fighting each other.

  Lu Du waved their hands in unison, and hundreds of soldiers also unsheathed their swords.

   Less than half a quarter of an hour before and after, the front of Cen's mansion was once again on the verge of saber-rattling. The onlookers took two steps back in unison, fearing that they would suffer disaster.

  Fu Shanyue sat upright on the horse, and said gloomyly: "Cen Boqing, do you really want to fight the law and the law in front of me?"

  When he got angry, the invisible hostility spread in all directions. The small trees on the side of the road, the grass in the gaps, and even the carefully planted flowers on the flower beds outside the walls of the Cen Mansion all withered and withered immediately.

  The mounts of all the people immediately hummed and raised their hooves uneasily.

  He Lingchuan also comforted the bighorn sheep sitting under him, secretly thinking that Fu Shanyue's cultivation level has improved in a short period of time.

  The emperor's liquid in Sanxinyuan is really not free.

   In a confrontation like this, it is definitely not Fu Shanyue and Chiyan officials who suffer. It is clear just by looking at Fu Shanyue's old and godlike appearance.

   On the other hand, Cen Boqing was sweating on his forehead, and his eyes were wandering.

  He took a deep breath, and suddenly said: "Wu Kai is not here."

   "Oh?" Fu Shanyue focused his eyes, "Where did you go?"

   "I sent him back to Lingxu City, he has already gone one step ahead." Cen Boqing said with a calm face, "He should have left the city by now, you can't catch him."

   "You want to run away too, how can he be one step ahead of you?" Fu Shanyue wondered, "Why don't I believe it?"

  He glanced at He Lingchuan, who shook his head.

  Cen Boqing's words, of course, cannot be believed.

   "Believe it or not." Cen Bo said calmly, "I can swear to God, he is really not here, otherwise I would die from nine thunderbolts."

   "Do you like to wear it or not." Fu Shanyue waved his whip. Believe in P's oath, he only believes in his own eyes, "Go in and search for me! Lu Dutong, whoever dares to resist will be killed on the spot!"

   "Yes!" With the support of the crown prince, Lu Dutong was very happy. With a wave of his big hand, the big soldiers of Chiyan Kingdom rushed into Cen's mansion with their chests straight.

  The guards of the Cen Mansion dared to block, and greeted directly with their own spears, knives and halberds.

  These are all people from Lingxu City. Usually when the big soldiers see them, they have to bow their heads and walk around. When have they ever been so elated?

  Thinking of this, the stabbing at hand became even more ferocious.

  The guards of the Cen Mansion wanted to resist, but in the end, four or five of the opponents rushed up and singled out one of them.

  Seeing that a **** conflict had resulted and it was his own side that was at a disadvantage, Cen Boqing said with a livid face, "Stop it all, let them search!"

  The last few words squeezed out from between the teeth wrapped in resentment.

  Cen's mansion is very large, but it can't hold the five hundred soldiers running around like wolves and tigers.

  These big soldiers are also very rude, just find someone if you are looking for someone, often accidentally knock over furniture, trample flowers and plants, break bottles...

  The onlookers outside were all amazed when they heard bangs and bangs coming from inside the high wall. Those who have something good to do climbed directly to the big tree and poked their heads into it.

  When the five hundred people searched the Cen's mansion in a hurry, many tenons painted with gold were gone, the beautiful ornaments on the rockery disappeared without a trace, and even two roast geese that hadn't been roasted in the kitchen were lost for no apparent reason.

   It seems that there are two jars missing for the pickles...

  In short, Lu Dutong reported loudly: "Your Highness, we searched every corner of the Cen Mansion, but we couldn't find Wu Kai."

  Fu Shanyue nodded, and then said to Cen Boqing: "It seems that Wu Kai is really slippery on the soles of his feet, so please go back, Mr. Cen, I will come to drink with you later."

  Cen Boqing flicked his sleeves, turned around and strode back home without looking at him.

  The chariots and horses of the Cen family drove back to the mansion slowly one after another. Cen's mansion is still guarded by people sent by Lu Dutong. There are three floors inside and outside, and water can't get in.

  The signals sent by these actions are almost the same as the prince pointing at Cen Boqing's nose and yelling "murderer", no one can mistake it.

  The onlookers were no longer satisfied with pointing and pointing. Adults laughed, children made noises, and peddlers selling melon seeds, pancakes, and candied haws also rushed over to make up for it.

   "This is a disgrace to the Cen family at all."

   "The prince is the prince, and I'm not used to these bastards."

   "The special envoy of the prince is also very powerful, he just brought out the Cen residence!"

   "It should have been like this a long time ago. They have been bragging for so many years that no one can cure them! I heard that the dog of Cen's family bit someone, and the bitten one would come to apologize to it...Hey, give me a sesame seed cake!"

   There are also concerns:

   "Is this possible? Nothing will happen later, right?"

   "It's none of your business, the prince is here."

  Fu Shanyue acted as if no one was around, first ordered Lu Dutong to search for Wu Kai urgently, and then patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder:

   "Find a place nearby, let's chat."

   Immediately, six or seven officials stepped forward, vying to invite the prince to settle down in his mansion.

   "It's not convenient for you to come and go." Fu Shanyue turned his head and pointed to the inn with the biggest sign on the street, "I live there."

  No one dares to object.


   A quarter of an hour later, the Tongyun Inn was cleared and became the place where the prince stayed.

  From now on, the prince will reserve the venue, and idlers should not come near it.

  Fu Shanyue's guest house is at least twice as big as He Lingchuan's guest room. There are heavy guards inside and outside the inn.

  Compared with Fu Shanyue's current style, Zhong Sunmou's style at the beginning is nothing compared to the big witch.

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to pack up and move here. Before checking out, he gave the water basin with half of the lotus root to the store clerk, and asked him to bring the basin to Tian County Magistrate to receive the reward, saying that Shui Ling might still be saved...

  Remembering that heaven has the virtue of good life, and He Lingchuan also thanked it for giving Fan Sheng a good repair, so he threw some elixir into the water basin. Whether he can live in the future depends on the lotus demon's own good fortune.

  Tiger Jiao Yu followed He Lingchuan into the Tongyun Inn, and immediately sat by the door.

  The attendant wanted to serve tea, Fu Shanyue waved his hand: "What kind of tea do you want? Bring the wine."

  He grabbed two cups and poured a full cup for He Lingchuan himself: "Come, this cup is toast to you..."

   "Solve the case?"

   "No, respectfully vent your anger on me." Fu Shanyue slapped the table with a smile, "Zhong Sun Mou always wanted to fight against me, this is a good death, a well-deserved death!"

  Is this how "deserving death" is used? He Lingchuan took a sip of his wine: "This is facing the street, are you afraid that it will be said that you are avenging yourself?"

"Otherwise?" Fu Shanyue sneered, "In the past, when Fu Shanji was still alive, everyone thought that he would eventually inherit the throne. Zhong Sunmou and others ignored me in Lingxu City. How could they have thought of today's disaster? Give them a Lesson, otherwise these idiots rely on their family background and don’t know how to be in awe!”

  He Lingchuan frowned: "The messenger case is a mess, why did Zhong Sunmou shield Cen Boqing?"

"The real reason is only known to him, but in my guess, it probably has something to do with his great-grandfather." Fu Shanyue stroked his chin and said, "His great-grandfather is over two hundred years old and retired a long time ago. I was seriously ill twice, and I almost couldn’t get through it, but somehow I gradually recovered, and I am still alive today.”

   Needless to say, He Lingchuan understood: "Do you think his great-grandfather used the elixir?"

"Otherwise, how can I prolong my life, how can I prolong my life?" The mermaid's lifespan is already longer than that of a human being. With the medicine of elixir, it can be extended for another period when he is over 200 years old. "This old man has a lot of connections in Lingxu City. There are many contacts, and now he is still the pillar of Zhongsun's family. Is it strange that he got the elixir?"

   "I guess, Cen Boqing will use this matter to blackmail Zhong Sunmou, asking him to take Fu Songhua back to cover the crime and close the case. Then the truth about Cen Boqing killing demons, obtaining pearls, and stealing the elixir will dive into the bottom of the water again."

  The treasure of elixir, if you can take it without the imperial gift, then you must have gone through illegal channels.

   "The Cen House has already prepared the evidence of planting."

   "Yes, if you hadn't intervened, and with the **** nature of the officials like Chiyan, their tricks should have gone smoothly." Fu Shanyue raised his glass again, "Come on, I respect you."

  He Lingchuan was disrespectful: "Before arriving in Baisha and seeing Cen Boqing, Zhong Sunmou intervened in the case of the messenger. Why?"

"Why don't you say that this person is cheap?" Fu Shan laughed more, "He must have heard that this case was entrusted to me, so he came rushing to rob the case, wanting to impress me. In the end, he was arrested His hands are full of papa and he can't shake them off, he will regret it to death later."

   Speaking of which, he drank three glasses in a row.

   "The inspector was robbed and his whereabouts are unknown. I have already reported the news to Lingxu City." Fu Shanyue also knew that this kind of thing should not be delayed, "This is a big matter, and Lingxu City will definitely send people down to investigate thoroughly."

   "The son-in-law is being investigated, so the chief minister of Lingxu City can't react at all?"

   "He's not just a show. It's right for you to come to me." The matter has progressed to this point, and it has exceeded the capabilities of the so-called special envoy of the prince.

   "Can't you report to Lingxu City a few days later to buy some time?"

"No! Cen Boqing probably also sent someone to ask for help in Lingxu City. The sooner this matter is reported, the better, otherwise we will be passive." Fu Shan whispered, "Besides, when will Lingxu City send people down? Easy to say. I reckon it won't be too soon."


   "It will take at least a few days to argue about the selection of the special envoy, and then fight back and forth?" Fu Shanyue laughed, "It will take a few days for the special envoy to walk from Lingxu City to Baishazhen, right?"

  Thinking about Fu Shanyue's background, He Lingchuan believes that he has a thorough understanding of these.

Speaking of this, Fu Shanyue's smile also disappeared: "I just asked a few guards by the lake that after Zhong Sunmou was swallowed by the snail toad, they also saw Wu Kai leaving the field with Cen Boqing. That is to say , Wu Kai was still there at that time. Less than an hour and a half later, Cen Boqing said that Wu Kai was sent to Lingxu City by him, so he took the first step."