MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 532 The disappearing Cen Boqing

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  Chapter 532 The Disappeared Cen Boqing

  The mirror was not convinced: "It's so good, what did I say wrong?" He was actually preached by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old kid!

   "The most powerful force in Lingxu City has been ignored by you?"

   "Huh?" Mirror wondered, "Which one?"


   "... Ah!" The mirror was ashamed.

He Lingchuan said indifferently: "Bai Ziqi, who was away on business, was directly ordered to handle this case. Just because the appointment was so hasty and he came so quickly, we know that the Demon Emperor probably passed on the order without consulting with all parties. Otherwise, it would take ten and a half months. I can't finish talking. If there is really a struggle between all parties, this time the gods will undoubtedly win."

   "Is it because the Elixir is involved?"

   "Well, Xiang Yan said that the elixir is the inverse scale of the gods, and thunder and anger have been sent down for this before." He Lingchuan shrugged, "It doesn't seem strange to do it again."

"We must find out the attitude of the gods, which is very beneficial to us." He said again, "The gods also want to find out the truth about the secret refining of the elixir, and they coincide with us! Others, big and small No, it might save us a lot of trouble."

   "Once Wu Kai confesses, Cen Boqing will have nothing to wash." The mirror asked him, "What trouble do we have?"

"Why not?" He Lingchuan sighed, but didn't go any further, "But you're right about one thing, this Baidu Envoy takes over the case, so the pressure from Lingxu City will mainly be transferred to his shoulders, hehe , he can afford it too. This is great news for us."

  Thinking of this, his breathing became easier.


  When He Lingchuan returned to the inn, Bai Ziqi was interrogating Wu Kai again.

  Because of cooperating with the review earlier, Wu Kai also had a full meal, took two pills, and changed his clothes. His physical condition has greatly improved.

  When Bai Ziqi entered the cellar, Wu Kai was holding a big pot of chicken soup and gurgling non-stop.

   This is an old hen stewed with crucian carp for a long time. The soup is milky white, the meat is rotten and the bones are crispy, and there is a strong pepper flavor.

  Wu Kai fled for many days and was tortured for two days. Now he is in urgent need of nutrition.

  He can afford it, anyway, sooner or later he will die, it is better to eat and drink now.

   "Does Cen Boqing have any means of absconding and leaving the mansion without being noticed?"

  He Lingchuan simply asked: "Last time, how did you rescue Cheng Yu from under my nose?"

Wu Kai put down the soup bowl and wiped his mouth: "There is a treasure in the Cen Mansion called Xueli Dongtian, which is only about the size of a palm, and it was bought from the Songyang Mansion. It can hide living things in the cave for half an hour. But the same person cannot hide twice within two hours, otherwise the body will collapse due to the inability to withstand the compression of the mustard technique."

   "Mustard Seed Technique!" He Lingchuan knew bad food when he heard the three words "Songyang Mansion".

   On the way He Chunhua led the army to Xiazhou to take office, he met Li Qingge by chance. He took out a small model of a compound courtyard and threw it on the ground to become a real courtyard.

  She made it clear that this kind of supernatural ability to hold foreign objects is limited in size and weight, so it cannot be used in logistical marches.

   But it is not a problem to accept a lot of people in.

  The mustard space she uses for herself is of course the best, with evergreen trees inside, and there are not so many restrictions on the entry and exit of living people; and Cen Boqing's Xuelidongtian is obviously a reduced version.

  He Lingchuan said unhappily: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

  It seems that Cen Boqing tried to break out of the siege several times before, all of which were repairing the plank road in the Ming Dynasty, letting Fu Shanyue know that he was still staying in the mansion, so he lowered his vigilance; until the real crisis came, those two people sneaked into Chen Cang.

   This Cen is not as good as everyone thinks.

  Wu Kai looked innocent: "I didn't know he would use it either."

Bai Ziqi thought even further: "Even if he and Cheng Yu hid in Xueli Cave, he would have to find someone to take this magic weapon out of the mansion." Otherwise, this magic weapon would be found in the mansion sooner or later by officers and soldiers. .

   Don't forget, the time limit for receipt is only half an hour. "Besides you, who else can Cen Boqing trust most in the mansion?"

  "Old Chen, the groom." Wu Kai said without hesitation, "His wife suffered an emergency and almost couldn't bear it. It was the wife who personally invited a famous doctor to help. Old Chen is grateful and has been doing his best for Cen Boqing and his wife. When Cen Boqing goes out, he will definitely use Lao Chen to drive."

   "Go to Cen's mansion, find this person and search and question him."

  Bai Ziqi turned his head to order, and a guard turned around and left.

  He asked Wu Kai again: "Aside from the Xueli Cave, what other magical weapons are hidden in Cen Boqing's body?"

Wu Kai thought for a while: "He wears a ruby ​​ring on the ring finger of his left hand, which can release two wolf puppets. It is made of two tundra wolf kings. It is made of copper skin and iron bones. A gift from the Messenger of Hun."

"There is also a rhizome of Linglong precious fruit. As long as it is buried in the soil and watered, it will grow into a fruit tree within two quarters of an hour. Each fruit can feed one person. Depending on the fertility of the soil, each tree can bear dozens to two hundred. fruit. The fruit can be stored."

  Bai Ziqi sighed: "He really has a lot of private goods. This is best used when marching or in exile."

  Wu Kai said two or three more things in a row, and then said: "That's probably all he brought out from Lingxu City."

  He Lingchuan was also convinced after hearing this, Cen Boqing is indeed a noble gentleman from Lingxu City, and the treasures he casually brought out are all high-grade. This is only the one he brought with him, the one who actually stayed in Lingxu City is the big one.

  Bai Ziqi's face was pale, and with his knowledge and knowledge, he didn't think it was a big deal: "No more? If you think about it carefully, is there any hidden secret treasure?"

  Wu Kai thought about it for a long time before shaking his head: "That's all I know."

   As soon as the words fell, a crescent-shaped amulet on the neck snapped off.

  Wu Kai had a feeling, and took out the token given to him by Fu Shanyue from his arms, only to see that the token was glowing red, and he didn't know when the Yuanli would activate by itself.

   "Cheng Yu started work." He Lingchuan coughed, "This man is really indomitable, he will kill you."

"It's Cen Boqing who wants to kill his old servant." Bai Ziqi looked at the broken amulet, "This man is good at spells, how many magical powers and magic circle protection do you have, he can break the amulet. "

  He Lingchuan pretended to ask: "Shouldn't they be busy escaping now, why Cheng Yu still has time to do something?"

"That means Cen Boqing is very confident that we won't be able to find him." Bai Ziqi took a light breath, "They may escape to a place they think is safe, and Cen Boqing is eager to curse and kill the witness—he doesn't know I've come yet, And also tried Wu Kai."

  If the special envoy of Lingxu City didn't come and Wu Kai died under Fu Shanyue's hands, then no matter what confession he made during his lifetime, the Cen family can deny it—just say it was a false confession.

  So Cen Boqing was still thinking about silence.

  Bai Ziqi glanced at Wu Kai: "Whether this person is dead or alive, it doesn't hinder the progress of the case."

  Wu Kai had a look of fear: "Cheng Yu can curse and kill the king of a country, but I'm afraid you won't be able to keep me!"

  He Lingchuan was secretly amused. Cheng Yu's best record, the so-called "curse to kill the king of a country", was actually with the help of the power of a hundred-faced nightmare, right? Although he didn't know exactly how Baimian did it, the monster's power did make him still fresh in his memory.

   Cheng Yu alone may not be able to accomplish such a feat.

  Bai Ziqi took out a jade-carved Ganoderma lucidum from his bosom, which was carved very finely, only the size of a thumb, and exuded a warm white halo.

"This is the heart-purifying talisman that has been blessed by the gods in the Zhaixing Tower. It can make the wearer invulnerable to all evil." As soon as this thing was taken out, the three people present immediately felt refreshed and relaxed, and even breathed easily, "Biyi Chengyu is mere Spells, not to mention."

  Wu Kai swallowed while looking at the Di Xinfu.

  Although he knew that he would die when he returned to Lingxu City, his life became precious once the countdown started, and he didn't want to die even more in the limited time.

   Besides, the process of being cursed was too painful, he had experienced it before, and he didn't want to do it again.

   "You, can you..."

  Bai Ziqi smiled and said: "You confessed earlier, there were some incomplete and untrue things. If you tell the truth, I will give you a heart charm."

  Wu Kai was startled: "I, what I said is true."

"You said that you don't know who is refining the elixir of youth in Qingfu Temple, that's impossible." Bai Ziqi said lightly, "Cen Boqing's business with you is very risky, and they all put their heads on their belts. How do you Maybe you can't figure out who your superiors are, and you still continue to cooperate with them?"

  Wu Kaina said: "It's been like this since Master Cen's time. He didn't let us ask questions, saying that he knew too much and would bring disaster."

  Bai Ziqi let out a chuckle: "The work you do will not cause disaster?"

  Wu Kai smiled bitterly: "I really don't know."

  Bai Ziqi looked at his expression carefully, as if judging the authenticity of his words, and then said: "Then tell me, why did you recruit such a malevolent star as Mai Xuewen to work under your command?"

"Ten years ago, when I went to Mt. Yan to do business, I encountered a flood. Fortunately, Mai Xuewen rescued me. He said that he was also a homeless desperado, and was framed by traitors in Mang Kingdom. After killing his enemy, he went into exile in Beqa. Doing some business both openly and secretly, a little depressed."

   "I have been with him for more than two months. Seeing that he is well-cultivated and righteous, I invited him to come to work in Numata Township in Baishayu."

  He Lingchuan folded his arms: "You welcome the tiger in so easily?"

"It's not so fast. I asked him to run serious business in Numata Township, and there is nothing shameful. After three years of observation, his business profits have increased by a large margin. I see that he is really capable, and his tone He was nervous, but gradually relieved, so he asked him to take care of the bead business in Chiyan Kingdom. The team he was in charge of of the six demon-killing and bead-hunting squads had always been the fastest and best at completing tasks, and did not cause any trouble. Moth, I am more and more at ease with him, so I let down my vigilance, let him know some things..."

   Speaking of this, Wu Kai let out a long sigh: "How do you know, this is the door of the disaster-causing star."

   From what He Lingchuan heard, Wu Kai was careful enough. After observing a person for more than three years, I decided to let him get in touch with the core business.

  It's a pity that he met the freak Mai Xuewen.

  (end of this chapter)