MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 8 irresistible adversary

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  Chapter 8 The Enemy You Can't Offend

  When Aiko was attacked and unconscious, He Chunhua also sent a newsletter to Xishan Leopard Demon, but there was no reply.

He sighed: "In addition, the emergency report from the mainland was interrupted for more than ten days, because the Pingning area was captured by the rebels, and then encountered a flood, the post stations along the way were all unusable, and all communications were interrupted. The sky is busy rectifying the soldiers and horses."

  He Lingchuan was slightly taken aback: "Are we going to join the war too?"

  He heard that the barracks had changed recently, but he didn't take it to heart. There has been no big battle in Qiansong County for a long time, but the sporadic battles around Heishui City lasted every three days. Most of them were officers and soldiers who went out to suppress bandits.

   "It's hard to tell." He Chunhua's face was gloomy.

   "That's all." Looking at his slightly haggard face, He Lingchuan didn't really blame this cheap daddy in his heart. The county's affairs are heavy, such as food production, commerce, border troubles, defense, and natural disasters, all of which must not be ignored, and the rebels from the interior must also be guarded against. He Chunhua wakes up earlier than chickens and sleeps later than dogs. He is a diligent parent.

  Even though he is doing his best for Qiansong County, the worst news often comes from the hinterland of Yuan Country!

  The country is beset by civil strife.

   "You asked me to come, what exactly do you want to see?"

   "This." He Chunhua opened the leopard's big mouth.

  That mouth full of sharp teeth made people shudder, but He Lingchuan immediately saw the difference: "The canine teeth are gone?"

   All four canine teeth were pulled out abruptly, leaving only blood holes.

"The leopard monster that attacked you also used its canine teeth to hide things. In addition, the internal injuries of that leopard are very similar to that of this leopard king." He pondered, "Where did you take the things in its canine teeth? Show me Look."

  When he was found by the He family at the bottom of the cliff, He Lingchuan was unconscious and covered in blood, while the leopard had long since died.

  So the He family moved the two back together, and the living rushed to treat them, while the dead leopard was sent for autopsy. He Lingchuan only went to hunt blue sheep, but got back a leopard demon, so this is also his prey. After He Chunhua saw the collection in Leopard Yali, he gave it to his eldest son as a souvenir.

   Monsters also have storage needs, but most of them don’t wear clothes. Where can they hide things? The common practice is to refine a certain part of your body into a storage space. Of course, this needs the support of talent, for example, the crocodile monster likes to use its stomach as a treasure bag, and the tiger, leopard, wolf and jackal monsters usually refine their canine teeth to hide things.

  Humans who understand this characteristic kill leopard demons, and of course goug their canines as trophies.

   Opening the storage space requires spiritual power. He Lingchuan, who had just crossed over at that time, entered without knowing it, thinking that the leopard tooth was really empty.

   "It's in the house, so I'll go get it later." Now it's finally He Lingchuan's turn to talk about business, "Father, I still have something to tell you."

   Then, he told the story of the Donglai Mansion guards tracking down the whereabouts of the Sand Leopard.

  The more He Chunhua listened, the more he frowned. When he heard the word "Donglai Mansion", he got up abruptly: "What did you say?"

  His expression changed suddenly, and he slapped him with a slap.

  He Lingchuan subconsciously stepped back half a step.

  However, He Chunhua's slap stopped in the air, and he didn't really slap it.

   After a few seconds, the palm shrunk into a fist and hit the table with a "bang":

   "Private torture, it's just nonsense!"

  He knew that this son was used to acting recklessly and would not change after repeated admonitions. Sooner or later he would get kicked to the iron plate. But I didn't expect the iron plate to come so quickly and so accurately.

  Da Sima!

   How did you offend Da Sima!

He Chunhua's evaluation in the officialdom has always been "calm", but in He Lingchuan's memory, he often saw his father get angry with him, and he didn't have much fear. Chop Suey, I'm afraid they'll track us down soon."

   At this time, he admired He Chunhua's caution. Not only did Governor He not say anything about the leopard demon, but he asked those who knew it to keep silent. Otherwise, the news that the little overlord of Heishui City had killed the leopard demon alone would have spread all over the city, and the two of them knew it without asking.

   Of course, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

   "The Zhang Hongbin case initiated by Da Sima six years ago involved one prince, two princes, and seven uncles, and involved more than 2,600 people. How many people do you think will survive?"

  Papa's face was like a dark cloud, He Lingchuan cautiously said: "It seems... not much?"

   "Seventy-three people!" He Chunhua said word by word, "How many women, children and children are there? Oh, in the end, only seventy-three people survived!"

  He Lingchuan felt a chill in his heart.

  Don't talk about ordinary people, even the lives of public officials are like cheap grass, if you want to cut it, you will cut it.

   "In comparison, our family's experience is not the worst..." He Chunhua sighed, and then turned back to the topic, "Why didn't you report it directly when you received a summons from Hongbaidao?"

"I want to ask something before I report." He Lingchuan's expression was fixed, his eyes were ruthless, "If these two people have no background, it's best for me to take revenge; if their backing is too strong, then it's even more impossible to let them know how to escape The sand leopards are in our hands."

  He Chunhua was originally full of sullen anger, but after careful consideration of his son's words, his expression gradually calmed down, and finally he agreed with two points: "It's not unreasonable."

  Whether these two people catch or not is not the point. The root of the trouble is that what Da Sima wants may be in the hands of their father and son.

  He looked at He Lingchuan: "You can use your brain to think about things."

  Facing the gratified eyes of his father, He Lingchuan grinned and avoided: "I'll go get things."

   In a quarter of an hour.

  He Lingchuan had already returned with the leopard's teeth, and dumped all the stored things on the small table.

"And that's all."

The relics of the Sand Leopard who attacked He Lingchuan back then include several demon pills of different sizes and colors, a set of daggers with blown hair and broken hair, a few pieces of suet and white jade, a string of pearl necklaces, some sundries of no apparent use, and even There are more than a dozen gold and silver ingots!

   The monsters are not always fierce, they also do business with humans. It is not surprising that gold and silver appeared as hard currency.

   "This string of beads is definitely what Da Sima wants, right?" He Lingchuan picked up the string of beads and pointed it at the light.

  The luster of the pearls is warm and charming. Each pearl is slightly larger than a melon seed, and it glows blue in the sun. After taking it out for a while, light water vapor began to condense around the bead string, and people felt cool in it, and even breathing became much smoother, as if they had come to a breezy coast.

   "It has a little water condensation effect, nothing special." All living things need water. In the dry desert, this string of beads can make sand leopards feel comfortable, but Da Sima probably has no interest in it.

  He Chunhua's gaze was on the pile of sundries. Last time he counted, he piled all these aside, but now he has to take a good look.

But these things are fragmentary, such as dried flowers and plants, half a piece of black musk, bones that have not been chewed clean, **** rings that seem to have been obtained from human victims, and broken hairpins. A packet of spices, a dozen feathers, a half comb, and…

   A lot of dried insects, dried snakes, dried lizards.

  (end of this chapter)