MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 129 Swordsman and Exorcist (15)

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They didn't even have time to let out a wailing, they turned into flying ashes, and they were forever silent in this dark night.

The black mist covering the ground gradually disappeared and disappeared after surging for a while.

"What's the matter?"

For so many years, Chucheng has never encountered such a situation, and I can't help but be dumbfounded.

"I don't know either."

Ling Ying pursed her lips and looked surprised.

Only Ling Yan was still staring at the direction where Gu Zhong disappeared, thoughtfully.

"Let's see if there are any survivors in the Taoist temple."

After pondering for a moment, Ling Yan turned to look at the two people who were sitting on the ground in embarrassment, and said lightly.

The results were completely expected and did not meet their expectations.

In such a big battle tonight, the entire Taoist temple-no one survived.

"Let's go back to the Teacher's House..."

Chu Cheng said absentmindedly, pulling down his shoulders, which had always been straight, as if he had been emptied of energy for a moment.

"Mr. Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Ling Ying asked in surprise.

"If we hadn't come here tonight, wouldn't such a tragedy have happened?"

The people who are still alive in the Taoist temple during the day may just pass him by, maybe simply say a few words to him, or maybe just hand him a cup of hot tea.

In just a few hours, right in front of his eyes, he turned into a mindless monster, and then turned into fly ash and completely disappeared from this world.

Watching such an unstoppable tragedy happen in front of him, but he could do nothing, Chu Cheng was full of self-blame and guilt, and got into the horns.


Looking at the decadent Chu Cheng, Ling Ying put his hand on his shoulder, as if trying to comfort him.

"No if."

At this time, Ling Yan didn't seem to understand Chu Cheng's pain, and interrupted his repentance indifferently.

"Don't you want to go back to the National Teacher's Mansion? What else can you do if you stay here?"

The morning light of dawn strikes from the edge, but it still looks dull.

"Inform Brother Lu! Let's go to the Temple of Slaying Demons first."

As soon as Chu Cheng arrived at the door, he shouted at the gatekeeper.

"Junior Brother Chu, what's the urgency?"

Chu Cheng, who was full of anxiety and distress, did not notice the dress of his senior brother, he went straight to the subject as soon as he opened his mouth, full of weight.

"Senior Brother Lu, Qingxi Taoist Temple, something happened..."

"Where is Elder Gu?"

There were only three people left in the original group of four. Brother Lu glanced at Chu Cheng and Ling Ying, who were covered in sword marks, and asked in a deep voice.

"She... I'm afraid, she has become a demon."

Chu Cheng paused for a moment, and his expression was even more sad.

"You talk to me from the beginning."

Chu Cheng and Ling Ying talked about what they saw and heard tonight, Ling Yan listened quietly, but said nothing.

"So, she didn't do anything to you in the end?"

Senior Brother Lu glanced at Ling Yan with a hint of weirdness.


Chu Cheng also glanced at Ling Yan, a little confused.

"Miss Ling, did you find anything unusual that night?"

Senior Brother Lu turned to Ling Yan and asked.


Ling Yan answered briefly and firmly.

"Really not?"

Senior Brother Lu looked at her suspiciously.

"Senior Brother Lu, what does this mean? Do you suspect that I have colluded with the demon?"

Unceremoniously, he broke through his thoughts, and Ling Yan lost his voice.

"Senior Brother Lu, Miss Ling will definitely not be this kind of person..."

Seeing the tension between the two, Chu Cheng hurriedly stood in the middle and acted as a peacemaker again.

"Of course I do, but—"

Senior Brother Lu nodded slightly, then his face was solemn, and he said in a long voice—

"Do you know the National Teacher's House, what really happened?"


Ling Yan raised her eyebrows and asked, she felt something was not right before, the state of the National Teacher's House is now an empty shell, and only Chu Cheng would foolishly believe the statement of the National Teacher's retreat.

"The national teacher fought the demon and was seriously injured, and all the elders in the house died in the battle - and the demon escaped."

Senior Brother Lu had a serious face, and the words that fell from his mouth were like a flat thunder and exploded in the ears of several people.

"Is there any monster more terrifying than the one from a hundred years ago? Besides, why does this war feel so silent? The royal city is still peaceful?"

Ling Yan's eyebrows knitted together, recalling the shocking battle that was passed down from generation to generation in the family.

She didn't quite believe what Senior Brother Lu said, so she asked one after another.

"That's not the case, it's just that this monster's ability is treacherous and hard to guard against. It can possess people, suddenly attack, and can kill people in an instant.

And the situation you encountered in the palace, the field of cognitive distortion, is a great weapon. "

"So, you all knew about the magic tricks in the palace early in the morning, but you didn't mention it, so that countless young children from aristocratic families were allowed to enter and die?"

Ling Yan did not pay attention to the demon ability as he thought, but instead focused on the things he had deliberately concealed before, glaring at him.

"Speaking of this, it was ordered by the national teacher..."

After being choked for a moment, Senior Brother Lu quickly explained.


Chu Cheng wondered.

"That's right, the national master knows how to deal with this monster when he fights. Those who fight against this monster must remain ignorant so as to avoid their distorted cognition. Knowing that, it is absolutely impossible to withdraw.

Besides, after the war, the monster was extremely weak, and we didn't know where it absconded at first. Now it seems that at the Qingxi Taoist Temple, I happened to meet the queen and everyone in the harem came to worship, and took the opportunity to possess it.

This is also the reason why the queen has never died. Only the living queen can become the nourishment of the demon.

The demon is weak and far less formidable than before. Aren't you successful?

By the way, although the queen is still in a coma, her condition has improved a lot. "

Although I don't know the reason, this explanation is barely reasonable.

"The young talents of that family—"

Ling Yan didn't want to let it go, it was clear that the older and more experienced people had a better chance of winning, and so many young family members had to be damaged here.

"Because - the future national teacher will inevitably fall into the palace."

Senior Brother Lu smiled and dropped another bombshell.

"Future National Teacher?"

Ling Yan repeated in a low voice.

"Senior Brother Lu, what do you mean by that?"

Chu Cheng looked at him in disbelief, his eyes full of panic.

What's more, it was a fierce battle with the monster. Although he is now in retreat to heal his wounds, no one knows whether the national teacher can still get out.

I was afraid to tell you before because I was afraid that you would not be able to accept this fact. "

Senior Brother Lu looked at Chu Cheng with worry and love.

" has lived well for so long, and this time it will be alright."

Continuously denying this fact, Chu Cheng shook his head and repeated these words, then rushed out of the hall like crazy, now he has no extra energy to receive more news.

"It seems that the younger brother needs to be alone. Now, the two young masters must understand what I mean?"

Senior Brother Lu did not stop Chu Cheng, let him go away alone, and turned to Ling Yan and Ling Ying.

“We are all candidates for the National Teacher now?”

Ling Ying replied lazily, sounding no joy at all.

And Miss Ling, that monster has never hurt you, so I have to wonder if it has left behind any secret hand - please don't take it offense, that monster is treacherous and cunning, and it really has to be guarded against. "

Without Gu Zhong, without Ling Yan, only Chu Cheng and Ling Ying were left, but Chu Cheng was restless and ran out of the palace like crazy, he was considered temporary when he entered the palace Gasser man.

There has always been only one true national teacher candidate - Ling Ying!

But Ling Ying has never been to the capital, how can the National Teacher's Office help?

—Unless Ling Ying is no longer Ling Ying.

Recalling Ling Ying's sudden powerful spell, and the power she vaguely felt was not the origin of the Ling family.

Unconsciously, her clan brother was quietly lost.

Ling Yan glanced at "Ling Ying", and then at Senior Brother Lu, they were still acting, and it was far from the time when they would see each other.

The city of Chu is not in the hall now, she is the only one left.

If this "Ling Ying" is not the real Ling Ying, what is his real strength? Ling Yan did not know.

But she intuition, this is a strong enemy she must not be able to deal with.

The best way to deal with it now is to pretend to know nothing and play with them.

"It doesn't matter. Brother Lu's concern is not without reason."

"I thought that Miss Ling would not easily accept the many doubts about the National Teacher's Office—"

Senior Brother Lu had a smile on his lips, full of the understanding that he was in control of everything.

"How dare I question the National Teacher's House?"

Ling Yan lowered her eyes, and was extremely alert.


The author has something to say:

The villain begins to explain at length.

Thanks for the mines! hug!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-1023:19:45~2022-04-1123:56:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 gourds;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!