MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 131 Swordsman and Exorcist (17)

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"Speaking of which, how did you find this place?"

Ling Yan was taken all the way to this underground prison hidden in the mountain, knowing how hidden it was.

I couldn't help being curious about how Gu Zhong could find himself so quickly.

"Probably, it's a familiar old place..."

The dull voice came from the black mist, as if the mouth and nose were covered with a gauze.

"Familiar old places?"

Ling Yan was thoughtful, then she raised her palms as if to comfort her.

—What else can this ghost place be used for besides being imprisoned?

During the conversation, they approached the entrance of the cave, and they could vaguely see the cold moonlight, which sparsely and miserably spilled into a few beams of light.

Looking back and looking down, it is a dark circle with no end.

I rushed out of the hole, and my vision suddenly opened up, accompanied by a fire that was enough to illuminate the night.

—There are a lot of people who come to greet them.

Gu Zhong had to stop.

"I didn't expect you to come?"

One person, guarded by the crowd, went offside, it was Senior Brother Lu.

Ling Yan's heart skipped a beat.

—They knew that Gu Zhong would definitely come to save her.

However, why did Gu Zhong come to save her? It was only now that Ling Yan began to think about this issue.

Knowing that this is the Longtan Tiger's Den, a dangerous place with no return, she still came here without hesitation.

She turned her head and looked at Gu Zhong, trying to find some answers on her face.

Ling Ying stood behind Senior Brother Lu, his eyes fell on Gu Zhong and Ling Yan, the emotions revealed in them were very strange, and seemed to carry some kind of incomprehensible shock.

"Someone is really a genius."

Senior Brother Lu was not in a hurry, with the assurance of winning, he then sighed.


Even if they took good care of Ling Yan along the way, in the eyes of others, they are just the guest Qing and the young master who have known each other for a while.

Who can figure out their relationship and use Ling Yan as bait to lure her into taking action?

—No one in this world can do it, except Xuanhu.

—The mysterious fox without amnesia.

"Looking at this situation, we can't go today?"

"Since today is here, it's natural to stay. How can there be any reason to let the demon escape from the National Teacher's House? Array!"

Hundreds of spells and fine sword lights were emitted almost at the same time, colliding in mid-air, bursting out gorgeous silver fireworks.

At this time, Ling Yan really learned the power of Gu Epee's swordsmanship.

In the past, when encountering a demon, no matter how strong or weak, Gu Zhong only used a sword. Everyone knew her strength, but they couldn't really feel it.

Even if there are many enemies in front of you, how can the attacks swarm, the square inch of the two people as the axis seems to form a vacuum, and no single attack falls on Ling Yan.

Seeing that his side was losing ground, Senior Brother Lu couldn't help but feel anxious. He turned around and said something to Ling Ying.

Ling Ying looked up at the crescent moon hanging in the night sky, and then stepped forward calmly.

Gu Chong swung her sword for a while, then she stretched out her left hand and tightly pressed the Xuanjing wristband on her right wrist.

Because of that moment's mistake, the overwhelming attack penetrated through the protective net she weaved and hit the two people in the middle.

At this critical moment, the formula that Ling Yan had been holding from just now suddenly released, and a cylindrical light curtain blocked in front of the two of them.

Gu Zhong also swung a sword heavily and slowly again, temporarily repelling the attack.

"Gu Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

Perceiving something was wrong, Ling Yan quickly supported Gu Zhong.


This situation is exactly the same as the Taoist temple that day!


Gu Zhong raised her head, she stared at Ling Ying who was getting closer.

Black bloomed and withered in her eyes, white was annihilated and reborn.

Two forces are constantly tearing at her body and soul.

—Gu Zhong's demonization was deliberately stimulated.

Ling Yan suddenly woke up.

The concern of being completely human, and the concern of being a demon, are both powerful beings that ordinary people cannot resist.

However, when the two forces begin to compete for control, the care at this time is like a fragile baby, easily destroyed.

"You can't resist, just give up..."

A sigh came from Ling Ying's mouth, he looked at Gu Zhong with a happy look, with a high-level show of strength, it seemed that seeing Gu Zhong's miserable appearance could bring him great joy pleasure.

Because of his approach, all attacks were stopped, but at this time, Gu Zhong was really hit hard.

"I can't kill him—"

Gu Zhong squeezed his wrist even more painfully and squeezed out a few words between his teeth.


—The key lies in Ling Ying.

Ling Yan took the sword knowingly, and the blade trembled slightly, as if to express the joy of reuniting after a long absence.

Ling Ying followed the usual pattern and sneered.

"What? Ling Yan, you don't think you have a sword, so you are Gu-ah-"

However, before he finished speaking, an arm was cut off by a sharp sword energy.

It's like the wind, fast like electricity.

Gu Zhong is right, Ling Yan is very talented in using swords.

"Don't talk to me in this tone, you don't deserve it!"

Before everyone reacts, go up and disappear into the night sky in a blink of an eye.

The towering and heavy city wall is in front of them, and they only need to pass through the gate painted in vermilion, and they can escape from the royal city.

From now on, the sky is high and the bird can fly, and the sea is wide and the fish leaps.

However, this short distance cannot be broken through.

The black mist slammed into a layer of invisible barrier, and it was difficult to advance.

Gu Zhong, who once again transformed into a human form, slumped on the ground and stretched out his hand to touch it without giving up. The invisible obstacles really lay in front of them.

"The city is sealed."

The black mist spread over her again, Gu Zhong lowered his head and whined, trying his best to curb the trend of demonization.

"If it's too painful, don't bear it."

Ling Yan hugged her and said something softly.

"I may not be able to control myself, I'm afraid—"

"Even if you turn into a demon, you won't hurt me, right?"

Raising her hand and stroking Gu Zhong's back, Ling Yan seems to be coaxing a crying baby to sleep.

Her hand fell, neither light nor heavy, once and again.

With a strange rhythm and rhythm, and a reassuring power.

Discovering this amazing change, Ling Yan raised her hand in surprise and observed it carefully, as if she was looking at something amazing.

The power of the demon in the body was sealed again, this time it was so easy to get through this crushing tear, Gu Zhong was shocked.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw Ling Yan's movement of looking at her hand, and she didn't know what to think, she coughed a little in shame.

"Ayan, what are you doing?"

"I didn't expect that I would have such abilities? It seems that you don't have to worry about being prompted to be demonized in the future."

Ling Yan let out a long sigh of relief, and sighed with some happiness.

"Ayan is really my lucky star—"

Seeing Ling Yan sincerely worrying about herself, Gu Zhong softened his brows and his words with a relaxed smile.

"Why do you say yes?"

Ling Yan put down her hand and looked at Gu Zhong strangely.

"Every time you wake me up—"

Halfway through speaking, I heard footsteps coming from the corner of the wall, messy and fast, as if they were running.


Gu Zhong's complexion changed, and he immediately turned into a mist, wrapping Ling Yan and continuing to exile in the dark night.

Talking about the entire royal city, in the middle of the night, it is still brightly lit and a place where guests come and go, except for fireworks and willow lanes, there is nothing else.

Removing the black and white shirts that were obviously incompatible with such a fireworks place, Gu Zhong and Ling Yan both put on colorful gaudy dresses.

Take off the undisturbed hair crown that has always been taken care of, let loose black hair like a waterfall, and then paint a charming and delicate makeup to restrain the murderous aura.

At this time, the two of them seemed to have become the women who sold the dust.

They bypassed the lobby on the first floor of a certain flower building, and they were still performing explicit vocal dances, which attracted bursts of applause from the gangsters in the audience.

"Why is the city closed today?"

The firework girls who didn't receive a customer casually talked to each other.

Gu Zhong who passed by pricked up his ears and deliberately paid attention to one or two.

"I heard that you are catching a fugitive fugitive-"

"It's terrifying, is there such a terrifying thing in Wangcheng?"

"You haven't heard about the Qingxi Taoist Temple? I'll tell you..."

The two turned the corner and walked up the steps made of sandalwood, and the conversation gradually faded behind them.

—The entire royal city was sealed off.

This means that this is an order from the palace.

There is no doubt that the current king has become a puppet of the National Teacher's House.

No one or demon can leave the royal city.

In other words, if there is no way to break the game, they can only hide in hiding, waiting to be found and besieged.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

At this time, a commotion came from the door, accompanied by the woman's exclamation.

"The National Teacher's Office has been ordered to investigate the demons, and the girls are also requested to cooperate."


The author has something to say:

Gu Run Run Super Run