MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 158 God and God of War (18)

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Seeing this kind of battle, the demon emperor knew that she had killed her, and she couldn't help being shocked and angry.

If he didn't notice, the whole bird would be burnt bald.

The anger of being betrayed continued to rise, and the demon emperor made a loud cry below him.

The demon clan, who originally fought the demon clan side by side with the **** clan, instantly defected and swung the slaughtering knife to the unsuspecting allies.

"Demon King! What do you mean?"

One after another, unexpected twists and turns made God Emperor's whole face like golden paper.

"What do you mean? God Emperor, you should ask the good highness you have cultivated, how did you break the gate of heaven!"

The demon emperor hovered in the air, spitting out human words from the bird's beak, full of malice.

"For all worlds, the world of gods should die today!"

"You have too many words."

It was another full blow, and the demon emperor fell to the ground.

The demon emperor fell heavily, and the originally incomparably hard demon body was easily penetrated.

"What have you done to this emperor?"

A mouthful of black blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

—any other reason. She stared at the demon emperor's state carefully, and found that his demon power was passing by rapidly.

For thousands of years, the demon emperor has been able to compete with the **** emperor, relying on the belief supply of the demon world.

The demon world is immortal, and the demon emperor can live forever. Just like the **** emperor, at most, he will suffer from the five declines of heaven and man, and change someone to be the emperor.

However, it is not the time when heaven and man will decline, and the demon emperor is visibly weakened.

There is only one possibility—the demon world falls to the lower world, and it is no longer enough to be the three pillars supporting the world.

Compared to immortals, the power of all monsters will become insignificant, just like the difference between the sun and the glow of fireflies.

It's easy.

She sighed, fully understanding.

"Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong, it's really yours. Salary from the bottom of the pot—it's a good chess, but a waste chess, I hope you can still have time."

Then Shaojun turned his attention to the demon emperor, and the golden ball was spinning in his hand.

"Demon Emperor, your demon world must have been knocked down to the lower realm. I can't see my parting, so I will send you to accompany you."


The demon emperor's golden pupils suddenly widened, he actually knew in his heart that this was the only explanation, but he was unwilling to admit that he had worked hard for thousands of years to make a wedding dress for others.

It's just that he didn't have time to utter one more word, so with endless regret and resentment, he was completely annihilated in the golden light of Shaojun.

The emperor looked at the child he raised in fear, when she grew to a level comparable to himself, and he still knew nothing.

He recalled the specious words of the demon emperor just now, and an impossible wild guess took shape in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"Nian Ge—you—"

The Emperor tried his best to call in a gentle tone, and took two steps forward, but he stopped three feet away because of unexplained fear and fear.

Even though the surrounding was full of fighting and blood, and the battle between gods and demons was dark and dark, the woman in the elegant robe was still as tall and handsome as a pine bamboo, and there was not a trace of blood stained on her body.


"God Emperor, what the God Realm has suffered today is retribution, cause and effect, and destined."

"What are you talking about?"

the true meaning.

"You don't have to pretend that you don't understand, step on the dead creatures, you and the gods have been living for so many years, and it's time to pay back. Just keep your eyes open and look at God World, look at yourself, how did you perish—"

Young Jun looked at the direction of Tianmen, and her tone was already quite impatient, she disdain to entangle with the **** emperor, and finally left a taunt, then turned around and disappeared in place, not knowing where to go where.

Ling Yan dashed all the way, and reached the gate of heaven in a few breaths. As far as she could see, she was stunned in place.

—what kind of purgatory on earth.

In front of Tianmen, there is a huge black vortex standing upright, from which black demonic energy and demons continue to emerge, fighting with the silver armored heavenly soldiers who are desperately guarding. group.

However, the demons can be blocked, but the demonic energy has no time to take care of it. The demonic energy that still has self-consciousness nimbly sticks to the ground, sinks under the white fairy mist, and runs around.

Seeing the Immortal God, it is like the sudden attack that Ling Yan had just seen, and it can cause heavy damage to the other party in an instant.

The celestial soldiers who fought with the demons to the point of exhaustion were already scarred, and when they smelled the smell of blood, they rushed into the wounds as if they had seen delicious food.

However, unlike usual, these heavenly soldiers who were infused with demonic energy did not die immediately, but still moved freely.

The difference is that they seem to have become soulless puppets, turning the swords in their hands and stabbing at their former comrades.

Shouts, howls, and jingos, playing a violent and brutal killing.

Even in the Abyss of Gods and Demons that day, because of Gu Zhong guarding one side, Ling Yan had never seen such a tragic battle.

Her face turned pale, her footsteps shrank slightly, but she was forced to stop.

She stared blankly at the battlefield, but still did not find the figure she was looking for, panic mixed with disappointment, and seemed a little helpless.


He held down his right hand with his left hand, but it was still difficult to stop the long sword from swinging towards Ling Yan.

After Ling Yan dodged the blow that was all flaws, he looked at her with eyes full of despair and pleading, begging her.

Ling Yan's hand trembled slightly, she had never killed her fellow clan, she couldn't really do it, but she didn't know how to end the involuntary pain of this person in front of her.

She stayed where she was, until the sword fell in front of her again, and paused again.

In front of her, a blood line appeared between the head and neck with desperate eyes, and slowly slipped down.

"If God is unwell, please move."

The man who slashed his sword and killed the heavenly soldier appeared in front of her and said coldly to her.

Ling Yan had a vague impression of him, he seemed to be a partial general of Zhenyuan Army, probably after the army was dispersed and abolished, he was assigned to guard the Tianmen.

He didn't seem to have time to reminisce with Ling Yan, and turned around to slay the Mozu-and other controlled comrades.

Closing her eyes, Ling Yan tried her best to dispel the **** scene from her mind, but in vain.

This is a battlefield, and there is no room for mercy.

Ling Yan slowly rose, floating in the air, all the fairy gods and demons could see her, and they also noticed this vision.

The soldiers under him felt the breath of reversing the tide of the war because of this unusual move.

They went one after the other, desperately rushing up, blocking the general with their bodies and buying her time.

The woman floating in the air, after a moment of silence, a bead slowly rolled out from her chest.

And then suddenly a scorching and ardent light radiated - it was all white light, enough to eliminate all darkness.

In the realm of the gods, the bead protector is far more powerful than they imagined.

The purest and purest light washed away all the blackness in front of the gate of heaven with lightning speed.

The soldiers who were controlled by the demonic energy fell to the ground one by one. Fortunately, in order to control their bodies, the demonic energy did not infect the core of the gods, and the soldiers who swear to death did not end up with their souls destroyed.

The demon general who rushed towards Lingyan tried his best to prevent this cleansing from happening, and it, along with itself, was scattered in it.

Even the massive teleportation formation that connects the two worlds of gods and demons was forcibly closed, completely cutting off the way for the demons to reinforce.

The power of this wash is so great that it is obvious that it cannot be too long.

Dense sweat oozes from Ling Yan's forehead, and her already pale complexion became more and more gray, as if all her vitality was about to run out.

The white beads are gradually covered with a layer of gray mist, and there are several black lines flowing freely.

After a purification, the morale of the soldiers in the God Realm was shaken, and they counterattacked towards the remaining demons left in front of the Tianmen.

At this moment, the direction of the palace group of gods is a red light, shrouding the blue and white sky in a hazy red, adding a bit of strangeness.