MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 79 Astrologers and Rebels (8)

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With the astrolabe as the seat, it is not impossible to travel to the entrance of the secret realm.

However, considering that Gu Zhongxiu is not good at practicing Qi, if there is another thunderstorm, I am afraid that he will have to suffer again, Ling Yan thought for a moment before nodding and agreeing to Qingzhu.


Seeing that Ling Yan responded easily, Gu Zhong's heart tightened, and he quickly grabbed her sleeve and called out weakly.

"What's wrong? But just got hurt?"

Gu Zhong rarely showed his weakness, Ling Yan couldn't help but worry.

"Is this the new apprentice of Xing Xuanjun?"

Qingzhu was looking at Gu Zhong, who he hadn't noticed at all, with a hint of surprise and contempt in his eyes, and his words were hesitant.

It seems that he really doesn't want to admit the fact that Gu Zhong is Xing Xuanjun's apprentice, and in the eyes of most people, he really can't understand why Ling Yan wants to accept a waste wood as his only successor.

The world always likes to judge others by their own standards.

Ling Yan only nodded vaguely in response to Qingzhu's inquiry.

Anyone with discernment can see how precious she is to this apprentice.

"Master, I'm fine."

Gu Zhong was so embarrassed by her touch that he blushed and pushed her away in a hurry.

"When we meet for the first time, there is nothing good to give. These scales are the reverse scales of the East Sea Flood Dragon, so it should be a gift."

Jiaolong inverse scales are an excellent material for casting immortal artifacts. Back then, in order to slaughter that Flood Dragon, Shang Yinmen suffered a heavy loss. Qingzhu took out a piece of scale at will and gave it away. This gift was also considered a precious gift.

Gu Zhong looked at the scales, looked at the green bamboo, and finally fixed his eyes on Ling Yan's face, as if asking if he should accept it.

Ling Yan didn't expect Qingzhu to be so generous, and turned around to please him, but this gift was given to Gu Zhong, and she had no right to say anything.

However, Qingzhu's move also reminded her that since she brought Gu Zhong by her side, instead of throwing people to the sword spirit to practice, she pulled out a spirit sword. Looking for medicinal herbs to reshape the spirit root, it is indeed ignoring other aspects.

I haven't bought any spiritual artifact, fairy artifact, armor or protective gear. It's her master's disqualification, but this inverse scale is quite suitable for refining.

"It seems that when Qingzhu Jun accepts his apprentice, I have to back up the gift."

As soon as these words come out, it means that Ling Yan has accepted this favor.

"Wherever it is, it's just a mere scale, and Xingxuan-jun doesn't have to take it to heart."

Qingzhu was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly pretended to be modest and indifferent.

"Thank you for the gift from Qingzhu Jun."

Knowing that Ling Yan owes Qingzhu a favor, she pays attention to her intuition, but she has to bite the bullet and thank her.

Seeing that Qingzhu-jun gave Xingxuan-jun a welcome gift to the useless apprentice, the other people in the Yinmen were not able to express any more. Whether they were willing or forced, they all took out some pockets The treasures were given to Gu Zhong.

For a while, Gu Zhong received a full of gifts, she had never been treated like this in her life. Be the center of the crowd, where the crowd is focused.

She also experienced for the first time what kind of benefits she could get in the name of Xing Xuanjun's disciple.

No matter how much you look down on it, you have to be flattering.

However, Gu Zhong was not happy, following Ling Yan with such an identity and status, he would never be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with her and stand at the same level as her.

Compete? Gu Zhong was taken aback by the thought that suddenly popped into his mind, how could he have such an unrealistic fantasy.

Even if she is fortunate enough to restore her spiritual roots, how can Ling Yan catch up with her current state? Gu Zhong has never been confident in his own talents.

But there is one thing she really understands, she wants to stay with Ling Yan all the time.

Seeing the green bamboo chatting and chatting with Ling Yan, Gu Zhong approached Ling Yan unhappily, trying to draw her attention back to himself.

Perceiving the little apprentice's deliberate approach, Ling Yan cast her gaze on Gu Zhong again as she expected.

"Master, I'm a little dizzy..."

Showing an innocent and uncomfortable expression, Gu Zhong acted on his own, ignoring the surprise or contempt of others - after all, I have never heard of a monk who could faint in a flying boat of.

Although Ling Yan also found it strange, but because of her tolerance and doting on the bottom line, she was only worried.

"Take this dew and rest for a while."

He took out the meditation dew that ordinary cultivators may never see in a lifetime and gave it to the apprentice as a soothing potion, Ling Yan was also the first.

Her move once again aroused surprise and envy of everyone towards Gu Zhong, and Qingzhu's estimation of Gu Zhong has reached a new level.

After drinking the dew with a well-behaved appearance, Gu Zhong boldly and arrogantly hugged Ling Yan's arm, leaned on her shoulder and closed his eyes.

The moment Gu Zhong leaned against her, Ling Yan froze, her heart throbbed suddenly, and then she jumped wildly in disbelief.

The whole person starts to emit heat from the inside, but the surface has to make a calm attitude.

"Star Swirl..."

Qingzhu wanted to say something.


Putting her index finger between her lips, Ling Yan's eyes fell on the face that often appeared in dreams at that time, unconsciously rubbing the starlight and Tianhe into it, mixed with endless tenderness, all sprinkled on her Beloved.

Qingzhu kept silent, and no one on the flying boat dared to speak again. There was silence, only the flying boat swept past the whistling airflow and the occasional sound of thunderstorms in the distance.

The journey is stable and there are no accidents.

The flying boat with the disciples of Shangyinmen and two guests arrived at the entrance of Tianleijing.

The disciples of the Xingxiang Sect who were lost by accident also arrived, and they mixed with other disciples of the Immortal Sect, chatting with each other boredly.

Some people waited for boredom, and even opened a stall to exchange the materials for the spiritual tools they needed, and a good entrance to the secret realm seemed to become a small mutual market.

Gu Zhong also "woke up" at the right time. For the first time, she thanked herself for her qi training, so that no matter how weak she was, she could also attract the most attention and attention from Ling Yan. care.

The one who presided over this secret realm was Qingzhu. After getting off the flying boat, he didn't have any more time to continue arguing with Lingyan, but Gu Zhong heaved a sigh of relief.

"The situation of this secret situation is unknown, and it may be very dangerous. Ah Zhong, you must follow me closely."

Seeing that the gap in the horizon is gradually expanding under the spell of the fairy family, all the fairy gates are ready to go, and the time of entry is coming, Ling Yan exhorted again.

"I will never leave."


The entrance crack suddenly exploded, and a dazzling light shone out. Ling Yan grabbed Gu Zhong's hand and jumped into it.