MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 98 The upstart CEO and the down-and-out daughter (4)

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"Furthermore, it would be best if this matter can be concluded today."

Seeing a shaky mood in Gu Zhong's eyes, Ling Yan hit the railroad while it was hot.

After all, Inspector Wang can't always protect his concerns. Today, he came forward to shock and mediate, and let the third brother consciously propose a mitigation plan. tried.

"Miss Gu, Miss Ling's character is guaranteed, you don't have to worry about it."

Inspector Wang also persuaded, he thought Gu Zhong was worried about entering another fire pit.

She doesn't believe that there are any philanthropists who don't want anything, be it fame or fortune, there is always something they can get.

What's more, Gu Zhong thinks that he is alone and has nothing worthy of others' conspiracy. Ling Yan's actions are beyond her cognition, and it makes her even more afraid to accept this inexplicable kindness.

"Miss Ling, why are you helping me like this?"

Exiting the doubts in her heart, Gu Zhong stared at Ling Yan firmly, as if she wanted to identify her true purpose from the emotional changes on her face.

"Xu Shi looked at Miss Gu and closed her eyes, so she wanted to help.

Besides, this difficulty is only temporary. With Miss Gu's ability, it's only time to make a comeback. "

Ling Yan said it sincerely, every word came from the bottom of his heart.

However, to Gu Zhong, it was all bullshit, not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Seeing the poor beggars on the roadside, he did good deeds casually. It is a huge sum of money that cannot be underestimated.

Furthermore, Gu Zhong knows that she is just a young novice who only knows how to talk on paper not long after graduating from school. She is intrigued in the shopping mall, she herself is not sure that she can return to the Gu family, and how can outsiders judge ?

These are not all valid reasons.

"Miss Ling, I have never believed in pie falling from the sky."

Gu Zhong held back his inner struggle and still blocked.

Although Ling Yan's help can directly solve the money gang, it will end a huge hidden danger.

But there is a saying that makes sense, all things that seem to be free have hidden prices.

No price, just happens to be the most expensive.

Gu Zhong couldn't believe any gift.

After Gu Zhong said this, Ling Yan instantly understood Gu Zhong's core idea.

Maybe it is because he grew up in a merchant family in this life, and he believes in only transactions, and transactions with clear quotations can make Gu Zhong feel at ease.

Sighing slightly, Ling Yan turned her head and smiled apologetically at Qian Qian Gang and Inspector Wang.

"Sorry, I have to ask a few people to wait for a while, so that I can talk to Miss Gu alone."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yan pulled Gu Zhong and walked into a nearby private room, leaving the restless third brother stomping his feet outside, and the helpless Inspector Wang.

"Miss Gu, seems full of concerns and doesn't trust me?"

Ling Yan asked softly, but her tone was full of affirmation.

"Sorry, thank you Miss Ling for your kindness, I can't trust others. To me, this is too incredible."

Gu Zhong sincerely apologized.

Sighed, Ling Yan was a little at a loss, she never expected that the initial setback would happen to Gu Zhong.

Seeing Gu Zhong's appearance, if she didn't come up with a reason enough to convince her, she would definitely not accept help without reason.

"It's hard to say..."

Silence for a moment, brewing a good mood, Ling Yan had to use her whole life acting skills to start a play of her whims.

"I fell in love with Miss Gu at first sight."

It was almost with the determination to die that Ling Yan said these words.

Except for interests, only emotion is the best motivation and the most reasonable reason to drive a person to lose their minds.

In this life, Ling Yan is ready to act only as a qualified guardian.

So it doesn't matter how Gu Zhong feels about her, as long as it can actually help Gu Zhong, she will try as much as possible.

Seems to be taken aback by Ling Yan's sudden confession, Gu Zhong was unable to react for a while, and was stunned in place.

"Miss Ling, what does this mean?"

"Maybe Miss Gu will find this feeling a bit strange, but this is indeed the reason why I do it - I don't want Miss Gu to live so hard."

While talking, Ling Yan's brows were already filled with affection and sorrow, as if she was really an infatuated person who was sincerely worried for her sweetheart.

"The feeling—not surprising—"

Gu Zhong, who has been studying in country M for many years, is well-informed and knowledgeable. Even on Hong Kong Island, there is actually no shortage of same-sex affairs among wealthy families.

Gu Zhong really doesn't have any bad feelings about things like this, but he didn't expect to face a woman's confession one day, and suddenly he felt a little helpless.

"Miss Gu is not disgusted with such feelings?"

Gu Zhong, who knows this world, is not disgusted by the feelings between the same sex, even if he has decided not to talk about feelings in this world, Ling Yan still has a little bit of joy in his heart.

"Yes, everyone has the right to like anyone."

For fear of seeing Ling Yan's emotional hurt, Gu Zhong quickly expressed his supportive attitude.

"Miss Gu, I know that pursuing a person is not something that can be achieved overnight - but at this moment, I think that Miss Gu can accept my kindness mercifully, just take pity on my suitor. "

Afraid that Gu Zhong would feel uncomfortable because of this sudden confession, Ling Yan spoke witty things as much as possible.

However, Gu Zhong was still a little overwhelmed.

Ling Yan's confession made her behavioral motives fully explained, and also allowed Gu Zhong, as the pursued, to accept her kindness with peace of mind.

However, she pays attention to good upbringing, so that she is not able to grab benefits without caring about the feelings of others.

Since you have accepted it, there must be feedback.

The pursuer and the pursued should never be a unilateral relationship.

What's more unexpected is that she didn't feel any ill will towards Ling Yan's confession and actions, instead she had a faint expectation.

If this person is replaced by Ling Yan, Gu Zhong thinks that this is not impossible, and he will feel pity and soft-hearted.

"Miss Ling, you are still too careful."

After a moment of quiet contemplation, Gu Zhong suddenly laughed out loud, which made Ling Yan feel a little inexplicable. She wondered what she was thinking.

"If you say you want to take care of me with your status and status, I'm afraid I have to agree to my current situation.

It is really cute to pursue the appearance so carefully. "

"Miss Gu is joking. Young Master Yang's embarrassed appearance is vivid in my mind today. Besides, saying that is really not respectful enough. I don't think I should treat the people I like like this."

Ling Yan couldn't help but feel embarrassed about Gu Zhong's teasing, as if she had lost the dominance of words in an instant, so she could only lead her away with Gu Zhong.

"Miss Ling, why don't we sign an agreement."

Gu Zhong leaned lazily on the door, showing a relaxed posture all over his body, as if he had let go of his guard and began to show his trust.

"What protocol?"

Seeing Gu Zhong's appearance, Ling Yan became vigilant, feeling like a prey who consciously stepped into the trap.

When Gu Zhong and Ling Yan walked out of the private room together, they had already reached a certain tacit understanding.

"Miss, I don't know if it's settled yet?"

The third brother came forward with a smile and couldn't wait to ask.

"Give-what about IOUs?"

Ling Yan raised his hand and handed the cheque he was thinking about to his nose.

The third brother took the check and squinted for a moment in the dim light of the corridor, then handed it to a younger brother beside him, who immediately went down, seemingly to confirm whether the check was Really can deliver.

"All IOUs are here."

The document bag wrapped in kraft paper finally fell into Ling Yan's hands, and she handed it over to Gu Zhong.

In front of everyone, Gu Zhong opened the file bag and began to check and confirm the information inside.

This is a necessary procedure, and the money gang did not leave immediately, but waited patiently in place.

If a gang wants to gain a foothold, it must have some credit in doing business.

"Is it all here?"

After counting, Gu Zhong asked again.

"Miss Gu, don't worry, our money gang has rules, and it must be completely cleared."

At this time, the younger brother who went to confirm the check also came back and respectfully handed the check back to the third brother.


The third brother asked, and he still seemed to be in disbelief.

"It's true."

The younger brother gave a positive answer.

"Ms. Ling has such a wealth at such a young age, she is really powerful. I wonder when will she be able to come and help us with money?"

The third brother began to really evaluate the value of Lingyan, and extended a friendly olive branch.

"Thank you for your kindness, it's not necessary. It's not a person on the same road. It's better for us to walk the road."

You don't need to think about what the third brother is thinking about. Ling Yan has no interest in borrowing or lending, so he unceremoniously rejected his invitation.

The third brother smiled, not angry because of this uprightness. For some people, the status and status they have makes them have arrogant capital.

"Inspector Wang, please borrow a fire."

Gu Zhong restored the information and turned his head to ask Inspector Wang.

This kind of thing is still burnt, which is more reassuring.

Seeing the huge debt turned into ashes in the brazier, Xu was in the heart of making good friends, and the third brother finally sent a kind reminder.

"Miss Gu, please be careful. You have a lot of energy to deal with your family members."


The author has something to say:

Thank you for making money to buy the little angel's mine! mwah!

Next door "After the villain kills the protagonist", please ask for an advance~

The flag of the double shift, after all, can't stand, my speed is too slow, woohoo QAQ when can I make up the update!


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Make money to buy 1 steamed bun;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Moliyuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!