MTL - All The Male Leads Want to Eat Swan Meat-Chapter 15 Into V three in one (1)

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"Dismissal of the marriage contract." Four words, Gu Yu said after the end of a bit embarrassed, she barely gave her heart to cheer, nothing, have been small. Black. House over, still afraid of anything.

At the bottom of my heart, I kept comforting myself. On the face, she was raised in the lower jaw and looked at the cold in cold. This is her usual gesture, and even when she proposed to sever the relationship, there was no movement.

Yan Yinghan's fingertips paused, and the hot red marks made him feel less pain. Gu Yu looked at him and looked down at the broken cup, and slowly got up, could not help but guess his mind.

There was a dead silence in the air, and Gu Yu frowned and his face was cold. But I heard that Ying Ying should calm down: "Auntie, you are just too angry."

You are just too angry to say such things.

"I will let you go after the wedding tomorrow, we are still the same as before." His voice was low, and when he finally said, he looked at Gu Yu's eyes softer.

But even if he compromised like this and deceived himself, the flower of Gaoling would not appreciate it. In her eyes, disgust and indifference are the most direct emotions.

Gu Yu frowned coldly: "I mean - we cancel the marriage contract."

She repeated it again, completely ignoring the words he had just said.祁 寒 寒 心 心 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Gu Yu’s eyes still do not have him.

Why, it is clear that he is her fiancé.

Qi Yinghan palm grip, blood oozing slowly. He has never been an emotional person, even if his heart is still difficult, his face is just a cold look.

The servant had come in to clean up the floor, and he was so light that he looked at Gu Yu’s opening: "Auntie, I heard what you said."

"But I don't agree."

"You used to be with me for the family, so now, aunt, you can continue to take care of your family."


Gu Yu’s expression has changed, and some do not understand why he will mention the family at this time. But she has always been arrogant, these subtle emotions are not wavering on her cold face.

From the perspective of Qi Yinghan, he could only see that after hearing his words, Gu Yu frowned slightly.

He knows her, that is her strange expression.

She must be wondering why she knows.

This is the first time that Ying Yinghan has laughed for so long, but it is not easy to feel relaxed in the face.

The mobile phone recording does not know when the time has been played, and Gu Yi hears one of them is his own voice. This recording is exactly the same as the one that Bai Lang used to marry her.

However, where did Qi Yinghan get this from?

Seemingly knowing her doubts, the system finally explained: "After you used the tactics for Bai Lang last time, he sent the recording to Ying Yinghan."

But this description is called Gu Yu more confused.

What is the radical method, is this anti-terrorism approach not to scare him away?

Gu Yu is a bit aggressive, and these human brain circuits are amazing.

Because she was the daughter of Gaoling, she kidnapped her and casually scared him a few words. Gu Yu feels that the world is simply tired.

She thought about it, but she couldn’t swallow it. After the spit, she finally summed it up in her heart: "He is mean."

The system thought of Bai Lang’s heart activities at that time, and it was hard to be silent.

I don't know that Gu Yu didn't really grasp the key point. He Yinghan thought she had nothing to say after listening to this recording. The expression could not help but sink.

Even at this time, she did not have a touch of other emotions. No regrets, no - shocked. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know.

She is the most shocking person he has ever seen, indifferent.

Gu Yan / Jing / Zhi's side face in the light without a trace of warmth, but still beautiful and thrilling, can not help but think, she will really be moving for a person in this life.

The recording was finally over. Gu Yan’s brow slowly loosened and his voice was cold: “Since you know it, then I am still saying that the dissolution of the marriage contract is good for both of us.”

This is the second time she has raised this topic. Gu Yu feels that Ying Yinghan listened to himself and admitted the recording. He knew that he was only using him, and he was fool when he was with her.

Unexpectedly, the man just licked his lips and looked calm: "Auntie, do you know why I already knew the existence of this recording, but never mentioned it?"

He suddenly asked this question, and Gu Yu had some doubts, but she just frowned and looked at Ying Yinghan. The man was looked at with such gaze, his fingertips tightened, but he just smiled and did not answer.

Even if you say it, what about? She didn't even know that she liked her, no, it should be said that she didn't care. The 祁 眸 眸 眸 眸 微 微 微 , , , , 微 微

"Auntie, I just didn't hear the words just now. Don't make me angry again."

His voice was dull, as if he was suppressing something, listening to people shuddering.

After Ying Ying’s voice fell, she glanced at her deeply and finally turned and left. He is afraid to stay here, he can't help but hurt her.

He wants to hurt Gu Yu.

This idea is not the first time, and the pressure/destination that is in the bottom of my heart is slowly growing after being betrayed again and again, almost making him unable to restrain.

Yan Yinghan is not a heavy/satisfied person.

I don't know when to start, / prisoner / ban / can no longer let him meet. He even wants to hold Gu's waist and slam the ground - hurt her. Breaking her wings, watching her crying for mercy, watching her bow down to herself.

Those subtle hatreds and loves are mixed together, so that the eyes of the cold eye bring some blood. After closing the door, he finally released the gripped palm and threw the pieces of glass into the trash. After a long time, I returned to the cold appearance and left.

Only Ying Yinghan knows that his heart has sunk into hell, only one step, only one step, it will be completely destroyed. Gu Yu is the only introduction.

The door was relocked again. Gu Yu has some helplessness: "System, he still disagrees with what to do?"

"In the original book, the woman and the male partner are dismissed by the two parties. If you should not agree with the cold, then you will be assessed as a failure."

Gu Yu certainly knows, but in the case just now, she tried all kinds of methods, but she should not let go, what can she do?

Gu Yu thought that he had stimulated the male partner for so long, and if he could not lift the marriage contract, it would be a tragedy.

It seems to be that she saw her entanglement, the system eyes suddenly paused, smiled and said: "You may not have to be so pessimistic, not to the worst scene."

The window has a fence, the door is locked, and there is no mobile phone. Is this not the worst?

However, it seems to be thinking of something, she still holds a glimmer of hope: "Do you agree to let me open the door with wings?"

"Or if I don't quite match the temperament of Gaoling's flower, I can open it with my mouth."


What the system originally wanted to say was stuck in the mouth. Under the sincere eyes of Gu Yu, some smiled helplessly: "No, how do you think so?"

"The room in one district is of course unable to trap you, but our mission is to go to the plot."

"I mean, you may be waiting for the arrival of the man."

Seeing it directly denies his previous proposal, and Gu Yu has some pity to extinguish the seemingly moving eyes.

"Are you sure that Huo will come?"

I didn't write this in the original book. Gu Yu didn't know what he was doing here, but since the system said so, maybe I can really use it.

Gu Yu thought about it, and looked at the door and window with reluctance.

The ability of their swan is especially convenient for the demolition of the house. If the mouth and feet are used together, a villa can be used for two hours. She used to dismantle the horse cellar with the two in the park.

However, the system made Gu Yu have to give up the idea and continue to quietly keep the person in the room. In her heart, she guessed the purpose of Huo Wei's coming here. She didn't know that she had been called several times on her mobile phone.

She waited for a long time, but until noon, Huo Wei did not come.

She looked at the system suspiciously: "Are you sure he will come?"

Mr. System’s tone is unchanged: “No accidents.”

What it did not say is that after all, Huo Wei has not given up on Gu Yu, and the man is not a person who gives up, especially if he does not get it.

When his voice just fell, he heard the movement outside.

The sound of the door lock was opened, Gu Yu could not help but frown, thinking that it was gone, and Ying Han was back, and quickly switched to the cold expression.

What Huo Wei saw when he opened the door was such a scene.

The beauty of Ufa Snowy is standing in the cold and indifferent, until he hears the sound and then turns back.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Yugang spoke up and couldn't help but see the person coming.

Huo Wei.

The young man with a clear eyebrow stood at the door and saw her recognizing her lips. "The blind man, I haven't seen you for a long time."

It’s only two days, and what hasn’t happened for a long time. Although Gu Yu wanted to vomit his hypocrisy, he still resisted. Just frowning, cold and asked: "How are you here?"

Even if he has been waiting for him, but this time still has to show a trace of surprise, not to mention Gu Yu is really curious how he found it here, she does not believe that Ying Ying will take the initiative to let him in.

In fact, it really made her guess.

Qi Yinghan is not at home now, because tomorrow's wedding, he has to prepare a lot of things, left half an hour ago, and Huo Wei is taking this opportunity.

The phone was blacked out, and he only had to see Gu Yu again through this method.

Huo Wei thought about a lot of scenes to meet again, thinking that Gu Yu would be softer because of pregnancy, and all kinds of guesses in his heart were intertwined, which made him feel uneasy until he saw Gu Yu again.

She turned her back and her eyes were as high as ever.

Almost the same scene as when I met for the second time, she was still the swan, so arrogant and incomprehensible, but only one look can make people feel tumbling.

His fingertips paused and finally put on a smile: "I just came to see the blind, but did not expect - will find such interesting things."

Looking at Gu Yan's cold and chilling face, he evoked a fact from his lips: "You are / prisoner / banned."

Thank you, of course, I know that I was / prisoner / banned, and was also / prisoner / ban / for three days.

Gu Yu wanted to marry him, but given his revenge story triggered after his last slap in the face, Gu Yu felt that it was better to keep the flowers of Gaoling.

Thinking this way, she just blinked and raised her jaw: "It's none of your business."

Gaoling's flower can't bow, let alone ask for it, so even if he is thinking about letting Huo help, on the surface, Gu Yu is still proud.

She stood by the window and seemed to be more beautiful than before.

Especially in an environment like this / prison / cage. His eyes fell on the elegantly raised snow neck, and Huo's eyes were deeper. He suddenly smirked and said: "I don't want to leave?"

"I heard that you and your brother will have a wedding tomorrow." He slowly told the truth.

No one knows this better than Huo Wei. He knows that the most disgusting person like Gu Yu is the ban. Even if there was some feelings about Qi Yinghan, after being imprisoned/banned, there was nothing left.

God. Hey. How can you forgive those who want to pull her down the altar?

Even if the person is out of love, she will only feel that love/satisfaction/dirty.

Therefore, Huo Wei asked her like this. He knew that Gu Yu would definitely leave. He was waiting for her to ask her. At that time, you can ask for something that is innocuous.

He stood there waiting quietly, waiting for the man to speak, and sure enough, a minute later, Gu Yu asked coldly: "What do you want?"

Even if this is the case, Gu’s gesture is not like asking for help. She just looked cold and looked at him faintly. But it is such a move that it is enough to shudder at the fingertips.

Huo Xin knew clearly that whenever she would always be high, those who follow her thoughts or not are irrelevant, because in the end, they will kneel at her feet.

But he knows he won't be embarrassed because he has a more forbidden and jealous desire to get a swan.

She is his nephew and his swan.

Huo Wei wants to get Gu Yu, from the repression of time and again, this thought has been hidden in the bottom of my heart. Especially after the banquet of the banquet.

He knew that he could not let go.

However, to deal with such a proud swan can not come / hard /, Huo know that if you can not break the wings, then you have to draw a bigger. Prison. Cage. So big to ask her to let go, wait until want When I went out, it was already late.

So he heard himself: "It's very simple. I just want to let the donkey promise me a request. As for what this request is, I haven't thought about it yet, I will tell you if I think of it."

A request?

Gu Yu had already done a good job in the men's lord's meeting. Shame. Insult. Her preparation, but did not expect him to say so. If this problem of fuzzy boundaries is to be considered for others, then Gu Yu has no such concerns at all. Because there is nothing to promise, even if Huo Hao comes up with some bad requests, she can not do it. After all, she had already completed the task and left, he just wanted to find and could not find anyone.

She did not do the first time in the swan group to open a cheque.

Therefore, Gu Yu has completely relaxed after hearing his words. However, she is still a flower of Gaoling on the face. She frowned slightly, her eyes flashed a little cold, and finally made a decision.

The swan will never bow, so Huo Wei only saw her proudly saying: "Yes, you let me and Yu Yinghan dismiss the marriage contract, I promise you a request."

She used to let, not help.

Huo Xiaoxiao smiled and smiled, but did not correct her, just said: "Of course, the blind man rest assured."

Of course I will help you, after all... He is thinking slowly in his heart, but his eyes are always clear and calm.

It was so easy, Gu Yu was a little embarrassed after coming out of the room.

"System, are you sure that the man will not take the opportunity to retaliate against me?" she asked again.

The system is not sincere: "Of course not."

What he did not say is, how can a man retaliate against you? He just wants to press you on the bed.

But Gu Yu didn't think so much. She got a sigh of relief after getting the answer. As long as she didn't retaliate, there was only one day left. When the day was over, she immediately left and asked him what to ask.

Thinking this way, Gu Yan’s expression could not help but be more indifferent. She was really a little swan with no feelings.

The swan killer Gu Yu did not say a word on the way, Huo Wei did not have as many words as in the room, it seems that the default is normal, the car is quiet.

When the driver knows that Huo Wei is coming to Ying Han at this time, he knows that he is going to finish. When he sees Gu Yu and Huo Wei coming out together, he is playing drums.

Huo Shao, is this to tear your face with your family?

It was this time, the driver was also faintly aware of the relationship between the two, and that night saw Huo Wei holding the chest. The shape of the needle has so called his heart tremble.

Now it’s hard to think about it when I look at the two people coming out together.

Gu Yu was strangely aware that the driver sneaked at her through the rearview mirror and couldn’t help but wonder. Is there anything on her face?

After being shut down for so long, Gu Yu barely cleaned up, and when he thought about it, he was immediately amazed.

But because of the shell, Gu Yu is more skeptical, the expression on the face is more cold, her eyebrows are cold, her eyes are covered with a layer of winter frost, and the driver is no longer willing to look back.

Huo Wei looked at this scene and his eyes were deeper.

One hour after the departure of the two, Qi Yinghan received the news. At that time, he was discussing the wedding with his family. He wanted to give Gu a good wedding. Even if it was rushed, he could not be negligent.

The details of the wedding were finalized. Gu’s family was a bit strange. How to get married is such a big thing. Gu Yu has never appeared, so he asked: “Mr. Hey, why didn’t you see Auntie today?”

As early as the decision to take care of Gu Yu, Qi Yinghan had already thought about the rhetoric, so at this time it was just saying: "The wedding office is more hasty, and Auntie is now in the bridal shop, let me come over first."

He said this, everyone did not doubt anything, only if it was true. After all, Gu Yu and Qi Yinghan have always had a good relationship, and Gu Jia is also dependent on his family to survive. Naturally, he does not dare to have any opinions.

Qi Yinghan left Gu Jia after agreeing on the agreement. As soon as he returned to the car, he received a call from the nanny.

"Sir, it's not good, Miss Gu seems to have disappeared."

After Yu Yinghan left, the babysitter went out to buy food. When he came back, he found that the bedroom was always locked. The door seemed to be wrong. When I opened it, there was no one inside.

Miss Gu, who is always standing by the window, is missing her name. The babysitter has come back and quickly called Xiao Ying.

Hearing this, the hand of the cold belt buckled, and the voice cooled for the first time: "What do you say?"

"Gu, Gu missed." Although Ying Yinghan was cold and silent, but there was little anger, the nanny had never seen him so angry, and he was so scared that he quickly said things.

Quietly inside the car, Qi Yinghan clenched the phone, and the forehead was faintly beating, and it looked scary.

The door was locked, and there was no one in the house. Gu Yu could not walk alone.

He punched his fist on the steering wheel and didn't care if the blood oozing slowly.

"Huo Wei."

Huo Wei screamed out the words and his eyes were gloomy.

He looked down on him for a long time, but he still didn't give up. I don't know how long it took, but Ying Yinghan slowly lowered his eyes. He ignored the wound on his hand and only dialed a phone with his mobile phone.

The two talked for a long time, until he hang up the phone, he calmed down, but there was still a dark underside.

Gu Yu didn't know what the consequences of his departure, but the system, watching the little swan, who didn't understand anything, pushed people into the darkness step by step, and couldn't help but smile.

It often makes nerves, although Gu Yu has some doubts, but in order not to be caught, communication can not be said literature, or hold back without asking, until the car stops.

Huo Wei came to his home with Gu Yu.

Because Gu Jiahe’s family is on a line, it’s not safe to send Gu Yu home. Gu Yu also thought about this, and did not refuse Huo Wei's arrangement.

The only thing she cares about now is how to release the marriage contract.

When Huo Wei opened the door, Gu Yu looked no moving, not even curious. It seems that no matter where she is, she can be calm.

Huo Xiaoqi smiled and smiled: "Xunzi, this is your room, you live here first, I am going to cook."

Unexpectedly, Huo's home did not have any nannies, and when she heard that he said that cooking, her eyes suddenly paused, and finally just nodded.

Gu Yu was very rushed when he left, and he didn't take anything. He thought that he would go out and buy some more when he got there. He didn't expect to open the door and found everything in the room, and it was her usual brand.

"This room is quite atmospheric and everything is complete." After she looked around, she reached a conclusion.

But I don't know, this bed she was sitting on was once a night of sleep, and this is Huo's room. Out of some unknown thoughts, Huo Xiaomei calmly arranged Gu Yu into this bedroom.

After watching Gu Yujin, Huo Xiaoqi smiled and walked to the kitchen.

After half an hour, add something in the freshly prepared porridge.

Gu Yu is pregnant, this is very unpleasant. Huo Wei thought, looking at the porridge in front of her eyes calmly. He thought that Gu Yu would make some changes after pregnancy, but what is surprising is that she is still the same.

Hey, he smiled and smiled, and he couldn’t see his emotions on his face.

However, even then, this child is very unsightly.

It should not exist in this world.

The pill was gradually cooked in the porridge and there was no trace at all. Huo Wei covered the red mark on the fundus and slowly placed it on the table.

When Gu Yuzheng came out of the shower, he heard the system suddenly take the initiative to say: "Host, just something happened just now, now I have to remind you that your food seems to have some problems."

Is there a problem with the food?

Her hand rubbing her hair paused, her expression was a bit strange, and she immediately thought: "Don't the man finally decide to kill me as a braised goose?"

It wasn't until he heard the system narrate the behavior of Huo Wei, Gu Yucai frowned. "But his ability, why should I lie to me so much and then take medicine?"

Gu Yu thinks that Huo Wei is too boring.

The system hesitated for a moment, after testing the drug, he said: "However, this medicine seems to have no harm to the human body."

This is even more strange.

Huo Wei’s great expense is to give her the next thing she has eaten.

Gu Yuzheng thought, the door was knocked: "嫂子, porridge is good."

The young voice is low, different from the previous smile, and now the normal is not like, the more normal, the more problematic. Gu Yu thought that he would give the porridge the medicine. Some people didn't want to go out.

But now I still have to rely on Huo Wei to help.

After Gu Yu struggled for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and looked out the door.

Forget it, since the system says no problem, then drink it, anyway, she is going to leave, a porridge.

So before the third door was knocked, Gu Yu converted his expression and quickly took out the posture of Gaoling's flower. Her eyebrows calmly opened the door, and she saw Huo Xiaoqi's lips laughing and laughing: "Xunzi."

"Don't call me a blind man."

You have given me medicine, what is it? Gu Yu took a look at the mouth.

In just one sentence, she couldn’t hear her emotions in her tone, and Huo’s expression was paused. He thought that Gu Yu did not want to hear the name related to Ying Yinghan.

Seeing her eyes cold, the young coveted did not know what was thinking.

Really, ruthless.

Also, how is the person like her, the sand in the eyes?

Huo Wei looked at Gu Yu sitting at the table and handing the porridge to her.

"Auntie didn't eat at noon, this is what I am jealous, and the taste should be good." He changed his mouth from the good, and Gu is actually somewhat dissatisfied.

The two of them should not be so familiar yet? Auntie, shouldn’t you call Miss Gu?

She thought like this, and her eyes were clearly expressed. The cold eyes of the swan made Huo’s throat itch. He groaned and whispered: "We are now standing on a line, and Miss Gu is a little rusty."

What he didn't say was that he used to kiss her like that. Her lips were dyed with bright colors, how can she call Miss Gu?

Gu Yu did not know that he was thinking about this in his heart.

In her opinion, the kiss was only because she had beaten Huo, and he had to humiliate her. After all, for the flower of Gaoling, the most unbearable thing is that it is touched by people.

She frowned, did not refute Huo's words, only after drinking a porridge, asked: "When are you ready to do it?"

"The wedding is on tomorrow, and it is still early to cancel the marriage contract."

Gu Yu thought that his task was a bit embarrassing, and finally walked through the previous plot, and the last step, but must not go wrong.

This kind of performance is seen in the eyes of Huo Wei, who can't wait to get along with him. His light was a little deeper, and his lips and smiles remained the same: "Auntie, don't worry, you will finish your meal before you say it."

He moved the spoon and even picked it up and fed it.

The distance between the two remained at a relatively safe limit, except that Huo Wei fed her.

Gu Yu blinked, this reminds me that there is actually a medicine in this bowl of porridge. What is it. Medicine. Is Huo Hao so persistent? Gu Yu is a bit strange, but in this case, she is not allowed to drink.

In my heart, I made a decision. Gu Yu lowered his eyes and pretended not to know what was in the porridge, or to drink.

She was used to being greeted, and did not feel that there was any problem with such a move. Just thinking in my heart, the man may not be willing to send her on the road.

The system heard her voice and couldn't help but smile: "You forgot that I said that this porridge is not harmful to people?"

It is so comforting that it is the balance of Gu Yu’s heart.

If a bowl of porridge is half-drinked, Gu Yu can't drink it. She frowned slightly, opened the spoon that Huo Hao handed over, and said coldly: "The rice is also eaten, and the conditions promise you. I hope Huo Shao will not eat."

The two had been together for a long time, and the atmosphere was quiet and warm, but it was interrupted by this sentence. Huo Wei had some pity, because he suddenly felt that it was very interesting to even feed Gu Yu.

Looking at her a little bit of smoke, the slender snow neck is hanging down like a swan that is only foraging, elegant and beautiful.

This is the first time that Huo Wei did not bring any / desire / color to think of Gu Yu, and my heart gradually filled with a wonderful feeling. He slowly realized that only looking at these two words would fit his heart.

What she does, arrogance or indifference, even simple actions, but every place can call his heart.

This feeling is very wonderful, Huo Shuguang flashed, some regretted the hand, looking at the beauty of the black hair in front of the face: "Auntie assured, I promised things, will do it."

Moreover, that was also what he was going to do.

The child has now been resolved, then it is time to solve another thing.

After a meal, the meal was finished. Gu Yu was not interested in living in a room with Huo Wei. After being guaranteed, he turned into the room. Huo Wei looked at her back and was not angry, just smiled lightly.

Premature exposure of the minions will run the swan, Gu Ru's ruthlessness and indifference are both advantages and disadvantages, because she can never detect his true mind.

She misunderstood that she was playing her.

Misunderstanding that I helped her to win the business of her family.

This is very good, at least, she will not guard against him, he can carefully put away the minions and slowly weave a net for her.

After all, capturing a swan is the most patient thing. Once it is unsuccessful, it will completely lose her, such as 祁 寒 寒.

Huo Xiao smiled and looked at the phone.

The news that Qi Yinghan was going to get married has been released for a day. The big and small families in A city have received this news. The family has long been engaged in marriage, and the final step is now a matter of course.

But what everyone didn't think was that the bride was missing at this time.

Few people know about this matter, except those who are sent out to look for Gu Yu. Qi Yinghan waited for a long time in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, but there was no movement on the phone.

Gu Yu walked clean, did not take away the same thing here, and even her mobile phone did not take away, as if she had never stayed here.

Qi Yinghan coughed and his brows wrinkled. Finally in the afternoon, the secretary knocked on the door.

"Is there a trace of Auntie?" he asked without lifting his head.

Although the speculation is that Huo Wei took away Gu Yu, there is no evidence after all. This is why Ying Yinghan has not waited to go to Huo's home here.

His voice was low and faint, and the secretary was hesitant for a long time. He finally said: "Hey, I didn't find it."

"But just now, the company's front desk received an email saying that it was for you."

This sentence finally called Qi Yinghan back.

He frowned and took the e-mail and signaled the secretary to go out first.

It’s just an ordinary email, but at this time, it seems a bit strange. He should be chilled and sinking, suppressing the bad feelings of the silk, and slowly opening the cover.

Inside is an agreement, the black font is very eye-catching - the marriage contract is lifted.

It was an agreement drafted by a professional lawyer, and someone signed it in the lower right corner. Look at the familiar font, and the fingertips paused.

Gu Yu.

He read her name and almost thought of what she had signed and mailed to him on the agreement. Even after receiving the agreement, he should understand that he had no accidents.

Because his aunt is such a person.

She even dared to break up in front of him, how could she not dare to send this to him. Just she, why do you think he will sign?

After Ying Yinghan finished the agreement, when he saw the final documents and photos, he had a result in his heart.

It turned out to be the case.

This is the card that Huo Wei left before sending this agreement. He is not afraid that he will not sign. Behind the document is evidence of his illegal detention in the past few days, one by one.

If you tell the court, even if he does not want to, the marriage contract must be lifted.

Qi Yinghan did not know if this was Huo Wei’s handwriting, or – Gu Yu’s meaning. He coveted the paper, and the blue ribs on the knuckles were horrible.

Whether she really hates him to this point, even a relationship is not willing to tie him.

The office was quiet for a few minutes, and the atmosphere of the forced/squeaky atmosphere made people breathless. Qi Yinghan grabbed the agreement and looked expressionless. After a long time, he picked up the phone again.


The secretary thought that there was something to tell, and he quickly sat up straight, but he listened to the man on the phone and said with a word: "The notice goes on, tomorrow's wedding is not necessary."

"Then... send a message to the big families, and the marriage contract is lifted."

When he finished, he hung up the phone. Some of the secretaries did not respond. The marriage and marriage contract were lifted. But isn’t it always ready? How suddenly did you want to lift it?

He is a bit strange in his heart, but he can only do it as required.

The news quickly caused an uproar in the circle, no matter who notified the marriage a day before, but now there is no warning sign of the dissolution of the marriage, it will be curious. What's more, it is the people like Ying Ying and Gu Yu.

Some people speculated that Qi Yinghan had fallen out with Gu Yu, but no one thought of Huo Wei.

This wedding that is of concern is like a farce. He should be sitting in the office with a calm face, but the calmer, the more shocking. He eventually called Huo Wei.

The phone rang a few times and was connected. After Huo Wei’s silence, he slowly said: “I have been waiting for you for a long time.” His voice is as usual, and Ying Ying’s eyes are dark, or ask: “Auntie is by your side? ”

No one knows what Ying Yinghan is thinking now. Huo Wei listened to the sound of the bathroom and chuckled: "She is taking a shower now." Even if she knew it was intentional, the man on the phone couldn't help but clench his palm.

He should have licked his lips, and it took a long time to sink his voice: "I have signed the agreement. However, you told Auntie that she must come in person."

"Otherwise, even if there is such evidence, I will not compromise."

His request for Huo Wei certainly could not be promised, but Gu Yu has already come out.

The semi-wet black hair was scattered on the shoulders, and the white-skinned beauty walked barefoot on the blanket and walked out.

Huo's eyes stopped and the words stopped.

Because Gu Yu is now, it is not the same as usual.

It is clear that the eyebrows are cold and the posture is arrogant, but the snow neck that is raised is a little pink.

She is barefoot, as if with some kind of secret. Forbidden. Avoid. People can't help but hold up one inch and one inch.

This is a scene he has never seen before, and it is more shocking than the one at Bailang’s home. Because even with such a gesture, Gu Yu’s eyes are still cold and proud.

Huo Wei’s throat rolled slightly, and after hearing the sound of the warning of the cold, he whispered to the phone:

"She is out."

Gu Yu feels that she is a little floating.

The floor in front of me seems to have turned into a lush green lawn, and I have returned to the lake in the park. She struggled to spread her wings and flew to the shore, not knowing what to do.

The system witnessed her kicking her shoes, and her feet were strange, and she couldn’t help but frown.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy