MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3152 Send the doctor again

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Yes, Zhang Yonglin is now in Li Huailin’s room. The main reason is that Zhang Yonglin received an alarm. This alarm signal is of course made by Li Huailin. It was not an accident before. Li Huailin said that he would install a device for life monitoring. Of course, this device is still very simple. In fact, it is only necessary to disassemble the original game compartment. One down and then installed on the one made by myself, Li Huailin took a little time, and then debugged it, actually realized most of the functions.

Yes, there are some functions that have not been tried. If you have a general game bin, if you have any problems with your body, you will also hear the system prompts inside the game, but Li Huailin is not working, yes and The game is connected internally. Li Huailin researched for a while and found that it can't be done in a short time, but direct external links, it is very simple to detect the body and vital signs, because this machine is originally this function, even without this game bin, it has this function, only But now it's just installed on the game bin.

Then you said that you can't remind me of any use. It doesn't matter if you can detect it anyway. Li Huailin will help people to watch it. As for the person who is watching, of course, Zhang Yonglin who lives downstairs, who let him live downstairs. So I also put an emergency contact number on Zhang Yonglin's side. Anyway, if there is any situation, I will call Zhang Yonglin automatically.

So Zhang Yonglin just got a call, and then immediately came up. When I saw the above situation, I was shocked. You know, this time Li Huailin not only blew the blood of the place, but also people were directly unconscious.

Yes, when Zhang Yonglin came up, Li Huailin was directly fainting on the chair, and there was a blood spread next to him. How to see how scary, of course, the game is also because of this, there is no brain wave, of course, the game here is the default. quit.

Zhang Yonglin was also shocked. He quickly went to see the situation. When he looked at it, he began to call Li Huailin to see if the other party could restore his consciousness. Then he used the mobile phone to contact the people in the bureau. As a result, he did not expect that he was on the phone. At the time, Li Huailin actually woke up directly.

"Where, you are still alive, back to the light?" Zhang Yonglin breathed a sigh of relief, and then could not help but make a joke.

"Rely on..." Li Huailin looked at his current situation and then looked at the big pool of blood on his clothes and his hands. He probably guessed what was going on. "Md doesn't need to be liberated every time." Let's make such a big move, how long have I been in a coma?"

"I don't know, I will look like it for 3 minutes." Zhang Yonglin said.

"Fortunately." Li Huailin nodded. It would be a bit exaggerated to be in a coma like a party on the other side of the sky. However, if he saw that his blood had not dried up, he guessed that he would not have been in a coma for a long time. But now Li Huailin feels that his brain hurts when he thinks about it. The head is really very dizzy, and then it seems that he is more dizzy with his brain.

"How are you?" I noticed that Li Huailin’s expression was not very good. Zhang Yongli immediately asked, “Heavily? Is it still a pain? Is there any problem? I have already contacted the ambulance here.”

"Uncomfortable..." Li Huailin thought about it and didn't know how to describe it. He didn't bother to say it. He said something uncomfortable, then pointed his finger slightly. "Dizziness, I tnd... go to the toilet first..."

Yes, Li Huailin’s halo has already vomited, and then the body is full of blood, but I can’t help but want to go to the toilet to clean it, so I’m not worried about Zhang Yonglin’s block here, but I’m getting up and swaying. Inside the toilet, there was a vomiting sound soon.

Zhang Yonglin did not follow up, although he was a little worried, but there was no big problem in hearing the sound. Of course, at this time, the call of the jade emperor was also coming, just when Zhang Yonglin was at the door.

"Summon Jade Emperor? I am Li Huailin's neighbor Zhang Yonglin. There is something wrong here. Are you in a hurry? If you are not in a hurry, say it later." Zhang Yonglin also looked at the name displayed on Li Huailin's mobile phone and replied. Of course, he summoned the Jade Emperor. He knows. After all, Li Huailin’s information has basically been investigated. Of course, a few friends in Li Huailin’s game also know it.

"What happened to that?" summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Oh... in short, it’s a little urgent, I will talk about it later." Zhang Yonglin thought about it or not, and now it really has no time, because he has heard the sound of the ambulance downstairs, it is the first time. He contacted the bureau. Of course, he heard the situation of Li Huailin and immediately prepared an ambulance. It took a few minutes.

"I don't have it here too..." Summoning the Jade Emperor wanted to talk about the situation here, but it was too late, and Zhang Yonglin had no time to explain too much and hang up the phone directly.

"Let's go, the ambulance is coming, can you go down? If you can't, then they will take the stretcher to lift you up." Zhang Yonglin said directly at the door knocking on the toilet.

"Yes." Li Huailin also walked out of the toilet. The body was slightly cleaned. Of course, the clothes were still bloody, and the rubbing could not be wiped off, but the hands were washed and just spit for a while. I feel a little more comfortable, but the head is still very dizzy, it seems that I still have to go to the hospital.

"No, how do you play this game? How can you play this game?" Zhang Yonglin couldn't help but say.

"How do I know how to play games can be like this." Li Huailin, of course, immediately said, "Don't worry, I am dizzy, go to the hospital first."

Just talking about it, the medical staff here also came up from the downstairs. Seeing that Li Huailin was still standing, the medical staff here was obviously relieved. Yes, they knew the goods. The guy came to their hospital last time. The whole process is accompanied by high officials. You said that everyone has this treatment. It is estimated that the children of the big family who come to the emperor are not low. Fortunately, it seems that there is no problem now, otherwise they are afraid of being implicated.

The doctor at the scene quickly gave Li Huailin a simple check to see if there were any major problems, what went wrong, and asked Li Huailin a little, then checked the eyes, throat, bleeding nose and the like, then obviously It was a little relieved: "Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but I still have to check it out in detail, can I leave? Or use a stretcher?"

"I can go." Although Li Huailin is a little dizzy, but does not want to be directly carried out by people, has not yet reached that point. So it was also the support of the two doctors here, and soon came to the ambulance downstairs, and then the car was quickly launched, went to the xs First People's Hospital.

On the other side of the game, summoning the Jade Emperor to think about it, did not continue to call Li Huailin's phone, but entered the game again, and then talked about the current situation with each side of the sky.

"There was something going on? What happened?" asked each other.

"I don't know, but it still looks very anxious." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "I won't let the guy faint like you."

"..." Days did not speak, but I also felt that there was such a possibility. After all, I experienced it once, so I still believe it. If I don’t experience it myself, who would believe that playing a game can be fainted, you play this game. Still want to continue to operate.

But now the problem is coming. What is the situation here? If Li Huailin faints, how is this still moving? Everyone thinks about it a little, and I understand it. Yes, although Li Huailin may have passed out, but in the setting of this game, even if you are in the battle state, even if you directly retire the game, it will not disappear immediately. It will only enter the temporary state, and the temporary state is the person standing in the original. In the state where nothing was done, Li Huailin did not seem to have moved before, but the problem is that if he is temporarily out of the state, he will not release any skills, but the damage here is still going on. What happened?

Yes, the other side of the day is still fighting Li Huailin. His seal is really unable to withstand Li Huailin’s attack. The other side’s attack is getting more and more fierce. Almost a blow can destroy his enchantment, but now there is no way. Everyone in the sky can only destroy one layer and quickly build another layer, so they drag the other side. It is true that each party does not know how long it can last. Although the skill of making enchantment does not seem to consume magic, but each side knows what it is, and whether it can be released all the time. The other side is getting more and more powerful, and the time that the enchantment on your side can withstand is also getting shorter and shorter, so it will not work.

"How is it?" The dream here is also a little anxious to ask.

"If you look at it now, there is only one way to do it." Heaven and the other side thought about it and said, "Let's stick to the situation for 6 minutes."

"Ha?" Dreams are so arrogant, what is the ghost for six minutes?

What each side of the day said is actually a temporary departure time. The longest time is 15 minutes. If the person does not come back in 15 minutes, it will really go offline. It’s been nine minutes since the situation appeared before. If Li Huailin is really leaving here, it will be automatically offline after six minutes. It should be fine.

Each side of the day has no energy and dreams to explain. In the current situation, he must also remain concentrated. Six minutes should be able to pass.