MTL - Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates-Chapter 18 Lin Jiashuangshu

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In addition to the Li family and the able-bodied guild paying attention to Lin Xuan, the principal of Dongning No. 2 Middle School also hesitated about Lin Xuan.

In the early hours of the morning, the light in the office of Dongning No. 2 Middle School was still on. The principal looked at the group messages on his mobile phone, and his expression was sometimes ugly and sometimes disdainful.

Teacher Lin and his crooked melon cracked jujube, this is a group name, changed after high school graduation, although it is written crooked melon cracked jujube, but in fact everyone in it can say something in their own field, and today, It was the principal's special session, which originated from a "message for help" sent by Mr. Lin.

There are not a few people in the group who are principals, there are five.

He is the principal of Dongning No. 2 Middle School, as well as the principal of Chuanfu No. 1 Middle School, the principal of Imperial City No. 5 Middle School, the principal of Qinghai No. 7 Middle School, and the principal of Modu No. 3 Middle School.

Mosan Little Crooked Gua: Wow, in a blink of an eye, Mr. Lin's granddaughter is all in high school. Mr. Lin wants to find high-level defense talent students, so I'll go see if there are any.

Qingqi Xiaochazao: Hey, teacher, look, this little trash Sangua doesn't care about the students. The students in my school actually have to go to see them. Tsk tsk, Mr. Lin, I have an S-level defensive talent. of students, do not know…

Princess Diwu: Dare to pull out S-level talent? I know a little about the teacher. Our little niece is not bad. She is a SS-level base, not to mention S-level. Besides, Teacher Lin is now the principal of Diyi, and she is still worse than an S-level talent student?

Panda No. 1: I have two guardians with S+ talent, who have been confirmed by the child.

Magic Three Little Crooked Gua: I'm back, no, the school's highest A+ talent guardian. (dog head) (dog head)

Qingqi Xiaochazao: Isn't there another one? @dongning second child, does your school have any!

Dongning's second child: There is one, he said it is S+, but according to the video, it is not only S+, but it is difficult to judge how much.

Magic Three Little Crooked Melon: ? ? ?

Qingqi small cracked jujube:! !

Princess Diwu: The second child is up? ? ?

Panda No. 1: The video, the video speaks!

System: Dongning's second child uploaded a video.

After three seconds, the system showed that 42 people had watched the video.

There are 42 people in the whole class plus one teacher Lin, a total of 43 people, and the principal of Dongning No. 2 Middle School who uploaded the video naturally does not need to watch it again.

About half an hour later.

Teacher Lin: This child's talent level is SS base. I'm not sure how high it is. The skeleton warrior's attack is too low, and they can't break defense. The damage calculation formula is not accurate. Thank you, Xiao Song, for your trouble. . @dongning second child

Magic Three Little Crooked Gua: The teacher is here, the front row is listening to the class.

Qingqi Xiaochazao: The teacher is here, the front row is listening to the class.

A whole lot of diving fish was blown out.

The second ring road of the imperial capital, a large courtyard, Lin Qingming took off his eyes and pressed the Qingming acupoint with his hand.

Recently, there have been a lot of things in the Lin family, but the biggest one is Lin Zhenyue. The two little princesses of Lin Zhenxing have awakened SS+ talents. Both of them are cherished beast-fighting talents, but because of the different talent bonuses, they are also positioned for each other. different.

Lin Zhenyue, SS+ level beast mastering talent, increases the elemental attack skills of beast masters by 50%, and has a certain probability to make master beasts comprehend super magic specialties.

Lin Zhenxing, SS+ level Beast Master talent, Beast Master Healing skill increases by 50%, and there is a certain probability that the Master Beast will comprehend the Super Magic Specialty.

There are still two monster-beast augmentation talents that are extremely terrifying. The Lin family is both happy and worried, not the safety of the two little girls, but the development of the two of them.

Generally speaking, a team of three is formed, one defending, one attacking and one assisting, but now Lin Zhenyue is the ultimate attacker, Lin Zhenxing is a terrifying assistant, and the remaining guardian, even if he cannot help, Can't hold back either.

But it is just this small request, the high schools of all sizes in the imperial capital, the excellent high school students' materials have been placed in front of him, the first principal of the emperor, and the best one is the guardian of SS-level talent, the demon The ultimate injury reduction, only awakened for a day, and already got the A-level evaluation of the low-level copy of the yellow order.

If nothing else, the Lin family Shuangshu's team partner should be him.

However, there was still an accident. He saw a video sent by his former students. In the video, the guardian carried the attack of the skeleton warrior without any pressure. The skeleton warrior did not even break the defense. Moreover, his talent naturally With retaliation.

SS-level talent is the base, and it may even be SS+-level talent!

This is the evaluation given by an old teacher who has been teaching for more than 40 years.

"It seems that the two of them have to go to Dongning City..."

The old man closed the book and walked out of the study slowly.

The next morning, Lin Xuan woke up feeling refreshed without knowing anything.

It is this small room facing the north that is really uncomfortable to live in. Not to mention the lack of sunlight, the room is still small. If it wasn't for a few extra dollars, I wouldn't choose this room.

But Lin Xuan himself did not expect that he could make money so quickly.

"Find a time to move out, and leave this place for those in need."

After opening the personal card, Lin Xuan glanced at the fatigue value. Yes, he has recovered two points for each template. Today, he can... Let's take some time to practice basic skills.

With four books a day, the donkeys in the production team dare not do this!


The ability person certificate card that was processed yesterday received information from the auction house. UU Reading

"Hello, dear sir, the lot you provided will be auctioned at the auction at 9 o'clock tonight. I don't know if you have time to come. If you can't come, please keep in touch with us when your lot is auctioned. , to make sure it's the card you need."

A notification message is also an invitation letter.

Today's events, let me think about it too much, professional card exchange, skill training, next book, well, there are not many things, then I will see it when I see it, anyway, it is in Baibaolou.

"Lin Xiaoran, is breakfast ready?"

The first thing I did when I woke up was to run over to look for Lin Xiaoran. This guy has been in charge of the orphanage's meals since the sixth grade of elementary school.

"come in."

On the table, breakfast was already laid out, porridge made with Lingmi, ordinary mustard, buns stuffed with spiritual meat, and a stack of fried yellow buds. Not to mention, it tasted really good.

Lin Xuan hurriedly drank three bowls of porridge, and Lin Xiaoran drove Lin Xuan out with a dark face, "Hurry up, pack up, and prepare to go to school."

In the first lesson, the head teacher stood on the podium and looked around, "Today is the beginning of your high school **** career, because you have to die once a day, if you are afraid and don't want to go to the copy, tell me now, this is you The last chance, otherwise, there will be no chance in hell!"

Three seconds later, "Very good, there are no cowards in our class. From now on, we will have two hours of physical training, skill training and team running-in every morning, and another two hours of school copy experience. As for the afternoon, you can arrange your own training, or Come to me to arrange, understand!"


"Now go to the playground and run ten laps, fast."