MTL - Am I A Superman?-Chapter 417 Return

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You say it's too late now! "

Greer glared at her mother and Diana. She stood behind Li Ya, put her hands lightly on Li Ya's back, and said, "Go, boy, now I order you, kill Dai Anna! "

Anyone who is hit by the anti-life equation must either obey the user's order or die.

But Li Ya's brain was so sober that he didn't want to execute Greer's orders, so no matter how the anti-life formula rammed into his body, he remained motionless.

"How is it possible!" Greer froze, turning to look at Li Ya, his eyes were incredible.

"Greer, stop!"

Milina Black yelled, trying to stop her daughter's behavior, "Now Daxside is dead, our mission is over!"

"No! Mother, it's all over!"

Greer yelled and stretched out his hand, gaining control over the anti-life equation.

However, on Li Ya's body, the scarlet flames burned wildly, at the same time, Li Ya's whole body was walking with silver lightning.

It's the power of Divine Force that resists the anti-life equation.

In the infinite crisis, there is an effect that the rapid power reverses the anti-life equation.

Greer himself is not more powerful than Li Ya, so under the intervention of the rapid force, Greer could not control Li Ya stronger than himself.

It is one thing to not be able to control, but Li Ya needs the maximum power to output the rapid power to counteract the erosion of the anti-life equation.

"Let him go!" Diana drew out the Vulcan Sword, leaped up, and rushed to Greer.

Cut out with a sword.

Greer had expected that she would raise her sickle axe to block Diana's Vulcan sword, and the two girls twitched again.

Batman's gaze on the chair of Mobius glowed blue. He hovered in front of Li Ya, and seemed to be thinking about how to help Li Ya completely get rid of the anti-life equation.

Just then, the sky was rendered gray.

As if an invisible wall collapsed, it felt like the sky was falling.

"The antimatter wall!"

The moment he looked up, Mobius' chair told Batman what had happened.

"Anti-watchers are back!"

At the same time, Metropolis, Central City, Atlantis ...

All the superheroes looked up to the sky and to the direction of Gotham City. They felt an extremely evil and powerful force, breaking through the barriers of space and coming to this world.


The sky in Gotham City seemed to have been broken open by a sting, the space barriers collapsed, and a huge figure emerged from the collapse of space.

"Batman, you've been on my throne long enough, roll off my chair!"

The anti-surveillor appeared in front of everyone with a completely different face. He stood in mid-air at the moment, and the light of the collapse of the space behind shone, and countless creatures of dark dimension emerged.

"Are you face-lifted? Anti-monitor?"

Batman naturally knew that after the anti-monitors separated the anti-life equation, they finally restored their original appearance and lost their former appearance.

As the dark creatures rushed recklessly towards Gotham, two hot visions passed across the sky.

A red figure flew from the distant sky and instantly appeared in this heaven and earth, hot vision swept across, countless dark creatures who had just stepped into this world and had not yet begun to invade were burned by ashes.

At the same time, dense lightning condensed in the sky, like a sky net, descending from the sky, all the dark creatures touched were all turned into coke.

In the middle of the Thunder, walk out alone.

God of the gods, Shazan!

Subsequently, a bolt of lightning ran across the ground, and Death Lightning held the death sickle in his hand, and came to the anti-monitor.

Immediately after, Arthur Curry, the **** of the sea, Green Lantern, Supergirl, Fiorah ...

Including the Red Lights Legion of Atoshitas, and the Blue Stone Legion of Kahlo!

Looking at the dense crowd below, the anti-surveillor showed a cold smile, "I didn't expect that there were so many people welcoming me! Good ... great!"

With that said, the anti-monitor fell from the sky and smashed a punch at Batman.

At this moment, everyone felt an extremely powerful force, as if it were not a person flying towards them, but a towering mountain.

"Batman, stand back!"

Superman is burning with a red energy mass, which is the divine power of God. Under the blessing of this divine power, Superman has gained power several times stronger than normal.

He stood in front of Batman, intending to face the attack from the anti-monitor.

The huge fist fell and Superman stretched his hands forward.

Listening only to the sound of 'Boom', the two fists collided to produce a violent shock wave, which spread out in all directions.

The ground crumbled, Superman's face was ugly, and his body moved uncontrollably back.

"You are too weak, Superman!"

The power of anti-monitors is directly proportional to the anti-matter universe. Although Superman is powerful, he has not yet reached the point where he can compete with the entire anti-matter universe by himself.

Superman was forced back by the anti-monitor, and the other hand was grabbed at Batman.

Want to pull Batman off the chair of Mobius.

The **** of the gods Shazan and the **** of the sea Arthur Curry, two of them suddenly appeared on the left side of the anti-monitor, one with a thunder in his hand and the other waving a trident.

The Thunder and Trident landed on the anti-monitor at the same time.


A powerful roar erupted in the center of the battlefield, and the light was extremely dazzling. A strong shock wave was felt on the periphery, and he wanted to reach out to cover it subconsciously.

When the gods besieged the anti-monitor, Diana avoided Greyl's attack.

"Grell, don't make trouble at this time. Our enemy is the anti-monitor. Do you want the anti-monitor to destroy the universe?"

"Oh, my Diana, rest assured, everything is under my control, whether it is the appearance of the gods or the return of the anti-monitor, and you ... the princess of the Amazon, you are like those **** Amazons, I will kill you all by myself! "

Greer laughed loudly, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Just as Greyh was fighting Diana, there was a sudden burst of life-destructive power on the battlefield.

Hum! !!

A beam of annihilating life shot towards Superman and the anti-monitor. Under the blessing of the God of Power, the senses and reactions of the Superman were extremely sensitive. He only felt a sting behind his back, and then tried his best to avoid it.

Rumble! !!

Superman dodged that beam of life dying, but the anti-monitor did not have such good luck.

The anti-monitor was hit by this beam of light, the arm armor on half of his arm was broken, the flesh was broken, and the hot blood was burned before dripping.

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