MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 30

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"What's the use of this?"

William Stryker glanced at him coldly: "Don't you think, whether or not to eliminate mutants depends on the public opinion? It doesn't depend on the official attitude and the weapons in our military's hands?!"

The captain froze for a moment.

His understanding of politics is obviously far inferior to that of his boss.

"Some ignorant people who don't know the truth, even if they sympathize with the mutants, they can't affect anything except spit on the Internet!"

William Stryker sneered: "That Professor X has never been a smart person. He used to try to please us in exchange for peace, but now he has changed his method, thinking that by influencing public opinion a little, mutants can stand in the sun. ?”


"He doesn't understand at all, the more mutants jump up and down like this, the more jealous those officials in the White House will be!"

"Maybe, someone has brought up the "Mutant Registration Act" now!"

It has to be said that his vision is extremely vicious.

No wonder it can become the enemy of mutants.

The captain thought for a while after hearing the words, and nodded thoughtfully.

"However, Xavier Manor has disappeared out of thin air now. We captured Professor X and controlled his plan to eliminate all mutants..."

After a pause, seeing that William Stryker's face remained unchanged, the captain added: "Besides, that documentary doesn't just affect ordinary people. If there are heavyweights in the military and political circles, they will also feel sympathy for mutants because of this." ..."

"I heard that on the night of the Hammer Industry Expo, among the audience who were rescued by the X-Men, there were many big figures like state legislators and consortium leaders!"

William Stryker had obviously thought of this long ago.

"Yeah, although public opinion can't turn the sky, it can't let it continue to ferment..."

He nodded slowly, and pulled out a file from the drawer: "Moreover, to eliminate all mutants, Professor X's ability is crucial, and he must be drawn out..."

Seeing the photo on the file, the captain's pupils shrank suddenly.

This blue-skinned mutant with a long tail is not an experimental subject of the X-Weapon Project.

Instead, it was captured by William Stryker and used the brain fluid of his son Jason to conduct a controlled experiment.

Jason is a mutant with the ability to create illusions. Because he couldn't control his ability, he tortured his mother to death.

Because of this, William Stryker hated mutants.

"night Stalker…"

"It has been controlled by Jason's brain fluid..."

"So, is the plan to assassinate the president going ahead of schedule?".

Chapter 43 The hunt begins! Who is the hunter and who is the prey?

A few days later, the Stark Industries President's Office.

When Tony came out of the laboratory, he saw Lynn sitting on his luxurious sofa, sipping red wine leisurely.

"I said, are you free recently? Why do you run to me every day?"

He also poured himself a glass of wine casually, and Tony asked with a puzzled face.

"Of course I'm looking for you."

Lynn snapped his fingers, and there was a burst of movement in the temporary kitchen. Immediately afterwards, an automatically wrapped Roujiamo floated out of it, and slowly flew in front of Tony.

Tony is no stranger to the magic of magic.

He took the roujiamo, gnawed it full of fragrance, and said with satisfaction: "Don't say that we are partners now, even if we are not, for the sake of the delicious food you prepared for me these days, what's the matter...Although Say!"

"Not yet."

Lynn smiled and kept his eyes on the TV.

Suddenly, the TV screen flickered.

"Breaking news, reports live in Washington, the Oval Office of the White House was attacked by mutants, the president and vice president were assassinated..."

When the voice came, Tony's complexion suddenly changed.

"A mutant assassinated the president?"

He finished the Roujiamo in a few mouthfuls, and looked at Lin En in disbelief: "Don't tell me... this is what you were waiting for?"

"How is it possible, I am not a prophet, can I still predict..."

Lynn glanced at him and shrugged innocently: "It's just that the download volume of Daily X has been a bit large recently, and the X-Men documentary has been widely spread. In this case, there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied with this." Just come out and do something..."

Tony was dubious: "You mean, someone assassinated the president to blame the mutants?"

"We can't talk about putting blame on it."

Lynn pointed to the monitoring screen shown on the TV: "The assassin is indeed a mutant."

Tony became more and more puzzled: "Then you came to me for help to find this assassin?"

"It's such a small matter, why bother you?"

Lin En drank the red wine in the glass, got up slowly, and stretched his waist: "Please trouble the famous Iron Man to make a move. Of course, he is going to arrest someone!"

"Looking for me? Arresting people?"

Tony subconsciously wanted to say, "Don't make trouble."

Although he has just upgraded his steel suit to another generation, he still has no confidence at all in the face of Lynn's strange magic.

It's just to catch a mutant assassin, maybe Lynn doesn't need to do it, right?

The X-Men can handle it!

Still need yourself?


A flash of inspiration flashed in Tony's mind, and he suddenly realized: "You want me to be a witness?!"

"That's right!"

Lynn nodded frankly: "The X-Men don't have law enforcement powers. Even if they catch an assassin, it's likely to be said to be a self-directed and self-acted scene to confuse the public..."

"Tony, the reputation of the X-Men is very important!"

Tony's expression was somewhat weird.

He has also recently collected some information on mutants, and with Jarvis' ability, he can browse through even the highest-level official secrets at will, so he knows a lot of secret things.

Throughout the mutant community, the major organizations that have appeared, whether it is the Hellfire Club, the Brotherhood of Mutants or the X-Men, all have one characteristic in their behavior:

Ignore the rules!

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, those mutants never seemed to think about seeking rights for mutants within the rules of human society.

But Lynn in front of him was completely different.

He took the initiative to integrate into the rules, and even used the rules!

This can be seen from what he is doing now!

"Alice, connect Katie..."

Lynn took out his mobile phone and first called Phantom Cat: "Are you in the academy now? Record a video for Professor Charles and send it to the mutant channel, saying that the assassination of the president is a big deal, X-Men We will catch the assassin within a day and find out the truth!"


Phantom Cat has been waiting for a long time and responded without hesitation.

Lynn continued: "After the video is released, let Professor Charles use the brain wave enhancer to find the location of the assassin, and the X-Men will set off immediately..."

Hearing this, Tony subconsciously wanted to put on his suit, join the X-Men, and capture the assassin.

Unexpectedly, Lin En's next words turned out to be: "Report the crime to NYPD, and say that you have found clues to the assassin!"


Tony looked confused, thinking he heard it wrong: "You asked the X-Men to find the NYPD?!"

According to the information he has, Professor X seems to have some relationship with the CIA. If he wants to cooperate with the authorities, he should go to the CIA no matter what!

How did it get involved with NYPD?

Before he could figure it out, Lynn had already disconnected, and then made another call: "Mr. Eddie Brock, according to our previous communication, if you can show up at the gate of the NYPD headquarters within half an hour If you do, you will get a breaking news that will make the whole world remember your name."

"Great gift crab! Mr. Lynn, aren't you really kidding me?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a slightly irritable voice: "Although I am a reporter from the Global Daily, although I am eager to be promoted and raise my salary, and become a top reporter, why do you think... I will trust someone who has never met?" people?!"

A reporter from Global Daily?

Tony was getting more and more disorganized.

Isn't it just to catch a mutant assassin? Why did you find a reporter?

What the **** is Lynn trying to do? !

"Mr. Bullock, you are missing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Lynn said calmly: "As a media practitioner, I believe you have read the news, and you know the news of the president's assassination..."

Before the sentence was finished, the breath on the other end of the phone suddenly became short.

"Is this news related to the assassination of the president?!"

Eddie Brock exclaimed, and then said at a speed Tony couldn't imagine: "Wait for me! I will definitely show up in ten minutes!"

Then there was a series of pinging, pinging, pinging, and bangs, occasionally mixed with "Fuck" and "Shit"!

See Lynn hang up the phone.

Tony couldn't bear it anymore, watched Lynn hesitate to speak, but opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Thousands of words, finally turned into a sentence of emotion.

"Lynn, you're different from all the mutants..."

"It's so different!".

Chapter 44 Beautiful Detective! How much preparation did that Lynn guy do? !

Facts have proved that for the freedom of the press (money and fame), the media can show amazing efficiency.

In just ten minutes, Eddie Brock stood at the gate of the NYPD Headquarters.

I don't know how many red lights I ran through along the way.

But he didn't care about it. As long as he could get the first-hand news of the president's assassination, his status in the Global Daily would be greatly increased, and there was no suspense about his promotion and salary increase.

At that time, money and beauties will have everything.

Isn't that why you chose to become a reporter in the first place?

And when he arrived at the destination, he found that the NYPD agents who came in and out were all holding their mobile phones and talking about something fiercely. After a little inquiry, he became more and more excited——

The X-Men even issued a statement to catch the assassin within one day!

His keen intuition as a reporter instantly made him feel that things were extraordinary.

Something big is about to happen!

He immediately called his boss, and after communicating with him as quickly as possible, he asked the other party to be ready for the on-site connection at any time!

Sure enough, after only ten minutes, a strangely shaped aircraft flew over from a distance, and then hovered above the street in such an open and aboveboard manner.

The drop valve opened, and figures jumped down in the air.

It is the X-Men foursome!

"X-Men...what are you doing in NYPD?!"

Everyone who saw this scene was stupefied. Although recently, the X-Men has gained a lot of fame on the Internet, and many people have a good impression of it, and they are no longer as repulsive as before.

However, appearing in such an aboveboard manner in Twisty City still made many people unacceptable.

Eddie Brock is definitely not one of these people. For him, the big news is the biggest news, what kind of mutants, what threatens the survival of mankind... what does it have to do with him?

What surprised him was that after the appearance of the X-Men foursome, they went to the NYPD to report the crime completely according to the normal procedure!