MTL - American Comic: Create An Oasis at the Beginning, and the Rise of Mutants-Chapter 54

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But no matter what, starting today, he is already a visiting professor of X Academy.

After confirming that Lynn had no intention of killing people, Mr. Lan asked directly: "Where will my laboratory be built? And Hulk's blood, how can you keep providing it to me?"

"It's very simple."

Lynn said calmly, "Isn't it enough to let Mr. Bruce Banner become the professor of the new X Academy?"


Mr. Lan was taken aback.

Phantom Cat's eyes suddenly flickered slightly: "Hulk is gone!"

"Then it's my turn to play."

When Lynn's voice came, the person had disappeared in place.

In the dark night, Hulk swings quickly between cities.

His jumping ability is really good. He used his strength to jump between various buildings, and soon came to the suburbs. Seeing a forest in front of him, he burrowed into it without hesitation.

Just as soon as his feet hit the ground, Lynn's figure appeared in his sight.


Hulk, who had just experienced a big battle, obviously maintained his anger at a very high level. His instinctive reaction was a vertical leap, and he slapped Lynn's head with his huge palm.

"Calm down, big guy, I'm not here to find you..."

Lin En smiled slightly, and his figure suddenly became nothingness. Despite Hulk's great strength, it seemed like a slap on the air, passing directly through his body.

The huge inertia caused Hulk to stumble and fall to the ground.

Four Ring Space Magic · Nothingness!

It has to be said that Hulk's strength lies only in his tyrannical strength, speed and reaction. In terms of fighting skills, almost half of them come from instinct.

Such a powerful existence, if it was on the battlefield, would definitely be able to go on a rampage and move forward indomitable.

But singled out...

Especially if you're going head-to-head with a Faye...

No kidding, Lynn has ten thousand ways to deal with it!

At this moment, he chose the one that saves the most effort, and while Hulk stabilized his figure, he raised his hand and sent out a spiritual magic!

Super Powerful Stunning Curse!

The level of this magic is very low, only the second ring, but under Lin En's full power, the power has reached an astonishing fifth ring!

With a "buzz", the faint magical light directly sank into the top of Hulk's head!


He was in a daze, and didn't fall asleep on the spot. He still rushed towards Lin En vigorously, and slapped him wildly again.

With a sound of "Bo", Lin En's body exploded instantly!

Hulk was stunned, as if he was a little surprised by the ending, and then, he found that as far as he could see, one after another Lynn appeared in his sight, densely filling the entire forest.

Three Rings Mirror Image Technique!

These Lin En's movements are exactly the same, raising his hand is a wave of magic light, and the real and fake powerful stun spells hit Hulk again immediately!

This time, he suddenly felt his eyelids sink, and he felt an extreme desire to sleep!


Hulk shook his head violently, dispelling the weird drowsiness, jumping one after another, using both hands and feet, "boo" "boo" "boo" "boo" crushed Lynn one after another.

However, these are all mirror images!

"Hey, big guy, don't you know that mages have the upper hand against Berserkers?"

Lin En spoke at the same time, with weird expressions on their faces at the same time, and Lin En's real body hidden among them was still shot out with powerful stun spells.

After a few minutes, Hulk was tortured almost insane!

His anger is getting higher and higher, his strength is getting stronger and faster, and his speed is getting faster and faster, but his eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and his brain, which is not very bright at all, seems to be covered by a layer of dark clouds, and it is falling into darkness little by little!

Finally, after enduring ninety-eight powerful stun spells...

He roared angrily: "Hulk... hates mages!"

Then he closed his eyes, fell to the ground with a "bang", and fell into a sweet sleep.

The green skin, which was swollen like steel, gradually returned to its normal color.

The body also slowly changed back to human form.

Only then did Lynn put away the mirror image technique, and all the clones disappeared, leaving only one, and walked up to him: "Mr. Bruce Banner, Hulk is asleep, are you still awake?"

As if in response to his words, Bruce Banner's eyelids twitched slightly.

The next moment, he slowly opened his eyes.

"You are…"

He seemed quite confused about what happened just now, looking at Lynn with uncertainty.

"Lynn, a mutant, the honorary principal of the New X Academy!"

Lynn smiled and introduced himself: "The reason why I came to see you, Dr. Banner, is to ask you to be a visiting professor and vice president of the new X Academy!"




Banner looked confused, and subconsciously asked three soul questions.

"That's right, Mr. Bruce, you have seven doctorates, and you are one of the most intelligent geniuses among human beings. You are the vice-principal of the new X Academy, responsible for teaching knowledge beyond superpowers, and you are undoubtedly the most suitable candidate! 0.6 "

Lin En looked sincerely, and said slowly: "As the vice principal, you will enjoy a high annual salary, a comfortable working environment, and you don't have to worry about being hunted down at any time. For this reason, I specially hired Mr. Lan as a visiting professor. Specially researching antidote for you..."

For Bruce Banner, he didn't offer any extra treatment.

And just like a normal school, hire a normal teacher.

Because he knew very well that this was exactly what Banner needed. After living in exile for a long time, the only thing the world's top scientist wanted was a quiet and peaceful life.

This is undoubtedly the greatest sincerity.

Banner felt this sincerity, but he still asked subconsciously: "You let me be a professor, are you afraid that the Hulk in my body will wake up and ruin your college?"

"No problem."

Regarding this point, Lynn's answer made him look confused: "If Hulk wakes up inadvertently, I'll just beat him back."


Are you polite? .

Chapter 72 The general trend has come! Dog day Ross!

It has to be said that Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., deserves to be a person who is like a fish in water in the political world.

He has an incomparable insight into the situation of mutants.

Although during this period of time, the image of mutants has been greatly different from the past after repeated fermentations of public opinion, more and more people have begun to believe in and support mutants.

But an image, after all, is just an image!


If the mutants want to fully come into the sun, it is absolutely not enough to have the support of some ordinary people. If the government does not recognize the legitimacy of this group, the mutants will still be able to shrink into a corner!

Will humans officially recognize it?

of course not!

Once mutants become a legal group, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the existing political system. With mutants' endless superpowers, how can ordinary people compete with them?

The simplest example, that Wolverine can't be killed no matter how hard he beats him. If he wants to become a police detective, how many major cases must be solved and how many gangsters and gangsters should be eliminated?

And that Professor X, who can read minds!

If he becomes a judge or something, what crime can be hidden from him?

There is also Cyclops, a laser beam sweeping everything, if this goes to the battlefield, wouldn't the military achievements skyrocket?

There are too many mutants like this. Once they enter the human government, who16 can stop them from being promoted quickly, infiltrating various departments, and grasping more and greater power?

At that time, will the country still be a country for ordinary people?

This is an unsolvable contradiction!

Those who have power will never give up power willingly. For this reason, they will not hesitate at all, even if they start a war that will kill them all!

This is also the reason why the officials of various countries have not formally implemented the "Mutant Registration Act" on the surface, but they have never stopped research on the superpowers of mutants secretly.

In the final analysis, there is no certainty of victory!

I can only endure it temporarily!

Politicians... never lack patience!

However, no matter whether it was Nick Fury, the president and congressmen in the White House, or the bigwigs in the military, they would never have imagined that a monster like Lynn would appear among the mutants.

He is also aware of this point!

So he didn't go head-to-head like Magneto, and he didn't compromise like Professor X—

What he was aiming at was this opportunity to hold back!

One word!

The enemy retreats and we advance!

Boil the frogs in warm water!

From the second day on, the story of Hulk's contract with the Abomination War spread as if he had wings. Correspondingly, it was naturally General Ross and his super soldier plan.

Unsurprisingly, there was an uproar.

"Monster makers get out of the contract" has become a well-known meme. Countless people feel that their safety is threatened, so they no longer do the same thing as William Stryker last time, only online occur.

But in reality, he took to the streets and appeared outside the White House.

For a while, the voices condemning General Ross were raging like a tide, and there was a lot of trouble.

Some people even bound William Stryker and General Ross together, demanding that the official public interrogation of this pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes in the military.

Officials, of course, remain silent on this.

Not even a single influential public figure spoke out for this matter.

But... There are spies in my team!

On the third day, a person who no one expected suddenly appeared on TV and was interviewed by Eddie Brock, the hottest reporter of Global Daily!

"I'm Maura Mactag, a former senior CIA agent who served as the head of operations before retiring."

A simple self-introduction let all the audience know her identity.

It turned out to be the CIA female agent in the X-Men documentary!

Professor X's girlfriend when he was young!

And she appeared in the studio of Global Daily, not so much as an interview, but as a voice for mutants. In view of the huge scandals that have occurred in the military in recent times, she believes that the ugliness of the human heart is more terrifying than the mutation of genes !

The military has been making terrible weapons, but the X-Men can guarantee the safety of people's lives!

This is a huge irony!

As a retired seventy-year-old, and she still lives not far from Broadway, she does not hope that one day, she will be smashed into her house by a monster in her sleep, and die for no apparent reason...

Therefore, she publicly sued General Ross on the grounds that her life and property were threatened, and formally filed a lawsuit in the federal court!