MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 11 Umeki's true name

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Fate is like a strong X. If you can't resist, you must learn to accept it.

Meimu was very hard, and was thrown into the air by the ancient god, and he landed freely in an infinite loop. Even if he learns to be a skydiver and extends his limbs to land horizontally (that is, the maximum windward area), his maximum deceleration is still 40 meters per second.

This kind of high-intensity fall can continue indefinitely. I'm afraid that even professional athletes can't stand this centrifugal force.

"It's over! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" At first, Meimu could still scream, but when he opened his mouth, he found that the wind was too strong. As long as he opened his mouth, his mouth would swell into a big hole, and his face would be ripped off.

I feel like I've become a pea shooter in Plants vs. Zombies.

What's worse is the burden on the heart caused by the high-speed descent. I don't know how long it took to fall, but Meimu's eyes suddenly turned black.

If it was a simple crash or fainting, it might still be a relief, it could be called luck.

The only problem is that the eyes are dark, dizzy, unable to see anything, and there is still a sense of terror everywhere in the body.

Is it about to burst a blood vessel?

Or feel nauseated and vomit out all the lobes of your lungs by accident?

Meimu's feeling became worse and messier, he only knew that he was dying.

At this moment, the speed of his body's descent suddenly decreased significantly. After 20 seconds, he actually had a different feeling - he felt that he was lying on the cold ground.


I never felt that it would actually be a kind of happiness to throw a face on the street.

Meimu was grabbed by the collar and lifted up. In the dark state in front of him, he heard Baron Mordo's voice: "Hey! Stephen *mu*mei! Tell everything you know. , it won't end well if you hide it! Next time, you'll actually fall to your death. Hundreds of people die here every day, not worse than a piece of rotten meat like you fell to your death in a dirty back alley."


Do I still dare to lie?

What an international joke!

But... do you want me to tell Gu Yi that I replaced the Doctor Strange who was destined to be her disciple and came to mess with her?

When Meimu's mind was blurred for a while, he felt that something seemed to be exploring his spirit. It felt like a goose feather slid lightly across the back of my hand.


Meimu suddenly remembered something about Master Gu Yi's ability.

However, he decided to make a final trial.

He held up his hands that were shaking with terrible scars after the car accident: "I said, I only want to treat my hands..."

"Fart! There is no despair in your eyes at all!" Baron Mordo sprayed plum wood and spit: "You are like those disabled beggars, who have already accepted the reality of your disability, and only want to use other people's sympathy for benefits! You Just a scoundrel willing to fall!"

Damn it! You are so right!

Meimu, who has not yet entered the society, is really not a good actor. He lacks real acting skills.

Just because he knew that Doctor Strange in the original book would tell his soul that he could heal his wounds in the process of learning magic, he didn't take the high degree of disability of his hands seriously, so he really did not despair.

But when Baron Mordo was mad at him, he really felt a little desperate.

In this Marvel world, Master Gu Yi is his last straw. If he misses Gu Yi, he really doesn't know who else can save his hands. And two years later, Thanos, the top bald man, is coming, and the half of the galactic people who have been destroyed happen to include Doctor Strange.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Meimu said, "Do you... believe in fate? Do you believe there is another self in this world?"

"Huh?" Not only Moro, but Gu Yi was stunned for a moment.

"I'm...a bit special, I have two memories. One is the memory of being a neurosurgeon. The other is a memory that is ridiculous, in a somewhat ridiculous, other world."

Meimu is very cautious, he is testing.

He didn't know whether he would be punished by the balance of fate if he spoiled the plot of Marvel and Gu Yi in the original world.

After waiting for three full seconds, he didn't wait for a prompt such as 'You have revealed the secret, and will soon lead to a catastrophe'.

Meimu became more courageous: "The other one told me that if I want to change my destiny, I must come here to find you and become your disciple of Master Gu Yi."

"Huh?" The expression on Gu Yi's face became intriguing: "Then... Excuse me, what's your other name?"

"Mei Mu!" Someone Mei rushed out.

Who would have thought that Gu Yi's face would change again, this time it was as cold as frost: "You lied! Once again!"

The master speaks, and the disciple serves.

Baron Mordo and the other disciples had a bad face in the first place, but this time, as if they were given the order to kill, they directly waved the magic whip and ripped Mei Mu's entire body apart in a large font, and it seemed that they were about to be divided into five horses.

Mei Mu was stunned for a moment, then shouted on the spot, "I didn't lie to you! I really didn't lie to you!"

As if sensing something, Gu Yi had a cold face, as if to make Mei Mu give up: "Every person's name represents a special, unique soul in the sky and the ground. Name is not only a symbol, but also the only connection between heaven and earth. Channel. What you said was not the name your parents gave you after you were born!"

Meimu was instantly stuck, UU reading www. forced: "I admit that I changed my name, but I dare not use the name my unreliable mother gave me! Especially in a place like New York!"


"My mother originally gave me the name - Mei Mumu..."

When the voice fell, Gu Yi and Baron Mordo were all stunned.

As a country close to the celestial dynasty, Nepal has always had to spread the culture of the celestial dynasty. What's more, Master Gu Yi, as a super master who has lived for at least a thousand years and is proficient in almost all languages ​​and cultures on earth, she immediately realized the key to the name.

Not only she, but also Mordo understood it.

"Wait, you mean your Chinese name is Merlin? If you change it to English, it's the Great Mage Merlin in Britain?" Mo Du was originally a black man, but his face swelled to the color of pig liver: "Pff-hahahaha His name is Merlin - the Merlin who mentored King Arthur! Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Meimu, no, it should be called Meimumu now.

He is also very desperate!

There is such a mother on the stall.

Gu Yi held back his smile: "Why did your mother give you such a Chinese name."

Meimu's face was ashes: "Back then there was a beautiful plum forest next to her house..."

"Is it to commemorate this forest, and then named your Chinese name like this?"

"No, she fell in love with my father at first sight, and she had **** in the plum tree forest, and there was me..." Speaking of which, Mei Mumu's face was full of despair: "After I was born, the fortune teller said that my five elements lacked wood, My mother felt that I was too good, like a wooden child, so she named me Meimumu."

"Pfft! Hahahahahaha!"