MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 697 bait

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Thor's politics is estimated to be as high as 5 points out of 100.

The absolute force is that the seven orifices have passed through the six orifices, but none of them!

Thor doesn't understand anything except that the 'rebels' have to be overthrown.

If Little Toto fights the invincible hand in the universe, it doesn't matter if he has zero politics. After all, after the creatures like rebels are killed, all that is left is to coerce and obey the people.

Of course, the former goddess Frigga knew what kind of virtue she was. She couldn't help but be glad she survived, otherwise no one would wipe Thor's ass.

There are no internal officials in Asgard at all. Anyway, the Asgardians are used to spending wildly. After all, they have the entire Nine Realms as their backing. If they lack anything, they will ask other clans for it, and if they don't give it, they will kill.

This can easily form a cruel and oppressive relationship, and it will also simplify the role of the various races controlled by Asgard.

For example, dwarves can build weapons, so except for blacksmiths, other dwarves are useless.

And when Asgard was arrogant, there were as many people offended as the stars in the sky.

To a certain extent, Thor also inherited his father's calamity... In other words, Thor's own hammer was not less bloody.

Frigga knew that, regardless of how old she is, the guy who wants to kill her first can line up in n circles around the Nine Realms.

No way, the hatred is so deep.

Unless all Asgardians are killed, many guys can't sleep well.

With her old-fashioned eyes, it was clear at a glance that Mei Jiexao took advantage of the destruction of Asgard this time. But she still hoped that Asgard would join May's warship.

Without it, Mei's strength and means are here.

Relying on Thor alone, most of them have to kneel.

What about Mei Festival?

This guy quietly copied Asgard's old bottom, and most of the things in the treasure house of the Golden Palace God were in his hands. It was especially sent out by Thor.

The Valkyries who were fanatically loyal to Odin back then resurrected him and listened to him.

Then this guy took advantage of the destruction of Asgard to get rid of Hela, Surtur, and Dormam in one go, and now it seems that a Thanos will be added.

Don't say conspiracy or conspiracy, can use your own power to tease the four big fathers, kill two, injure one, fool one, is this what ordinary powerhouses can do?

Don't look at Thor's life for more than 2,000 years. Compared with Mei's integrity, Thor is a younger brother in this respect.

Alliance with Kama Taj, there are many benefits. The first is that they have cooperated with each other and have a certain foundation of mutual trust. The key is that there are a lot of Asgard girls in the harem.

Sif, Amora, Valkyrie, although they claim to have left Asgard, but their origins are here, this is like a brand on the soul, which can never be removed.

There is such a violent pillow wind, unless Mei Jiexao is really super ruthless and treats women like clothes.

Sif can't be used as an example, she is the kind of wife and mother.

Seeing Amora and Yalvette, Frigg had already made up her mind, so she proposed a mutual defense treaty.

It has to be said that Frigga made a good move.

"Mei, what do you think?" Thor is really big-hearted. He felt good about what his mother said, so he asked Mei's integrity directly.


This is a pitfall!

Why do you, Asgard, pretend to be forceful for thousands of years, and when you turn around and lose your power, you are being turned around, and you want Little Earth to help you carry it?

May Day really wanted to roll her eyes to Thor.

If the people on earth had been enslaved for thousands of years, Mei Jiexao would definitely shoot the old woman Frigg to death without saying a word.

Fortunately, he has never been enslaved, and there is no deep hatred.

"I don't have a special opinion on the glory of Asgard brought about by the support of the Nine Realms, but there is an old saying in my hometown called [lips die and teeth are cold] - Asgard's annihilation of clan is not good for the earth." Mei Jiexiao shrugged, Vice helpless look: "Okay, I agreed in the name of the Supreme Master. However, this is based on the premise that I am still the Supreme Master. I hang up, or Kama Taj is not my decision, then it's another matter. Forget it."

"It's great!" Thor, this rough guy, gave another real bear hug!

If Mei Jiexao is still the weak chicken before, it is estimated that he will be strangled on the spot.

Frigga smiled and took the lead in applauding.

Since the covenant was made, everyone was very happy and applauded.

"Let's go to Warnerheim next?" Brother Hammer asked.

"To be precise, I took your subjects to Warnerheim, and you have more important things to do." Mei Jiezao snapped his fingers, and the widow sister beside him understood.

The computer wristband on Sister Widow's wrist projected a very brief picture, and the picture flashed away, and then Sister Widow slowed down the picture. This is a picture taken with a super high-speed camera on the spaceship. After a short process, everyone saw that it was a female alien in a tight silver spacesuit with a blue face.

"Superstar!" Frigg, who was more knowledgeable, said coldly.

"Who?" Brother Hammer was stunned.

"The most loyal subordinate of Thanos. Thanos is a very powerful guy. Without Gu Yi's help back then, even if your father was in his prime, he would hardly have been able to keep him. After the disastrous defeat to your father, he is still obsessed with revenge. Asgard..."

How awesome is Thanos to be able to escape from Odin, who is at the top of the heavenly father level?

Thor shivered.

"There are two super-powers who peep into the Nine Realms, one is Thanos, and the other is Dormammu..." Mei Jiecao talked about his domain priority for using space gems, and made a fool of Dormammu. Everyone finally understood why Dormammu ran out and killed the superstar.

Everyone finally realized that the attack of Thanos was almost a foregone conclusion.

Frigga became a little restless: "That is to say, if we go to Warnerheim like this, there is a good chance that we will be sniped by Thanos?"

"It can be said Mei Jiexiao didn't dare to say that she was dead.

It turns out that in history, Thor, who was seriously injured and exhausted, was ambushed by Thanos in this way. The rest of the people died, as did his beloved friend Loki. His follower Heimdall and a bunch of fellow gladiators died.

In this life, Mei Jiexiao killed the superstar who was a scout ahead of time. Whether Thanos will kill him in the first place is a question.

After all, with Dormammu's intervention, it's impossible for Thanos to know everything that's going on here.

Due to Thanos' suspicion, another wave of investigation should have been dispatched, and it was determined that Asgard was extremely weak, so he started.

Thanos is an example of conspiracy.

Hearing the reminder from May Day, Frigga asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Yes. I took the remnants of the continent, and everyone else went to Warnerheim. Thor, you are the bait, driving an empty ship to the earth."
