MTL - An Unyielding Wind-Chapter 10 Divine Beast

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Yinmang was like electricity. After the thunderbolt broke through, it arrived first, and rushed to Aofeng before the blue-winged wolf. Aofeng drew a flower in front of him, and saw the sharp white mang like a laser beam. Winged wolf's body!

The huge golden pupil of the blue-winged wolf flinched, howling with pain, and was slammed back by the Yinmang straight back dozens of feet, smashed into the forest of southern Hunan, and it was difficult to fly high again Humanistic eyes flashed with shock and fear, staring at the silver figure. {Pure text update super fast-one three three # 八 ¥ 看 & 书 * 网-小说}

The comer was in critical condition, and a silver mang flew out quickly, stopping in the sky in front of Aofeng. His face was cold and his clothes fluttered like a god.

Jun Luoyu!

Aofeng took a sip of air with his wide eyes! Not only because of Jun Luoyu's strength, but also because of his appearance at this time.

The exquisite silver armor covered every part of his body, reflecting the bright moonlight, and it became more and more sacred and indecent. To the surprise of Aofeng, his black hair was completely turned into Naked silver long hair, even eyes become a pair of silver pupils!

Pure silver, like a bright star under the dark night sky, is extremely stunning and dazzling.

"Colored War Armor!" Rongluo, who arrived at the side of Aofeng, took a deep breath in surprise as well: "Fantasy Beast! I can't think of the Emperor's possession of a legendary beast. It is indeed unfathomable. "

Qin Aofeng's memory vaguely knows that a magical beast can be made into armor by a psychic master, but there is no concept of a divine beast. This kind of thing is something she would never dare to imagine. After hearing Rong Luo's explanation, she understood it. Divine beasts are very different from ordinary fantasy beasts. The armor they have has a colorful color and can even affect the illusionist. [看 小说 上-一 @ 三 # 八 ¥ 看 & 书 * 网-]

Jun Luoyu's silver-haired silver pupil is exactly the same.

"We haven't come to you yet, how dare you come to your door! Seek death!" Unlike the usual mildness, the dangerous sharp edge of Jun Luoyu's silver pupil flashed cold and ruthless! God knows how much frightened he was just now. If he takes one step late, Aofeng may have died under the beast of this beast!

When I think of it, the anger in Jun Luoyu ’s heart is burning irresistibly, the huge shadow of the sacred unicorn behind appears in the air, the unicorn gathers light, and a powerful beam blasts out again. It is the **** and beast skill just used, who Knowing that this blue-winged wolf is already a nine-star spiritual beast, the strength is only one line ahead of Jun Luoyu. When ready, one side of the body hides away!

Jun Luoyu was also taken aback. I did not expect that this psychic beast was so difficult to entangle, and it was as fast as the holy light from the unicorn!

The blue-winged wolf's humanized eyes stared at Aofeng far away, intending to come forward but fearing the king and falling feathers. Although he is known as the number one killer of the attacking system, he could not ask for any benefit in the face of a sky illusionist with a beast. Even if Jun Luoyu has just entered the ranks.

Under the starry sky in the distance, two more silhouettes emerged. The pupils of the blue-winged wolf shrunk and finally no longer entangled. The huge blue-winged fan hurried away from the two hurricanes and fled quickly. Flying WoW stopped Jun Luoyu and blocked his pursuit with a huge amount. [看 小说 上-一 @ 三 # 八 ¥ 看 & 书 * 网-]

As the blue-winged wolf left, the Warcraft frenzy gradually disappeared, and the mad Warcraft were driven back by the mercenaries. Each returned to the forest.

The glance of the blue-winged wolf shocked Aofeng's heart, and she had a feeling in the midst, as if the target of the blue-winged wolf seemed to be her own, even the outbreak of Warcraft frenzy Can't get out of the way ...

Jun Luoyu frowned slightly, not chasing after, while everyone cleaned the stalls of the battlefield, lifted the armored state and walked to Aofeng's side, and asked nervously, "Aofeng, all right?"

"It's okay, but I owe you a favor." Aofeng shook her head. It seems that the owe to Ojun and Luoyu seems to be increasing, but she doesn't know that the year of the monkey can only be rewarded. Even if she can't repay now, she keeps it in her heart .

"No, it should be two." Jun Luoyu regained mildness, and said with a wink.

Aofeng wondered, "Two?"

Jun Luoyu smiled mysteriously, stretched out his hand, pulled Aofeng's hand, and a little big fur ball crawled out of the white cuff for a while, and the whole body was so cute. The little things seemed to be afraid of life, and the little hands and feet flinched out of a head, and when they saw Aofeng's white fingers, the black eyes suddenly lightened, and hurriedly climbed up, all the way to Aofeng's shoulders. Ass sat down and breathed.

Aofeng stared at this little thing with a stunned look, and then looked at Jun Luoyu. Did he regard her as a kind of pet girl?

"Oh my god, the cub of the nine-star fantasy beast, the special Warcraft, only recognizes the person who sees it at first glance. This little thing is not only cute but it can also spray out severe ice after a few months, and its attack power is very strong. Defending yourself is the most beloved fantasy beast of the imperial lady and princess, and it ’s worth it, Holy Emperor, where did you get it? ”Aofeng did n’t know it, but it did n’t mean that others did n’t know it. Rongluo on the spot Amazed, but he kept his voice down as much as possible, no one except Aofeng and Jun Luoyu heard. 《-一 @ 三 # 八 ¥ 看 & 书 * 网 --Free》

It is useless even if you hear it. The ice mouse only recognizes the first owner. At this time, it has recognized the pride. Of course, it will not recognize others, even the monarch Luo Yu who captured it secretly.

Jun Luoyu glanced at him and said with a smile: "Nowhere else, there is still in the southern Hunan forest. I went to try my luck to find the whereabouts of the holy beast, and I just happened to run into it."

Rongluo shook his head silently: "The ice rat's caves are all deep in the forests of southern Hunan, and it's easy to find a new born. The emperor's luck is really good."

Aofeng's heart moved and suddenly realized that he went to catch this in the afternoon. In the tent, he said that he wanted to catch the blue-winged wolf, but she didn't care because of the magical power, she didn't even care about herself. I thought Jun Luoyu wouldn't care, but he didn't realize that he actually ran to catch a precious beast that was so precious and didn't need to be tamed by magical power, and gave it to her.

Realizing his intentions, Aofeng felt an unspeakable touch in his heart.

Some men only exaggerate their pledges and promise to be overwhelming, and things are never seen before them, and some men just do not say, even the difficult things are just carelessly laughed at, but this kind of carelessness is the most Something that can impress Pride. (-一 @ 三 # 八 ¥ 看 & 书 * 网 --Free Novel)

The two silhouettes flying from the sky have once again attracted the attention of everyone. Being able to fly is the level of Sky Fantasy and above.

"His two arbitrators, what happened?" Jun Luoyu saw the two of them, his face suddenly dignified.

Two middle-aged men with knife-like features, with very serious expressions, strode to the side of Jun Luoyu, and said quickly: "Sir, Lord, things have changed. Lord God has asked us to come for reinforcements and can no longer Wait, after the judgment, that fantasy beast is not a holy fantasy beast, but a **** beast. Now Qin family and the empire have sent sky illusionists to fight for it, we must act quickly! "

Beast! Turned out to be the legendary beast!

As soon as the amazing news came out, the mercenaries and some small teams around them all shook it. Numerous adventurers immediately rushed into the south Hunan forest with red eyes. Greed drove people forward, and they completely forgot the infinite in the south Hunan forest. Endless World of Warcraft, forget about just the Warcraft frenzy.

In the eyes of the two arbitrators, there was a slight disdain, a group of things that didn't know how to live or die. Is the **** beast so good, and is the Xiangnan forest easy to break through?

Sure enough, with less than ten breaths, a horrifying scream came from the forest.

"All members of Chi Lian belong to the camp. They must not participate in the competition. The offenders are expelled from the mercenary regiment! The mercenary qualification will always be cancelled!" Rongluo issued a strong order immediately after a little shock.

Beast! This news is so shocking! However, Rongluo, who has always been calm, knows that with the arrival of reinforcements from various parties, the battle between the gods and beasts has reached a new level, and it is no longer possible for them to intervene. Just looking at the three illusionists in the illusion hall, they know that they In the absence of Sky Illusionist, it is also used as cannon fodder.

"It is indeed the young master of the mainland's first mercenary regiment, a little self-aware, rest assured, the compensation is still yours." The two arbiters nodded, very satisfied, but the arrogant look was quite eye-catching.

"Aofeng, are you going too? Otherwise, you can stay with me." Rongluo asked Aofeng next to her, although she knew she was the "guard" invited by Jun Luoyu this time, but this trip Too dangerous, Rongluo didn't want Aofeng to take risks in his eyes. He didn't have a long relationship, but he liked this little brother very much.

"No, the promised things will be done, and I also want to see what the beast looks like." Aofeng refused his kindness, and his tone was firm. Since he decided to become a powerful illusionist, of course he couldn't. Withdraw easily, the legendary beast, it is good to see it at first glance!

Rongluo knew Aofeng's perseverance and wanted to follow it. The helpless mercenary group couldn't be left unattended, and had to sigh: "Well, remember to be careful on the road, Saint, please take care of Aofeng."

One of the arbiters screamed in exclamation: "What? Bring a waste of this strength on the road? How can this be done, she is simply a burden at the critical moment!"

"Yeah, Lord, what is her identity and how is she worthy to act with the people in our hall of light illusions?" Another arbiter also said, not a hundred people who came over behind him in the light hall. The reinforcements who came to understand the situation also showed a disdainful look.

Aofeng frowned. Immediately, the impression of the hallucination of the light was a little worse, and he sneered, "No one wants you to protect me, even if I am a burden, it does not affect you!"

The hands under the black robe clenched unconsciously, Aofeng hated this feeling of weakness in the heart, hated the feeling of the weak, and she vowed to use all means to become strong. After she became strong, these people could no longer Despise yourself!

The two arbiters were furious. For decades, no ordinary person dared to talk to them like this. Who is this kid? Looking for death?

"Don't talk nonsense if you still want the **** beast. I will naturally be optimistic about Aofeng. I don't need you to worry about it." In the southern Hunan forest, the faint determination is self-evident.

"Sir Emperor!" The two arbiters could not help but stomp their feet and chased them at the same time, wondering in their hearts. Did the Emperor take the wrong medicine? Even if he maintains such a person, his attitude towards ordinary people is not much different from them!

On the other hand, in the camp of the Qin family, the law enforcement officers from the imperial Qin family watched Qin Aoxin dying on the bed under the leadership of Qin Wu and his son, and heard Qin Wu and his son sulking in tears and complaining, angry A chair was smashed on the spot.

"Misunderstanding! Even with such a poisonous hand, is she worthy of being a member of our Qin family? Expulsion from the family! Expulsion from the family!" Excellent novel recommendation: 2k novel reading network