MTL - Another World Sandbox Gamer-Chapter 19 special task

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Of course Ren was not stupid enough to go over and ask the other party directly. Those patrolling soldiers would definitely catch him on the spot.

It can be seen from the tension level of the other party that the "things" in the "water truck" are very important.

Looking back, Adam, who was sleeping like a pig and snoring constantly, tiptoed out of the carriage. After checking the surrounding terrain, he took a detour to avoid the opponent's line of sight and climbed to a nearby highland.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, I found that the strange car really contained a lot of water, like a huge pool. There was a human fish tail in the water, a little girl who looked no more than fourteen or fifteen years old, curled up in horror inside.

"Sea clan?" Ren thought of the mermaids he met in Moon Lake.

Could it be a captive of the Sea Clan?

But this little girl is very weak, and she has never seen such a small mermaid in previous battles.

Recalling the information obtained before, the sea clan suddenly attacked human beings, and most people found it incomprehensible. Could it have something to do with this little mermaid?

There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.

However, this matter has nothing to do with me. In front of me is the army of the nobles of Storm City. I need to settle down in this country, so I should not mind my own business.

Thinking of this, I prepare to return to the carriage.

[System] Discover a special mission - rescue the princess of the sea clan! Approach the princess of the sea clan to receive the task, try to rescue and send the target to the sea, there is no time limit. Mission reward: 1 large pearl (worth 10 gold coins), sea clan weapons (the sea clan war sword, sea clan war halberd, sea clan war knife are optional), random sea clan warrior, magic skill book, sea clan ship design .

Unexpectedly, the system will directly issue special tasks, which appear randomly in the game, and the rewards are particularly rich, but you can't find them, but I didn't expect them to appear here!

A large pearl worth 10 gold coins is equivalent to 100,000 yuan.

One of the three weapons of the sea clan is definitely a good weapon compared to wooden spears, and it may have higher attributes than iron weapons.

The skill book is dropped by killing monsters, and the probability of occurrence is not high. Generally, it is obtained by repeatedly brushing dungeons.

Ships can be unlocked in the later stage. It requires a certain level of intelligence and unlocks many prerequisite technologies. However, when a blueprint appears, you can save trouble and directly unlock manufacturing.

The temptation is quite great!

Originally, Ren didn't want to swim in muddy waters, but when he saw the special task reward, he was shaken.

Think carefully, weigh the pros and cons, and feel that you cannot miss it.

On the opposite side was a whole army of Storm City soldiers, about twenty in number. They were not the frail paupers, but well-armed, well-trained soldiers.

Ren did not feel that he had the ability to challenge and defeat this team head on, nor would he anger the nobles of Storm City for a special mission and intervene in this matter under the condition of revealing his identity.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to use the sandbox game system to save people unconsciously.

The method is to dig a tunnel, make a hole under the "water truck", hide the princess of the sea clan underground, block the ground with a block, and the other party can't find anyone after digging three feet into the ground.

But he couldn't take people away directly. Once the soldiers found out that the princess of the sea clan was missing, Adam and himself, who were resting nearby, were the first suspects.

He wanted to temporarily leave the princess of the sea clan in the cave until he got rid of the soldiers' suspicion of him, and then came back to send the people away.

For a senior sandbox game player, Ren can roughly estimate the distance from the current position to the "water truck" by visual inspection, and know how many blocks he needs to dig to reach it smoothly.

After calculating the distance by visual observation, dig at the most hidden position on the hill, and spend a little time digging from the ground to the bottom of the "water truck".

To be able to arrive accurately, in addition to the accurate visual inspection, there is also a reason for comparing through the virtual map.

Ren, who broke through the ground, was right under the "water truck", and the probe could see the lower legs of the storm soldiers patrolling around.

There were also soldiers beside the car, and the distance was very close, which made him have to be cautious.

In the "water truck" overhead, the little mermaid made a "crashing" sound of water when she moved a little, and she could hear it more clearly at close range, and she could feel her fear and helplessness just by listening to the sound.

Because there were soldiers standing guard beside the car, Ren didn't dare to act lightly, so he could only wait quietly for the opportunity.

"Is there a chance for Baron Andrew to be promoted this time?"

"Of course! Lord Baron captures the princess of the sea clan, and as long as it is delivered to His Majesty, the sea clan must be obedient. Once you control the sea clan, the national strength will increase greatly, and your majesty will at least reward him with an earl."

"The baron is promoted to the earl, so let's follow the tide and become the earl's palace army?"

"That's natural!"

"However, the sea clan has been going crazy recently, attacking ships in the port, and even attacking Moon Lake. It's very troublesome!"

"It's useless! For the sake of the Princess of the Sea Clan, they will still compromise and be obedient."

Under the "water truck", Ren clearly heard the soldiers' conversation and understood the whole story.

It turned out that Baron Andrew of Storm City captured the Princess of the Sea Clan and was going to give her to King Nangris, so the Sea Clan began to attack humans. The purpose of com is to find the princess and bring her back.

In the end, the princess of the sea tribe was sent out of Storm City by Baron Andrew, but she was met by herself.

When Moon Lake was attacked, I thought the sea clan was too hateful. It now appears that the hateful one is Baron Andrew.

After waiting for a while, the soldier next to the "water truck" was probably in a hurry to urinate and ran to a distance to solve the problem.

Finally, when he had the chance, Ren quickly took out the wooden axe, raised his head and aimed at the "water truck" to chop down quickly, destroying the bottom.

A square hole appeared under the car, and the water inside went down vertically, all pouring into the hole.

The princess of the sea clan in the car was frightened and looked around carefully, just looking at Ren.

"Shh-!" Seeing that she wanted to scream, Ren quickly raised his index finger, made a silent motion, and whispered, "Don't be afraid! I'm here to save you. They must have heard the sound of water, before the other party came over. Leave now!"

Hearing the noisy footsteps, the princess of the sea clan had no time to think. In order to escape, she could only choose to believe, so she got out of the car and quickly entered the hole.

When Ren heard the footsteps, he immediately installed the bottom planks of the "water truck" back, so that the car was restored to its original state, as if it had not been damaged.

Then drill into the hole, place a dirt block on the head, and restore the terrain to its original state.

One block is not enough, place seven or eight in a row, and drill all the way to the bottom.

The bottom tunnel has been flooded, he needs to swim away, but the princess of the sea tribe is very comfortable in the water.

The water extinguished all the simple torches that Ren made, so he could only float to the surface as much as possible, make a new torch in his hand, and hold it on top to illuminate it.

"Who are you?" After the Princess of the Sea Clan was free, she swam in front of him, looked at him carefully by the firelight, and asked curiously, "Why did you save me?"