MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 545 Fishman mobilization

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On February 24, 1788, the sacred calendar became a golden sea on the Dead Sea due to the appearance of the squid, and there was another large-scale fleet. More than fifteen large merchant ships departed from the port of Valencia. The cargo on these fully loaded merchant ships has been backlogged for more than a week, and many of the borrowers operating the ship have reached the point of bankruptcy. So after getting the **** promise of the new naval fleet, Major General Catherine, these businessmen who were forced to the edge of the cliff had to ignore the threat of the squid and risk the sea.

Although many of the lords and rulers of the Golden Sea coast, including the **** Lord Nicholas, have bowed to the deep sea queen, Canoya, the deep sea queen has not easily allowed the restoration of the channel trade, only when each coastal city and After the port has established the temple of the deep sea queen, the city’s merchants and sailors are allowed to appear in the golden sea to raise the dragon.


Therefore, a large number of temples of the Deep Sea Queen are rapidly building, and many priests of the Taoist fishermen have also swam to the shore to preside over teaching affairs.

The fishermen’s expeditionary force through the portal has more than fifteen tribes, more than 20,000 elites. They monitor and block almost all the major waterways in the golden sea, so this daring trade fleet is almost one. I was discovered when I left Hong Kong.

"Fiveteen human merchant ships? Haha, this is the gift God gave us to the Frostscale tribe. We quickly summoned the warriors to attack. Her Majesty the Queen will be very satisfied!" The patriarch of the Frostscale tribe is a five-meter-long The giant warrior, he is also the strongest of the entire tribe.

Since coming to the world of Orient, the big and small have attacked more than 20 times, and there is no disadvantage. Every time, I can bring a lot of prisoners. If the Queen of the Deep Sea wants to expand the faith, then these weak human beings will become his mouth. Gourmet.

The deep-sea priests of the Frostscale tribe have come ashore to build a deep-sea temple, so almost all of them stayed behind are warriors and beasts. There are only a few dozen casters, but the patriarchs are not afraid. In its view, human beings can be arbitrarily slaughtered. biological.

Along with the screaming of the wow, hundreds of squid fish rushed out of the sea, the patriarch holding a huge steel fork, standing on the wave of the glory, it looked very powerful.

"Humans, let go of their weapons, stop their resistance, and immediately surrender to the great Deep Sea Queen and the Turtles, otherwise the only fate waiting for you is to fill our stomachs!" A fisherman who used the "Language" The lingua franca shouted.

"Mr. Cayol, where is Major General Katrina? The fisherman has already appeared!" On the flagship of the fleet, the old captain asked a young officer with helplessness.

"Reassure, St. Estanba is nearby, and soon these **** fishermen will be devastated!" Major Major Cayol promised with his chest.

Not far away, the magical armored ship in the invisible field has opened the super magical cannon that slowly raised the top, and the huge muzzle is aimed at the center of the gathering of the fish.

"Opening the gun!" With the command of a naval captive Katrina, the St. Estanb, which has been invisible for a kilometer away, finally reveals its huge and mighty form, a flame that rivals legendary spells. The attack was launched directly from the magical cannon and hit the fishermen of the Frostscale tribe!

The patriarch of the Frostscale tribe is a warrior who has entered the legendary ranks, and after a hundred battles, he realized the danger for the first time. The thick blue scales suddenly appeared on the thick scales, forming a strong cold. Ice carapace, defending this spell attack from the sky.

The magical cannon on the magical armored ship is the masterpiece of the sixth Faulist Ist, and through the layered transformation of the element pool, it forms a stable super cannon that can be continuously motivated by the wizard group. The power is beyond one Hertha, which is the power level of legendary spells.

Although it is only the most basic elemental attack, the power of legendary spells pours on the squid, and instantly kills many incompetent guys. Only a few elite warriors and casters survive. Even so, they Also very embarrassing.

Even the arrogant piranhas have to admit that the steel giants not far away have a very large deterrent. It is obvious that human beings have already prepared and guarded. If it is a wise leader, it will surely retreat, regardless of any enemy. It is impossible to chase into the deep sea.

However, the patriarch of the Frostscale tribe apparently could not bear the failure, and even more could not bear the loss of more than a quarter of the tribe without any results. He made a wild roar and swollen again, and the steel fork in his hand became a thunderbolt. The spear hits the flagship of the caravan in front.

However, at this moment, Katrina ignited a red flame, her whole body was like a fire, a red long whip waved from her hand, directly wrapped around the thunder of the fish spear.

Thunderbolt spears are struggling, but the kinetic energy is exhausted, and it is impossible to break through the blocking of this red long whip. In the end, it can only fall into the water.


Catalina is no longer the original pirate king, she has completely activated the blood of the immortal bird in the body, she became a legendary blood knight, and her strength is above the frost scale leader.

At this time, the long-running second attack of St. Estanba has already been played. This time it is no longer a flame, but a shock bomb.

This is the legendary power field spell. Within the influence of the entire shock bomb, all the fish people are shocked and turned around, completely losing the balance of the body. They can't even hold the weapon in their hands, it is impossible to complete. Even a spellcasting action.

At this moment, the Frostscale patriarch finally woke up, and there was at least one legendary caster on the enemy's horrible ship!

And the frost scale priest and some of the most powerful priests are not there, can only choose to retreat!

The Frostscale patriarch was just about to raise his hand to signal the retreat. He had been entangled in Catalina, who had fallen from the sky. Countless horrible energy whirls smacked on his thick scales, making a super harsh sound.

Although Catalina has become the legendary knight of the blood of the immortal bird, she still has not given up her own fighting style, that is, sharp, multiple, split, her whole person has become a sharp blade, opened in the squid The dance of death.

Her figure was so erratic, and wherever she went, it caused a great killing. Except for a few fishermen above the master class, there was no life that could survive from her death whirlwind.

And Katrina also intends to turn her death dance to the fisherman's caster, leaving these destructive guys to stay.

Under the control of the Master's Regiment, the Esplanade of St. Estanba has successively produced five main cannons, each of which is almost equivalent to the power of legendary spells.

This is already the conventional power limit of the Magical Guide, and more continuous launches will affect the durability of the internal core and the element pool, so the subsequent launch has to be stopped.

But this is enough. After the shock bombs, the strong acid storm, the dissociation light and the space barrier completely disintegrated the resistance and escape of this fisherman tribe.

In the end, only the Frostscales who had entered the legendary ranks broke their wrists, leaving their hind legs to run away. All the other scales were not killed or become captives of human beings.

"Long live the Holy Norman Empire! Long live the great emperor!" The merchants and sailors on the merchant shipping fleet naturally witnessed this war, and they began to cheer up for this wonderful victory.

Catalina smiled and smacked, and won five hundred enemy firsts in the first battle, and more than fifty lively squid fishermen, including more than a dozen fisherman casters, which is very large. The merits, just by the consequences of this war, are enough to make the emperor sigh.

The spirit master Silver Eagle, who once followed Guge, set off a lot of wind and rain in the Naga plane, has now surrendered to Katrina, he began to use the mind magic to erode the fisher's brain, trying to get more accurate Intelligence.

"Miss, I have already unearthed the general picture of the plane portal from the fisherman's brain. It is obviously a super-planeted portal built by demons. It is up to 100 meters, lingering with endless magic energy. This portal The level of solidity should still be above the devil's portal outside Milan City!" Silver Eagle said cautiously: "And all the fish people have been cut off a memory, they can not remember the specific location of this portal, we only know Is there somewhere in the deep sea!"

Katrina has not given up the idea of ​​directing the portal. She is not afraid of revenge from the deep sea queen and the squid, but she can only give up this tempting idea and huge. The battle was done because she did not destroy the strength of this portal.

"Send information to the Violet! We have already started the battle, and the next voyage will never be calm!" Katrina said.

The frosty phoenix horrified directly escaped hundreds of kilometers, and he was injured by the secret method, and his injury was aggravated. It can be said that it is difficult to recover from silent killing unless given by the Queen of the Deep Sea.


But now the brains of the Frostscale patriarchs have finally become less confused. He knows that he has screwed up everything, and the whole frost scale expeditionary army has almost completely destroyed. The Queen of the Deep Sea must be very angry, and wants to be from the wrath of the Queen. To survive, you must think of a wonderful strategy!

On the edge of life and death, the frost-scaled brain's brain is running fast, and finally he came up with a feasible way, which is to exaggerate the strength of the enemy!

He can already confirm the identity of the steel giant ship, which is the magical guide armor of the Holy Norman Empire! To know that hundreds of years ago, the Holy Norman Empire's magical armored fleet was once defeated by the abyss of the three devils!

Then his own failure is nothing at all. Instead, he brings back the key information and is a man of merit.

As a result, the speed of the family of the frost scales has become much lighter. Soon he returned to the city where the fisherman was building in the sea of ​​the western golden sea, New Yateno.

Yateno is one of the three largest cities in the deep sea of ​​the turbulent sea. It is also the core of the future of the Turtles in the mainland of the Orient.

"What? The Frostscale tribes are completely destroyed. Only you escaped alone? The enemy is driving a huge steel battleship. Is it the magical guide of the Holy Norman Empire?" The deep sea priest of the New Yateno stunned. .

"Yes, Lord High Priest, you can use your memory to reproduce the magic, I don't have a slight report!" Frostscale chief said with a sigh of relief.

Hai Shen re-visited, or chose to reproduce the war just now, his hand covered the forehead of the frost scale patriarch, and the frost scale patriarch also closed his eyes.

The scaly patriarch is not the general squid. He knows that the "reproduced memory" is a trick, that is, he can't lie, but he can properly exaggerate the art processing.

The magical armored ship is real, the horrible spell attack is also there, and the legendary enemy is also frost scale leader only needs to exaggerate the imagination with the imagination when searching for the sea. It is enough to increase the level and capacity by one level.

It took less than three minutes for Hai to complete the memory search. The whole person closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

The human beings in the image are fully armed. The horrible magical armored ship is infinitely powerful. The defeat of the frosty patriarch is not a light enemy, but it cannot be stopped.

But if the human fleet is allowed to triumph and really deliver all the goods to the destination, then the face and the ceremonial squatting of the Queen of the Deep Sea are not completely swept away?

The human fleet and their magical armored ship must be bloodwashed, and the glory of Her Majesty will not be allowed!

Hai finally made up his mind. He returned to the apse and took out a treasured god-given object, the deep sea horn.

When he blew the horn, all the squid fish in the entire golden sea could be sensed, and each of the scorpion fish expeditions must send elites to their own places to gather and gather together. This is the real The fisherman's total mobilization!

The deep sea horn is dark purple, and it is surrounded by the deep sea gods belonging to the deep sea queen 寇ka Noya. When the whole sea blows the deep sea horn, all the people of the Orient who believe in 寇Kanoya all feel the roar of the horn. sound.

This represents a very important event, and the elite fishermen of more than a dozen tribes quickly assembled and marched in the direction of the new Yateno.

Four days later, the merchant ship fleet of the Holy Norman Empire had already passed the small half-way and was about to arrive in Palermo.

"Is there no more movement for the fisherman?" On Santa Estanba, Katrina asked with some incitement.

These days have been calm and calm, and there has never been a fisherman on the route. This situation is very abnormal and makes people feel awkward. (To be continued.)