MTL - Artifact Planting Space-Chapter 19 Tufa

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Go to the tree-lined path of the training field.

Ye Tianjian saw that Wu’s mother was still behind him and her sister, and she stopped at a glance: “Do you still have something?”

"Well, I am in the order of my wife, I am going to practice the military field to personally identify the talent of the young master!" Wu mother looked carefully around, whispered out.

Ye Qianqian blinked her eyes: "Wu mother-in-law, Lei Tianbao does not say it? My brother's talent is the most common black soil space, isn't it?"

"Yeah! Even if it is not, can you give me an identification of the five elements in your hand?" Ye Tian is also confused.

However, for Wu’s mother’s words, he did not doubt that because Wu’s mother was his father’s nurse, she lived in Yefu for six or seven decades. She grew up watching him grow up and was trustworthy.

"Oh... the identification of talent is not just a five-line stone to identify!" Wu mother took a few steps back and forth with her hands: "In fact, there is also a local method, but the process is very cumbersome. After the appearance of the Five Elements, it gradually became a human being. Forgotten."

"What kind of earth method?" Ye Tian is very curious.

Ye Qianqian is also listening.

Wu mother-in-law smiled mysteriously: "Go to the training field and wait! When your mother comes, I will know."

"Okay!" Ye Tian nodded.

Ye Qianqian took Ye Tian’s hand: “Brother! Let’s go to the battlefield soon. I’m so anxious to know what your true talent is.”

"Me too, let's go!"

Ye Tian took Ye Qianqian and ran quickly to the training field.

"The two brothers and sisters..." Wu mother smiled and shook her head and followed.

After a few minutes.

Practice the military field.

Under the leadership of Wu's mother-in-law, Ye Tian walked into a small stone house.

Ye Qianqian wanted to follow, but was stopped by Wang Si: "Children, some things you know are not good, understand?"

"Ah... mother, let me go in!" Ye Qianqian grinned, holding Wang Si's arm and sprinkling.

Wang Si melon's face is black: "No! Anything else can promise you, what is your brother's talent, there is no room for negotiation."

"Okay!" Ye Qianqian saw her mother really angry, but she nodded and waited.

However, she also knows that her mother has absolutely done her reason.

Inside the small stone house.

Very simple.

There is only a stone table in the corner, and a round transparent crystal ball covered with dust is placed on it.

Ye Tian looked at it: "Mother, the method of identifying my talent is not going to be this crystal ball?"

"Well, but I don't know if I can do it!" Wang Si took out the white, blue, purple, red, and yellow bottles of different colors from the space ring: "Child, put your hand on the crystal ball, then enter Without the power of the source, the next other cumbersome things will be handed over to me and Wu."

"Okay!" Ye Tian reached out and took the dust off the crystal ball, and then input the power of the source according to the mother.

To his surprise, the crystal ball is like a magical force, producing a huge suction, constantly absorbing the power of his body.

"Let's do it!" Wang Sichao Wu's mother made a look, then poured all the potions of the five colors on the right hand of the crystal ball.


The mixture of the five colors of the medicine was inserted into the skin of Ye Tian's hand in an instant, and then merged with the crystal ball.

"Ah... my hand!" Ye Tian’s voice shouted out and was about to resist. Wu’s mother crossed her hand and took control of him: “Young master, bear it! It will be fine soon.”

"Yes! Hold on to the child!"

Wang Si cares about the way.

Ye Tian’s forehead’s big sweat on the forehead came out: “Mother, it’s too painful to identify the talented native method. Why don’t you tell me early?”

"If you tell you early, don't you start to slip early?" Wang Siyu blinked his eyes: "Do not worry! Pain is only temporary, and there are no side effects."

"Hope is it!" Ye Tian smiled and looked at the crystal ball that was fused with his right hand.

But the mother did not lie to him.

It took about ten seconds.

The pain disappeared.

The right hand that blends with the crystal ball is automatically separated.

The crystal ball, however, is no longer a transparent color, but a natural blue, then converted to purple, and then turned red.

Wang Si, who saw this scene, held his breath and shouted excitedly: "Red represents the god-level talent! Sure enough, there is no guessing, Ye Tian is a god-level talent!"

This words just fell.


The color on the crystal ball changed again and turned into a dazzling yellow color. Then, with a bang, the crystal ball broke into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

"What is this?"

Ye Tian turned his head and looked at his mother.

Wang Si’s suspicious hand: “I don’t know?”

"The crystal ball is broken, there are only two possibilities!" Wu Popo said: "One is the talent of the young master is the legendary ancient blood talent There is another one..."

Speaking of this, Wu did not dare to say it.

"Don't you say..." Wang Si looked at Ye Tian, ​​like a monster: "Ye Tian, ​​what he awakened is an area that is not bound by the rules of heaven and earth?"

"Well, very likely!" Wu mother-in-law took two steps back and forth: "But the lowest is the ancient blood talent can not run, but unfortunately the crystal ball can not be accurate to the talent of the young master, otherwise, we will You can arrange for the young master to apprentice."

"Yes!" Wang Si nodded. "It's a bit of a headache. It seems that I can only reveal the answer when I come to Lava Town."

"Yes, my father should have the means to accurately identify what kind of talent the young master is!" Wu said with a smile: "Now let's go out! Don't let Qianqian wait."

"Good! Go!"

Wang Sizhen loved the hand of Ye Tian and walked out of the small stone house.

Not far from the boring Ye Qianqian saw Ye Tian came out, happy to rushed over: "Brother! Your talent is..."

Halfway through the words, I dare not say it. She knows that her mother is present, and Ye Tian will not say it.

Wu mother-in-law saw Ye Qianqian's thoughts, and laughed at this perfunctory: "Don't mention it, toss for a long time, what results are not, but your brother-level talent can't run."

“Really?” Ye Qianqian jumped up happily, then hugged Ye Tian.

"This child..." Wang Si smiled and shook his head.

Wu’s mother suddenly looked at Ye Tian seriously: “Young Master! Although the crystal ball does not identify the answer we want, but now you remember not to cultivate the magical power of any property field, will you know it when you know it?”

"Well, I understand!"

Ye Tian nodded.