MTL - As the Minor Gay Rival in Het Novels-Chapter 13

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? Hard work for more than a month!

He clenched his mobile phone and said coldly, "I advise you, don't mess around, otherwise the consequences are not what you can afford."

I didn't speak any more, and hung up the phone, it seemed that I would not give up. Fan Yuan left his mobile phone aside and couldn't bother to go shopping. He simply felt in the car to make up for these days.

But did not expect to sleep until dark.

Strangely he seemed to hear Xiao Wu calling him, opened his eyes slightly, and moved his body, feeling that a piece of clothing slipped off himself, and he quickly reached out and supported it, which was Fang Yan's clothes with him Consistently used perfume.

He tilted his head slightly, because his glasses were missing, and he could only see a blurry figure sitting in the front passenger seat, as if facing him.

"Is it Fang?" Because he had just woke up and had a dim sleep, his voice was a little lazy.

Fang Yan responded, "Yes."

"What about my glasses, did you take them?"

Fang Yan smiled low, his body slowly pressed towards Fan Yuan, just when Fan Yuan wanted to push him away, he suddenly reached out and took off the missing glasses from his hair, and then helped him wear on.

The world in Fan Yuan's eyes became clear instantly, including Fang Yan's under-flat smile.

Fan Yuan: "........."

It turned out that I was accidentally pushed up when I was sleeping. Fan Yuan suppressed the urge to cover his face, and tried to keep the abstinence of the original owner. He said stupidly, "Thank you."

"Little Five! When did the male lead come back, why didn't you call me!"

"Ding ... The master has been back for more than ten minutes. The master slept too much, Xiao Wu has done his best."

"Okay, blame myself / (tot) / ~~"

After spending three full minutes, Fan Yuan finally sorted out his mood, and solemnly said, "Sorry, I accidentally overslept. I didn't let you wait long. Where do I go next to eat or just go home? I will do it?"

Fang Yan held his cheeks in one hand, his arm rested on the edge of the window, and looked at him side by side. Fan Yuan was a little stubborn in his heart. On the surface, he still looked at him with a stern face. word.

"Optical Shop."

Fan Yuan (Empty expression = Faceless): "What to do at the optician."

Fang Yan smiled, "Because I thought of something interesting."

Fan Yuan: "..." always felt that it would not be a good thing → _ →


At a nearby optician store, Fang Yan put on a mask, sunglasses, and a cap that had been disinfected only this morning, and dragged Fan Yuan into it.

A young female clerk in uniform saw them coming in, and stared at Fang Yan with a pair of eyes, wondering whether he thought he was strange or recognized him.

Fan Yuan approached the ground faithfully and blocked Fang Yan behind him. The girl saw him cold, and smiled a little embarrassedly, and asked, "I don't know what the two need?"

Fan Yuan looked behind him, but saw that Fang Yan was looking at him with a joke, and his expression was rather unspeakable. He strangely touched his handsome face, and said to himself that he would not drool when he was asleep?

Fang Yan took his hand down, dragged him forward two steps, and opened a mouthful to the female clerk.

"Hello, please help him with a pair of contact lenses."

Fan Yuan: "………………"

#How to save the people who are about to collapse __ (: 3 」∠) _ #

# Forced ooc can not deduct reward qaq #

#Male Lord, you should take medicine! !! !! #

Chapter 2.5

In fact, when Fan Yuan first came to this world, his heart was extremely excited. Because of the ten thousand years of artillery, this time he finally got rid of the fate of the small white face and moved towards a mature, handsome and stable charismatic man.

But soon he found himself happy too early, why pinch, because when he took off his glasses, especially with his eyes wide open, he was beaten back to his original shape and still white. It's simply an unbreakable spell. Is there any! Can we still let people do their tasks well? Where is this abstinence? Is it clear that weakness is tempting to cut? !!

At this time, Xiao Wu gave a very timely suggestion: "Ding, the owner can always wear glasses and use his master's acting skills to change his appearance with temperament."

Fan Yuan put on his glasses silently, narrowed his eyes in front of the mirror, and suddenly his temperament changed greatly, and he immediately became mature and stable. Fan Yuan touched his frame silently, thinking how he hadn't found the glasses so good before.

Xiao Wu: "..." This kind of uneasy master really can't bear to look straight.

For Fan Yuan, this pair of rimless glasses is the same as Zuo Bu Ke's ghost glasses. Putting it on, he is still a mature and stable agent. When he goes to it, he is a weak sufferer, so he rarely takes off his glasses, and anxious to wear them 24 hours a day.

It is conceivable that when the male principal replaced his contact lenses, how much his heart collapsed, it was like tears.

He protested stiffly and weakly, "Fang Ye, I don't want to ..."

The male lord looks back at him, looking through his sunglasses as if he can see the flash of light in his eyes, "Huh? What do you want?"

Fan Yuan unconsciously stepped back half a step, his voice getting lower and lower: "I don't want to change my contact lenses ..."

Fang Yan turned around and approached him, and whispered to his ear: "You are my agent. For the sake of my face, I ask you to improve your appearance. It should be understandable."

It turned out he was ashamed of himself! Does this guy think that everyone should be angry with people who are just as handsome as him? !! In fact, he can be considered a handsome guy. It's really impossible to see people without glasses!

Fan Yuan felt that he had been hurt, but ... he felt that he could still rescue it.

"I don't wear glasses, it's uglier, my appearance is worse, and I will shame you outside."

"It doesn't matter, I just look comfortable." He said he would drag him into the optometry.


Fan Yuan was a little helpless. He took Fang Yan's arm and let him go. Fang Yan didn't even return his head, and his attitude seemed very firm.

Fan Yuan took a deep breath and was frustrated, even with some prayers: "Please, I really don't want to change."

Fang Zheng turned his head back. He stared at the eye of Fan Yuan holding his arm gradually. After a few minutes, he smiled slightly and patted Fan Yuan's head, suddenly a lot more tender, It's funny, it scares you. Let's go, let's go home for dinner. "

Fan Yuan: "........." You're full! !! Be careful as I poison the dishes! !!

Seeing two people stepping out of the optical shop one after another, the clerk sister blinked and stared at her, but she didn't respond.

what's going on? Come to show love? This brand of dog food can have another bowl ~ (RQ) / ~


The plot is progressing slowly. Since the glasses storm, the male lead seems to have such a guilty guilt to Fan Yuan (?). In short, he has not tossed him any more, which makes Fan Yuan very satisfied , More than once lamented with Xiaowu: the male lead is a bit human!

At last Xiao Wu didn't even bother to bite him.

# ON THE FEAR OF Slavery #

On this day, it was Fan Yuan's turn to go to the plot. Xiao Wu routinely asked him: "Ding, may I ask if you can buy painless pills in advance."

Fan Yuan tangled for a while, but finally refused.

Xiaowu was silent for a few minutes and asked again: "Ding, is the owner sure not to use painless pills?"

Fan Yuan exploded suddenly, he was angry: "I finally made up my mind, why do you ask again, I shake you again to make qaq"


"Don't I want to use it, but I'm afraid of OOC. I haven't walked through such a plot for a long time. If it is not realistic enough, my full reward will be lost again."

Xiaowu: "..." Somehow distressed.

The heroine didn't know what kind of suffering Fan Fan was suffering at the moment. She only felt that the agent was a little indifferent and not very easy to get along with.

"Hello Mr. Tang."

As soon as Fan Yuan raised his eyes, he saw the heroine's bright smile, walking towards her step by step, her heart a little bit cold.

If someone asks Fan Yuan what is more terrible than death at this moment, Fan Yuan will definitely tell you that he knows that he is going to die, and he has to wait and die here!

Obviously knowing that the next plot will take a fat meal, he not only can not escape, even the painless pills can not be used, I really think that I feel extremely sad tot

"Mr. Tang, is Mr. Fang in the lounge? I would like to ask him to sign my name. It ’s like this. I am a big fan of him. I like him for a long time, almost when he first debuted. He's a brain fan. Just signing a name, it won't take a long time, up to five minutes. May I ask? "

Fan Yuan really wanted to say, if you want to go in, just go in and ask me why? However, he couldn't, because the original owner was crazy in love with the male lord, and Jane had reached the point where he wanted to monopolize his entire life. How could he make this girl who threatened himself approach the male lord?

So he could only frown, and refused in a bad voice: "Fang Yan is resting. He doesn't like to be disturbed when he takes a nap. Miss Tan, please come back."

Tan Kun was slightly lost, but still smiled reluctantly: "Okay, then don't bother. I will come to him when the seniors wake up."

Fan Yuan suddenly stopped the heroine who turned to leave. He read the words with a dark face, "Miss Tan is not a newcomer, and I do n’t understand the basic rules. Little artists like Fang Yan and Miss Tan who became popular through scandal Different……"

Tan Yan's eyes widened and his eyes slowly began to turn red. Fan Yuan clenched his fists, and continued to talk hard.

"In his identity and status, if he has an unclean relationship with some little stars, it will only lower his grade, and it will become a dark history in his perfect life. Please take care of yourself, Miss Tan, do n’t Do the same thing ... "

Fan Yuan closed his eyes silently and waited for the next male man to take a left uppercut and a right uppercut, beating himself full of teeth.


This scene is familiar with honey ...

A sturdy fist stopped a centimeter in front of him, and was intercepted by the other slender palm, unable to move the slightest.

In the previous world, the man-boy has saved himself from passers-by, and this time the man who wants to beat himself is a man-boy. Then, the only thing that can stop him is ...

# Why do you have you everywhere? !! #

#Labour and capital do not want to be saved by you! !! #

#Males who do not follow the routine should be pulled out and shot! #

Fan Yuan felt so suffocated: "Little Five ... I wasn't beaten. Is this a crooked plot ..."

"Ding, the host should have finished his lines. It was beaten to reflect the affection of the male and female lead. The distortion should not be too great. But ..."

Hearing the turn, Fan Yuangang put down his heart again.

"According to the original work, the male owner later learned that the original owner had said too much to the female owner, and severely reprimanded the original owner. Now, in this case, it seems that the male owner is on the owner's side, perhaps because the male owner is currently treating the female owner Is not good enough, so I chose to support people who are closer. "

Fan Yuanxin was ashamed. "I only have one question now, why is the male lead taking a nap suddenly appearing here ?!"

Primary 5: "..."

I don't know where the male protagonist came from, and he was aggressively paired with the male.

"Min Zihang, what kind of thing do you dare to touch him?"

The male partner, Jun Zizi, turned pale, and withdrew his fist, biting his teeth: "He insulted Xiao Xiao, shouldn't he hit?"

Fan Yuan agrees silently in his heart, yeah yeah, he said that he should hit such an excessive word, the male protagonist asked you to look at the normal point of view!

I only heard the smirk of the abnormal male main character in Sanguan, and his stern eyes were full of domineering side leaks. "What did he say is wrong?"

Fan Yuan: "........." Even if you do n’t help your parents, you are too unreasonable! This is simply an excuse to make trouble!

The hostess Tan Yan also widened her eyes in amazement, and then ran out, covering her mouth and crying. Min Zihang saw this and hurriedly chased it out, before staring fiercely?