MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 17 Threat

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But Zhang Siyi doesn't care about it correctly, because he has only one choice at the moment.

In the downturn of the industry, he has no work experience and no better education. If he wants to jump out, he may not find a better job.

Su Yuan saw Zhang Siyi frowning, and did not ignite any more. She was just a newcomer to the workplace, and she still didn't know much about the rules of the domestic construction market. There is always a reason for the boss to bring subordinates. The reputation and reputation of "no borders" will not come out of thin air.

She shifted the topic and said with emotion: "But it’s really busy watching you this time, and even the circle of friends is not active."

Zhang Siyi was originally recognized as the "second prince of the second prince" in their circles. He is usually a clockworker. He is often the first to praise. Everyone often wonders if he is holding a mobile phone every day and madly refreshing new friends there. ring.

However, since I started working, Zhang Siyi’s attitude towards the circle of friends has changed from “second praise” to “centralized review”. Once Su Yuan opened the mobile phone, he received a dozen comments from Zhang Siyi, who praised her release within a week. All content. (=_=)

Zhang Siyi said with a bitter face: "I don't have time to look at the mobile phone! The boss's release task is often specified within a certain time limit. It is very strong. When I am busy, I feel wasted time even going to the toilet. Besides, the leadership office is behind me. He often came silently and peeked at my work. If he found out that I still had time to play with my mobile phone, I would die!"

Everyone: "..." Poor fellow.

Su Yuan asked: "Is your boss the one, and graduated from high school with you?"

Zhang Siyi: "Yes, but we have been out of six sessions. He has been graduating for several years when I was in school."

He remembered the company's adoption of the plant, and also said to everyone, indignant: "My colleague knows that he sent me a pot of prickly pears, but also feel that he is special to me, saying that I am in the blessings do not know blessings... Mom, I think he just wants to isolate me, let me draw a picture and send a message to inform everyone that I am not allowed to help me!"

The people silently gave Zhang Siyi a sympathy tear.

Ren Mengyu asked: "I was also the one who was splashed by your girlfriend before?"

"It's him! The first two days of the company dinner, he also launched everyone to give me a toast, I was not able to stand up to drink that day, are all heart-to-heart to pick me up!" Zhang Siyi at this moment is like a bully after rushing The child who complained to his relatives was aggrieved. "I really doubt that he is retaliating against me, but Laozi has hurt him to be poured a cup of coffee. He is so good!"

Fu Xinhui touched his chin and said: "The person who made me call that day is him."

Ren Mengyu is curious: "Is the negative heart seen? Long-like?"

Fu Xinhui: "It's almost as tall as me. I look very young, very handsome, and handsome."

Su Yuan: "...What is the strange description of 'sexual coldness'?"

"It is so long that they are dressed very cleanly, squinting, covering their mouths and hanging their eyes..." Fu Xinhui said while making a facial expression, causing everyone to laugh, and Zhang Siyi was amused.

Jiang Hai joked: "Since he is so hateful, then you also look for an opportunity to retaliate back."

Zhang Siyi said: "How to retaliate? I am now asking for food under the hands of the people, completely suppressed."

Fu Xinhui narrowed his eyes and sneaked a sentence: "Kill his cactus." (╰_╯)

Zhang Siyi: "Hey!!"

Everyone patted the thighs and said that it was feasible, so that Zhang Siyi secretly watered his prickly pears. Once a day, God didn’t know what to expect. After half a month, the ball would be broken. Others said that it was too gentle, it was better to squat. When the night is quiet, wear gloves directly, and put the prickly pear uprooted at the door of the other office, showing a shock warning... Anyway, if his ball is dead, you won't get the love of the post.

Zhang Siyi listened to the discussion of his friends and smiled awkwardly.

Of course, these are all jokes, and Zhang Siyi cannot do that.

Life is like this. Everyone gathers together and complains about it. It is nothing more than trying to ease the pressure of work. I am tired again on weekdays, have a drink with my friends, talk about it, haha ​​smile, the trouble is gone.

After Zhang Siyi’s distress was resolved, it was Jiang Hai’s turn. He had the idea of ​​spitting his boss last time. This time, there were several design companies in the company: “We gave clear design requirements, and the other party’s I don't know where to find a design drawing. I changed some areas and indicators and handed it in. I haven't changed the name of the project even if there are some pictures. When we are stupid, what about the company? There is a design company, let's do it. The business center's plan, the budget is limited, and the economy is required. As a result, they have created a post-modern Zha style, twisted and twisted, and said the benefits of this program... Mom said that the budget is limited. No matter how good things are, there is no money to make an egg? At the beginning, I still feel that our boss loves paper and talks about it. Now I know that some design companies are even worse, and the boss will be finished sooner or later!"

Su Yuandao: "So the most important thing is communication!"

Jiang Hai: "Yes, our bosses also compare cooperation to love, saying that both parties can understand each other in order to make a good ‘falling love.’

Zhang Siyi laughed and listened, but also secretly recorded this in his heart.

As for Fu Xinhui, he still has no pressure to stay at home. Although he doesn't have much resonance with everyone, his family is big, and his parents are exposed to investment, real estate and all kinds of big brothers. The idea seems to have a natural intuition, so I can also insert a few words from time to time to express my views.

In addition to the work, the people also talked about the development and status quo of other students who are still studying abroad. Who is in love, who broke up, and who is playing the demon.

Their classmates have a good relationship, but they also have a relationship. For example, a girl named Yu Rui, looks pretty, and is currently studying with Master Xue Wenhan in the UK, but it is not very popular.

Speaking of the black history of Rui Rui, it is too much. For example, I usually love to show off my wealth, and I have a strong vanity. I often play tricks behind the scenes, and I have a relationship with my classmates. In just a few years of college career, she changed her five boyfriends and even walked on multiple boats. Every time she gave her boyfriend, she used the value to help design, help write the thesis, and help me complete the internship. Once used, it will be mercilessly smashed.

When she asked her, she was very generous and said that she taught her "a smart woman should climb on a man"... and she really got good results with these tricks. Good degree, good school offer, maybe there will be good work and good future.

Except for one point, there is nothing good.

When the girls are together, there will be a few words about the black scorpion. The boys have no big contradiction with her, but after listening to some of her deeds, she also respects her.

The three views are not in line with the stranger, and this graduation, they are naturally not very connected. But everyone is very curious, such a wonderful, what kind of development and ending will happen.

Speaking of this kind of topic, Ren Mengyu is the most energetic.

She currently works in a design consulting company, mainly to translate some architectural planning tenders and competitions at home and abroad and hang them on their company's platform, so that the global architectural design firms can share project resources. In the end, they are a little off the building. It is more like an intermediary work. This kind of company has a good environment, work is easy, and wages will be there, but there is almost no room for improvement.

Fortunately, Ren Mengyu is also a money-free one. Her family helped her rent a small house in the city, wearing brand-name clothes and brand-name clothes, and there is no pressure in life. It’s just that the environment in which she works is mostly a girl who is similar to her, and she usually has a lot of drama.

This is not, at this moment, everyone will listen to her story and tell the story, just like listening to the talk show -

"I told you, our company has a little girl. In some places, it is exactly the same as Shurui! A few days ago, I said which country is going to start discounting. She came, I never buy discounted goods. I ended up Another colleague is purchasing online. She insists that she help her with the boots of Alexandrawang five years ago, in order to save some shipping costs."

Su Yuan has always been thrifty and can't express any opinions. Jiang Hai and Zhang Siyi are people who have no psychological needs for famous brands. Therefore, Fu Xinhui can also make a few words with her in the presence: "Five years ago? Is it free to purchase?"

Ren Mengxi: "Yes, that colleague is not happy! She is about the same size as me. I graduated from the UK undergraduate, but the boots five years ago are very old and very old. The aunts wear the kind."

Fu Xinhui: "There is a good relationship between purchasing and purchasing. After all, it is branded goods, especially bags and shoes. I have to try it. I used to bring only my sister in the UK. What other classmates and friends have pushed. ,trouble."

Ren Mengxi: "Yes, the knee-high boots must be deducted from customs duties. I don't know how much to ship from Canada."

Su Yuan nodded: "Thousands of luxury goods and famous brands, it is really necessary to do what you can."

"She wasn’t arrogant and said that she wouldn’t buy discounted goods. I don’t know how to use it. I’ve been playing hyaluronic acid a few days ago. I don’t know which one I’m looking for. The small clinic, the face played a bit stunned..." Ren Mengxiao laughed, and took a look at Suyuan's arms, spoiled the road, "Oh, we Su Yuan, although it grows average, there is no money, but more people charm!"

Su Yuan smiled and opened the nightmare: "Do you praise me or hurt me!"

Everyone laughed, indeed, Su Yuan is very friendly and has a very good relationship.

Later, Su Yuan also said a few examples, which are in her office. It is also due to the gaps in appearance, knowledge and economic ability, such as crowding, crowding and holding down.

Ren Mengyu said again: "Our company has a pretty pretty girl. I usually only laugh at male colleagues! I heard that she is not familiar with some of the work, go to the boss and bring him personally. The boss is calling the family. She stood on the side and smiled at the boss and talked for more than an hour. The boss came to see her face is dark."

Everyone heard a sly look, and Zhang Siyi said something to the girl stupidly: "Maybe the girl's emotional intelligence is lower?"

Ren Mengyan’s eyebrows are cold and vertical, and Zhang Siyi said: “You are not stupid! Xiaoyi, what is low in emotions, it’s a routine, just the difference between the number of paragraphs! I tell you, now Xiaobichi is really like a small crab. Walking across the floor, relying on my years of experience, now I look at the ordinary things and look at the two words to know what the other party is playing. You are so stupid and deceived, maybe you have been eye-catching!"

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Wait, you said that I didn’t have the eyesight to see me, I’m confusing, it’s a few meanings! (= dish =)

After chatting for one afternoon, several people went out to eat a meal at night, soaked up, and drunk until nine o'clock.

After the weekend, Zhang Siyi returned to the company to go to work. When he went in, he saw the size of the fairy ball on the landscape frame, and couldn’t help but think of the topic that everyone talked on the weekend.

He looked around in a circle, quietly approached, staring at the big fairy ball, let his eyes slowly release murderous, whispered: "I will kill you with my eyes!"

Daxian Ball: "..."

Zhang Siyi threatened, grinned and started a new week in a happy mood.