MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 203

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What does the end of the world look like?

Is there an endless catastrophe? Is it a natural disaster with no hope of escape? Or despair without even the courage to resist?

The zerg began to flee the rolling heat wave frantically. They were just like humans who were brought into the small world without warning. Facing the sudden disaster and change, they were very scared and full of fear.

But just like the fate of those humans in the past, there is no escape, don't struggle.

A panicked Zerg ran and fell to the ground.

It is useless to cover your mouth and nose with a gas mask, those filters cannot remove this poison from the fairy tale world.

Pleasant smile.

If there is no true love kiss from the true lover, they will die like this in joy.

"Take them there." The plant's owner ordered.

The plants happily rubbed the hands of their masters, carefully putting away all the sharp thorns. To give up the prey in their hands, they are not at all dissatisfied, what the owner says is what it is.

"Good boy." Guanshui touched his plants, raised his hand, and the red blood rain became more frantic and rapid.

More plants grew and red flowers grew, and they dragged the zerg one by one, moving towards one or two places. The speed of these plants is too fast, like a green wind, mixed with a little scarlet, like splattered blood.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, until the destination - the spaceship.

I don't know when, two spaceships suddenly appeared in the air, with pale faces and simple paper figures with two red dots on their faces, instructing the plants to throw those comatose Zerg up.

One or two of these comatose Zerg suddenly short of breath, and then turned into fly ash with a 'bang'. But neither the paper man nor the plant cared, they just continued to repeat their movements mechanically.

Whoever eats my flesh and blood will be punished!

That is the last resistance of the weak.

At the very center of the seven-angle golden formation, Qing Chuan looked up at the sky, the red sky seemed to be bleeding. His hair was gray in every inch, and finally became pure white.

In every corner, there is a handful of loess, which is the soil of a small world chosen as the slaughterhouse.

The laws of the world where human beings are asking for help from the master mind, but there are more civilizations that have disappeared without a sound, only hatred remains. Did those world wills really disappear? Are they willing to just disappear?


A phantom appeared on the ground, it wasn't even a soul, it was like some kind of projected shadow.

Qingchuan looked at them, there were human beings he knew, there was a taller human with fiery red skin, there were orcs with the characteristics of beasts, there were slap-sized elves that could fly, and plants Forms of intelligent beings…

"These, are all civilizations that were once destroyed?" Wei Ge asked, his eyes slightly wet looking at Qingchuan's snow-white hair.

Where is the life span of ten or twenty years? I'm afraid that after this time is over, it's time to leave.

But all the heartache, Wei Ge did not say, all Qingchuan's decisions, even if they are wrong, he will support to the end.

The phantoms appeared one by one, forming a gray river, which merged into a river, and the river became a sea, slowly advancing towards the volcanic crack.

The civilization that was once destroyed gathers the will of the world that remains. Qingchuan and Wei Ge glanced at each other and moved towards the crater together. The closer you get, the higher the temperature, the magma under your feet can melt the steel, but there is nothing you can do about them.

Others who don't have a mission are chasing in this direction.

War bugs noticed the anomaly here as early as the meteor shower, but their largest interstellar bugs lost control. That is, at this time, the transformed second-level star beast appeared in the war bug star.

Each worm star also has a third-level star beast.

These modified star beasts are much more powerful than they know, and their body surface emits a special gas that blocks the release and reception of zerg pheromones. Pheromones, the means by which the upper layers control the lower layers, were broken at this time.

It is not just a temporary control that is broken, it may be an idea.

The invisible barrier that bound the low-level insects was shattered, and a ray of light appeared in the darkness.

Many soldiers were overwhelmed, their personal feelings overwhelmed the control of pheromones for the first time, recalling the once crazy obedience and fear, as well as the misfortune brought to them by all the advanced insects.

The accumulated resentment and dissatisfaction erupted like a volcano on the king bug planet.

Just as the war worms were trying to quell the riots below and find a way to rescue the worm king, their most advanced weapons on the planet were activated.

The turret rises from the deep sea like an egg protruding from a basketball. The egg opened layer by layer like a flower bud, forming a flower shape, and a barrel full of energy was aimed at Wang Zongxing.

"No—" The Zerg screamed.

It's too late.

The two spaceships on Wang Zongxing full of sleeping Zerg left, and the highest-level weapons of several War Zerg stars near Wang Zongxing were aimed at the planet they should be guarding at the same time— The origin of all Zerg.

The sleeping place of the legendary king bug, the king bug star.

After the meteor shower, Wang Zongxing was just a coconut that was thrown out of the crack. As a result, before it slowed down, several cannonballs from Zhan Zongxing came.

He banged a few iron fists again, directly smashing the coconut into a water slurry, and the original crack was smashed, almost breaking the coconut into two pieces.

The Zerg stared blankly at the almost shattered planet in the sky, which is the mother of all Zerg, and tears fell unconsciously. On the distant planet of Clacklow, Hook has also been paying attention to all this.

"Is that you? Qingchuan."

Bad Jiu (host of the Destroyer System) took out a pen, and a few rays of light were drawn from other planets and merged into a wonderful pattern. The light and shadow were intertwined, as if someone was holding a magic prop, and in front of the sight of countless people, Wang Chongxing was directly covered.

Wang Zongxing, the origin of the Zerg, just disappeared from sight.

The military commander was furious, but no one could tell him what happened.

The Zerg seem to be forced to have a strange dream.

An absurd, horrible nightmare.

And those civilizations that have long lost their power to dream, those civilizations that have long since disappeared, their remaining will turns into a gray ocean, pouring into the gap of the volcano.

Ten taskers follow the gray river. These remnants of the world's will are going to seek revenge. Following them, you can find out the remaining will of the king bug and its core.

"Looks like I'm superfluous." Qing Chuan was holding on to a royal worm, which is now the king of the zerg. He huddled into a ball, helpless and painful.

"Let me go, I can give you everything." He begged, never seeing his arrogance again.

But Qingchuan threw him directly into the hot magma, watching him being engulfed and losing his life, "I thought that Wang Zongxing would be a little gentler towards its direct descendants. Really. Sorry..."

After all, he and others went deeper.

Several fireworks gift packs from War Worm star blasted a crack straight to the ground on King Worm Star. The missionaries walked forward in the gray phantom, and they vaguely felt a pressure from the depths.

This is the planet's rejection of their invaders, and the legendary king insect's resistance to their alien races.

The tasker feels like he is in the deep sea, surrounded and repelled by a force. But this feeling is not particularly uncomfortable, because the will from the dying civilization outside blocked most of the deep malice.

These phantoms carry the final counterattack of the dying civilization. They are like soldiers who are ready to die, clearing the road all the way, like a river leading to the road of hope in the dark.

The further you go in, the narrower the grey river becomes.

Qingchuan saw the gray shadows slowly blur and disappear under the exclusion of this planet. Those civilizations that have died are still too weak after all, and the last blow with all their strength may be difficult to reach the real core.

Grey shadows are getting fewer and fewer, and when they reach the very deep end, there is only one left.

The gray shadow that had no expression or self-awareness for a long time suddenly bent its back towards the taskers, as if to say: The rest is up to you.

It also disappeared, like all the gray shadows that disappeared before.

These civilizations that disappeared silently in the small world were like a breeze blowing across the lake, leaving no trace.

War cannot tolerate tenderness. Between civilization and civilization, the weak are naturally guilty.

On the opposite side is a wall that doesn't look like rock or dirt, but some kind of alloy. Qing Chuan stepped forward and tapped, making a muffled sound.

"Liren, please help me collect the garbage." Chen Guanshui said while placing a strange seed on the surface of the wall. It's a strange seed with an octopus-like suction cup that sticks to it as soon as it's put on it.

Qing Chuan was still thinking about who 'Liren' was, and the host of the Black Coffin System silently stepped forward.

The host of the black coffin system is carrying a shrunken black coffin. I don’t know what material it is made of. There is also a subtle glow.

Although it is beautiful, it has always exuded an ominous atmosphere, Qingchuan silently stayed away from it.

They saw that the seeds on the wall began to tentatively stretch out small tentacles, about ten centimeters or so, these small tentacles stopped moving, gave birth to a suction cup attached to the wall, and extended tentacles all around again …and just like that, like a creeping creeper, soon the plant takes over the entire surface.

Using the properties of plants to destroy this thing?


Only then did everyone see the scene inside the metal wall. They thought that the plants were only spreading on the surface. Broken, as fragile as tofu.

The host of the black coffin system stepped aside a little, the coffin lid was opened a little, a terrible suction came out from the inside, and the small fragments were sucked into the bottomless coffin. Qing Chuan even turned around when he saw the light, and was sucked into the black coffin.

However, several of them were unscathed.

"..." A controllable black hole?

"There is nothing ahead." Chen Guanshui took back the plant seeds.

, nothing, pitch black.

"Wait a moment." Qingchuan took out a pot of sunflowers more than three meters high. The sunflowers exuded a warm orange light, which was a huge electric light.

Seeing the boss who I haven't seen for a long time, Sunflower is very happy, swinging a huge flower plate at him, and the light **** the size of a washbasin float out.

These light clusters are much more powerful than the electric lights just now, each is a small sun, and a few meters around it are included in the lighting range, illuminating their mission and the pitted stone walls on the side. Chu.


The bright yellow light groups lined up in a row and dispersed towards the front. There was nothing, it was pitch black, and the darkness seemed to have no end.

The tasker and others are standing on the edge, they can't see below, and there is no ground in front of them. I don't know where this is. Someone tried to shout, but the sound didn't get far at all, which may have something to do with the air here. Anyway, it is impossible to recognize the situation ahead by the echo of the voice.

The light group has been lined up in a long line, very long, very long, everyone counts the number of light groups, one or two light groups are separated by one meter, the sunflower releases a light group every second, and now it has gone out for a few Hundreds, that is a few hundred meters, but still nothing is illuminated, and it goes straight and there is nothing.

No one dares to take risks, they are all in a competitive relationship, and if something goes wrong, things will become troublesome.

The s-level world is different from the previous mission world. After the physical body dies, there is no system to protect the spiritual body at the first time, and the fragile spiritual body (soul) is easily injured and even leads to death.

The bosses of the s-level world are very powerful, and most of the time they still have powerful lethality to the spiritual body.

Qingchuan patted the sunflower's leaves, and the sunflower received the boss's signal to speed up, from one per second to ten per second, like blowing bubbles. He moved out more than a dozen pots of slightly smaller sunflowers to join the team.

So now the speed of the light group can reach fifty per second.

The taskers are watching it to see when it floats to encounter something, instead of being empty.

I don't know how long it took, but the sharp-eyed missionaries noticed that the angle of the light band had changed, "Did you hit something?" They asked Qingchuan.

Qing Chuan squinted and looked at the end of the light band, first a little offset light spot, then expanded into a sesame-sized dot, and then slowly expanded.

It gradually became the size of a soybean, and then continued to spread slowly until it reached the size of a jujube pit.

They finally recognized what it was.

It's a bug holding something, rolled up. Visually small, the size of half a red date.

However, that's not because the bugs are small, just from their direction. But after measuring the distance, it will be found that it is not only a small insect, but a super giant, only slightly smaller than the cosmic flying insects sailing in the interstellar.

If the tasker stands next to it, it is probably smaller than a hair on its leg.

"This is the legendary king bug? I can't feel its life, it's a pure spiritual product." Chen Guanshui sighed.

However, such a powerful existence still cannot escape death.

This further aggravates the mission's determination to get the World Seed.

Even such a powerful universe overlord will come to the end of his life because of the passage of time, no matter how much he is unwilling, it is useless, he can only accept death. Time is the most terrifying force.

"You must have your own little world, otherwise, you can only face death in such a powerless way."

How powerful is the legendary king bug? Devouring planets and civilizations along the way, and breeding powerful interstellar races like Zerg. And such a worm can only leave part of its mental power now, curling up in the middle of this dark space, holding a bunch of grapes that is a little smaller than its size.

The taskers know that that is what they are looking for - the world tree.

These small worlds are not quite the same as the tasker's small world. The small world of the tasker is that after they cultivate the domain, they plant the seeds of the world and slowly cultivate it into their own small world. The tasker and the small world live and die together. If the small world is not destroyed, the tasker will not die.

But these small worlds are the remaining cores after the king worm devoured other planets, and they come together to form a dimensional space. Although it grows in the belly of the king worm, actually speaking, this is not the small world of the king worm, and it and its descendants only have the right to use it.

So these small worlds hang there like grapes, but the king worm died early, leaving a little residual mental power, and also tried to bluff to scare off the taskers.

Yes, it is indeed the overlord of the universe, even if it dies, it is so powerful. But that was a long time ago, and now the remnant of this king bug is just a remnant soul unwilling to die, dreaming sweet dreams with those small worlds that do not belong to it.

The tasker looked at it, as if seeing a certain historical node of the Zerg race.

The king bug and its direct descendants have used pheromones to control this race for so long. Although they have powerful and advanced technology, they have been bound by an invisible net. This has the function of pheromone, and part of it is concept.

The king bug star will survive for a day, and the king bug's supremacy will exist for a day.

Qing Chuan looked at the residual spiritual power of the king insect that gradually became clear, and he thought of the rebels such as Hu Ke who wanted to break this shackle.

Times have changed, and the Zerg no longer need a king bug. It's not just that these alien civilizations are looking for trouble with the Zerg, but the Zerg is also revolutionizing. Do you know about this, this remnant product from thousands of years ago?

The royal worm uses the small world to destroy other people's civilization for profit. Without the approval of the remaining spiritual power of this king worm, it is absolutely impossible. The royal worms have been so arrogant and domineering these years, isn't it because they are direct descendants?

The pheromone inherited by the royal worm naturally suppresses all other zerg, so that they have to obey, and they have to obey. Although they are all descendants of the king bug, there is still a clear distinction between them.

But now that we have entered the interstellar era, human nature gradually overwhelms animal nature.

In addition, the royal insects are no longer the main force of reproduction, the right to reproduce the king insects is scattered, and other races have their own females, and the king insects no longer need to reproduce. In this case, it is obviously unrealistic to have other Zerg continue to use their own flesh and blood to support the royal insects.

I was able to suppress it before, firstly because of pheromone, and secondly because of the special planet Wang Zongxing. But after this time, Wang Zongxing no longer exists, there are no royal insects in ten, and there are drugs that block the release and reception of pheromones, and the Zerg is bound to be in chaos.

Qingchuan is thinking about the future of the Zerg here, and the remnants of the king insect over there have been wrapped into a light bulb by the light group. The remaining light groups continued to line up and stretched forward, and the sunflowers continued to spit out light groups.

The taskers looked at the bunch of grape-like World Trees, but they were very cautious. At first, they would only test slowly, and would not gamble with themselves.

The most irresistible is the black Yan of the big player system, perhaps because there are so many cards in hand and so many cannon fodder. After all, these cards are the enemies he killed with his own hands. Unless the skills are special and precious, one less is one less.

So, he tossed a card.

This is a giant blue whale-shaped creature with blue light spots all over its body, "This is an interstellar monster I hunted in an interstellar age, and it can walk freely in the universe." Black Yan opened his mouth with a little smugness, and brushed his pink hair by the way.

This interstellar monster looks chubby and round, but it swims very fast, much faster than the light group. It arrived at the king insect in a few minutes and became as big as a green jujube. Three or four times the size of the king worm shrunk into a ball underneath.

From this side, there is a small whale composed of blue light spots, and a glowing warm yellow bug.

Some people took out a telescope, some people formed a magic mirror in the air, and some people made something like a projection. Qingchuan is the most simple, he can see it with the naked eye.

The starry sky blue whale is close to the king bug, and the distance is very close. suddenly! Wang Bug moved, it raised its head and opened its mouth.

Nothing could be seen coming out of the mouth with the naked eye, but the body of the blue whale in the opposite starry sky began to change rapidly. Little by little, it turned gray, almost gray, the light spots became dull, and the skin began to wrinkle as if it was dehydrated, like a ball of used paper towels.

Then the muscles began to atrophy, and slowly, the flesh rotted away, leaving only the white skeleton.

"Absorb vitality?" One guessed.

"No." Qingchuan's finger slid across his time gem spectacles, "It's time. The king worm accelerated the whale's time, and those few seconds were the whole life of this whale. ."

Can you speed up the time of a creature?

The quest is a bit tricky. Manipulating time is a more terrifying innate attribute than manipulating space.

At this time, the awakened king worm let out a sharp cry.

"What is it doing?" The tasker felt a little wrong.

They suddenly heard sparse voices around them, and everyone looked for the reputation.

"Look, what is that?" Hei Yan (the host of the big player system) screamed.

I saw the dark space around them lit up a little red, like a cigarette **** in the dark. From near to far, the red dots are densely packed, as if the whole world is red dots.

Thanks to the fast-spreading red dot, the missionaries finally see what kind of place this is. This is a huge space, like the inside of a sphere, but it is not perfectly round, but a nearly ellipse, and it looks like a small universe, a universe composed of red clouds.

The center of the entire oval space is the residual spiritual power of the king bug and the world tree.

As the sparse voice became louder and louder, the tasker saw that around them, a layer of black stone shells began to detach, revealing what looked like black eggs inside. The body is not large, it is obviously smooth, but it is difficult to reflect any light, and I don't know what special material it is.

The first reaction of Qingchuan, who is thrifty and good at housekeeping, is, can this thing be made into a special coating?

The jet-black egg cracked suddenly, revealing the same jet-black thin wings, its black wings vibrated, and then extended two tentacles, crawling around each other.

Take a closer look, where is the red dot? It was obviously the special receivers of the awakened Zerg. After awakening, the red dots disappeared, and it was dark again.

The tasker turned on the flashlight at them, and their surface like a stone shell fell off, spread their wings, moved their bodies, and chirped softly, forming a sound like a tsunami. The king bug chirped again, and red light spots appeared in this oval space again.

"There's actually a layer underneath?" The host of the Jiuge system broke down in cold sweat.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the abdomen of the former king bug." Qing Chuan squinted his eyes and looked at the red that was looming at this time.

The endless, endless... Zerg.

The missionaries tense their nerves.

The author has something to say: Countdown to the end: 2