MTL - Back Off, Let Me Come-Chapter 12 0: Accommodation

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  Chapter 12 012: Accommodation

  At the end of the trail, there is a faint curl of cooking smoke rising.

  The busy and tired figure in the field began to pack up the farm tools and walked home one after another.

  A pair of good-looking brothers came to Qianjia Village.

  One was walking in front, and the other was riding a snow-white mule nearly one person tall.

  That mule was really good-looking, with no stray hairs all over its body, and a valuable red gold bell hanging around its neck, and you could hear the crisp jingling sound every time you took a step.

  The two of them attracted the attention of the farmers as soon as they appeared.

  The older one wore a crow green robe, a scarf on his head, and clogs on his feet. He was thin and wore a monogram on his waist. He should be a young scholar studying abroad. The younger one looked eleven or twelve, and his appearance was not the same as that of the older one, but he was also a handsome young man with red lips, white teeth and deep outline.

  Probably, the ancestors have some Fan blood, and the facial features are more profound than ordinary people. At first glance, I thought it was a bright girl, but when I heard the young man's name, I realized that she was a young man.

   "The humble house is simple, and the two lords have been wronged for one night."

  The village is leading the two into the side house.

  Qianjia Village is a small village with less than 100 households. The most decent and clean house in the village belongs to the village chief.

   Hearing that the two gentlemen wanted to stay, he warmly invited them to live in his house, and asked the wife at home to clean up the side room.

  Qishan took out a piece of silver and handed it to Muramasa, and asked them to prepare dry food for a few days, boil a pot of hot water for bathing, and use the rest as a thank you gift. With a smile on his face, Muramasa weighed the weight of the broken silver, and after estimating it, hurriedly said it would be no trouble. Before leaving, he asked if he wanted some fresh grass for the mule to eat.

  Hearing that the village is mentioning the mule, Qishan's expression appeared unnatural for a moment: "No, that mule is not a living thing, it is the creation of the brother's words."

  Cunzheng understood as soon as he heard it, and his expression became more respectful.

  jingle bell jingle bell—

  The familiar sound of bells approached.

  Qi Shan pushed open the window to disperse the stale air in the house, and when he looked up, he saw Shen Tang holding the mule in one hand, and teasing it with a handful of grass in the other.

   He also vaguely heard Shen Xiaolang muttering to the mule.

   "Moto, why don't you eat it? Just have a taste, I picked it for you..."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

  Speaking of this mule named "Moto", he had the illusion that he couldn't breathe.

  No one would have thought that a strange phrase—"Speeding like lightning, a motorcycle with great luck"—could actually condense a snow-white mule!

  Mr. Shen Xiaolang happily rode on it.

   "Mr. Qi, do you want to get one too?"

  Qishan resolutely refused.

   Not to mention that he doesn't know how to use that part of speech, even if he can use it and he succeeds, the effect may not be the same as that of Mr. Shen Xiaolang.

the most important is-

   No matter how good-looking a mule looks, it’s still just a mule, he doesn’t ride it!

   "Then do you want to ride together?" Shen Tang raised his hand to cover his eyes, blocking the glare of the sun, and offered another suggestion.

   Qishan refused again.

  He wouldn't ride this stupid-looking mule even if he had a broken leg.

  Shen Tang shrugged, not reluctantly.

  With a low-end sports car (mules) for transportation, her feet are finally free. Passing by an unknown tree that resembled a plantain tree, she bent over on the mule's back and stretched out her hand to break off two pieces.

   One sheet anti-shoulder sunshade.

  Handed one piece out to block Qishan's head.

   "Mr. Qi!"

  The sun above his head was covered, praying for goodness and turning his head when he heard the words.

  Shen Tang threw the leaf to him.

   "Go on!"

   Seeing Shen Tang's posture of shading the sun and being afraid of the light, he smiled helplessly.

   "Why should a good man be afraid of this suffering?"

   "I'm not afraid, but the old saying goes well—one white covers all ugliness." Shen Tang adjusted the angle of the big leaf, and smiled while carrying the leaf, "A tanned skin tone is uneven and detrimental to beauty."

  Pray for goodness: "..."

   The two of them walked for several hours before seeing people.

  During years of drought and war, there were not a few families left in Qianjia Village, and there were not a few young faces in the whole village, only the elderly and young children who were not familiar with the world. Suddenly two new faces appeared, news flew from the village to the village, and from time to time there were urchins looking around at the village's main house.

  Qi Shan went to find Muramasa for something, and when he came back, he heard the laughter of Shen Tang playing with a few urchins.

   The two parties are "fighting".

  A little boy was wearing a starched to white clothes, riding on the back of a snow-white mule, holding a dead tree branch as a spear, looking menacing, while Mr. Shen Xiaolang met the enemy on foot with a stick.

  The two of you came and went, and the confrontation continued, and the fight was "invincible". The other children, as "soldiers", nervously "watched the battle" from the sidelines, applauding from time to time and shouting "The general is amazing!"

  Pray for goodness: "..."

At first, I thought that Shen Tang was playful—after all, Xiaolang Shen was only an eleven or twelve-year-old boy. Interesting.

  He asked the village official: "What is the name of this child? Does it belong to that family in the village?"

  Cunzheng replied, "Not a child from the village."


The village is sighing: "I heard that he is a child of a rich family, but he has a serious illness since he was a child. The Zhuangzi who lives nearby recuperates from his illness. It is said that he is recuperating from his illness, but in fact he was given up by others. Of course, the servants will not do their best to serve them. It looks very pitiful." , often sneak out to play with the children in the village..."

  Usually they play around until dark, and Zhuangzi's servants will come to pick him up.

  Qi Shan was aroused a little curiosity.

   "Disease? Where is the disease?"

  Cunzheng glanced at the happy child, carefully pointed to his own brain, and said, "I heard it's a brain disease."

   To put it bluntly, he is a fool.

  Qishan was slightly surprised and was about to speak when he heard loud cheers from several children.

   It turned out that the child "tricked" Shen Tang with a feint, and hit the "lord" she was protecting.

   Without arguing or taking sides, he hit the "lord" on the forehead.

  According to the rules of the game, he won.

  Looking at "The dying lord", Shen Tang had no choice but to spread his hands, dropped his weapon and "surrendered".

   "Alas, I lost."

  The winner gets the loot.

  The so-called spoils are thumb-sized caramels.

She opened the pocket of her waist pouch, took out a handful of boringly made caramels, and distributed them one by one. This is called "rewarding the three armies". The child who wields a gun quite gracefully won three.

  The other children couldn't wait to put the caramel in their mouths, but that child didn't, and he didn't know how to eat the caramel.

  This stupid look is completely different from his high-spirited look when he was "fighting" on the back of a mule.

   "Don't eat?"

  Shen Tang knelt down and asked the child.

  The child shook his head, he hesitated for a while looking at the caramel in his hand, then picked up one of them and handed it to Shen Tang.

   looked at her with piercing eyes, as if expecting something.

   "You feed me?"

   "Well, eat." The child said.

  Shen Tang didn't dislike the child's dirty hands, he opened his mouth and ate the caramel he handed over, smiling and bending his eyes.

   "Ah, it's so sweet, do you want to try it too?"

  Seeing this, the child lowered his head and picked up another one and put it in his mouth.

  The last one was put back in the faded saber pouch around his waist.

  The pouch is heavy.

  By taking advantage of the angle of view, Shen Tang could vaguely see that there was a piece of delicate tiger-head jade bi, which was also engraved with small seal characters.

  The other children went home contentedly, but the child whose clothes were washed to fade was left behind, and was led by the village official to wait in the main house.

  The sky in summer is extremely fickle. Not long after it got dark, the dark sky poured down with heavy rain.

  Lightning and thunder, and howling wind.

  Shen Tang was lighting up the lamp to read at night, memorizing words like crazy.

  At this time, the door was slammed.

  _(:з」∠)_I was wrong, and I’m stuck again.

   This chapter is number 25.

   Because of the new book splash screen, so during the day, that is, the 26th is a double update.

   In addition to the normal update, there is also an update of the cute main girl before the chapter.



  (end of this chapter)