MTL - Back To Eighty-Chapter 1181 Oranges vs Lemons

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【Return to 80】【】

In the past, when there was no strong foreign enemy, the big shots inside Orange competed here.

Is there a problem? no problem.

Lu Yan even supported them, without urging them at all.

But now there is a foreign enemy, and the other party is eyeing them clearly.

If at this time, you are still immersed in the entanglement between the two inches and three points of the ground, it would be a bit too confusing.

Therefore, basically, Lu Yan convinced everyone without much effort.

Everyone put their emotions in order, and Lu Yan didn't need to think of a way.

They figured out a set of more sophisticated methods on their own.

The entire system, they are divided into multiple areas.

The layers are gradually reduced, and the strokes are very detailed.

If you have different ideas, you can write a plan and propose it for revision, but you must not directly change the entire project unless there is a feasibility opinion.

"Actually, up to now, our overall module has been finalized."

Lu Yan nodded, thoughtfully: "So, basically, there won't be a situation where everything is overthrown and restarted?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded: "Yes."

"That's fine, so I can rest assured." Lu Yan nodded happily.

That's what she wanted most.

Now that the goal has been easily achieved, it is naturally the best.


She also felt that this trick might not work, so she specially thought of a few more ways, thinking of trying one by one slowly...

So, the problem on Chengzi's side was solved by Lu Yan in this way.

When returning to the headquarters for a report, Lu Yan narrated, and everyone listened thoughtfully.

Lu Huai'an was very surprised, and took the lead in applauding: "That's really good."

What is rare is that this matter has a beginning and an end, and it has been resolved quite beautifully.

Moreover, the most rare thing is that this major change has involved everyone.

In this way, even if there is any friction in the future, it will not be blamed on a certain person.

After all, everyone has a share!

Lu Yan lowered his head and laughed.

Yes, that was her idea.

Prior to this, the framework of the orange itself was set up.

Moreover, they originally had the foundation of Xin'an mobile phones here.

Needless to say now, many bigwigs simply regard the company as their own home.

In the past, they competed with each other in that way, just like foreign workers, and their speed was quite fast.

Let alone now.

However, they themselves felt that the original time could not be completely wasted.

"At least, we have been working with each other for so long, and we have a much better understanding."

Basically, if there is a problem in any link, you can know where the problem is at a glance.

It's easy to change.

Every link and every department has leaders from related industries sitting in charge.

Lu Yan looked at it and couldn't help sighing: "To be honest, with the scale of our Chengzi, the talent gathering speed...we are not successful, and we are sorry for the pomp."

Everyone in this laboratory, if you take it out casually, they are all famous people, okay?

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and laughed.

And Lu Yan no longer dealt with their running-in.

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【Return to 80】【】

All followed the rules they made before, and Lu Yan directly became the hands-off shopkeeper.

She is purely the person in charge of the orange project, and is no longer in charge of the production process.

Overseas, the speed of lemon mobile phones is not slow.

Obviously, in the computer industry before, it has been inferior to Xin'an Computer.

Now in the mobile phone industry, they want to catch up and even surpass Xin'an mobile phone.

This can be seen from their increasing announcements.

Even some content that Lu Yan forged before is no longer needed.

They are already frustrated, trying to start a war.

Dayou compares Xin'an mobile phone in one fell swoop and seizes the posture of the global market.

"Oh, quite confident."

"No way, frogs in a well are like this."

"Their current opponent is still Xin'an mobile phone, then they are finished."

Because, now Xin'an's mobile phone brand, the real focus is Orange.

In a hurry, Lemon announced before the end of the year that their new mobile phone will be pre-sold next year.

They originally thought that this news would set off a huge wave across the world.

However, what I never expected was that the effect in their country was not bad, and it did cause quite a stir.

But in China...

"Orange phone is on pre-sale!?"

"When can I get it?"

"My God, isn't this price too expensive?"

"But it looks so cool, and it's completely different from the current mobile phones of these coquettish bastards!"

"Wow, what is high technology, this is high technology..."

"Real want..."

"I want, too…"

Everyone was crazy about it, and even the most common store, as long as they could reserve an orange mobile phone, there was a long queue.

Some people set the alarm clock and get up in the middle of the night to queue up.

Some people didn't even go back directly, and spent the whole night here.

"Fortunately it's not cold now hehe."

"Just wait, play with your phone for a while, and take a break."

Anyway, they are going to be the first to buy oranges!

Nowadays, the price of domestic mobile phones has actually dropped slowly.

Basically, more than 1,000 yuan can buy a pretty good mobile phone.

As for the cottage machine, it is more about what kind of machine you want.

Dual SIM!

Dazzling marquee!

Good-looking is good-looking, but it's just a little...not stylish.

Everyone has seen enough, and now they have a new pursuit.

And at this time, the birth of orange just happened to fill their aesthetic vacancy.

The moment everyone sees Cheng Zi's phone, they can't help but let out an ah, and say in their hearts: That's how it feels!

That's what they want!

The appearance alone has conquered all of them.

Not to mention Orange's brand new system, brand new concept, brand new technology...

Nothing has ever been done before.

Of course, so much has been laid out to highlight one word: expensive.

This phone sells for 4,000 yuan.

They are playing high-end, and they have brought capacitive touch screen and pure touch screen operation interface to the eyes of consumers.

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【Return to 80】【】

While the oranges were pre-sold in China, they also spread the promotion to other countries.

Although very annoyed, Yuan Zhihu still sent all these news as agreed.

It is conceivable that the brand-new concept of oranges has set off waves all over the world.

They look at the advertisements, those exquisite and simple APPs, all kinds of dazzling new technologies...

All of this is so fascinating.

As for the lemons…

No one remembers anymore.

The pre-sale seats that Lu Yan tentatively released were sold out almost instantly.

Some people even said that they were willing to buy a pre-sale quota for 4,500 yuan.

Later, the price was raised one after another, and it was once raised to 6,000.

Fearing that things would get out of control, Lu Yan hastily announced that this was only the first batch, and the stock would be replenished later. The pre-sale was bound to his personal ID number and could not be transferred.

Things gradually quieted down, but what happened in private is another matter.

When the oranges are actually released, it will be a real joy for all.

Everyone is talking about orange phones.

Even walking on the road, there are people talking about oranges and oranges.

This orange is naturally not an orange to eat, but an orange mobile phone.

Many people abroad ask someone to help bring oranges there, and are willing to pay a high price to buy them.

How could Lu Yan miss such a business opportunity.

She acted decisively, and immediately began to put Orange mobile phones on shelves in their shopping malls around the world.

However, the price is slightly more expensive than in China.

This made many people feel very comfortable after hearing it.

"Yes! Let them always like to sell us expensive things."

"Feng Shui turns around! Hahahaha."

"Oh, it's finally time for them to buy our expensive things."

Or else, it's Lu Yan's job to make money.

Because of this operation, many people who originally thought that oranges were a little expensive, and a mere mobile phone was not worth the money, also started to buy oranges out of their pockets.

And when they actually used oranges, they found out, really.

The difference between oranges and ordinary mobile phones is almost five years of technological gap.

After hearing this, Lu Yan couldn't help laughing: That's right, this is the hard work of many big shots for so long.

At the beginning, when I got the oranges, I was a little uncomfortable.

After all, they were used to a unified system and a unified layout before.

Now it is suddenly replaced with a brand new version, and it still takes a little time to get familiar with it.

But when they get used to it, they will find: Really, it's completely different.

Especially those entrepreneurs, company executives and so on.

The simplification of oranges allows them to greatly reduce unnecessary waste.

Not only has the space been greatly increased, but all kinds of advertisements have been omitted.

It's just so convenient.

Many people couldn't help but pay for the absence of advertisements.

All of a sudden, orange has become a hot word of the times.

Anyone who hasn't heard of Orange is simply behind.

After the oranges were put on the shelves abroad, they were once frantically snapped up.

These people abroad are quite rich, especially when converted into local currency, oranges are not expensive to them.

Not to mention, many of them like to spend ahead of schedule, and it’s nothing to them to just use a mobile phone and swipe a card to get things done.

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【Return to 80】【】

And after they have used it, they can't put it down immediately, and they all feel that the consumption is really worth it, and it's too cost-effective.

Lu Yan never expected that the sales abroad would be so good.

"Then, what about that lemon?" Lu Huai'an still remembered it: "How are their sales?"

Lu Yan really asked about this.

She pursed her lips slightly, and smiled: "They seem to be a little anxious, and rushed out before we put it on the shelves abroad... However, it seems that some parts have not been adjusted well, and there were various small problems with the new machine at one time. Appear…"

It is conceivable that it is simply self-destructing the Great Wall.

Although it is also very good, even in some points of view, it coincides with oranges.

However, these flaws are enough to ruin the brand of lemon.

After hearing this, Lu Huai'an was thoughtful, but also a little disappointed: "Is that so..."

Because of the success of the orange brand, the entire brand of Xin'an has been pushed to a new level.

At the same time, Lu Xinghui's game launched a new one.

And he took advantage of Chengzi's shareholder power to propose a brand new concept: "I want to move these games to mobile phones!"

"What?" Everyone was a little dazed, thinking it was unnecessary.

Although some people now play games on mobile phones, they basically play stand-alone games.

What Sokoban, what tanks save people.

These are already extreme.

Large-scale online games like theirs want to move to mobile phones...

"The mobile phone may not be able to hold it."

"That's right, the previous mobile phone may not be able to hold it." Lu Xinghui said, shaking the Orange phone in his hand: "But I tried it, this Orange phone is fine."

Its powerful computing power and storage capacity are enough to support a huge video game.

"But it's impossible to only use this game on the phone, right?"

Lu Xinghui nodded, but then said: "But when he plays, he can only play one game at a time, right?"

When you are done using it, just exit directly. It only takes up memory, but not used memory.

Someone else raised an objection: "However, oranges are so expensive, not everyone can afford them..."

"Oh, it doesn't matter."

As Lu Xinghui said, he couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, after we have Orange, our domestic brands and other mobile phones will gradually keep up."

In fact, it is true.

Other brands are all sighing and researching frantically.

As for the Xin'an mobile phone, they worked overtime day and night.

It's not that they can't speak, it's that they can't afford to lose this person.

It turned out that they were desperately unwilling to give up these vassals in this layer.

It's always not working here, not working there.

All can not be thrown away.

Fortunately, Cheng Zi directly built a new building.

Only then did they realize, ah, indeed, the new villa looks so much better.

Their old house should have been demolished a long time ago.

Even if the new villa cannot be built, at least it will be demolished and a similar small bungalow built?

If it doesn’t work, it’s okay to build a small high-rise!

There is no need for others to urge you behind, UU Reading www. They have already gritted their teeth and studied it.

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【Return to 80】【】

Lu Yan shook his head and sighed, "Man, you still have to have an opponent."

When there is no opponent, everyone is too leisurely.

Now that the opponent is so strong, I know that I should quickly discover my own strengths, thinking that I should quickly arm myself, if I can't beat the opponent, it is good to scare the opponent.

Lu Huai'an supported their approach, but only support.

Today, consumers of domestic mobile phones do not object to their improvement.

They even called one by one to remind them: "You guys should improve quickly, change quickly."


Everyone worked hard, and it really made them research a lot.

Some brands are like cats and tigers. Although they don't look good, they have achieved momentum anyway.

Whether it's good or not, I'm not sure.

Some brands are made to look like goods, the inside is still the same, but the outer shell is exactly the same as an orange.

If you just want to take them out to put on a show and show off your sense of superiority, then it’s a good idea to buy their mobile phones!

In this way, someone will think better.

They simply designed a lot of orange phone cases.

Good guy, put a set on your own phone, a bright orange phone!

Seeing their actions, Lu Yan almost died of laughter.

Sheep progress: no fever, no dizziness, blocked nose, occasional cough, no strength in the whole body, I hope tomorrow will be better

(end of this chapter)