MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 70 Qin Shu

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Qin Chu carefully counted and found that he was still several months away from becoming an adult, let alone the legal age for marriage.

His first reaction was that Lu Tong was trying to coax Qin Shiwu and say it to make him happy.

But he soon realized that Lu Tong would not joke about such a thing, so Qin Chu looked at him.



Along with his voice, Qin Shiwu was also heard.

Qin Shiwu just said that casually just now, never thought that he could see his parents get married.

Besides, as far as my own body is concerned, whether it can survive is a big problem.

Lin Xiaomian's complexion also changed, she thought to herself: I really deserve to be Qin Shiwu's good friend, this sacrifice is too great.

Lu Tong said calmly, "Isn't what I said clear enough?"

Qin Chu: "Wait, we will discuss this matter later."

Lin Xiaomian asked: "Then... do you want to invite someone?"

Qin Shiwu's eyes lit up: "Of course! I want to be the best man!"

No one took Qin Chu's words at ease, and Qin Chu interjected a few more words, but they were all ignored.

Qin Chu turned to look for Lu Tong: "How do you plan to get married?"

He now understands that what Lu Tong said about getting married is probably just a simple ceremony.

Since Qin Shiwu wanted to see it, it was not difficult.

Lu Tong: "His body can't go very far, isn't there a small church next to the hospital, it should be there."

On this side, Qin Shiwu has already begun to draw up the list with great interest.

Lin Xiaomian brought him the pen for homework, and now he is using it to write the invitation letter.

"Let's think about it, Qu Muyao must be invited for this matter." He wrote a name in a crooked manner on the list, thinking that the little aunt would definitely come, and then said: "Please invite Gu Chi, too. Let him pack a big red envelope."

Lin Xiaomian said, "Do you still want to buy candy?"

"If you want, I'll see how other people's weddings are held."

After seeing Qin Shiwu's excited face, Qin Chu's last hesitation was dispelled.

Forget it, since he likes it, he can just toss about it casually.

Qin Shiwu's birthday was at the end of December, and the Chinese New Year happened to be early this year, so it was almost a few days away from his birthday. On his birthday last year, Lu Tong took him to his secret base.

Qin Shiwu felt that there was no birthday that could be more memorable than that one.

In the end, I was really too young!

Unexpectedly, on his birthday this year, he could still worry about his parents' wedding!

I have a good idea!

Qin Shiwu couldn't help being complacent.

He has been in a good mood these days, and even the nurse who made the rounds was infected, and asked him if he was happy.

Qin Shiwu smiled without saying a word, still sketching in his little notebook.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu have to go to class during the day, so they can't always ask for leave to accompany him.

So Qin Shiwu was also taken care of by an aunt named Chen. Auntie Chen helped him pack up the medicine box he had eaten, and then took a look at Qin Shiwu's drip. She sat aside and took a nap.

Qin Shiwu took his mobile phone, and after unlocking the screen, there were still Qin Chu and Lu Tong's wedding photos in the album.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, wearing a suit and walking formally in foreign churches.

This group photo is the only one. Because of Lu Tong's work, they got married in a very low-key way. There are so many relatives and friends, less than 20 people came to the wedding.

Qin Shiwu had heard about it from his aunt since he was a child, so he was obviously born at that time.

His parents typically get on the boat first and then pay for the ticket, why not take him to see it too!

For this, Qin Shiwu felt brooding.

He was physically and mentally strong in the ward, so he drew up a lot of invitation letters, and one of them fell into Qu Muyao's hands.

"real or fake?"

At this time, Qu Muyao had just finished class, so she was shocked when she got this invitation letter.

She quickly ran to her brother's seat and stuck the invitation letter on his face: "Are you marrying Lu Tong? Is it because I can't read or what? How old are you this year?"

Qin Chu pushed her away: "Can you leave me alone?"

Qu Muyao: "You haven't answered me yet, is it true?"

Qin Chu: "Yes. Love or not."

Qu Muyao: "Does your father know about this?"

Qin Chu: "Don't tell him."

Qu Muyao looked at him inscrutablely: "What the **** are you doing?"

There were about ten people who received Qin Shiwu's crooked invitation one after another one after another.

——They are all good friends with Qin Chu.

Qin Shiwu originally wanted to write something for Lu Tong's friends, but after racking his brains for a long time, he didn't expect that Lu Tong had any friends.

He Nian counted as one in front of him, but Qin Shiwu didn't have any contact with him, so this invitation letter couldn't be sent.

After school on Friday afternoon, Lu Tong went to the small street next to the school.

The small street becomes lively in the afternoon. If the boarding students of No. 1 Middle School and No. 4 Vocational School do not eat at school, they will choose to eat at the fly restaurant here.

It is not clean, but the main reason is that it is cheap and delicious.

There are more snack bars on the side of the side street close to the main road, and there are many clothing stores near the inside.

Passing through a row of fly shops, Lu Tong got into a woolen shop.

At this time, many girls in the store are already choosing wool.

Compared with the embarrassment and crampedness when he came in for the first time, Lu Tong seemed to be familiar with the road this time.

Balls of wool of different colors piled up on the ceiling, Lu Tong took out a piece from his pocket, compared the colors and found the ball of wool he bought last time.

After paying, the shop owner asked him: "How is it? Can it be made?"

The boss has been here for many years and has seen many girls come to buy wool.

But boys rarely see it, especially one as good-looking as Lu Tong, so they are very impressed with him.

Lu Tong said, "It's not difficult."

In fact, it is very difficult, otherwise there is no need to dismantle it. After dismantling, the whole ball of wool is wasted, or can I buy a second ball?

The shop owner said, "If you're just starting out, don't make it so difficult. You can get a scarf first, and that's easier. If you're making a hat, it requires more needles, so it's really difficult."

Lu Tong didn't speak, the shop owner gave him another tutorial, Lu Tong thanked him for his kindness and accepted it.

The hat that Qin Shiwu wanted is only a quarter of the progress now, but the hospital notified Qin Shiwu to prepare for chemotherapy.

Lu Tong went home worried, the stool was not warm, he threw the wool on the bed, and went to the hospital again.

When they got downstairs, Lin Siyin asked, "Are you going to see Qin Shiwu again?"

Lu Tong nodded.

Lin Siyin brought out the thermos from the kitchen: "I made chicken soup, and you bring it to him to drink. He... so young, why did he get such a serious illness."

Lu Tong hugged the thermos, Lin Siyin said, "Are you going there by yourself?"

Lu Tong: "I'm with Qin Chu."

Lin Siyin paused.

"Come here." She grabbed Lu Tong's hand and brought Lu Tong to the edge of the sofa. "Tell me, what do you think? With Qin Chu?"

Lin Siyin said: "Are you still taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. He? Didn't you say you thought it over, why did you start taking it again?"

Lu Tong: "Don't worry about this. I told Qin Chu."

Lin Siyin was still not at ease: "That medicine doesn't look like a good thing, will it affect your body if you take too much?"

"No. I plan to stop taking the medicine after the third year of high school." Lu Tong: "The food I take now is different from the one I took before. It's not the kind of surgery. Qin Chu also knows that this medicine is simply to suppress estrus To avoid accidents during the third year of high school."

Lin Siyin was dumb, and said, "The third year of high school is more important..."

She quickly asked: "Have you thought about what university to take the exam? Didn't Dr. He tell you to complete the mark as soon as possible, and Qin Chu can't go back to Beijing in the third year of high school. What if you go to Beijing for the exam?"

Lu Tong said helplessly: "If he doesn't return to Beijing, I won't die. I'll be fine after finishing the marking. Don't tell me this, I'm leaving."

Lin Siyin's attitude was too nasty for Lu Tong.

what is this?

Lu Tong's goosebumps rose from his arms.

What kind of scene where mother, daughter and best friend talk heart to heart? !

As soon as he walked out of the yard and met Qin Chu, the goosebumps in Lu Tong's heart hadn't gone away.

Qin Chu asked him, "Why are you looking at me like that? What's in your hand?"

Lu Tong: "My mother made chicken soup."

Qin Chu: "For Qin Shiwu?"

Lu Tong nodded: "He can't eat now, you can eat later."

Qin Chu: "What am I? A trash can?"

"If you don't eat it, give it back to me, and I will eat it myself."

Qin Chu took the thermos for him: "Forget it. Your mother is interested, so let's take it to the hospital and show it to your son. It's okay for him to smell it."

The driver, Lao Yang, opened the car door.

Seeing Lu Tong, Lao Yang seemed to regard him as his future "little mistress".

Lu Tong saw a lot of toys in the car, such as Transformers, Iron Man, remote control helicopters, intelligent robots, etc., and was stunned.

"What is this?" He pointed to the pile of toys and looked at Qin Chu dumbfounded.

After a while, he realized: "You bought it for Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Chu said calmly, "Being a father for the first time, I have no experience."

Lu Tong laughed out loud.

Qin Chu blushed a little when he laughed, feeling that he was humiliated.

He took a long leg, snorted, got into the car, and closed the door.

Lu Tong was still laughing, looking at these toys while laughing.

Qin Chu said: "What's so funny? You are very experienced?"

Lu Tong: "I have no experience either. Are you angry?"

"A little bit. I advise you to hurry up and coax me, otherwise I will be angry in the next forty minutes and twenty-two seconds."

Lu Tong: "You are accurate to the second."

He softened his voice and said in a very sensible way: "I'm sorry, I was wrong and shouldn't laugh at you. But I think he might not like it."

Qin Chu: "Why? Don't boys like this?"

Lu Tong sighed: "I don't know what his real name is yet."

Qin Chu said, "Call it Qin Shu."

Lu Tong:?

Qin Chu looked at him: "I thought about it before. If I want to have a son, I will call it this. If I don't change my mind in a short time, this kid's name must be this."

Lu Tong recited the name silently, and asked, "Why?"

Qin Chu said expressionlessly: "Did we meet the most beautiful love in the age when we didn't understand love the most?"

Lu Tong's expression changed instantly.

Qin Chu said: "Do you still have this love letter on your desk, this sentence is the beginning, signed by Qin Chu who loves you?"

Lu Tong nodded.

Qin Chu asked, "Do you think I wrote it?"

Lu Tong: ...

Qin Chu leaned on the chair: "Obviously, this nonsense fake and shoddy letter came from your son."

Lu Tong laughed: "I guessed it."

He paused: "Qin Shu is a good name."

Like a love letter from afar, it was sent to them sixteen years later.

During this period of time, Lu Tong and Qin Chu were very close. Qin Heng, who was so close and far away in Beijing, knew about it, and came down to ask Qin Chu how things were going.

Qin Heng likes this excellent child Lu Tong very much. Firstly, his family is innocent, secondly, he and Lu Tong's mother were playmates when they were young, and thirdly, Qin Chu himself likes it. If the two children are willing to be together by themselves, He wouldn't do that mallet either.

When I asked Qin Chu, I hoped that Qin Chu could make a good decision by himself and not be irresponsible for his own feelings.

Unexpectedly, Qin Chu was questioned. After the two had a big fight on the phone, Qin Heng decided to find a time to go to Hangzhou to clean up Qin Chu.

When I got out of the car, it was snowing outside.

Qin Chu opened the umbrella to block Lu Tong.

He stretched out his hand to pick it up, but the snowflakes were still so small that they would disappear in his hand.

Lu Tong took the opportunity to complain about his princess disease, he pretended to hold an umbrella with such a little snow, all girls are better than you.

Qin Chu didn't take it seriously, and retorted: "My princess is sick, what are you? Are you a prince?"

Lu Tong heheed, and put his hand in front of Qin Chu: "Your Highness, can you walk well? I'm in a hurry."

Qin Chu grabbed his hand and squeezed it: "It was you who blamed me first."

Qin Shiwu's inpatient department is behind the two buildings.

If you want to go there, you have to cross a small road. There are not many people coming to see the doctor today, but there is snow on the ground, and it is quite strenuous to walk.

When crossing the path, I met a few children from the inpatient department who came downstairs to watch the snow. Accompanied by his parents, the child sat in his father's arms with a rare smile on his face.

When he reached the twelfth floor, Qin Shiwu was lying on the side of the bed and looking downstairs.

Lu Tong put down the thermos and made a noise. Qin Shiwu immediately felt better when he turned his head.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Chu took off his scarf.

Ever since he knew that Qin Shiwu was his son, Qin Chu could no longer treat him with the same attitude as his peers.

Looking at Qin Shiwu now, it's like looking at a three or four year old child, with the filter of being a father.

Qin Chu looked outside, and sure enough, he saw the downstairs—the child was playing with the snow just now.

Lu Tong tore him off the window: "Want to play?"

Qin Shiwu nodded: "Yes."

Wanting to play is one thing.

Who you want to play with is another matter!

The ultimate goal of playing with snow, for Qin Shiwu, is of course not snow, but to be accompanied by Lu Tong and Qin Chu.

Lu Tong was worried that his current body was not suitable for playing. If he caught a cold or something, with Qin Shiwu's current resistance, he might die.

He still remembered that last year when Qin Shiwu played in the snow, he just rolled around on the ground, and when he came back, he had a high fever all night long.

Come to think of it, he should have noticed then.

Ordinary people's health is not so bad, high fever will be sent to that extent.

He was thinking about how to persuade Qin Shiwu to give up this idea, but Qin Shiwu figured it out by himself.

"But I have more important things to do, I can't waste time playing in the snow!"

Lu Tong asked him, "What else do you have to do?"

Qin Chu opened the insulated box, and the smell of chicken soup filled the room. He said, "Auntie Lin made it for you, but you can't eat it. Let me smell it."

Qin Shiwu didn't bother to settle such trivial matters with his father, so he said directly, "I've already told the doctor, and I'm going out for a day tomorrow."

Lu Tong: "Where are you going?"

Qin Shiwu said excitedly: "Go and buy things for your wedding!"

Lu Tong paused for a moment, as if hesitating.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: "The doctor said, I can go out to play for a day, it's fine."

He insisted on going, but Lu Tong couldn't hold him back, and finally coaxed Qin Shiwu to drink the medicine before he went to bed contentedly.

It is probably because people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Qin Shiwu's spirit is suspended by such a major event that he has been thinking about. Even the doctor said that his condition has begun to improve.

Early the next morning, Qin Shiwu was the first to get out of bed.

One day he could finally pull out the needle in his hand, and his wrist could be bent at will according to his own words.

Qin Chu took out Qin Shiwu's clothes from the box. After Lu Tong put on four pieces for him, he was worried that he would be cold when he went out, so he added another long black down jacket.

Qin Shiwu felt that his outfit was not fashionable at all, and because the clothes belonged to Lu Tong, he was reluctant to take them off. After struggling for a while, he still wore them and went out.

He said: "I've already made a list, let's go to the small commodity wholesale market to buy! I want to buy balloons and ribbons, and... let me see..."

As he walked and read, he pushed open the door, and suddenly heard a "bang", sequins and ribbons fell from the top of his head.

"Congratulations on being discharged from the hospital! Although the time limit is one day!" Qu Muyao's head popped out, and she was still holding the ribbon tube in her hand.

The gift that Gu Chi prepared was stuffed into Qin Shiwu's arms: "For you, Huanggang test paper 104 sets, you made it."

Ji Rang squeezed over and said with a smile: "I have nothing to give, I will give you a kiss from me!"

Qu Muyao pushed him away: "Be quick."

Qin Shiwu was holding the set of Huanggang test papers, startled and amazed, before he could react, he took a step back.

Standing by the side, Lin Xiaomian hurriedly said, "They heard that you were discharged from the hospital today, so they came to play with you."

Qu Muyao hooked Qin Shiwu's shoulders, pressed his head down, and messed up his hair: "Did you miss me? Wow, so many clothes, who put them on for you?"

Gu Chi said: "By the way, the people in the class gave you a pennant called 'Fight the disease bravely and recover soon', not bad!"

"Why did you bring this here? The soil is dead, Lao Zhao really dares to entrust this matter to you."

"Don't stand blocking the door, the nurse is watching us."

Qin Shiwu's eyes were red, he lowered his head, and sucked his nose.

Qin Chu came out of the ward and complained, "It's so noisy."

Ji Rang: "Brother Qin, let's be lively. I've received your invitation letter. Don't take us with such a big event as 'marriage'. Can I be the best man?"

Lu Tong pushed them: "Don't block the door. Don't press him down, he's not in good health."

Qu Muyao pinched Qin Shiwu's small face: "Poor thing, she's become sister Lin now."

Gu Chi glanced at the phone: "Didn't you say you're going to buy wedding supplies, why don't you leave?"

Qin Shiwu looked back at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu said, "Don't like it?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head, speaking with a nasal voice: "I like it. Did you call them?"

Qin Chu didn't change his face: "They are the ones who pestered you to come here."

Qin Shiwu has very few friends, and sixteen years later, he is always alone in school.

The nanny who took care of him told him that because of his special status, he must be cautious when making friends, otherwise it will affect Lu Tong's career if he is not careful.

Over time, Qin Shiwu simply stopped making friends.

He can play well without friends.


But if you really have friends, it seems...

It seems that I will be really happy, very happy, it is an experience I have never had before.

Lu Tong was afraid that he would fall, so he held his hand, and Qu Muyao laughed at him.

Qin Shiwu wiped his face and said, "I want to buy balloons first."

Gu Chi added: "If you can't drink alcohol, just buy juice."

Ji Rang: "Wow! How can this work! Isn't it a wedding wine? What is fruit juice? What about handing over a glass of wine?"

"The soil is not soil, what age is it still drinking wine!"

Qin Shiwu's body was still enduring the torment of illness, and the pain ached for a while from time to time, which made him unable to concentrate.

He crossed over, endured a lot of hardships, wandered around the gate of **** a few times, and when he was rolling on the bed in pain, he wished he could die.

However, once life gave him a little bit of sweetness, Qin Shiwu soon forgot the pain.

He was walking between Lu Tong and Qin Chu, and next to his ears were the noises of the little aunt and the others.

Qin Chu suddenly grabbed Qin Shiwu's hand, and in this way, he and Lu Tong were alone.

Qin Shiwu turned his head and glanced at him, Qin Chu didn't speak, and looked away.

After a while, he asked, "Are you happy?"

Qin Shiwu chuckled and nodded vigorously.

Qin Chu touched his head: "I hope you will always be happy."

Either here, or back sixteen years later.

I hope you are always happy and always healthy.

The author has something to say: papa's love is action

Today can be regarded as a transitional chapter, because the next chapter is a small climax, and I will not be able to write well if I write it together! Let me brew it! The next chapter will definitely travel back!

And... I still come to ask everyone to leave a message 5555!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution~Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: You lick my little tongue, 1 cold crisp; thank you for the little angel who irrigates [Nutrition Solution]: 123440 bottles; 18127349, LEFT, Qiqi⑦7, 20 bottles of light rain; 13 bottles of Boopa; 10 bottles of Shaojun, Xiaoxianzi, Yixianyu, Dida LJ, Wangsanwang, Sakuya, Dede, Black Bear; white unicorn, prism - 5 bottles of Jinjin, Ye Suoxi, Star Sea, Venus; I want to go to heaven! 2 bottles; Cabbage Heart, Cool Summer, 1 bottle of Xiaoxihe; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!