MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-~ The 160th. The king is not white, oh

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Almost all the herbivorous dragons gathered around, all standing outside the territory of the donkey. These herbivorous dragons are too large to add up.

咕噜 Immediately organized the strongest Triceratops in the ethnic group to stand on the outermost periphery. The old, weak and sick Triceratops stood in the center, and Mongo and Sui stood in the forefront of the ethnic group.

This time, we must not compromise. In the future, they will have to raise the tyrants of the king dragon. The most favorite of the tyrannosaurus cubs is the triceratops. It will sooner or later hunter tribes of other ethnic groups, which will inevitably occur in the future.

The triceratops of the Yi ethnic group have never seen such a terrible scene. They have never been surrounded by so many herbivorous dragons, but they are not at all embarrassed. As long as the leader orders, they can kill their lives.

The Triceratops group is an absolute obedience to the command of the leader. Knowing that it is hard to die, they will not shrink in the slightest. Unless the leader is increasingly unable to make a dragon in the community, the ethnic group will want to overthrow him and will not obey him. The command.

The ethnic groups are very special. Although they are built by several ethnic groups, the time of formation is still very short, but they are extremely united and more united than many “old ethnic groups” with hundreds of years of history. It is the key to all solidarity.

Mongo is ready to fight at any time, as long as these herbivorous dragons step into the shackles of the territory, he immediately rushed out to kill the dragons, although he also knows that he can not beat so many herbivorous dragons, but he Will fight to the last moment of life.

You won't back down, you won't compromise, but there is no way to appease these people.

All the herbivorous dragons are still screaming, "Shu Wang, drive away Mengo, smash the king, and drive away Mengo."

I know that these herbivorous dragons will not easily fight with his ethnic groups. They just want to let the scorpion drive away Mengo through the way of "demonstration". As long as they rush away from Mongo, their purpose is achieved. Violent resolution will only be considered in the end.

If so many herbivorous dragons are fought, the casualties must be very heavy, and the ethnic groups may be destroyed, but the herbivorous dragons who besieged will also die a lot.

Even Mongo, a Tyrannosaurus Rex, can scare the ethnic group with thousands of Triceratops to escape. Even if it is only a Mongoran Tyrannosaurus Rex, it can kill at least before Mongo is killed by these herbivores. More than one hundred herbivorous dragons.

You can also kill at least 100 herbivorous dragons before you die.

Both Mongo and Sui have the strength of “one enemy and one hundred”, not to mention the loyalty of the shackles. Each triceratops of the sects of the squad show a state of “death as a dead”, so these herbivores are forced to die. The dragons will not easily fight with them.

He also noticed that all the carnivorous dragons in the vicinity stood in the distance to observe the dynamics of this side. Of course, these carnivorous dragons hope that they will fight and they will have endless meat to fight. It is not too good.

These herbivorous dragons just want to let the cockroaches drive away from Mongo. Only the cockroaches and Mongo are separated, and the surrounding herbivorous dragons will feel at ease.

The ethnic group of Mongo is the most powerful tyrannosaurus group in the entire Yukan continent. The ethnic group is the most powerful triceratops in the entire Yukan continent. The "marriage" of these two ethnic groups is a terrible thing.

Now, I often help Mongo to hunt. Although the hunters are all carnivorous dragons, the most favorite thing for Tyrannosaurus Rex is the triceratops, which are the herbivorous dragons. They will hunt the herbivorous dragons for the morning and evening.

The ethnic group of Mengo is already very powerful. The scorpion is also hunting for Meng Ge. It is equivalent to the scorpion triceratops and the camp of the tyrannosaurus. The surrounding herbivorous dragons all agree that this will be the future. It’s almost impossible to pass.

Of course, these herbivorous dragons also know that it is unrealistic to let the scorpion hit Menggo. How good the feelings of 咕噜 and Mongo are, all the dragons of Jukan Continental know that it is the most powerful to drive away Mengo. A good way, or you can leave here with Mongo and go to other ferns to harm other ethnic groups.

He gave a scream to his own group. He was telling all the dragons in the group. If he wanted to leave his group now, he would not blame them. If he stayed, he might die in this battle.

All the Triceratops in the tribe looked up at the embarrassment and made a huge roar. Each Triceratops did not hesitate to respond to the embarrassment. They wanted to stay, they were not afraid of death.

I watched the eyes of my own group with tears in my eyes. Today, this hard battle, he has made a decision.

Mengo also continually roared and summoned his brothers. Soon, more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus rexes appeared outside the hustle and bustle of the ethnic group, as well as the tyrants of the new tyrants of Yuya and Yuya.

Both Yan and Meng Ge have not officially met with this tyrannical dragon. They are very embarrassed. They shouldn’t help them. This tyrant Wang Long should not help them.

If this tyrant Wang Long knows 嘎ya earlier, or knows 嘎ya later, he does not have to participate in this melee, which is likely to die.

He and Mongo are very sorry. They should "catch away" Yuya and the tyrant Wang Long earlier. As long as they are together with the tyrants, they should go to their own territory and should not be in Mongo. Within the territory.

Of course, he and Mongo did not expect that this would happen today.

More than a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rexes roared outside the group of herbivorous dragons. They only needed a single order from Mongo, and they would rush to the herbivorous dragons to bite and slay.

Even if the herbivorous dragons surrounding them have thousands of dragons, the number has an absolute advantage, but so many herbivores are still very afraid of more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex In terms of it, it is the ultimate nightmare.

When the dozens of Tyrannosaurus rex appeared, the grass-eating dragons standing outside the shackles had a moment of panic, and they screamed and ran for a while before they settled down.

These herbivorous dragons continue to shout "King Wang, drive away Mengo, smash the king, and drive away Mengo"

I walked a few steps and all the dragons were quiet.

He shouted at all the herbivorous dragons. "I won't drive away Mongo. Not only will I not drive away Mongo, but I will also raise a few Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus, I will." In the future, I will hunt for me and Mongo’s Tyrannosaurus Rex

In order to prevent the recurrence of today's situation, you must let all the herbivorous dragons here know their position and attitude very well. They must be very tough and cannot take a half step back.

Mongo has been standing beside him, and after he finished speaking, Mengo kept screaming and said that he would fight with him to fight death.

The surrounding herbivorous dragon group suddenly blasted the pot and kept talking.

"Why do Triceratops hunt, the herbivorous dragon can't hunt, the Triceratops can't be with the Tyrannosaurus, and the Triceratops can't hunt for the Tyrannosaurus."

The original carnivorous dragon hunted the herbivorous dragon, and the herbivorous dragon group resisted the predation of the carnivorous dragon. This is the balance of the natural law and the balance of the food chain.

Suddenly, a particularly powerful herbivorous dragon broke this balance, which inevitably caused the resistance of the surrounding dragons. This is also the function of nature.

The surrounding herbivorous dragons are getting more and more violent, and it seems that they will soon rush to fight with them.

I know that at this time, I can’t show a slight retreat. He stood at the forefront of the ethnic group and kept screaming at the herbivorous dragons outside the territory, as long as these herbivorous dragons stepped into his territory. In one step, he will rush with the ethnic group to defend his territory.

Mongo and more than a dozen Tyrannosaurus remnants roared.

Both Monk and Mongo know that if they really fight today, the more fierce they are, the sooner the war will end, the more weaving dragons will be scared away. The more they shrink, the more they will help each other. The arrogance, the last defeated.

There are too many herbivorous dragons standing outside the territory. They are very angry and roaring and screaming, even if the screams of more than 3,000 triceratops of the Yi ethnic group are already very large or completely submerged.

These herbivorous dragons surrounding them are becoming more and more angry. Some of them are working **** their feet, some are going back and forth, and some even keep squatting in place.

The body of the herbivorous dragon is generally very large. It is not a joke that they are shaking all the way to the ground. Now, you can clearly feel that the fern planting under your feet is shaking violently, as if to collapse.

I am ready to go out with the ethnic group at any time. Mongo is also ready to fight alongside the donkey. It seems that for the first time, Mengo is very excited.

Last time in the ice sheet, before the glaciers melted, the herbivorous dragons suspected of deceiving them, and they killed so many dragons that Pato had surrendered, and the ethnic group of Pado was also besieged by the herbivorous dragons, but that The second Mengo was not in the ethnic group of Pado. Although Mengo rushed in time, he did not fight alongside this identification.

I don't know how many dragons will die this time, but he has no choice.

Seeing the herbivorous dragons outside the territory will rush into the territory, and the heart of the dragon is very tormented.

Finally, the outside of the herbivorous dragon group could no longer stand, and they rushed in. The monks and mongoes rushed out with the ethnic group, and more than a dozen tyrannosaurus dynasties also rushed to these herbivorous dragons.

I know that I must make a quick decision. I will kill a few herbivorous dragons who take the lead in making trouble, and let other herbivorous dragons know how difficult it is to retreat.

Both Mongo and Skull are extremely fierce.

The carnivores who watched in the distance knew that their "feast feast" was coming soon, and the carnival began, and the blood was delicious.

At this moment, all the herbivorous dragons heard a deafening roar coming from afar.

A huge incomparable male triangle dragon is like a god, and he rushes to the side. He runs too fast, and his body seems to have a residual image. His body is too strong, just like a whole body. The beast of the fire.

This huge incomparable majestic dragon is followed by a large group of more than 3,000 ternary dragons.

Of course, this Triceratops is Pado.

Looking at Pado, he remembered seeing Pado for the first time. At that time, he was still very young. He didn't know that Pado was his biological father. He had never seen such a huge Triceratops. He looked at him. It is.

Pado ran so fast, Pado ran in the woods, and soon there was a residual image, letting the scorpion think that this triceratop would fly, the body can still pass through countless big trees, nothing can stop this huge Triceratops.

At that time, I even thought that the huge Triceratops was his illusion.

At a very fast speed, Pado rushed to his territory with his own ethnic group, blocking the ethnic group and the outside of these herbivorous dragon groups, temporarily blocking this war in an incredible way.

The outside of these herbivorous dragons did not expect that Pado would come over to help with the ethnic group, and Pado Ming also strongly opposed the monk and Mongo.

Pado is really too powerful. Pado seems to be terrible. The ethnic group and the awkward group of Pado add up too many Triceratops. The outside of these herbivorous dragons have a fear.

The brothers of Mongo also stopped temporarily, but they watched the herbivorous dragons with vigilance and were ready to rush in to kill the sky.

These herbivorous dragons keep talking.

"Pado, you leave with the ethnic group, we don't want to fight with your ethnic group, we just want to drive away Mengo"

"Pado, immediately leave with your ethnic group, you are not already ignorant, what do you do with him."

"You don't take the group again, fight, your triceratops will die, Pado, you think clearly."

Pado took a few steps forward and the herbivorous dragon group gradually quieted down.

At this time, I have already run to the side of Pado.

Pado yelled at these herbivorous dragons. "As long as I am still alive, you will never hurt me."

He didn't want him and Mongo's affairs to be related to the people of Pado. He quickly said, "Pado, you don't have to, don't do so much for me, don't you recognize me, you still control what I do, you take it with you. Walking with the group"

Pado screamed fiercely and said, "Little scorpion, there is no place for you to talk, stand behind."

Under the instructions of Pado, he was quickly pushed into the ethnic group by a group of strong triceratops, but he kept yelling and yelling.

If you are in a hurry, he must not let Pado take the whole group for him. He can only try his best to get the best. This is my territory. I am already the leader of the group. You are not qualified to manage the things in my community. You give me Roll, I don't want to see you again."

The surrounding herbivorous dragons kept talking.

"Pado, for a son, to catch up with your entire ethnic group, this can't be made, you don't have a son, you are better, he doesn't listen to you, what is the use for him?"

"You are so young, and you will not be old with Barbana to raise a few small scorpions. There will definitely be a little scorpion that is more powerful than sly and more obedient, for a sly, not worthy, Pado."

"Pado, even if you want to help, you can't come with the ethnic group. The Triceratops in your ethnic group have been with you for so many years. How can you let them all die here? Pado, you are not a good leader. ”

Not just Pado, every triceratops of the Pado ethnic group can give their lives for the sake of jealousy. For them, it is just as important as the leader of Pado, and saves the ethnic group too many times. If there is no jealousy, the ethnic group I have already died and I don’t know how many times.

The ethnic group and the feelings of Pandot are too deep. They have gone through a long road of migration together and have experienced countless lives and deaths together.

When the volcano erupted, there was no embarrassment. They would not migrate so early, they would be swallowed by the volcano.

When the ice sheet is too big, there is no flaw, they will be frozen forever in the largest glaciers.

When the avalanche is gone, there is no embarrassment, and most of the dragons in the ethnic group will be buried by snow.

The time when the ice collapse caused the mountain to collapse, if there were no defects, most of the dragons in the ethnic group would be killed by the collapsed mountains.

There is also a particularly dry road, as well as when there was a major earthquake.

Therefore, even without the orders of Pado, every Triton of the Pado ethnic group is willing to fight for the battle, and die without regret.

No matter what these herbivorous dragons say, no matter what they say, Pado can't hear. Pado only knows that he is a jealous father. He will always protect you. No matter what happens, he will protect you, even if you catch yourself. Ethnic group.

Pado yelled at all the herbivorous dragons, "You have to live your life, unless you step on my body and step on my community."

Even though there are many, many herbivorous dragons here, the sound of these herbivorous dragons is very large and very noisy, but the roar of Pado is still so loud and resounding.

Pado took his own group and step by step to push these herbivorous dragons out of the hustle and bustle.

However, these herbivorous dragons are not likely to leave, they even want to fight back, they are constantly roaring, trying to move forward.

At this time, I saw a lot of huge Fengshen pterosaurs in the sky not far away. The leader is Nassau and Ute.

That is the Fengshen pterosaur of the Nassau community.

The herbivorous dragons are very long, and the Fengshen pterosaur can never pick up any adult herbivorous dragon, but the group of Fengshen pterosaurs can pick up the herbivorous dragons, even if they can’t get up, the group of Fengshen The pterosaur can also tear the herbivorous dragon into **** with a long mouth.

Numerous Aeolus pterosaurs hovered over these herbivorous dragons, and as long as they slammed, they would attack these herbivores.

I was moved to tears.

At the same time, Vere rushed over with his own ethnic group, and quickly merged with the ethnic group of Pado.

There are more than 2,000 Triceratops in the ethnic group of Vail. There are more than 3,000 Triceratops in the ethnic group of Pado and Sui, so there is too much triceratops to fight.

The Triceratops is the most recent of all herbivorous dragons, and the only herbivorous dragon that can be singled out with Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Although he saved the life of Weier, Weier himself was willing to give his life for him, but he was a good leader. He could not lose his entire ethnic group to help him. He could not do it.

Originally, Weier thought that as long as the ethnic group and the herbivorous dragons were hit, he rushed to help him, and even if he took his own life, he had no regrets.

Now that Pado came over with the ethnic group, Wei knew that this should not be able to be played to a large extent. As long as he took the group, he should be able to stop this war.

Weier weighed again and again, and finally decided to help the family with the past.

Both Pado and Sui are very shocked. Weier is a very good triceratops leader. He can't catch up with his entire ethnic group. Even if he saved Wei, he didn't have to do it at all.

Under this circumstance, these herbivorous dragons are also unlikely to be hard-hitting. This is to deal with the three most powerful triceratops in Yukan, and the same three triangles in the entire Yukan continent. Dragon, Meng Ge is the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, they are all too powerful.

What's more, there are also the most powerful Tyrannosaurus and the Fengshen pterosaurs on the Yukan continent.

The clever dragons are the first to leave, and they also take away their good friends, the Jianlong ethnic group, followed by the Lianglong ethnic group, the original horned dragon group, etc., and finally the most recent triangular dragon group.

Looking at the herbivorous dragons that gradually dissipated, the tears flowed out unconsciously.

After the herbivorous dragon group was completely dispersed, Nassau flew to the beach with his own ethnic group.

The carnivorous dragons who watched the battle in the distance were of great disappointment. They obviously saw the ethnic groups and the herbivorous dragons to fight, and the result was a Pando ethnic group.

If there is no Pado, the carnivorous dragons can wait to eat meat. This kind of good thing in the sky, the whole dragon is afraid that it is difficult to meet several times.

The feeling of the carnivorous dragons is that they are lying in the trough. The ducks in the mouth can actually fly. It can’t be tolerated. You can’t bear these herbivorous dragons. It’s no wonder that eating can eat grass, saying good fights, why not fight? Is Pado so terrible? Give me a mad dragon.

Pado kept talking to Weir, "Ville, thank you, Vail, I don't know how to thank you, what do you want me to do in the future, as long as you say a word, I will definitely do it."

"Pado, you don't have to thank me. I can come over with the ethnic group. I know that I can't fight if I come over with the ethnic group. I know that my ethnic group will not be harmed. I am good." ”

Pado continued to say "No, Vere, I still want to thank you."

Vail "Pado, if you don't come with the ethnic group, I will never help the ethnic group. I am not like you, I will never catch up with my ethnic group, so you don't have to thank me."

Pado "I know, even if it is, you are already very good, Ville, in the future, as long as you say a word, you want me to do anything."

Standing behind Pado, at this moment, he deeply felt that he was still a little bitch, or a little nephew who needed Pado protection. Even if a friend helped him, Pado thanked him, and Pado was He remembered his kindness, and Pado gave him the help of his life.

Pado took everything for him, and all his grievances did not need him to bear. He was protected as a scorpion, even though he was already the leader of the ethnic group, and he owned the largest triangulous group in the entire Yukan continent. .

I also quickly said "Ville, thank you, even if I saved you before, you have saved me many times, and you don't have to do anything for me anymore, Weier, you can do anything for me later." ""

Weier felt that he really didn't do anything for him this time. Pado and he were a little embarrassed. He said, "I really didn't help much this time. I took the group back."

It is said that Weier has left the territory of the shackles with the ethnic group. The so-called great grace does not thank you, and he and Pato have not caught up again.

Pado did not say a word to him, he was going to take the group.

I quickly chased it up and said that tears flowed out unconsciously, and the voice choked. "Dad, why are you so stupid, you must be the stupidest dragon dragon dad, why are you so good to me, I If you don't listen to you, I am always angry with you, I am still leaving your ethnic group, I am still"

Pado interrupted, "Cry, cry, you are already the leader of the largest Triceratops group, and how can you do it like a little **** every day, I will come to you to fight every day, save some effort, don't be I cried and begged for mercy."

I stopped my tears and kept talking and said, "I know, Pado."

Mongo felt that Pado should not fight with him today. He walked to the side of the beggar and watched Pado quietly. He said nothing. This has already surpassed a thousand words.

Pado looked at Mongo and said, "Don't shake in front of me, see you, I will bother"

Meng Ge instantly lowered his head and turned and walked to the side. He didn't want to worry about Pado.

Looking at Mongo's grievances, he looked at Pado, who had left the group. He knew that Pardo saw that Mongo did not immediately hit Mongo. This is already a very big improvement.

After Paddo took the group, he and Mongo went to the ethnic group of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Mongo's Tyrannosaurus remnant stood outside the sly territory, and Yuya and her newly known tyrant Wang Long were also inside.

Before 咕噜 and Mongo arrived, 嘎ya drove away the tyrant.

Yan Ya will no longer accept any one of the tyrants. Although she likes this tyrannical dragon, she is very cautious, unless she really believes that this tyrannical dragon will introduce to Mongo and 咕噜.

He and Mongo did not go to chase the tyrannical dragon. They knew that when Yaya wanted to introduce them to them, they would naturally bring them to know.

Heya, "Hey, Mongo, don't ask me about the male dragon, wait until I am sure, I will tell you."

咕噜 "Ma Ma, I think that the tyrant Wang Long is very good, let us know him soon."

Mongo, "Don't be afraid, no matter how far you go, as long as I know that he is not good to you, I will definitely kill him. How far I will kill him."

咕噜 "Ma Ma, you are so good, you will meet a very good tyrant Wang Long, don't worry."

It’s been a while since Mongo’s last time I saw Yuya and this male tyrannosaurus, but I don’t introduce them to them, and I’ve proved that Yuya and the tyrants are not mating, they are simply falling in love. Perhaps the male tyrants have never succeeded in "hands-on" Yuya.

I feel that this tyrant Wang Long may be true love for Yuya, actually so patient.

Generally speaking, Tyrannosaurus Rex is very eager. As long as you look at the right eye, you will immediately mate. There is almost no male tyrant. Wang Long will have patience and long-term pursuit of an female tyrannosaurus, and there is no male tyrant. The dragon and the female tyrant will only fall in love. Mating, does not exist.

After experiencing a "failed marriage" with Mo's brother, Yuya has a serious psychological shadow. It is difficult for her to accept any of the tyrants. If she wants to catch up with Yuya, she will have to spend a lot of thoughts.

Both Yan and Meng Ge quite agree with this male dragon.

First of all, there are very few tyrants and dragons with such patience. Secondly, this tyrant Wang Long is willing to sell for Yuya in the case that Yuya has not been determined to be with him. If it is really fighting with the herbivorous dragons today, always May be killed.

Meng Ge is very afraid that the situation will happen again. Yuya is very dangerous to stay. He said, "Yu Ya, I think that the male dragon is very good. You will follow him. He will be good to you if he is right. If you are not good, I will kill him and pick you up."

Yuya quickly said, "Mongo, can you not let me go first, I have a tyrant, I will go, Mengo."

Although Yuya and Mengo are relatives and sisters, the Tyrannosaurus Rex has never been a group. They have supposed to have their own territory in adulthood. The situation in Yuya is quite special.

I know why Mengo is anxious to let Yanya go with the male dragon. He said, "Yuya, I think that the male dragon is very good. Don’t be afraid, if he is not good, I will pick it up with Mongo. You, I killed him and trampled on him."

Yuya suddenly looked a little embarrassed, she kept saying "Mengo, I don't go, don't chase me away, beg you, the tyrant Wang Long will eat my little scorpion, they are very bad, Mengo, don't hurry I am going"

At this time, they only knew that Yuya had no complete trust in this tyrannical dragon. At this time, it would be very painful to go. Mongo and 咕噜 are of course unwilling.

Meng Ge quickly said, "Yiya, I won't drive you away, no, never will."

He kept licking the neck of Yanya to comfort her. "Don't be afraid, we will never leave you."

Yuya said that her head is tightly leaning against her cockroach. "The small scorpion of Ma Ma, the numbness of Ma Ma, Ma Ma can protect you, will not let you eat it by him, no, hemp can protect you"

After being comforted by Mongo and Sui for a while, Yuya gradually recovered to normal.

After a while, Pado came to fight every day. Of course, every time he was beaten, he was **** and not soft.

In particular, after experiencing this “grassing the dragon” cluster, Pado is even more embarrassed. He urgently wants to grow up as soon as possible, and even if he encounters a very dangerous situation, he will be able to cope.

In the case of Pado, which is extremely harsh, and even arguably harsh and hot, the progress is very fast. He can only hit the Pado with a horn at most, and can already hit the Pado dozens of times. Of course, the gap between him and Pado is still very big.

Of course, during this time, you will still hunt for Mongo. Most of the time, you will be hunting carnivores, and occasionally hunting a few herbivores, and even hunting triceratops of other ethnic groups.

Even if the crickets have begun to hunt the herbivorous dragons, these herbivorous dragons seem to have already accepted their lives and gradually accepted the reality.

Occasionally, the nearby Triceratops group will still "demonstrat" ​​outside the hustle and bustle of the ethnic group, shouting the slogan "The Triceratops can not hunt the Triceratops, the herbivorous dragon can not hunt, is not a Triceratops, rolling out the Triceratops, the Triceratops can not hunt the triangle Dragon"

But the "demonstrations" of these Triceratops are too weak, and the shackles are much stronger than they are, and they dare to shout slogans outside the shackles.

Nothing like that day, many herbivorous dragons gathered to sue, because all the herbivorous dragons know that this will not be successful. There are so many powerful ethnic groups that will help, not win, and not win.

Gradually, even the triceratops that shouted slogans outside the Yi group were gone, and everything returned to calm.

All the herbivorous dragons have been silently accepted, and as a Triceratops, they will hunt for the herbivorous dragons and also the fact that they will hunt the Triceratops.

On this day, Mongo and Pei patrol this piece of fern planting, and observe the ethnic group of Wulan.

A male tyrannosaurus on the territory of Wulanland has attracted special attention, and he is very sure that this tyrannical dragon is definitely not one of the many harems of Wulan.

This male dragon is very strong, but it should have been a place where the forefoot is sprouting, but there are only two very ugly meat **** hanging, which looks unusually horrible.

Not only the forelimbs are not, but the chest where the entire forelimb is located is a scar of red and red. It is conceivable that the meat of the entire chest of the male dragon should be cut off by sharp things.

In the era of dinosaurs, there must be no knives, and the wounds of teeth are not like this.

The two meat **** are very small, which proves that this male Tyrannosaurus has been broken by two forelimbs when it is very young. This is a breeding meat ball.

I suddenly remembered that Uulan had a small scorpion that was interrupted by Liang Long’s tail, and the tail also knocked out the meat on the chest of the Little Tyrannosaurus.

At that time, the tyrannosaurus cub was still very young, so serious injuries, and lost the shelter of the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, how could it survive?

At that time, it was also very small, but he deeply remembered that when they finally passed the tyrannosaurus cub, the tyrannosaurus cub was eating his forelimbs and biting his forelimbs from his body. The ribs are very long, especially terrible, and they are simply childhood shadows.

Is it really the little Tyrannosaurus that he not only survived, but also found Wulan, which is amazing.

This little Tyrannosaurus can survive, although he is surprised, he can still understand.

In the past, I personally studied an adult tyrannosaurus fossil. The head of the tyrannosaurus was cracked by the dragon's tail from the middle. It still survived. The tyrannosaurus hunted by mouth, and the cracked mouth could still live. Down, it is really powerful.

The analysis of fossils shows that the tyrannosaurus was cracked at a very small time, and Liang Long could not break the head of the adult Tyrannosaurus Rex.

With such a serious injury, the entire head was cracked, and the teeth and mouth were misplaced. This tyrannosaurus still survived and grew up in adulthood.

At that time, the name of this strong Tyrannosaurus Rex was named "clear mouth", and the gap was a very famous tyrannosaurus fossil. It proved by facts that the dinosaur's self-healing ability is strong.

Wu Wulan’s little sister-in-law was very wounded at the time, but the front limb was injured. The fossil Tyrannosaurus was injured, but the head was cracked and he could survive. He could also hunt and grow up. This is the real overlord. Dragon fossils.

The self-healing ability of the dinosaur is too strong. I can understand that this little scorpion of Wulan is alive, but this little scorpion can find such a distant place alone. This is really not easy.

At that time, the place where the little scorpion was injured was still far away from the ice sheet. Walking alone through the ice sheet and walking so long alone, it was too difficult for the tyrannosaur who had not yet reached adulthood.

I don't know why this broken hand Tyrannosaurus is so persistent to find Wulan.

Uwulan does not seem to be in this territory now. The Wulong’s heroes are no longer. This broken master Wang Long is constantly looking for in the territory of Wulan, and has never found it.

I know that Ulan's territory is particularly large, otherwise it is impossible to feed so many male tyrannical dragons. Now Wulan has gone to a certain territory, and no dragon knows.

At noon the sun was too big, and I couldn't leave my own group for too long. Meng Ge sent him back to the Triceratops group, and he returned to the river and looked at the territory of Wulan.

Meng Ge knows that Wu Lanlan must be solved as soon as possible. The best way is not to fight with Wu Wulan’s group of tyrants, and to kill Wulan directly.

As long as Uwulan dies, the group of tyrannical dragons will naturally be disbanded.

During this time, Mongo was almost hidden in the lush ferns of the river and looked at the other side as soon as he was free. When he wanted to catch Uwulan alone, he immediately rushed to kill Wulan.

But Wulan is very clever and never appears. There are always a lot of heroes around him.

Suddenly, Mengo saw Wulan appearing on the other side, and there was no one behind him.

In the past, when Wu Lanlan was placed alone, Meng Ge would bring his brothers together. As long as Wu Wulan had a single order, he would be able to rush with his brothers and instantly kill Wu Wulan, even those who dominated Wang Long. It’s too late to come over.

Killing a female dragon with a group of male dragons will definitely be criticized by other Tyrannosaurus rex, but Mongo does not care about other dragons saying that he can kill Wulan, Wu Ulan’s existence It’s too dangerous.

Ulando lived a day, and the danger of one day is more. For Mongo, no matter what method is used, as long as you can kill Wulan.

Meng Ge kept the brothers for too many times, Wu Ulan did not place a single, Meng Ge also gave up this method, this time did not call the brothers together.

It is this time, Wulan is alone, Mongo can not let such a good opportunity, go back to call the brothers must be too late, can only go it alone.

Meng Ge has no impulsiveness. He is still hiding in the fern plants. He must be sure that there are no other tyrants around him. He can rush over. Otherwise, it is very dangerous.

After confirming that there were no other tyrants in the vicinity, Meng Ge quickly rushed over.

Wu Wulan was caught off guard and was bitten by Meng Ge and had a large piece of meat on his back.

Under the pain, Uwulan made an earth-shattering roar.

Meng Ge and Wu Ulan fought and played very fiercely. Wu Ulan was the most powerful female tyrannical dragon. She was not vegetarian. Mongo wanted to kill Wulan, and it took a lot of effort.

As the most powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mongo must have been much more powerful than Ulan. After a while, Uwulan was bitten by blood, and Mengo was hardly hurt.

Ulan's roar quickly attracted more than a dozen male dragons not far away.

Mongo was surrounded by a group.

In the territory of Wulan, even if the roar of Mongo is louder, his brothers will not be able to hear.

Wu Wulan is not angry at all. Meng Ge wants her life. Instead, she is very patient and persuaded. "Mongo, you are the most powerful male dragon in the whole Yukan continent. I am the most powerful female dragon. In the future, our little sister-in-law will be even more powerful than us. It’s so powerful, I must make a small scorpion with you."

Mongo "Uulan, I see you are impatient."

Wulan "Mengo, you are very powerful, but you can't play so many tyrants, you and me, I won't tell any dragon, I don't know, I just want to have a scorpion with you." After you have mated with me, I will leave here and never appear in front of you and you."

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