MTL - Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982-Chapter 457 he has an idea

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  Chapter 457 He has an idea

   The two listened to the noise in front of them, waited patiently by the side, and walked to acquaintances from time to time to chat for a few words.

   "Dongzi, what's the matter?"

   Ah Guang was impatient waiting behind the line, so he greeted the people in front of and behind the line and asked them to help watch, and he ran up to check the situation.

"Some people didn't pick out the shells cleanly, there were a lot of empty shells, and some small ones were mixed into the big ones to sell, and they were caught. I heard that the batch sent away earlier would be discounted, and the price of the later ones would be lowered now. We all discuss it there."

   "Ah, I said why the team hasn't moved for a long time, and their purchase points are too serious, right? Mix a little, just mix a little, isn't it normal?"

   "Did you mix it too? Just picked it out, and one of them mixed 30%."

   "I'm going to go! Is it true or not? Isn't this too cruel? I also mixed a little bit. Thinking of so many goods, how can I pick them so carefully, but no one else is so cruel."

  I heard people saying in my ears, who didn't mix it, isn't it normal to mix it a little? Open one eye and close one eye, it will pass, what...

  Ye Yaodong suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, and these people would not be wronged if the price was lowered, but he would have to suffer a lot!

  When they delivered them in the morning, they picked them so carefully, the big ones were big, and the small ones were small. After returning, he and his father sorted things out in the same way.

  Fucking shit, if the price is lowered indiscriminately, he will cry.

   Now he can't continue the chat, so hurry up and listen, what are you going to do to receive the goods? If he dares to pay the same price as other people's parallel imports for the real goods he picked, let's see if he doesn't beat people up.

  Father Ye chatted with other acquaintances, only to realize that everyone more or less mixed in a little bit, and there were not a few small ones thrown into the big pile. My family seems to have picked too carefully!

   This is not going to work, if the price is lowered, they will have to go back and mix it before they can sell it.

   There were quite a few people running up from behind to see the situation at this time, the father and son squeezed a bit before they squeezed to the front under the cursing of the people beside them.

I only heard the person at the purchase point say: The price of the big scallops in the morning is 30 cents and 7 cents, and the small ones are 30 cents. The batch sent away in the afternoon was originally priced at the same price, but there were too many empty shells inside, and they said they had to lower the price. 4 points. "

   "Huh? Is this too much?"

   "Yeah, four cents is too much, isn't it?"

   "Everyone has worked so hard to pick, and if you say you want to lower the price, you will lower the price..."

  The folks are a little unwilling to lower the price, and they are clamoring in groups.

  A Cai rolled his eyes, "A lot? Just randomly pick out 10-20% of the empty shells inside, and the difference is more than 4 cents a catty. Someone just mixed 30% of it, didn't you see it?"

"One rat droppings ruined a pot of porridge. You must not be wronged. Some of them have been mixed. And 3 cents 3, and 2 cents 6 are the price of the batch at noon. The quantity of goods received at night is larger, and the price will go up. It’s down by 3 cents.” Agui, another consignee, said.

   "What? Still falling? Isn't this too black-hearted?"

   "That's right, your eating looks are too ugly..."

   "This has already dropped by 4 cents, and it will drop by another 3 cents. Isn't this a drop of 7 cents, which is too much? You are too black-hearted..."

Ah Cai wiped the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief angrily, "Who's to blame? It's not that you mixed too much. Also, the big one is 3 cents, the small one is 2 cents and 3 cents. This is directly scaled without waiting to pick and choose." .”

  These words barely reassured everyone. The price was directly weighed, not picked. They were afraid that if it was adulterated, they would have to lower the price even more.

   "If anyone is really not involved, you can stand up alone and we will ask someone to pick it. If you pick it, it will still be 30 cents for the big one and 20 cents for the small one."

  The person next to him added: "If the quantity is large, the price will drop. This is also the result of our discussion. You don't need to pick and choose, and you can directly weigh it. It's good for you, and you won't have to wait in line for too long."

   "If you pick and choose one by one until tomorrow morning, you won't be able to pick a few, and the price will drop until tomorrow, that's even less cost-effective."

"Folks, think about it for yourself. Also, this price is the current queue price. If someone comes later, it will not be this price. Who knows if someone will shamelessly go back and add more empty shells to it? We wait I will ask someone to go to the back of the line to guard."

   "By the way, if the small one mixes too much into the big one, then the price will be compromised. No one is a fool, right?"

   Now the person who was at the front of the line and was about to put his hand into the sack also paused? A compromise is not worthwhile. Originally, less scallops are caught, and the larger ones are more than the small ones.

  Ye Yaodong and his son didn't know what to do after hearing the latest round of harvest indicators at the receiving point.

  The folks, too, are all tangled there.

  It can be weighed directly for three cents less, no need to pick, but if you pick, you can sell it for an extra three cents per catty.

  Everyone has calculated an account in their hearts. If it is more than 10% mixed, it must be a good deal directly, and there is no need to wait too long.

   If there is not 10% of the empty shells, you still have to pick and choose.

   (I was so confused about the calculations in this section, I calculated repeatedly for an hour, I don’t know if it’s right, I’m not good at math, so just let it go, or don’t use your brain.)

  But I’m afraid that the selection is too slow. What if there are too many people queuing up to pick, and the price will drop when it is late?

  How much they charge is not up to them, and everyone doesn’t have so much free time to sell these goods scatteredly, who knows when they will be sold.

  Everyone was silently calculating in their hearts, Ye Yaodong and Father Ye were also thinking about it.

"Father, it's okay if you don't beat him to death with a stick. There are direct weighing prices, and you can pick and choose the price. Compared with the morning, because there are more goods in the evening, it is normal for the goods received to drop by four cents. Let's The size is well chosen, so I’m not afraid to choose it again.”

Father Ye also figured it out, "Well, it's a bit complicated, but after thinking about it, it's equivalent to a drop of four cents. Those adulterers directly said that it would not be a loss even if it was three cents cheaper. There are more than 10% of the empty shells, and there must be a lot of small ones mixed into the big ones."

   "Then let's go back first. The line is too long. Anyway, we won't be able to line up for a while. Let's go back and have dinner first."

  The two went home again, and told others about the current situation of receiving goods outside the dock.

  Elder Sister Ye and Second Aunt Ye frowned, "This is seven cents off the price? Isn't that too much? We didn't add much."

   "Now so many people are queuing up to watch, we can't send him a bag of shells to mix, and it's too slow to pick."

   After Ye Yaodong talked about the situation, he left them alone and let them discuss by themselves.

  As soon as he got home, he sat on the armchair by the door and began to take off his rain boots. He was bored all day...

  Looking at the children squatting in the corner and playing there, he smirked and threw his rain boots towards them...

   "Ouch~It smells~"

   "My mother~what does it smell like~how come it smells worse than shrimp seedlings?"

   "Whose feet..."

   "Ouch~ Ye Chenghu, it's your father's foot..."

   At this time, he is no longer called Third Uncle.

  A group of children habitually gather around their yard to play, and they don’t know where to catch a bunch of tadpoles to study how to turn into frogs.

  Suddenly, a strong smell of stinky feet swept over the tip of their noses, disrupting their Dao heart, causing their expressions to change drastically, leaving the group, and retreating one by one holding their noses.

   "Does it stink?" Ye Yaodong raised his foot to the tip of his nose, and smelled it, but he couldn't smell the smell of his own feet anymore, "It doesn't stink, come and smell it."

   "Ah! yue~ I don't want to~ it stinks~"

   "Third Uncle, you are so disgusting, why don't you wash your feet."

   "Father, is yours from Hong Kong? It stinks, worse than shrimp."

   "Shrimp seedlings smell bad and taste delicious."


  Ye Yaodong deliberately threw the other rain boot at them, and all of them scattered like birds and beasts.

   "Ah! There are hidden weapons, run away!"

   "Use your Shaolin Kung Fu quickly!"


   I don’t know where the funny ratio came from.

   After Ye Chenghai responded, he squeezed his nose tightly with one hand, picked up the shoe with his little finger up and threw it towards Ye Yaodong with the other hand, then clenched his fists with both hands and kicked his legs in the air a few times.

"watch out!"

  Ye Yaodong dodged their "hidden weapons" and looked at them like an idiot, "Fool! Get me a pair of slippers quickly."

   "Little Uncle, is there still Shaolin Temple in the cinema?"

   "Probably." According to the degree of popularity of this movie, there should be a film schedule.

   "We pay for the movie tickets ourselves, you can take us to see it! My cousin just told us it's very good."

   "Wait until I'm free."

  Ye Chenghai quickly answered, he also wanted to watch Shaolin, "It's not that I just finished picking shells, the typhoon just passed, and I can't go to sea, so I just have time."

   "You've done your calculations well, why don't you still ask me?" Ye Yaodong cocked his feet and moved his thumbs, and he called into the room, "Ah Qing... Forget it, I'll go in and get the shoes by myself."

   I can't count on these children, and the daughter-in-law is cooking again, so I can only rely on myself.

   A group of children did not get a definite answer, and they chased after each other, "Father/third uncle/little uncle...can you..."

  Ye Yaodong turned around suddenly, raised his legs forward, and bluffed a bit, causing them all to back away in fright.

   "Go and bring me a basin of water to wash my feet."

   "Then can you take us there?"

   "Don't bargain, I'll consider it when I'm comfortable serving you."

   This time, everyone was more motivated than anything else, and they rushed to fetch water, and some rolled up their sleeves to wash his feet.

   "Hey~ This is the meaning of having a baby! Wash for a while and rub the back of your feet."

   "Hiss~Who plucked my leg hair~"

  Ye Yaodong felt a pain in his foot, he quickly lifted it up, stretched out his hand to touch it twice, and saw Ye Chengyang holding two hairs in his hand and looking at him innocently.

   "Dad, there is Mao Mao!"

   "You son of a bitch, everyone has fluff on their bodies."

  Ye Chengyang stretched out his little feet seriously, "No hair!"

  Ye Yaodong looked at him speechlessly, "You will have it when you grow up, it's a symbol of a man!"

  Lin Guangyuan also stretched out his legs at this time, "I don't have any!"

  Ye Yaodong twitched the corner of his mouth, "This means you haven't grown up yet!"

  He touched the back of his head, "But I'm 15."

   "Just wait, you will grow up, and after a year or two you will have my **** leg hair..."


  Lin Xiuqing couldn't hold the spatula firmly, and they all fell on the lid of the pot.

  She turned her head and couldn't help but glared at him reproachfully, "What are you talking about all day long?"

   "Didn't I give them some science, and I didn't say anything, don't you think my leg hair is very sexy?"

  Lin Xiuqing turned her head to concentrate on cooking, and ignored him. There are so many children here, and she didn't say anything.


  Ye Yaodong slapped the hands of several children, they either pulled or touched them.

   "What are you touching?"

   "Didn't you say sexy? I don't know what **** is, but it's not easy to touch at all."

   "Go, go, men are not allowed to touch men, is it disgusting, bring me a foot wipe."

   "Third Uncle, can you take us to see Shaolin Temple!"

   "When I sell out the shells and they are empty..."

  At this time, there was a sudden fierce dog barking at the gate of the courtyard, and the **** dog was barking loudly.

   Before Ye Yaodong sent a few children to see who it was, they ran to the door spontaneously.

   "Third Uncle, it's Father Zhou and Father Yan who are next to you."

  Ye Yaodong stood up quickly, and walked towards the door. The little ones had already calmed down the **** dog and brought him in.

  He saw that each of them was carrying a basket in their hands, and he knew that they should come to thank them, so he smiled and invited them into the room to sit down.

As soon as they sat down, they explained the purpose of their visit. It was no surprise that they came to thank them. They also lifted the cloth on the basket. The children who were curious and did not leave immediately widened their eyes and opened their mouths into an O shape. .

  Cans of malted milk, canned oranges, beautifully packaged biscuits, paper-wrapped noodles and tea cakes, filled a table to the brim, and the children who watched were drooling.

  They have never seen so many good things, and they are reluctant to blink their eyes, for fear that they will disappear after a blink.

  It was still the voices of the adults, which pulled them back from their astonishment, and it was only when they realized it that they yelled.

  Lin Xiuqing hurriedly drove these children out to play. There were guests, so it was rude to crowd around and look at the things they brought over.

   They thanked them politely with a smile, and explained that they should have come early in the morning, but there were too many shells at the door, and they had been busy until now.

   After finishing speaking, they chatted again.

   "Adong, haven't you sold the scallops you picked up today?"

   "That's right, there are too many things and too little labor. It took me a long time to sort them. By the time I finished sorting, the line outside the pier was already hundreds of meters long."

   Zhou Laosan said: "I heard they said that the price has dropped. Compared with the initial price, it has dropped by 4 cents. If you just say that you don't pick it, it will drop by 7 cents. The next wave may drop the price again."

"It's like this. I heard it outside the pier at that time. It was too late to sort out, and the long line was scary to watch. I didn't know when the goods would be collected, so I didn't go to the line. It’s a big loss now, and I don’t know how much the next wave will drop.”

  Ye Yaodong is also worried, there are so many people and it is impossible to jump in the queue, and when the people in front are overweight and don’t know when, the price may drop a wave or two.

   "I heard that because there are too many scallops in this wave, it is not easy to find out where to buy them at the wharf. I plan to work together to collect these batches and share them."

"The queue is so long, and it took a long time to close it. I didn't move before, but now I can see a few slow movements, but there are more and more people in the queue at the back. It hasn't decreased at all, and there are more people. .”

  Ye Yaodong looked at everyone and suddenly thought of something.

   "I just thought of something, I don't know if it is."


   "What's the matter?"

  Everyone looked at him curiously.

   "I heard that there is a wholesale aquatic product market in the city, is there?"

   There were some in the later years of his previous life, but he is really not sure if there are any at this time, so he has to ask them.

   "It seems there are!"

   "Yes! There is a wholesale aquatic product market in the city," Zhou Da said affirmatively, "I have been to the city when I was running a boat before, and I also went to the aquatic product wholesale market with the boat boss to sell fish!"

  Ye Yaodong's eyes lit up instantly, "Have you ever been to the aquatic product market? What time is their morning market? How do you charge the stall rent?"

  Others have also thought about it now.

  (end of this chapter)