MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 41 Short message

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Zhai Chi stared at the card for a while, then looked down at Yu Jiu.

Yu Jiu didn't know what was going on, so she subconsciously explained, "I didn't find the trash can."

After I finished speaking, I felt wrong.

What did he explain to Zhai Chi?

The card was stuffed by someone else, and he didn't intend to contact him.

He didn't do anything wrong, why is he panicking?

Zhai Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, and held the card in his hand very helpfully, "I'll throw it for you later."

Yu Jiu: "..."

In a moment of helplessness, another person on the field walked towards them.

Wearing the uniform of Yumin Middle School's school team with an inch head and a round face, it was Chen Hao who had confronted Zhai Chi on the court just now.

Chen Hao seemed to be two people on and off the court. He was pressing **** the court without giving in. Now that he walked over, the smile on his face could even be called gentle and generous.

"Congratulations on winning the championship."

He stretched out his hand towards Zhai Chi.

Zhai Chi shook his hand politely: "Thank you."

Chen Hao turned to Yu Jiu again and said, "I heard that you are the vice-captain of Jinyi No. 1 Middle School?"

Yu Jiu said, "It should not be the case when I go back this time."

"That's not important." Chen Hao said: "I watched your game, it was very exciting, would you mind leaving your contact information? Is there a chance to play together?"


What kind of ball to play across a city?

Yu Jiu was preconceived by that forced card, and was somewhat repulsed by those who asked for his contact information.

Especially when the news revealed that he was an omega.

He was silent for a while, then said, "Okay."

He took out a mobile phone from where he was sitting, "Shall I scan your WeChat?"

Chen Hao didn't expect him to be so straightforward, his eyes lit up, and he immediately lowered his head and took out his phone to open WeChat.

While he bowed his head, Yu Jiu grabbed the hand of the person next to him and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

Zhai Chi: "..."

He went to the court to play, and the mobile phone was stored at Yu Jiu's place.

Originally, he planned to refuse for Yu Jiu himself, but now it seems that there is no need.

Zhai Chi couldn't help grinning to the base of his ears, watching the omega in front of him exchange contact information with someone else - using his mobile phone.

Unaware, Chen Hao got the contact information, greeted Zhai Chi contentedly, then turned and left.

Yu Jiu heaved a sigh of relief and returned the phone to Zhai Chi.

Zhai Chi didn't answer.

He looked at Yu Jiu leisurely, "This is a big trouble, you just leave it to me?"

Yu Jiu took it for granted, "Didn't you say you wanted to throw it for me?"

After speaking, he directly bypassed Zhai Chi, and walked towards the entrance of the gymnasium as if fleeing.

The celebration banquet was arranged after returning to Jinyi City. The competition ended and a simple awards ceremony was held. Luo Liheng couldn't wait to take his and the students' honor back to Jinyi No. 1 Middle School. There was no long post-match summary this time. The school team The members avoided an ear-piercing speech and were made an exception to get on the school bus "with ease".

The driver was still the one who sent them here, just like Luo Liheng, with a red face.

The rest of the people in the school bus also raised their eyebrows and their beards were raised, and the discussion was full of enthusiasm. They didn't have the sun-melted depression when they came.

In this provincial competition, Jinyi No. 1 Middle School was humiliated in front of other schools. Not to mention how proud Luo Liheng is of this, just like what Lao Luo said before going to the game, because of the wonderful performance of the school team members on the court. It shows that some sports schools have offered olive branches to several seniors who have graduated from high school.

"I really envy you guys. You've made it through high school, and you've even become special recruits for a sports school."

Cheng Yuanchao said with emotion to the sophomores: "This time you go back and take the final exam, and you will officially enter the third year of high school. If you persist for another year, you will also make it through."

However, it was fine if he didn't say anything, and when he said it, there were several wailings in the car: "Captain, please don't mention it, please? I have a terrible headache."

"After winning the competition, I have to take the final exam when I go back, and the prize I just got suddenly won't be good."

"The school should make a rule that students who have won major honors for the school can be exempted from the exam once."

As soon as Zou Jian finished speaking, a ball of paper hit him on the forehead.

Luo Liheng turned his head to look at the students in the school bus from the front, "Major honor? Didn't he just win a few games, I'll show you off, and you'll be exempted from the exam. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"Hey, Lao Luo, when you say this, can you slightly control the corner of your mouth that is shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"

Lao Luo's current reprimand has no deterrent effect.

What Zou Jian said made Lao Luo furious, took off his shoes and threw himself at Zou Jian's position.

Zou Jian shrank his head and hid, and then raised his head from behind the seat and said, "Quality, quality! Lao Luo, you must pay attention to your manners as a teacher."

Luo Liheng scolded with a smile: "Little brat, throw the shoe back to me."

Zou Jian: "No, we've sweated for a week, and this shoe is your reward for us..."

Before the speech was over, Luo Liheng had already stood up, and he took off his other shoe. This time, he managed to hit the target and hit Zou Jian's leg.

The people in the school bus suddenly burst into laughter.

Infected by their happy atmosphere, Yu Jiu was also full of smiles, his shoulders suddenly sank, his body stiffened slightly, and he tilted his head slightly.

"I'm sleepy, lend me a moment."


Yu Jiu pursed her lips and didn't say anything, it was a tacit consent.

Zhai Chi smiled and curled the corners of his mouth, then adjusted a more comfortable posture, and fell asleep with his pillow on Yu Jiu's shoulder.

Yu Jiu was "under house arrest" by Luo Liheng and slept in the hotel for too long, now he is not sleepy at all, he let Zhai Chi use him as a pillow, took out a book from his pocket, opened it and planned to consolidate Check out the knowledge points.

The teaching of Jinyi No. 1 Middle School has always been advanced. In the first and second years of senior high school, I have completed the content of the three years of high school. The third year of senior high school is used for review, which is divided into consolidation review and module review for the college entrance examination.

Before they came to participate in the provincial competition, the first class of science had already learned all the content, so they didn't have the problem of not being able to keep up if they didn't take classes for a week.

In the hotel for the past few days, apart from participating in the competition to observe the opponents, Yu Jiu did not forget to review and consolidate. Although he is not as efficient as in school, he has the foundation there, and he has firmly memorized some things by rote Living.

After returning to school, it was only a few days later, but the "relatives and friends" who welcomed the basketball team back to school at the school gate were so excited that they seemed to be saying goodbye to life and death.

It's only because Luo Liheng insisted on going back to school today, and he did it right away, and even picked a time to arrive after class with great fanfare, which made the school gate noisy.

There was a line up to welcome the honorary return of the basketball team, but Yu Jiu only felt a headache.

There were too many people around, and Zhai Chi had to protect him tightly, but he didn't expect his actions to make the surrounding screams louder.

【Is it true? Are they already together? 】

[Really, it must be true, haven't you seen Zhai Chi's obvious protection of his wife? If they are not real I am fake! 】

【Is there any need to question this matter? I didn't see the live broadcast of the game. At the end, everyone else was celebrating on the field, but the two of them were sneaking around in the rest area. Isn't this a young couple? 】

[If Yu Jiu is a beta, I might still doubt it, but Yu Jiu is an omega! I don't believe that there will be a pure friendship between AO, and they have known each other for ten years! If Zhai Chi hadn't thought about Yu Jiu for ten years, then he was either blind or he couldn't do it! 】

[They are a good match! 】

The screaming mode was activated simultaneously on the forum and at the school gate.

Yu Jiu didn't know what they were thinking, he squeezed out from the crowd, and after returning to the classroom, he went to the office first.

Zhao Yun watched the live broadcast of their game and was very pleased with the performance of the two students in the class on the court. After hearing about Yu Jiu's accident, he also called to care for Yu Jiu immediately.

When Yu Jiu entered the office, teachers from other classes were also there.

"Hey, our all-rounder in civil and military affairs is back?" The head teacher of the second class spoke first when he saw Yu Jiu appearing at the door of the office.

Yu Jiu was not familiar with the other teachers, so she could only smile and nod with embarrassment on her face.

Zhao Yun immediately said: "Teacher Yang."

"Oh, I got it, I got it."

Teacher Yang is a female omega. After being reminded by Zhao Yun, she smiled and said: "I said you gave me one of your good students and you refused, why can't you even praise me? You are very stingy."

Zhao Yun said: "It's not up to me whether to let it go or not."

It depends on the choice of the students themselves and the decision of the school.

Teacher Yang knew there was nothing to do, so she pursed her lips in disappointment.

Yu Jiu went straight to Zhao Yun's desk, and the two had a tacit understanding. They looked at each other, and Zhao Yun could see what Yu Jiu wanted to ask, and shook his head slightly.

Yu Hui didn't call.

Yu Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

"How is it? Are you all right?"


Yu Jiu is Omega's business, he didn't tell anyone after enrolling, even Li Chengke helped him to falsify the school files.

After the secret was revealed, he thought that when he returned to school, he would face all kinds of questions from his classmates, and he also thought that the teacher would scrutinize him overtly and secretly because of his change of status.

But neither Zhao Yun nor the other teachers in the office mentioned his pretending to be a beta.

Someone is taking care of him on purpose.

Yu Jiu felt warm in his heart, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I've seen a doctor."

"That's good."

Zhao Yun told him some things about the final exam as usual, and then let him go back to the classroom.

After leaving the teacher's office, Yu Jiu's heavy heart relaxed, but he was also a little puzzled.

Yu Hui knew about him pretending to be a beta, but she didn't care about why he pretended.

Because Yu Hui is happy to see his disguise.

Because he was harassed by Lin Qiao as an omega, Yu Hui went to the extreme to ask someone to teach him a lesson in school. This time, the fact that he pretended to be an omega became news, and Yu Hui didn't even ask.

What is she thinking?

Back in the classroom, the two people in the back seat had been "pacified" by Zhai Chi, at least Yusan didn't check whether he was missing arms or legs like before.

Just looked at him a little worried.

Yu Jiu explained a few sentences briefly, and then threw herself into the temporary crouching.

Zhai Chi was lazy as usual, playing with his mobile phone instead of self-study in self-study class.

"Chen Hao, I'm looking for you."

Yu Jiu: "..."

He also pushed the phone onto his desk.

Zhai Chi said bitterly: "How long have you been back? Wechat chats have been arranged. Xiao Jiu, how do you want to reply?"

It was probably because Yu Jiu used his mobile phone to add to WeChat to give Alpha a sense of security. Not only did Zhai Chi not care about Chen Hao's "bad intentions", he even wanted to tease his omega with this matter.

Yu Jiu glanced at him sideways, and said indifferently, "No time."

The corners of Zhai Chi's lips rose, very satisfied with his reaction.

Just as I was about to take my phone back, the screen suddenly lit up.

Thinking it was from Chen Hao again, Yu Jiu subconsciously glanced at it, and her eyes froze suddenly.

What I sent was not WeChat, but a text message, and there was no note, only a string of numbers.

— Brother, when are you coming back?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-1912:53:17~2021-07-2012:47:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 Captain Mojin;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 12 bottles of Mojin Xiaowei;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?