MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 117

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All the people in the group had enough food and drink, and their mood was also bad.

Zuo Xian rubbed her stomach and leaned back halfway to sleep. She ate a lot of muscle-building meat, and right now she felt that her stomach was moving. It wasn't uncomfortable, nor was it comfortable.

The car was quiet, and one could only vaguely hear the slight keyboard sound of Chen Shuang operating the computer, which was not very obvious, but was covered by the noise of the street outside.

She looked at the slowly receding street outside with dull eyes, and finally yawned sleepily.

The phone made a slight 'buzzing' sound in her hand, Zuo Xian blinked, and looked down at the screen.

It was Weibo that prompted a new message. Pull down the main interface, and you can see the content hanging on it. It is a simple advertisement push.

After Zuo Xian turned off the spam ads, he didn't quit Weibo.

She rested her chin on one hand, stared at the white Weibo interface on the phone, and tapped her leg lightly with her index finger, without exerting any force. This was just her usual action when she was thinking about things.

Well, I learned from A Xian.

After a while, she turned her phone to the search bar and slowly typed three words: Lin Qiwei.

After staring at the name for a while, Zuo Xian clicked on the profile picture below and entered Lin Qiqi's Weibo homepage.

And on her homepage, the latest post actually came from the time when they were eating.

I'm for a period of:

Thank you for your concern. I am fine now, and I hope that my friends who like me will not lose their reason and hurt innocent people because of me.

Thank you again for your concern.

Lin Qiqi doesn't have many fans, and even this Weibo has been posted for an hour or two, and the number of likes is only a mere two thousand, but what is more exciting is that the comments on this Weibo have exceeded 10,000. up.

Zuo Xian took advantage of the opportunity to poke in. After reading a few articles, he found that he had been trained to be very strong, and his little heart was still beating 'thumping' when he thought of the worst outcome.

— Cool.

Although all the general directions are under her control, after all, she is also an individual, no matter how old she is, if she is faced with countless rapes, she will still be injured.

Before this, Zuo Xian had actually made a lot of bad assumptions, but she never expected that things would actually develop as she imagined... not exactly the same.

What Lin Qiwei wants to express in this Weibo is that she knows nothing and is an outsider. I hope that netizens can treat this matter calmly, and I hope that they will not hurt innocent people because of her.

What does the implication mean?

Isn't it innocent people who can be hurt at will?

Who is not innocent then?

Isn't it Zuo Xian?

Zuo Xian even felt a little amused when he saw this message. Lin Qiqi did everything she had to say and do by herself.

From the beginning to the end of this incident, she seemed to be a no-brainer, relying on having an actress girlfriend, she played big names on the set, beat up actresses wantonly, and had a bit of acting skills.

Many netizens who don't know the truth are always very easy to listen to one side's words, and then vacillate left and right after the other party presents evidence.

But to Zuo Xian's surprise, under Lin Qiqi's Weibo, every negative comment was almost blocked.

She poked a few inside to look, and unexpectedly found many familiar Weibo ID names with a certain degree of organization.

The little fan girl from Xianxian's family, the Zuoxian Jiangzhou support club, the little star in Xianxian's hand... and so on.

These are all fans who like her and Lu Xingxian. She has the strategy in her hands, but they don't know it. They just tirelessly explain it to everyone who has no good intentions for her, and want them to believe in Zuo Xian. , try my best to help her.

They explained over and over again that their attitudes were always good and their words were always gentle. On the other hand, Lin Qiqi's few fans were a mess, insulting others unscrupulously across a network.

Zuo Xian pursed his lips, closed Weibo, and backed out.

She patted the driver's seat in front, Zeng Xiaoyu turned her head and said, "Sister Xianxian, what's wrong?"

"Is there any movement at Universal?" Zuo Xian said.

Zeng Xiaoyu parked the car in the open space in front of the garage, took out his mobile phone and checked it for the last time, and said happily, "Yes! Universal just updated a Weibo! The long Weibo post was officially released. Lin Xiao, ah bah, the indictment of Lin Qiqi who directly sued, and the long video released!"

Zuo Xian finally nodded, and then glanced out the car window, suddenly feeling a little lost again.

It is too fast.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu thought about it, and said, "But sister Xianxian, why do I always feel that this Lin Qiqi has a 'yin and yang side'? What does she mean by that? Don't hurt innocent people..."

Even a nervous person like Zeng Xiaoyu can see the meaning of this passage, let alone those netizens who have been on Weibo all year round and their thoughts are more delicate than the tip of a needle?

They are not stupid.

But then again.

Zuo Xian glanced at Lu Xingxian who was dozing off behind him, and stroked his chin with one hand.

The space inside the car was very small, Zuo Xian had to use up all his strength to turn around on the three-seater seat at the back, and climbed onto Lu Xingxian with his whole body.

Lu Xingxian, who hadn't slept soundly because of her making such a fuss, woke up immediately, because he was still a little dazed after falling asleep. When he saw that it was Zuo Xian, he rubbed his eyes and laughed before he could say anything. Laughing, kissed Zuo Xian, and said, "Xianxian, are you here yet?"

"It's here!" Zuo Xian nodded up and down, careful not to let his elbows press on Lu Xingxian, but he still leaned forward, squinting his eyes and said, "Axian, I just glanced at Lin Qiqi's Weibo. "

"En." The moment the name was mentioned, Lu Xingxian frowned.

"Sister Pan, I'll go and talk about it." She rubbed Zuo Xian's head, and her movements were exactly the same as those of rubbing Tiao Tiao Nao Nao.

But Zuo Xian felt that it was beneficial, and his eyes were so comfortable that he was about to close his eyes. Seeing this, Lu Xingxian smiled and said, "I promise that Lin Qi will never appear on the set again."

It seems that Lu Xingxian really didn't listen to what they said just now... How trusting is this?

Zuo Xian smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with this. Even if you don't talk about it, Sister Pan will not continue the contract with Lin Qiqi. This matter will have too much impact in the end. Um, no, don't interrupt , do you know what I saw just now?"

Lu Xingxian sized Zuo Xian up and shook his head obediently.

Even Chen Shuang closed the computer and turned to stare at her.

Zuo Xian held back for a while, and finally, he dragged his voice deeply, "Lin Qiqi said, don't hurt innocent people because of her..."

Lu Xingxian: "So?"

"So..." Zuo Xian stretched out his fingers to talk to her about this matter, "Look, in this matter, in the eyes of the public, I am the perpetrator, Lin Qi is the victim... and you happen to be my girlfriend , a very, very innocent girlfriend who was forcibly dragged into the water."

When it came to the end, Zuo Xian almost wanted to applaud himself to celebrate!

How reasonable and logical!

Lin Weiwei must have posted such a Weibo to curry favor with Lu Xingxian!

After all, this whole thing, from beginning to end, who is really innocent?

Isn't it Lu Xingxian!

Lu Xing heard that: "..."

She cleared her throat, "Well, what then?"

"Then?" Zuo Xian was taken aback for a moment, it was purely on a whim just now, and he really didn't expect what would happen next.

At this moment, Chen Shuang finally couldn't bear it anymore, stuffed the computer into the bag, and got out of the car with gritted teeth.

Zuo Xian blinked, turned his head innocently and followed Chen Shuang's figure around, and when Chen Shuang was about to tear Zeng Xiaoyu off, he said, "Sister Shuang, what are you doing?"

Chen Shuang ignored her at all, and just said to Zeng Xiaoyu expressionlessly, " can bear her like this?"

Zeng Xiaoyu subconsciously wanted to nod with a confused face.

Halfway through, she shook her head quickly like a rattle, and said firmly, "I can't stand it!"

"Then don't get out of the car!" Chen Shuang roared, carrying the computer bag as if he was carrying a drug bag that was about to go to the bunker.

Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian who heard everything from behind: "..."

Zuo Xian wrinkled his nose, pouted and muttered, "Ah Xian, I didn't do anything..."

Lu Xingxian couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, and said, "Well, yes, you...really didn't do anything."

There was a pun in what he said, Zuo Xian looked at her sideways, and finally, he suddenly let go of his strength and smashed his head on her neck, and said roguely, "Oh, my stomach is still digesting..."

When the group arrived home, it was neither early nor late. After five o'clock in early autumn, there was still some afterglow of sunlight on the ground. When the wind picked up, the whole person would feel particularly comfortable.

Zuo Xian opened the window, hugged a pillow and nestled in the corner of the sofa, and let his back be supported, because they were all close people, so he didn't pay much attention to the so-called appearance and manners, and his legs were curled up on the sofa Up, let out a comfortable sigh.

Lu Xingxian walked over and sat next to her, and said with a smile, "Let my aunt see you like this and I'll talk about you again."

"Isn't my mother not here?" Zuo Xian smiled, not paying attention at all.

"Furthermore..." Zuo Xian still obediently retracted his legs, his feet were fighting and playing, and said, "Anyway, we live together, my mother is very sensible, so she won't come over..."

Lu Xing raised his eyebrows, nodded noncommittally, and said meaningfully, "Really..."

Chen Shuang has been busy there for a long time, and not long after he finally needed to turn on the lights in the room to see things clearly, he let out a long breath, fell back, rubbed his face regardless of his image, and said, "There is News!"

Zuo Xian sat up all of a sudden, hugged the pillow tightly, slid from the sofa to kneel on the carpet, shifted the computer screen, and looked at himself.

Around the Earth:

With the cooperation of the police, it was found that the incidents of "beating people" and "kneeling" have nothing to do with our company's artist Zuo Xian, and are purely framed. The actors just did their due duty on the set, taking the filming and the script seriously.

After investigation, Ms. Lin Qiqi (hereinafter referred to as Ms. Lin) has caused public opinion harm, intentional frame, and defamation to our artists, and our company is now filing a lawsuit according to law.

After a paragraph of text on Weibo, the official blog posted a smiling emoji.

[Smiling] Next, please watch:

And the video that followed was the unedited version that Zeng Xiaoyu sent to Universal earlier.

Zuo Xian stared at it, then he was a little puzzled, and said, "Has the film been processed?"

"I seem to have dealt with it." Zeng Xiaoyu nodded in confirmation, "But having said that, Sister Xianxian, why did Universal's official Weibo change its name again..."

She used a high-definition camera to shoot, so the whole picture is very clear, but this video is obviously not the case.

Although the video is blurry, the outline between the two can be vaguely seen, and with the changes in light and shadow in the film, it gives people a very different feeling.

Zuo Xian shook his head, and continued to click on the messages from netizens.

Zeng Xiaoyu was not the only one who felt this way.

Dongdongdongdongqiang: Leaving aside the fact that the video itself has already been confirmed, she, Lin Wei, has been acting weird for so long, and now she's pretending to be dead? Can you come forward and explain why you deliberately framed Zuo Xian?

Brother Meow: Is the upstairs stupid? Deliberate hype can't see it? The former friends were very jealous, so they just stepped on Zuo Xian's position. I didn't watch the movie and said that when Zuo Xian was still working as a model, did he introduce Lin Qiqi to a job worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands?

People are shameless and invincible: look at my name, smile, smile, smile.

The number of netizens who saw this Weibo suddenly increased sharply, and the number of retweets and likes immediately occupied the hot search list. Netizens who click on Weibo.

As for this matter, after countless people knew the whole story, they all started heated discussions, and the most talked about was why Lin Qiqi wanted to avenge his kindness and why he wanted to frame Zuo Xian!

Bike to motorcycle: I don’t have the face to say that Zuo Xian is not a good person anymore.

Master Fuji: I said at the beginning that it would definitely flip, right? Lin Qizhi probably is going to be really cold this time, haha.

Those who saw the news were not only Zuo Xian and the others at Lu Xingxian's house, but naturally there was another person who paid more attention to this matter, Lin Qiqi.

When she saw the news on Weibo, she was about to go crazy!

In a hurry, Lin Qiqi had no choice but to dress up armed, put on hats, glasses, masks and other items that might reveal her identity at night, and drove to Dai Haochuan's place.

When she arrived at Dai Haochuan's place, several of Dai Haochuan's friends were there. Lin Qiqi saw him at the door, paused for a while, and felt emotionally brewing, then rubbed his eyes red, and went in crying.

"Hao Chuan!" Lin Qiqi's tears glistened in his eyes and fell in clusters.

Dai Haochuan played golf with a few friends here for a day. His mobile phone had already been turned off because of his dead battery, and he didn't know anything about the outside world. Therefore, he didn't know what happened when he saw Lin Qiqi like this.

He frowned, and his attitude towards Lin Qiqi was no longer as gentle as before. He just turned the handle casually and said, "What's wrong? You're crying."

Lin Qiwei bit his lower lip, and looked at everyone present in embarrassment.

They are all good people in the business field, so how could they fail to see the look in Lin Qiqi's eyes. They shrugged their shoulders, left the billiard hall back and forth, and changed to other places to play.

Only then did Lin Qi wipe away his tears, stepped forward and said, "Something has happened..."

"What's the matter?" Dai Haochuan gave an impatient 'tsk', put his hands on his hips, and tilted his head to look at Lin Qiqi.

The more she looked at her, the more she felt that Lin Qiqi was different from when he first met him. He always seemed to be full of calculations, and every time he approached him, he was bound to ask for something.

They say one thing and say another, they are all deceiving ghosts.

Lin Qiqi didn't realize it, but when he remembered the seriousness of this matter, he still felt a little bit in his heart, and said, "You, look at this..."

She frantically handed out her phone, which was the hot search event this time.

In just one afternoon, the search volume has exceeded 100 million. This data even exceeds the sum of all hot searches!

Lin Weiwei really panicked this time.

After all, Dai Haochuan is also in this circle, how could he not know the pros and cons of it, but just because he knew, this time, he was even more angry!

"Lin Qiqi." Dai Haochuan gritted his teeth and pinched her phone, his voice almost squeezed out between his teeth, "Tell me honestly, how did you get this hot search?"

Lin Qiqi can be regarded as a small fortune - but this "small fortune" is compared with the migrant workers.

The film salary that she had been able to save before was no more than a million yuan, and among the more than one million yuan, there were quite a few films that were introduced to her by her own connections.

But the actor's expenses are even more, let alone the remaining one million, I'm afraid it's good to have no debts, and her family is just an ordinary family. The house bought in City B is still on loan. It is also remote, it is a suburb, and it takes more than an hour to drive to the city, which is very inconvenient.

So, where did Lin Qiqi get the funds, and where did he get the hot searches from his contacts?

Lin Qiwei was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Dai Haochuan would ask her about this thing. He was taken aback for a moment, and said falteringly, "It's, it's nothing..."

Seeing her like this, Dai Haochuan raised the corners of his lips and sneered.

Although he and Lin Qiqi didn't get along for a long time, he had dated a lot of people after all. To put it bluntly, the minor problems that girls should have, in his opinion, were all tolerable.

But it’s okay to make small troubles, and if you go online, you can avoid it.

Suddenly, Dai Haochuan remembered what a buddy said just now.

Dai Haochuan smiled, but sighed, and said, "I can't help you with this matter."

Lin Qiwei looked shocked, "What did you say?!"

"Zuo Xian, do you know who she is?" Dai Haochuan had a sneering smile on his lips, and he didn't know who he was addressing, "My father dare not provoke someone, who dare not put on airs of elders, who gave you the courage Use your cleverness to touch her again and again? Huh?"

Lin Qi's lips turned pale instantly.

"Didn't she just have a father who is a petty official?" Lin Qiqi said, "Isn't your father the head of the department? Haochuan, I beg you, please help me..."

Today, Lin Qiwei finally panicked.

"If you don't help me, I really don't know what to do!" Lin Wei fell to the chair beside him, trembling uncontrollably.

Dai Haochuan stood aside and looked at him coldly, regretting how he met such a woman in the first place.

"You were so wrong about this move." Dai Haochuan said, "Even if she doesn't have a father in charge behind her, she is just an ordinary person, but she has come so smoothly all the way to the present, are you serious?" Do you think that so many people in this circle are kind enough to help her?"

Lin Wei raised his head in a daze, "God, what do you mean..."

Only then did Dai Haochuan throw the phone back to her, with a little pity on his face, "Look for yourself."

This hot search has been on the list for a full week, which is unprecedented without any advertisements.

Zuo Xian looked at the trending searches that had remained high all the time, spat the gnawed apple peel aside, and sighed, "It's finally gone..."

Lu Xingxian didn't speak, just knocked on the table, staring at the apple in Zuo Xian's hand.

Zuo Xian shrank his neck, looked at the apple that she had gnawed half a circle, stood up resignedly, and switched to an apple knife to peel it.

The top of an apple is bumpy, but the bottom is smooth and complete. Zuo Xian looked at it and licked his tongue, and said, "But I really didn't expect that so many people would stand up to support me this time."

Maybe it was because the matter was too serious this time, if Zuo Xian hadn't been so thoughtful and let Zeng Xiaoyu shoot the video, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for her to get out of this matter.

But it was at this time that she realized that there were so many people who were willing to stand up and speak for her.

Musician Lu Qiuhan, director Jiang Minrui, Yao Lan, Mu Xiaoxuan, etc., these partners who have worked with her in various industries that are not too deeply intertwined, all of them are posted on Weibo in different order Expressed his position and said he believed in himself.

"You've always been fine, everyone knows that." Lu Xingxian patted Zuo Xian's head, not knowing who he was talking to.

Relying on his good teeth, Zuo Xian gnawed the apple in a 'click-click' circle, "How can I be so good."

Zuo Xian blinked, sat on the high stool, and suddenly leaned back. Lu Xingxian took a step forward and acted as a human-shaped pillar.

Only then did she finish the remaining words, and said, "You are the only one who thinks I'm a baby bump."

Lu Xingxian smiled and did not refute, but just kissed Zuo Xian's forehead from top to bottom.

This time the incident had a great impact. Almost all the people who had a working relationship with Lin Qiqi because of the popularity of "The Return of the Wife" terminated their contracts one after another. At the same time, Zuo Xian became the most popular. popular character.

Just when everyone thought that Zuo Xian would appear crazily in front of people recently, Zuo Xian suddenly seemed to have evaporated from the world, not to mention the interviews, and he didn't even update Weibo!

Respond too! No!

How could such a living person disappear so suddenly!

"Oh, you have to hide your strength and bide your time." Zuo Xian tore off the mask and let out a comfortable sigh.

The incident this time has already earned her enough sympathy and attention in front of the audience. It is certainly a good thing to pursue the victory, but correspondingly, negative effects will also appear.

After all, the audience will be aesthetically tired. Instead of being too used to them and making them want to see it, it is better not to show it to them, so that they are hungry all day long and want to watch it all the time.

The turmoil of the past two days has also involved the crew of "The Wife Returns". The director gave the news that the broadcast will be suspended for a week to select new actors, modify it into a film, and then make up for missed shots with the leading actors.

Zuo Xian slapped his face, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, A Xian, is Dai Haochuan still in the group?"

"Yes." Lu Xingxian knew what she was going to say, and said, "He posted a long article on Weibo, and he and Lin Qiqi had broken up peacefully a week ago... A lot of sympathy votes were transferred."

Zuo Xian defined this, "Scumbag. It was the right choice for Nie Shuru to leave him."

In the final analysis, isn't it because the incident this time involves so many things that he didn't want to get into trouble, so he simply pushed Lin Qiqi alone as a scapegoat?

Zuo Xian smiled disdainfully. In her dictionary, there is no such four words as loss is blessing.

If Lin Qiqi didn't have Dai Haochuan's help and connivance, how could he find the way to frame her step by step?

She is not a gentleman, it doesn't take ten years to get revenge.

Ten days is almost enough.

The author has something to say: There was a huge misunderstanding in the last chapter!

Original sentence: From the first update of the author's confession of deciding to be a scumbag again.

This scumbag is missing a character '的'

So the connection should be: the first repentance from the scumbag author who decided to start a new life.

The two-in-one big fat chapter is here, thank you everyone!

(Pigeons really don’t have so many ways to eat and are not delicious!)