MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 55

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Holding mineral water in his hand, Lu Xingxian walked up to Zuo Xian.

The sun was just right, but right now she was sleeping soundly in this temporarily useless place.

As if wanting to avoid the glare of the sun, Zuo Xian turned over and buried his face in the backlit side.

Even if there is no Internet, the camera of the mobile phone still recorded this moment very sincerely, taking pictures in a place against the light, Zuo Xian's back seemed to have passed through a layer of light.

Lu Xingxian took back the phone, poured a little water from the bottle into his palm, and then held it.

This time, the excess water can be sprinkled on the ground, but there are still a lot of hands.

She narrowed her eyes, slowly raised her hands, and put them beside Zuo Xian's face, as if to shade her from the sun.

Sure enough, Zuo Xian's brows and eyes gradually relaxed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he stopped burying his head down.

He also clicked his mouth twice, not knowing what kind of dream he was having.

Then, it's too late to say it!

Lu Xingxian quickly withdrew his arms, and before Zuo Xian returned due to the sunlight, he quickly sprinkled water on her face with his hands!

The moment the water droplets fell on his face, Zuo Xian moved.

Afterwards, her consciousness slowly returned, and at that moment she opened her eyes, staring at the sky in a very empty way!

Lu Xingxian held back his laughter—although his eyes were opened, Zuo Xian's thoughts were still immersed in dreams at the moment.

After a while, Zuo Xian returned to his sanity, took a slow look at Lu Xingxian beside him, his eyes lit up, and said very crisply, "A Xian!"

When Lu Xingxian saw her like this, he really didn't know what to say - the two kissed for the first time in the play, Zuo Xian was lucky and fell asleep directly.

But she is so tired, the reason is also inseparable from her.

Lu Xingxian sighed, wiped off the two drops of water on her face, and said, "There's nothing else to do now, if you want to sleep, go back to sleep, or lie down on the rest chair for a while."

In fact, before the work is completely over, at most it is just taking a nap on the rest chair.

And the time should not be too long, otherwise it will not be easy to adjust your state in the future, plus you are wearing makeup, your clothes will be easily messed up, and the specially made folds and special effects will also need to be rearranged. long time.

Zuo Xian really shook his head, "I'm fine... I just didn't pay attention just now, it's so comfortable to lie down..."

The bottom box is covered with a thick layer of cardboard, and the top is green cloth.

She has also been hanging on the Wia all day long. Before that, she was in the mood of great joy and great sorrow, and she wanted to jump off the cliff to die. She was really a little tired. When she suddenly lay down on a soft place, she couldn't bear live.

— Fortunately, no one would have thought that she could really fall asleep!

Lu Xingxian looked left and right, and said helplessly, "The director was telling me just now that you really look like an unconscious person lying there, even your breath is very long..."

Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian looked at each other, couldn't hold back, and they all laughed—it's a good thing she stabilized her sleeping position after falling asleep, if she turned over when taking pictures, everyone would be shocked Jaw dropped!

Today's filming ended relatively early, and the two of them didn't have too many night scenes recently, so they called it a day after nine o'clock.

The stars in the sky began to twinkle again, all over the place.

Here, sometimes you can even see pieces of the Milky Way and the flow between the star trails. It is a particularly magical thing, and it will always make people sigh the nature unconsciously.

Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian's rooms are on the upper side, and there is another staircase at the end of the corridor to reach the top floor of the hotel, where there is a rather large platform.

Many tourists will travel to the countryside during this season, eating barbecue and watching the night view on the top floor.

It's rare for Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian to be together for such a long time and have such a beautiful scene.

The two moved two reclining chairs up, holding hands, and stared at the Milky Way in the sky.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" Lu Xingxian suddenly smiled.

There is also a roof upstairs, but the covered area is not large.

There is enough space for two people to lie down on, and it is midsummer now, and the air is very hot. She was filming in the mountains before, and because she couldn't stand the heat in the room, the entire crew lit mosquito coils and insect repellants. They simply slept in the wild.

Zuo Xian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he also felt that this idea was feasible, so he immediately brought up two air-conditioning quilts.

It was actually a bit hot under the cover at this moment, so Zuo Xian folded the quilt and placed it on the bend of his legs to cushion his legs.

The night sky in the countryside was very quiet and peaceful. After lying down for a while, Zuo Xian felt that he was going to be a little sleepy.

She blinked her eyes sleepily, and just about to tell Lu Xingxian that she was a little sleepy, the mobile phone placed on the small stool beside her rang very inappropriately!

Zuo Xian's drowsiness disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, she was even a little angry!

I couldn't be more angry when I was disturbed by someone in the chaotic period before my dream!

The words Chen Shuang jumped on the screen.

Zuo Xian had no place to lose his temper, so he pouted pitifully, and got through the phone anyway, "Hello, Sister Sister? What do you want me to do at such a late hour?"

Chen Shuang didn't seem to be in a good mood, the surroundings were very quiet, and there was even an echo, "That's it, you have to be free in your schedule tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and go to a variety show."

Zuo Xian frowned, "Variety show? Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? I'm still on the set of "Stop Killing", why is it so sudden?"

Even if it is a variety show, there is a script - and a whole variety show has a certain period of time for recording. Looking at the broadcast schedule, it usually ranges from about three months, and at the same time, it will be determined in advance to participate artists, and their content.

Why did you suddenly let her pass by now?

"The boss said it." When Chen Shuang said this, he gritted his teeth a bit.

It sounded like she had tried hard to get it, but obviously she couldn't.

Zuo Xian could naturally understand what Chen Shuang meant, the left and right things were already like this, so she glanced at the time and said, "Okay, I will coordinate the time with the director here, and drive there later... Where is the location?"

"Inside the tower beside the West Lake in City H." Chen Shuang pursed her lips, "I'll wait for you at the airport in City B, and I'll buy a ticket and fly over there."

"Don't worry." Zuo Xian comforted her in turn, and after a few more conversations, she hung up the phone.

Lu Xingxian next to him has already opened his eyes.

The place was only this big, and there was no one around, and Zuo Xian didn't avoid her when he called, so she could hear clearly what he was talking about.

Hearing this, she said, "How many years are left in your appointment with Juxing?"

Zuo Xian was taken aback, did some calculations, and said, "It hasn't been long. At that time, it was actually only signed for two years. The year before was delayed due to studies, and the time for real work... was calculated to be more than half a year."

Lu Xingxian nodded, and almost understood what it meant.

Now since Zuo Xian participated in "King's Landing", the response has been very big, and he won the Best Supporting Actress in one fell swoop. For an actress, the starting point is not low.

And in Zhisha not long after, she herself and Zuo Xian will play the two heroines respectively, so her traffic will not be too low.

In addition, the script is really good, and it can be regarded as a particularly new and innovative theme, and the market response will not be too bad.

Calculated, the release time is half a year later.

Juxing was worried that he would not be able to keep people, so he simply wanted to squeeze out all the remaining value of Zuo Xian during the contract period and make the best use of it.

If this happened to someone else, it was just a sigh of fact.

But if it was on Zuo Xian...

Lu Xingxian glanced at Zuo Xian frowning at the phone, and slowly lay back.

That won't work.

She doesn't allow it.