MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 71

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For Zuo Xian, the experience of the kiss definitely not much.

And especially, before the big screen...the kiss scene with Lu Xingxian.

Obviously, the filming hadn't officially started yet, but Lu Xingxian was standing tightly in front of the camera, Zuo Xian already felt nervous all over his body and was about to explode in the next second!

...The person who couldn't wait just now always came by himself.

When things come to an end, I start to panic! What are you afraid of!

Zuo Xian wanted to despise himself in his heart!

Lu Xingxian stood opposite her, with his hands casually placed by his sides, looking at Zuo Xian's extremely nervous appearance, which seemed particularly inconsistent with her current makeup, but there was another kind of very Strange...aesthetic.

It seems that it always feels very attractive.

She squinted her eyes, took a step back, got out of the way, and opened her hands towards Zuo Xian, "Xianxian, come here."

Zuo Xian subconsciously stood up from the resting chair, followed Lu Xingxian's gaze and walked in front of her.

Lu Xingxian's brows and eyes were gentle, and his pupils were reflected by the light. At this moment, he even showed a very gentle look. She looked at Zuo Xian intently, but in the next second, she put the mask back on her face.

Zuo Xian blinked, and subconsciously tilted his head to one side, as if he saw a puppy who didn't understand things.

The make-up artist next to him helped Lu Xingxian fix the mask and quickly backed away, making room for the two of them.

Because it was just a test shoot, the nearby staff hadn't cleared the scene yet, and only a few tracking directors followed them, giving some small comments from time to time.

The next clip is the scene where the lying astrolabe, which has become a punishment, obeys Chu Xian's order and goes to break through the big formation of Cang Qiong Mountain.

Many monks in the world, high and powerful, have all withdrawn to Cang Qiong Mountain in the end. It can be said that if Cang Qiong Mountain is destroyed, then this huge cultivation world... will almost all be under the control of Chu Xian.

Because it is born out of the sky, and the mountain guard formation itself can be said to be cast by the lying astrolabe. Although so many years have passed, the mountain guard array has been repaired and strengthened countless times by successive heads and elders, but in the end, the foundation is not It's still hers.

Breaking it is just a matter of time.

Finally, after a full twenty-one days had passed for the Great Formation of Closing Mountains, with the slightest cracking sound, the Great Formation of Closing Mountains, which was visible to the naked eye and almost enveloped the Cang Qiong Sect... broke.

Countless magic soldiers waved their weapons and leaped into the formation. In Chu Xian's impression, the sky faction, which was as white as clouds and spotless, was finally stained red by patches of blood.

The sky, the ground... wherever the demon soldiers walked, they were all occupied by flowers belonging to the demon world, thus turning into a new purgatory on earth.

Amidst the sound of fighting, Chu Xian looked back with a smile, but the smile didn't enter her eyes.

She turned around, stepped on the corpse and the broken flowers under her feet, and gradually walked in front of Xing Jian, and then...stretched out a hand, and gently held Xing Xing's neck.

Her hands are small, and her face reflected in the white clothes has a sense of contradictions intertwined with angels and demons. Chu Xian's eyes are seductive and charming, but the corners of her lips are slightly raised, but it can't be seen that she is smiling at all Meaning, "You're doing great..."

She gradually got closer to Xing Shou's ear, looked at her white and delicate ears, and exhaled warmly, "How do you want me to reward you?"

This is already a very unwritten code between the two.

Many years ago, Chu Xian was no longer afraid of the dampness of the demon world, and only where she went, the creatures of the demon world could no longer be afraid of the sun.

The eclipse day that the demon world must endure, at that moment, is no longer the number one enemy of all demon world creatures, and therefore, on the highest mountain in the demon world, when Chu Xian feeds the demon world creatures with her own blood, she It has already been honored as king by the creatures of the devil world.

But she breastfeeds the magic soldier... Naturally, it is not without pay.

But all the demon soldiers who drank her blood need to obey Chuxian from now on, but besides that, their strength will be greatly improved in a short period of time, and it will be once and for all, and they are completely against themselves. There is no harm, and at the same time, they can no longer be afraid of the bewitching sunlight during the eclipse, and no longer need to fear that their relatives and friends will become dry corpses under the scorching sun. Therefore, they have no reason to refuse.

And the painful sentence because of the eclipse... is no exception.

Drinking Chuxian's blood was purely accidental for her.

That time, all the magic lines on her face faded away, and her true face was exposed in front of Chu Xian.

Both of them froze in place at the time, but it seemed that Chu Xian didn't realize her true identity. Instead, since then... she demanded that the sentence be placed in front of her, and she was not allowed to wear a mask.

White clothes are no longer allowed.

But Chuxian's blood seems to have a certain period of time on her body.

Every once in a while, if she can no longer drink her blood, she will suffer tens of thousands of times more painful than a solar eclipse.

And at this moment... It's been a long time since she drank Chu Xian's blood.

The memories stopped abruptly, Xing Shou's lips moved slightly, but it was difficult for her throat to speak, so Fu closed her mouth again and stopped uttering any words.

Chu Xian suddenly smiled.

She stretched out her finger, and then a burst of black wind mixed with purple flashed across her finger, and there was a not too big or small opening on her finger.

Just enough to squeeze out the blood, but not enough to waste the blood and make it fall to the ground.

The nearby flowers smelled the strong blood energy, and they scrambled to rush forward, but they were afraid of Chuxian's powerful magic breath, so they only formed layer after layer of nets around her.

The moment the blood energy appeared, Xing Shou's hand on his side tightened almost immediately.

Her throat rolled up and down, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and dense beads of sweat had already appeared on the exposed delicate neck, but she still didn't say a word.

Seeing her like this, Chu Xian smiled slowly, but her eyes were a little obsessed, as if she was looking for someone's elusive shadow through the face covered with magic patterns, "You only have At this moment... it resembles her somewhat."

Xing Shou was shocked, and lowered his eyes again.

The director subconsciously held his breath over there.

He made a silent gesture to the people outside the arena, telling the cameras in each camera position to catch up quickly, so as not to miss any shots—the two people over there have obviously entered the scene, and at this moment, both of them In an inexplicable drama.

If he doesn't shoot at this time, is he stupid?

In order not to disturb the progress of the two protagonists, everyone was as careful as possible when moving and lighting.

Zuo Xian didn't notice the movement nearby at all, she looked down at Lu Xingxian's face carefully at this moment—for the first time, she knew why so many people like to play cosplay.

Lu Xingxian's clothes, coupled with her hesitant's just...

It's almost drowning.

Her face remained calm, and she smiled even more happily. As if she had an idea, she suddenly put her finger into her mouth, and then gently rubbed it on her lips.

Xing Jue's gaze instantly followed Chu Xian's hand and projected onto her lips.

In a trance, she seemed to see a bright red on it that did not match the color of Chien Xian's lips, and exuded an unparalleled sweetness and temptation. Her throat throbbed a few times, her eyes were dim and unclear, and her hands clasped tightly beside her, like It was as if he was thinking about something, and he never let go.

"What are you waiting for..." Chu Xian whispered in her ear almost like a sigh, and all the hot air sprayed on Xing Shen's ear, blowing her hair scattered around her ear.

Xing Shou closed his eyes fiercely, and finally, gritted his teeth and stood up straight, stopped Chu Xian's neck with one hand, and squeezed out a few words from his throat almost in a very extreme tone: "You, from, find, of…"

Finally, their lips touched together.

The photographer's eyes widened subconsciously, looking at the two people kissing on the screen - if Zuo Xian's expression wasn't so... um... so scary!

The director collapsed and covered his face, "Ka! Kakaka—this one is not good! Try it again later! You two, try again!"

As the director's voice fell, Zuo Xian and Lu Xingxian separated slightly panting.

Lu Xingxian's ears turned red, but Zuo Xian was stunned.

Zeng Xiaoyu hurried up and pulled Zuo Xian aside, then looked at the director team who was watching again, and whispered, "Sister Xianxian! Sister Xianxian! You're back to your senses!"

Zuo Xian shivered suddenly, then touched the wetness on his mouth, hissed, and said, "Your name is Hun'er!"

Zeng Xiaoyu took a wet wipe and was handing it to her. Seeing Zuo Xian like this, she subconsciously glanced at her lips, and immediately widened her eyes, "Wow—the skin is broken!"

Zuo Xian: "..." If the skin is broken, the skin will be broken, why are you making such a fuss!

She licked her lips, and the pain was gone.

At this time Hu Gangyi came over, stood opposite Zuo Xian, rubbing his hands and looking at her.

Zuo Xian was covered in goosebumps by his smile, and said angrily, "What are you doing!"

"Just now..." Hu Gangyi smiled "hehe", and said in a serious way, "It's quite intense, isn't it?"

Zuo Xian rolled his eyes at him, groaned twice, and stopped talking.

A-Xian didn't know where he went, and he wanted to go up to him and talk to A-Xian again.

Who knows that he is inexperienced, and he is stupid first.

What a shame!

She took another look at Hu Gangyi who was gloating over there, gritted her teeth, and said angrily, "If you want to be fierce, you can't do it!"

Sister Yao Lan is still at home waiting to give birth! Hu Gangyi is in this deep mountain and old forest, he can't hug any beauties, and he doesn't even have a thick quilt to relieve his loneliness in summer!

Ha ha!

The corner of Hu Gangyi's mouth twitched, thinking of such a bad thing, he was also depressed.

After a while, he coughed dryly, woke up and didn't care about the younger generation, and diligently took out the script on the side, and said, "Look, that's it, just now, you both have some problems..."

Zuo Xian glanced at him suspiciously, and said after seeing that the man finally calmed down, "What's the problem?"

Hu Gangyi didn't dare to be skinny anymore, and said seriously, "Xing Xian is too eager, just now you two can keep the scene before the kiss, but when you kissed together, it was like this, I will communicate with Xing Xian later, let She shouldn't be in a hurry, use too much force, and it's the same on your side... When she kisses you, you should respond and move your mouth. "

Zuo Xian: "..."

"Good director, you'd better go Director, I will think about it with A-Xian after I find A-Xian later." Zuo Xian said with a troubled expression.