MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 98

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The actors are so dedicated, as directors, they naturally have no reason to slack off.

Just when everyone thought that they would have to go through it one or two more times before this scene could pass, Zuo Xian once again gave them a full sense of surprise.

Due to the age of the old man, when he speaks, his voice has its own magnetism and texture, coupled with the temperament that has accumulated over the years, it can be said that as long as the appearance is not too restrictive, otherwise it is almost what it is, that is what it is, and it is easy to say It can bring people into that drama at once, and there are many cute spots that can be molded.

Zuo Xian and Chen Jianye play father and daughter together, not only are they not at all inferior to each other, on the contrary, they have a feeling of being evenly matched during their running-in with each other.

Until the end of the performance, Chen Jianye still reluctantly watched Zuo Xian's leaving direction and rubbed his hands.

—Who said that the actors of the younger generation don't have good acting skills?

The one in front of him, who plays his daughter, isn't this the most outstanding one? !

Lu Xingxian was sitting not far away.

There is a swimming pool open to the public nearby, and when summer arrives, there are especially many people in it.

The production team is very busy here, and they can't go there, but Zuo Xian is obviously a little greedy, and always wants to go for a stroll, it would be better if he could kick the water with his bare feet.

"Want to go swimming?" Lu Xingxian took the person in his hand, then smiled.

In fact, when filming "Stop Killing", Zuo Xian always looked at the small river beach with eager eyes—she had no doubt that if the small river beach at that time was a swimming pool, Zuo Xian might not be as big She didn't sleep in the middle of the night, took her little duck lifebuoy, and went out to soak for a while before she felt comfortable.

Zuo Xian nodded sharply, without concealing his envy for the people swimming over there, and said, "I haven't been to the swimming pool for a long time."

As she spoke, she blinked her eyes pitifully, looked at Lu Xingxian with her mouth pursed, and said with her eyes, "My skin really misses water."

Seeing her eyes, Lu Xingxian couldn't hold it anymore, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed and said, "When the sky comes down, I will take you with me."

"You said that." Zuo Xian smiled, and rushed forward to give him a hug, "Thank you, A Xian!"

Lu Xingxian hugged him in his arms, and smiled helplessly and sweetly.

After all, Zuo Xian is still young now, and he doesn't need to bear the burden of supporting his family. During this period of time, he has been filming day and night on the set, which is indeed too hard.

After a while, it is indeed necessary to arrange to take a good rest.

The little brother who was in charge of filming on the other hand had tears all over his face—the actors in charge of filming really ate, and they were greedy with the filming director, and they could always get a bite or two.

But these two are different.

These two eat high-end food, the kind that can hook people's gluttons invisibly, and don't make them full!

"How do you feel this time, does your face hurt?" Lu Xingxian looked at the red on Zuo Xian's face, and frowned in distress.

Her hands didn't feel anything special to the touch, but they were a little hot. This was the natural reaction of the body after being hit hard. In this line of work, it is inevitable to experience these things.

Ever since she knew about Zuo Xian's scene, she had already prepared an ice pack and put it aside.

Zuo Xian shook his head, smiled nonchalantly and said, "It doesn't hurt, Mr. Chen is saving his strength, it looks a little red, but it's actually all right."

Although she didn't want to admit it, in fact, the strength gap between men and women is really big. Even if Chen Jianye was gathering strength at first, she was startled by the battle.

Even if she has learned martial arts before and still has some foundation, but if she is facing someone like Chen Jianye who has practiced all the year round and has seasoned acting skills... If she wants to suffer some hidden losses for her, I am afraid Zuo Xian Not in a short time.

Fortunately, there are not so many people with stupid brains in this world.

Zuo Xian shook his head with a smile, noticed the person following the filming from the corner of his eye, took the script from Zeng Xiaoyu's hand, looked at it, took the prepared juice, and said, "Ah Xian, what do you think of my performance just now?" ?”

The photographer manipulated the machine up and down in the back and shook it, and gave Lu Xingxian an answer—very good, very good!

If it's not good, will it make the staff who have watched it cry again! Can he follow the filming director and wipe away tears over and over again, carrying the machine and following Zuo Xian!

Of course not!

Lu Xingxian nodded as expected, and said with a smile, "You did very well."

Seeing Zuo Xian's expectant appearance, Lu Xingxian scratched the bridge of her nose and laughed, "I commend you."

Only then did Zuo Xian look at the next script happily.

In fact, in the plot, most of the first part is the part where 'Sirou' is being abused, and it seems quite unhappy and completely aggrieved.

After another Si Rou was reborn, the plot gradually became more attractive.

Zuo Xian pinched his fingers to calculate, and said, "If the time is fast, I will hurry up and catch up. In a week or so, we will be able to play against each other every day."

Speaking of which, she is also looking forward to it.

After all, it was also at that time that she would be able to abuse Lin Zhizhi openly, and... the drama of the domineering president falling in love with me is impossible in reality, but it is always possible to have an addiction in the drama.

"Okay." Lu Xingxian smiled, not only Zuo Xian, but actually...she was also looking forward to it.

"The Return of the Wife" is not the same as Zhisha. In this drama, there is no need to have so many big scenes, and there is no need to use scenery and silence to describe the atmosphere. The dialogue between the actors will some more.

If you want to destroy a person, the most advanced way is to kill him.

It's a pity that she outside the play no longer wants to pretend to be peaceful with Lin Qi to praise her. After all, it would take too much effort to do so, and it is really unnecessary.

But the script in the play fully expresses Zuo Xian's set of practices that Zuo Xian wanted to implement, but finally gave up.

Zuo Xian's first scene is over, and the director will be busy with other things after filming her next event.

It wasn't until the director left that Zuo Xian threw the script aside and looked at the set.

The one who is currently filming is Mr. Chen Jianye, together with Dai Haochuan and Lin Qiqi.

Lin Qiwei seemed to be talking to Mr. Chen about something, Dai Haochuan looked very cute and shy standing aside, he couldn't see the irresponsibility of the "rich second generation" and "fancy heart" that Nie Shuru said ' and so on with negative labels.

The superficial skills are really good, Zuo Xian couldn't help sighing, so it seems that Dai Haochuan is an obedient and gentle little sheep brother.

No longer turning his eyes over there, Zuo Xian turned his eyes back to Lu Xingxian.

At this moment, she has changed into regular clothes. In fact, she didn't have a part in the scene today. This time, there are more reasons to accompany her.

Zuo Xian knew it in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

Anyway, both of them know.

Noticing that Zuo Xian's gaze was always drifting, showing a pensive or smirking expression from time to time, Lu Xingxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Xianxian, what the **** are you thinking about?"

Zuo Xian shook his head quickly, almost turned his head into a small rattle, firmly expressed his determination, "No, no, I seem to be the kind of person who will make trouble."

Lu Xingxian nodded, "Like."

Zuo Xian puffed his mouth, sighed, and didn't hide it from Lu Xingxian, stretched out his hand to draw a small circle on her leg, and said, "Actually, it's nothing..."

As she said that, she pointed to Lin Qiqi over there, held her chin and said, "A Xian, I don't like her."

Seeing the person Zuo Xian pointed at, Lu Xingxian was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said, "She...?"

"Do you still have an impression?" Zuo Xian's eyes lit up, thinking that it would be better if Lin Qiqi's impression of Lu Xingxian's here is not very good, so that it would be easier for her to use it.

"I have a little impression." Lu Xingxian pursed his lips, nodded in earnest, and glanced at Zuo Xian's hand that he was holding—it was white and tender. Although the fingers looked slender from a distance, they could still be seen when viewed up close. Seeing the slightly cute look, she continued with the first half of the sentence, "At the last awards show, she held your hand and talked for a while."

Zuo Xian blinked, finally remembered what happened, coughed awkwardly, and said, "That, that is already a thing of the past..."

But at that time, Lin Qiqi asked her to do something, but Zuo Xian didn't remember the slightest bit.

I just vaguely thought that Lin Qiqi needed to take on a film at that time, but he didn't have the resources—it was also at that time in his last life, Lin Qiwei was very enthusiastic and caring for him, and would send greeting messages every day or so.

He didn't continue to hold on to this, Lu Xingxian just swore an oath of sovereignty and said, "Well, you will have me from now on."

After finishing speaking, she separated Zuo Xian's soft hands and inserted her five fingers into them, and the two of them immediately became a ten-fingered gesture.

Just at this moment, the reflected light of the afternoon sun hit their intertwined hands, and a halo of blue and yellow mixed together appeared, which was very beautiful. Zuo Xian rolled his eyes and subconsciously took out his mobile phone , Aimed at that spot of light and took a picture.

At this point, Zuo Xian suddenly said, "Ah Xian, the one over there is called Lin Qiqi."

After speaking, she raised her eyes, stared at Lu Xingxian, turned her head and pondered for a while, and said, "She did something very sorry to me before, so I think I am very sorry to her once."

Lu Xingxian said, "How are you sorry?"

"The family is ruined..." Zuo Xian completed the second half of the sentence and said, "It was almost."

Hearing this, Lu Xingxian's expression gradually became serious.

"When did it happen?" For so many years, even if she didn't know everything about Zuo Xian, she could probably grasp five or six points of it.

It is impossible for her to have no news about such a big matter, not to mention that she has been resting at home during the holidays a while ago, and has never gone out at all, and during the following period, she has been filming with her on the set, let alone nothing private time.

When did this happen?

Being so cared by Lu Xingxian, Zuo Xian rolled his eyes slightly, and patted her hand with a smile, "Don't worry about this, because it's too complicated, and I don't know how to explain it to you... Anyway, I won't let myself Injured. Don't worry."

Although she looked calm, she was very determined. Lu Xingxian wanted to say something more, but he could only suppress the 10,000 curiosity in his heart, so he couldn't speak.

In the end, she glanced at Lin Qiqi over there, and said, "If you need anything, you can always find me."

Zuo Xian smiled, put his head close to Lu Xingxian's arms, heard the steady and powerful beating sound from her chest, yawned slightly, and said, "Axian, I'm a little sleepy..."

However, before she could finish saying 'a little sleepy', she heard a burst of confusion from the other side of the studio. The assistant director suddenly stood up, pointed at the opposite side and began to curse, "Can you act! If you can't act, then Get out early!"

As soon as the words fell, there were waves of girls crying.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zuo Xian regained his energy for a moment, and looked back excitedly.

—Wow, Lin Qiqi is crying!

The author has something to say: Grandma is critically ill

The update owed a few days ago will be completed, bow.