MTL - Beasts Are Just For Me To Bond With-Chapter 833 Legend of Martial Arts in Dream【Subscription】

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  Chapter 833 Legend of Martial Arts in Dream 【Subscription】

  Back home in Kyoto, Chen Wen found that Meimengxiang's favorability towards him had increased to 80.

  The Buzhou Mountain that pierces into the sky, the Juling Tree that covers the sky, all kinds of delicious food, and the friendly Abao directly conquered the heart of Mengxiang.

  Backing to his bedroom, Chen Wen saw that the room was not big enough, so he didn't summon them out, but instead created a clone in the Beast Familiar Space with his thoughts.

   This is not actually a clone, but a phantom that moves with his thoughts.

  Sitting comfortably on the grass, Chen Wen smiled and said, "Do you all know each other?"

   "Wow!" "Moo!" "Gah!" "Wow!" "Meow!" "Ow!" "Yeah!"

  The seven beasts all nodded, with joy on their faces.

   As usual, he led everyone to applaud to welcome the new partner, and then Chen Wendao: "Dameng already had a name before, so this time I skip the part of naming."

  A Bao and the others had no idea, but Er Zhuzi gave Chen Wen a resentful look.

  Although he is already familiar with the name Erzhuzi, every time he hears the names of other friends, he always feels that he is the child raised by the stepmother in the TV series.

  However, a moment ago, it shook its head and said, "You hate fighting, so it's for you to share your fighting skills and talents."

  A Bao smiled and asked, "Does he want to try it?"

  Since birth, that was the first time it felt such severe pain.

  Started the observation of the day, Abao rushed to Gaosong's office.

  I feel like if I go on like that, I will have to become Ji Xia's secretary assistant.

  Has Bao shared a lower-level Sharingan with him?

  Although the objects are the same, the result is the same.

  In an instant, Xiaomeng felt that her dream world had shrunk a circle, and the previous dream turned into a colorful ball of light and flew towards Ji Xia.

  The reason why my beast-monitoring space has become as small as it is today is only because of myself, and I have absorbed countless spiritual materials, among which there are no precious resources like giant spiritual veins.

  Actually, falling asleep is not difficult for me.

   It was very slow, so I reacted.

  A Bao had doubts in his heart.

   Moreover, Meng Chen Wendao can indeed promote martial arts and enhance the strength of warriors.

  You did that to protect the warrior who retreated into the dreamland! "

  As for Dream Eater, in Ah Bao's opinion, it is not a garbage collection ability.

  Going forward, it looked at Abao and said, "Now it's your turn."

  It thought for a while and said: "You can't share your talent with him, but he can use your talent to hurt other creatures."

  It wants to increase its knowledge and enrich its dreams, but it is not lazy, it likes to move.

  Reserve our mental strength before defeat, so as to control the number of our 'deaths'.

   After that, after I shared the dream master talent, I directly retreated into the dream of the beautiful dream image.

   Moreover, every time the Beast Familiar Space advances, it can absorb energy from the Chaos Void.

   If you want to take it, you must give it first.

  Talents, skills, and laws are just tools. Tools can not be used to create, but can also be used to destroy.

  But along with the pain, it found that the spiritual power and aura in its body had suddenly increased a lot, and the world behind its eyes had undergone earth-shaking changes.

   "It's like that..."

   Immediately afterwards, Ah Bao looked at Xiao Meng and said: "Xiao Meng, he will be bad in his heart, but being vicious also needs the support of strength.

  In the severe pain, Xiaomeng immediately seemed to leave her head from Abao's palm.

   Their nature depends on the creature used, but not on itself. "

  Before watching the law skills displayed by the turtle, my comprehension of the laws of the water system increased by 2%.

   Even, it is impossible to cause subconscious death due to too little death in the dream, and it is impossible to wake up completely.


   Does he know?

  Abao smiled slightly, and then said: "How does he know that the skills you shared with him are for fighting?

  Before the way of the beast master was also promoted to legend, my mastery of the beast master talent deepened again, and I still couldn't control the weakness of the shared talent.

  A Bao smiled, and then stated his purpose: "You want to start a dream Chen Wendao project."

  What surprised Ah Bao was that although Xiaomeng was very interested in the insight of the wall, it did not nod immediately.


  Da Meng nodded, then stared at Chen Wen with wide black and white eyes, and said, "You contracted me for my talent, right?"

  Xiaomeng nodded when she heard the words, it hates people who lie and candidly.

  If we win, we can get the inheritance of martial arts master..."

   After a short while, the dreamland changed into the appearance of the Beast Familiar Space.

  Blessed to the heart, Ji Xia said loudly: "Light!"

   Seeing A Bao, Gao Song felt a little helpless.

   "In addition to the ability of farsightedness, the insight into the wall has no microscopic effect.

  Before I awakened the dream master talent, I immediately understood the principles of the two functions of the system, the big white room and the gambling square.


  But I, who have no talent for mastering dreams, are the same. Dreams can hang like stars in the dreamy starry sky that will appear in this bad starry sky.

  I am going to give Xiaomeng a little sweetness first, to gain his trust and then let him agree to share his talents.

   At the same time, Ji Xia felt a hazy and dreamy energy recede into her body, and she felt drowsy instantly.

  A moment ago, the pain rushed in like a tide, and it also restrained itself and lay down on the bed.

  Looking at the creatures that she had never seen before, Xiaomeng's eyes flickered constantly.

   After all, it is a pet beast with no low ranks, and Xiaomeng quickly adapted to the awakened Bagouyu Sharingan's body.

  There is no doubt that the function of the Celestial Eye's thousand-outer eye generally complies with its requirements.

  The world is full of tiny creatures that are invisible to the naked eye!

   Moreover, that is only the most basic application of the dream master's talent.

  It is the same as Yushou space, the dream world can create "creatures".

  Chen Wen ignored the two pillars, looked at the big dream in the form of a pink elephant, and asked, "Have they told you about my talent for controlling beasts, Ah Bao?"

  It is said to be a creature, but the creature created in the dream actually does not have real intelligence.

  Although we seem real, it is just a memory or a program.

  Before the complicated experiment was completed, Ah Bao closed and opened his eyes, and entered and exited from the dream in an instant.

  Looking at the "96%" in front of the comprehension of the laws of the water system, Ah Bao grinned.

  But before sharing the dream master talent, Ah Bao knew that he would have a lot of dreams in the future.

  I experimented a bit, and the loss of dream eating is about 10%.


  The reason for that is mainly because I am afraid that the different kind of spiritual power will affect Xiaomeng, but now it seems that I think less.

   Then, Ah Bao gave an example: "For example, do you have the talent of seeing through walls now!

  But at that moment, it remembered what A Bao had said later, and finally chose to doubt A Bao.

  With that speed, tomorrow I will be able to comprehend the laws of the water system to the fourth heaven.


  Before experimenting with dream creation, Ah Bao continued to try dreaming and eating dreams.

  A Bao's face was reddish, but he quickly argued with confidence: "Warrior battles are life-and-death battles, if you experience life and death less times a day, it will definitely cause a huge trauma to the soul.

   Ah Bao smiled when he saw this, and then asked: "Now, does he want to share his talent with you?"

  A Bao has been promoted to be the deputy general of the Shuguang Troop. It stands to reason that he should focus on the Shuguang Troop.


  Before we retreat into that dream, we will come to a ring to fight against some low-level martial arts players that you set badly.

   As I move forward, I fall into darkness behind my eyes.

  Abao smiled and said: "But can you use that talent to do other things?

  Abao deliberated on the language, and then said: "As the vice president of the Martial Arts Association, you feel that you have no right or obligation to promote martial arts."

   "With that ability alone, this sharing is a loss!"

  In an instant, white awns bloomed between my brows, and a gloomy energy suddenly flowed out of my body and poured into Xiaomeng's body.

   "Creation? You are too inexperienced!"

  A Bao smiled and reminded: "Maybe some original sources will be lost, so I don't need to worry too much."

  Hearing that, Xiaomeng's eyes lit up.

  Placing her hand between Xiaomeng's eyebrows in the elephant's pillow, Ji Xia said, "The talent of seeing through the wall does not require very low physical and mental requirements. You first share with him the insight before strengthening."

  Beautiful dream like dreaming, can quietly retreat into the dreams of other living beings, and can guide other living beings to retreat into their own dreams.

"what happened again?"

  During the battle, if I have enough mental power, I can immediately use Dream Eater and recover 40% of my mental power.

  After thinking about it, I immediately used the dream-making skill to transform the dream into the appearance of the Beast Familiar Space.

  In the evening of the same day, A Bao, who recovered his mental strength, came to Kunming Lake.

  A Bao nodded, and said: "It's wrong, you contracted him for your talent, and his talent can provide you with great help."

  To Ah Bao's surprise, only about one-seventh of the beast-fencing space was reproduced, and I found that the mental power in my Shenhai was about to be exhausted.

  Abao is delighted.

  A Bao glanced at it in surprise, thought for a while and said, "You promise him!"

   After admiring the dreamy starry sky, Ah Bao shifted his gaze to a ball of light the size of a basketball.

   "Is it so cheap to create a dream?"

  In Ah Bao’s view, that kind of creature is not like the NPC in the game, but more intelligent and real.

  Xiao Meng glanced at Ji Xia suspiciously.

  In a daze, I saw a bright starry sky.

  Before using the insight of the wall, you can have a panoramic view of the scenery ten thousand meters away..."

   All dream applications!

  Small twinkling stars, colorful nebulae, and comets with burning tails playfully pass behind the eyes...

  Not all the places are as peaceful as the foggy forest. "

"Ha ha!"

   It is not a cub like Abao and the others, but a mature pet beast that has survived for seventy-seven years.

   To devour the mental power of a different species, is it okay to have no mouth?

  Even if a special person is dreaming, the dream will be shattered before it is finished.

  I shared the master of dreams because I wanted to use it to improve my spiritual power, and I never thought of using that talent as a means of attack.

   "If he loses, he will save his mental strength to help his dreams, right?"

  A Bao contracted himself with a precious pet slot, but he needed it to participate in the battle. Combined with A Bao's talent, it quickly guessed Ji Xia's purpose.

  A Bao did not continue to preach, but summoned him into the bedroom.

   Therefore, I can't store mental power with that ability at all.

   Seeing Xiaomeng nodding, Abao immediately activated his talent skills.

  Xiao Meng gave A Bao a blank look, because she wanted to talk.

  When I shared the talent of mastering dreams, I also naturally mastered the eight skills of dreaming, dream making and dream eating.


  Ji Xia sneered, and said: "That's because Uncle Gao is kind and amiable, that's why I look for him as soon as there is no problem?"

   It stands to reason that illusory things should consume more energy.

  I found that the talent of the dream master is bound to the eight racial skills of the dream elephant.

  Xiaomeng nodded.

   Following my gaze, a colorful ball of light is getting closer and closer to me.

  In the last moment, there was no white light behind the eyes.

   "Said it!"

   "Dream Chen Wendao?"

  When Xiaomeng heard this, her swarthy eyes rolled.

  Gaosong only contacted Qiwo Legendary Beast Master today, and is waiting for the reply from Qiwo Beastmaster. Today, I am still helping Ah Bao to practice.

   It doesn’t mean that I am sure that I used ten points of spiritual power to create a sculpture of Gao Song in the dream, and then devoured it with the dream-eating skill, and finally returned four points of spiritual power to Shenhai.

   But the dream behind the eyes is the same, all relying on one's own mental power to open up, and it is understandable that the volume is larger than the Beast Familiar Space.

  If Ji Xia hadn't mentally isolated the room long ago, the residents around the area would probably be deafened by the huge roar at this moment.

   Before the gloomy mental power of Sharingan appeared, it was led by Xiaomeng to retreat into the dream very slowly, and the former was directly swallowed by it.

  While speaking, my left hand made a small effect, projecting the images of microorganisms in the air in the form of phantoms.

   "Get to the point!"

  In an instant, Xiao Meng cried out in pain.

   Their appearance and the environment in which they live are also very boring. "

   Looking at the turbid world, Xiaomeng suddenly felt the same pain in her lower body.

  The eye of the sky sees through all illusions, and can see through the strengths of other creatures. It sounds like a talent for assisting combat, right? "

  It was the same as in the daytime, it was Gao Song who sent out his pet beast that time.

  Although Gao Song knew that Ji Xia was trying to argue, I also had to realize that what A Bao said was unreasonable.

   As for the disgusting part of my dream, I can use the dream-eating ability to swallow it directly, and then return it to the sea of ​​gods.

   If so, when his relatives, friends, and even his clan members are safe, he can only watch them die.

  Ji Xia saw this and said with a smile: "Pain is also an indispensable part of life. Only when you know pain can you perceive good and bad better."

  After thinking about it, Abao and I agreed eight chapters ago, finally nodded and said: "Lihui will try first!"

Ah Bao nodded, and introduced in detail: "You will create a dream, and guide the martial arts practitioners to retreat into that dream.

   Seeing whether Xiaomeng was affected by the spiritual power of Sharingan, Ji Xia couldn't help giving her little thumbs up.

  However, recently, Ah Bao runs to my office every day.

   As I said that, I put my hand under Xiaomeng's head, and activated my innate skills again.

  Xiao Meng nodded without thinking when she heard the words.

   Knowing that Ji Xia has contracted Meimengxiang, Gao Song immediately guessed my plan.


  As the dreamland expands and becomes smaller, the mental power in my Divine Sea is also slowly consumed.

  At the moment, I am very interested in Po's ability to see through walls.

  The "entry" in the dream is just a retreat, not yet introduced.

  A Bao smiled.

   Di Song sighed and said, "Tell me, is there anything wrong?"

  (end of this chapter)