MTL - Become Marvel Daisy Johnson-Chapter 15 barbara

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"I remember once when I was young, I went to the captain's memorial hall. That was when I was in the orphanage."

It was the first time Sharon heard that Daisy was a child of the orphanage, that is, an orphan, and finally she was moved. She let go of her defensive state.

"A group of children were noisy, and it hurts my ears when I think about it now. At that time, although we were young, we were not carefree. The children in the orphanage hoped that they could become the captain and fight against the bad guys upright. I hope to see the captain. Just seeing the captain’s clothes gives me a sense of security. But when we go back to the orphanage and our own home, we need to clean up and make the bed by ourselves. Well done , no rewards, no biscuits, no hot milk. I just say good night to myself. At that time, where is the captain?"

"I used to have two good friends. One was adopted. According to rumors, the family was not very good. The other got lost and there was no news. I was very sad. At that time, where was the captain?"

"I hope the captain will solve everything, and the children in the orphanage will really starve to death. I can only rely on myself, only on myself."

Damn, I almost believed it when I said it. Tears burst out.

"I'm sorry, Daisy. I don't know...."

Seeing Daisy's tears, Sharon panicked for a moment, and hugged Daisy. Daisy also embraced Sharon, and the two were reconciled.

Taking advantage of the situation, Daisy rested her head on Sharon's collarbone, feeling quite comfortable.

"We're friends now? The Carters?"

"Of course, girl."

In addition to Daisy and Sharon, there are other trainees in the training base.

Most of them, like Daisy Sharon, came to receive training, and began their careers as members of SHIELD after the assessment. Some of them were students of SHIELD Academy.

Everyone's progress is different, some have already started the assessment, some are about to face the assessment, and some have only been here for a few days.

The people who come in for training basically have their positions in S.H.I.E.L.D. Although most of them are at the bottom. But the first thing they learn in S.H.I.E.L.D. She kept silent about her job. This phenomenon also made Daisy instinctively not talk about her doubts about her job.

This is a soft rule and anyone who breaks it will be marked as a failing grade.

In the afternoon, Daisy got it for the first time and tried out the pistol shooting. The target distance was 10 meters.

In the movie, all kinds of big guys use pistols to play handsome and fancy shots. But when they really picked it up and shot at the target, Daisy was shocked by the recoil of the pistol in the first shot.

Slightly rubbed the tiger's mouth, the first shooting experience was very bad.

Sharon on the side laughed out loud.

She reloaded and shot skillfully, and she shot five shots in a row, all of which were within 89 targets, and two of them hit the bullseye.

Afterwards, he glanced at Daisy, smiled teasingly, and made a gesture of please.

Feeling despised by others is very uncomfortable, Daisy also loaded and fired quickly, firing three shots in a row.

Then the tiger's mouth was shocked and forced himself to stop. I was young, and I couldn't hold a pistol that was not fully capable of shooting. I felt uncomfortable after three recoil shocks.

One shot missed, one missed the edge of the target, and one hit Sharon's target.

It's all **** screwed up!

Daisy's small mouth gradually pouted.

Sharon stopped teasing Daisy, and came over to teach Daisy how to shoot properly. The two basically spent the afternoon at the shooting range.

Daisy's little hands were still trembling at supper.

"Barbara, can I sit here?" The strange woman approached

"Sharon, this is Daisy." Sharon introduced

"Ah, there are all strong men around, and it's rare to see a girl. Hey, it's the first time to shoot a gun?" Barbara is obviously a veteran

"Isn't it obvious, oh, what is this, it's too unpalatable, how can you bear it?" Daisy said speechlessly

"Daisy, let's eat something. We will do five sets of high-energy training in a while. If you don't eat, you will lose your strength." Sharon persuaded Daisy

"Relax, the first time will inevitably be a little 'excited'. You know that my first ligament stretching, the teacher said it was practicing horizontal chopping for a cow." Barbara lowered her head to eat seriously, the forehead A mole is obvious

"I'll just eat a piece of bread, the rest are too bad. God." Daisy complained

"Keep this chickpea in your mouth, Barbara, have you studied ballet before?" Sharon kindly fed Daisy

"Yes, I practiced gymnastics before I was 14. By the way, Daisy looks very small. Has SHIELD started to develop a youth team?"

"Yeah, Barbara, you guessed it right, I'm only 14 years old this year. I can't even 'hold' the 'gun' body with one hand, I need two hands to 'set' it." Said Daisy also made an action


"Daisy! You are still an underage child." Sharon exclaimed

"yes, mylady"

"Hahaha....... I have no plans for the time being, let me do high-energy physical training with you." Barbara listened to the joke indifferently, with a harmless face

"no problem."

"Feel free. Sirloin don't feed me anymore, I have hands to do it myself!"


Daisy is very picky about eating, especially during the time when she is flying solo and earning money, she doesn't eat bad food. The big pot meal at the S.H.I.E.L.D. training base is really unsatisfactory.

Perhaps it was because she told Sharon the reason for her tragic life experience. Daisy obviously felt that Sharon used herself as a doll. It was not the feeling that she had the initiative, which made Daisy very awkward.

The sudden beauty Barbara, Daisy and Sharon naturally won't show too much resistance. Barbara herself doesn't look too big, she seems to be just 18 years old. There is an obvious hemorrhoid between her eyebrows, which makes her look She looks like a golden boy and girl. She has brown and black hair and a standard eagle sauce beauty face.

It may be because I practiced gymnastics when I was a child, and my body is very beautiful. Unlike Sharon, some of them are big and wide, and they are the standard Caucasian body type.

Daisy vaguely guessed that Barbara should be Agent 19 of SHIELD in the future, Mockingbird Barbara. An excellent agent known for his fighting skills and loyalty.

The three finished five sets of high-energy physical training, flushed and out of breath. Driven by curiosity, Daisy wanted to try Barbara's fighting skills.

The two made a move, at least Daisy didn't hold back. First, they punched a series of punches. Barbara didn't dare to resist, and dodged Daisy's combo with a graceful figure.

In an instant, he grabbed Daisy's emptiness and counterattacked, but this was Daisy's set. Barbara's body is soft and slippery like a loach. If Daisy doesn't buy a hole, then Daisy will be exhausted. exhaust.

Seeing Barbara's fist suck, Daisy slammed into Barbara's punching arm with her elbow, and Daisy followed the trend, elbowed upwards, and punched Barbara neck, stopped.

Barbara, who was forcibly interrupted by Daisy, couldn't just stand there and be killed by Daisy. Out of her own boxing kung fu memory, Barbara habitually kicked with her right foot.

If Daisy punches Barbara on the neck, Barbara will be sent flying, and the kick will be empty, and Barbara may be knocked unconscious on the ground.

But Daisy withdrew her punch in time, and although she had subconsciously made a defensive move, she was still hit by Barbara's side kick.

Daisy was kicked out with a whoosh.

Barbara and Sharon felt rushed to Daisy's side to see Daisy's injury.

Barbara apologized to Daisy, but then told Daisy that she shouldn't stop. The training ground is the battlefield, and you can't be kind to your enemies.

I got up and loosened my muscles and bones, and felt that there was nothing serious, telling Sharon and Barbara not to worry.

The group of three started to fight freely again.

In the evening, the three of them took a shower together, and UU read www. said good night to each other, and went back to their rooms to rest.

The next day Daisy began to get familiar with various electronic products. The electronic equipment in SHIELD was an era ahead of the equipment on the market. SHIELD had already used the sliding screen technology at this time. These Daisy did not work hard and quickly familiar with the operation.

The three of them do not often meet during the day, because their respective training contents are different. The training at the S.H.I.E.L.D. training base is almost all one-to-one special training.

It is rare that when passing by the training room occasionally, you will see Barbara fighting freely with a group of strong men, and Barbara can always win.

Daisy's training is more clerical, and she learns how to deal with clerical internal affairs and collect information. Most of them are on the computer, which is a trivial matter for Daisy.

As for Sharon, coming here is more like going through a process. Training is free, time is free, and most of them don't have strict training requirements.

But Sharon was not satisfied with this, she arranged her time very well and did a lot of field training.

In the afternoon, there is a special part of Daisy’s gun practice. Sometimes Barbara will come to see Daisy. And since Sharon’s hands-on guidance, Daisy has a sense of shooting, at least it is not easy to miss the target. When the training is over, The best score is within the third ring.

In three days, Daisy stopped complaining about the food, after all, she had no choice. After tasting it calmly, she felt that the taste was not bad.

One month is very short, and it didn't take long. Barbara came a week earlier than Daisy and the others, so when Daisy and the others left, Barbara had already gone to the headquarters to report.

Leaving the training base, the two flew to the Tricurve Wing headquarters on the Quin-jet fighter at the training base.