MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 15 Get married

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Luo Feili took care of the clothes and thought about something wrong. This made people see that he was meeting with Zhang Yangfan on the same day, and he would definitely not be able to wash into the Yellow River.

So after a while, Luo Fei called two times to respond. This voice, according to the original owner is: you wait! I will go out soon!

Of course, he can't really go out, but he doesn't go out, someone can go out!

After a moment, Luo Yi grabbed his head in confusion and went out.

Zhang Yangfan has always been arrogant, but at this time he is staring at the sky early, hiding like a thief at the corner, and there is no such thing as a gentleman. If you know that you must read his books, you must read them in your dog's stomach. However, there is no gentleman here. Then Zhang Yangfan waited for a long time, and then went to the fence in a short time. He didn’t have much hope for Luo Fei to come out and see him. So when I heard Luo Fei’s response, I was really happy. .

Because the Luo family is not far from the mountain, fearing that there are wolves on the mountain, the density of the fence is high. Now the sky is not bright, it is not easy to Zhang Yangfan. Fortunately, he finally waited for footsteps to come over.

Luo Yi listened to Luo Fei. After he came over, he didn't get angry. He just said nothing: "Zhang Yangfan, you go back, my second brother said, I don't want to see you later. You hurt his heart, he doesn't want to come out. It is."

Zhang Yangfan saw Luo Yi, suddenly anxious: "Four treasures, you, you go to talk to your second brother, I will tell him a few words, let him come out to meet me, ah?"

Luo Yi put Zhang Yangfan in his heart and said that it was very embarrassing to say it: "No. This is the day when my second brother is overjoyed. Don't let him be sad again. He said It’s enough to jump for a river in this life, and it’s already dead for you.”

Luo Fei took a stalk of grass ash and approached it. Hearing this place, he couldn’t help but give this second brother’s professional younger brother a thumbs up, thinking that it’s a good one!

And Zhang Yangfan listened to Luo Yi’s words, and suddenly felt like he was stirring up. He felt more and more want to see Luo Fei. He kept talking with Luo Yi: “Four treasures, you should help Yang Fange once, wait for the future to sail. In the middle of it, you must not forget you!"

Your grandmother's legs are your character! shameless! Luo Yi said: "No! I have to go back to the house. You can go back, my brother said, he only knows you in this life."

After that, Luo Yi did not wait for Zhang Yangfan to say anything, and ran back. Here, Luo Fei, who was close to the cat's waist, suddenly got up and found the opportunity to put a piece of grass ash on Zhang Yangfan across the fence! After he finished, he also ran away!

"Who?! Who did it! Cough, cough, vomit..." Zhang Yangfan slammed his mouth, fearing that he was found to be inconsistent and his face was red and black.

When Luo Yi entered the hospital, he saw his second brother coming back from the back garden. He frowned at the moment and looked at Luo Fei with a disapproval look: "Second brother, you dry up and let me tell Zhang Yangfan." Those? Also, you are doing it? You said, are you still thinking about him?!"

"Does the dog think about him!" Luo Fei took a slap in the back of his brother's head. "I went to sprinkle him with a ash of grass and let him touch the head! Also, let you say that it is to let him have some thoughts on me. Such a It’s impossible for him to tell him that Jiang Bailian can’t stop the day? It’s just to let the two dogs bite the dog’s mouth. He’s that... forget it, you don’t understand if you say more.” Half a foot in the entertainment circle I have seen a lot of things about getting rid of the situation. How can I make the contradiction between the two people?

"Who is Jiang Bailian?"

"Jiang Jiangning. You are assured that anyway, the second brother absolutely did not think that the surname Zhang, who wants him to play thunder!"

"It's almost the same. Hurry up, the water is ready for you!" Luo Yi said. "The Gothic brought his bathet, saying that you definitely like it."

"Is it true and false?" There is a hot bath to wash. Luo Fei came to the spirit in an instant. "You can move fast enough."

"Where is it? The water is also made by Xi Ge. If you don't have him, he will come to the pot. When you go out to the huts, he will get water in the house." Luo Yi feels that the second brother is too Like a word.

"What about others?"

"Let's in the house. But you can't see him, I'm going to see it!" Luo Yi ran into the house and came out in a moment: "Go away. Niang said that he has to be busy with the family, saying that he would send the tub. Come to you. Xi Ge also gave you a grapefruit skin." Luo Yi is almost envious of death, hot bath is not easy enough, or there is grapefruit aroma water! How comfortable is this washed?

Luo Fei went in and saw it, and it was really hot in the tub, with a hint of grapefruit aroma. He slowly undressed and sat in it, soaking it inside for a while.

I always feel that... Xi Yan Qing is really a bit like him, is it so good? Give him money again, and give him a bath, but he is afraid that he will smother his face and smudge his face. And also sent so many gifts to his home. In fact, it is completely feasible to not send so much. To put it bluntly, he is not very famous now. Even if he gives it in general, Luo will not say anything. I can buy so much, especially pork, and bought six, as if I was afraid that he would not eat well. If you don't think about him, how good is the money to buy and buy?

But why? Do you want to feast like him? But the like can't be sudden, there is no sign before passing through.

correct! He guarded his head! When the car falls off the cliff! In such a crisis, maybe it is not his illusion?

When Luo Fei was washing and washing, he was absent-minded, and the water was cold and he did not notice.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry, there is someone anxious outside.

"Two treasures, are you okay?" If this is a gimmick, Li Yuehua will come in and wash, but the son, although a mother, is not convenient.

"Okay!" Luo Fei hurriedly wiped his hair and changed his clothes first. He was afraid of getting dirty, and he didn't dare to put it on.

It’s not good for this long hair, and it’s very slow. Luo Fei waited for him for about an hour, and it’s still the result of baking next to the stove.

Li Yuehua saw Luo Fei wash almost, and brought an individual to come in. This person Luo Fei has only seen it in his memory. He is also a younger brother in Huaping Village. He is in his thirties this year. This person is not a native of the village, but is married from a foreign village. However, these years in Huaping Village have also been good, there are children who do not say, and the relationship between husband and husband is also very good. The original Lord called him Uncle, because this person is called Yueli.

"Let you uncle Liu comb your hair and sit down." Li Yuehua said, "I am bothering you Xiaoyue brothers."

"The scorpion is polite." Yue Li is not particularly good-looking, but watching will give people a very comfortable feeling, such as Mu Chunfeng, especially when laughing, like a big brother next door, especially gentle, "two treasures can Really, President Lu has never seen your child so beautiful."

"You are too excited to have a glass, too?" Luo Fei smiled at Mimi. "I have never seen anyone who has been particularly happy when you look at it."

"Would you not come over and dare to come over and comb your hair?" Yue Li took the comb. "Uncle gives you a uncle, don't interrupt if you have something to know?"

"Know it." Luo Fei sat down.

"Your hair is really black and bright." Yueli gently passed the wooden comb through the hair of Luo Fei. "A comb is combed to the head, rich and not need to be smashed; two combs are combed to the head, no disease and no worries; Three combs are combed to the head, and many children have more life. Four combs are combed to the end, and the case is raised with eyebrows; five combs are combed to the end, and the wings are □ □; six combs are combed to the end, and the knots are always concentric. Every year is rich... Well, I am going out to wait for you, you put on the suit, and I will give you a little while."

This Luo Fei knows that it is to put a braid after combing the hair. Don't pick up your hair like a girl, still in the range he can accept.

Luo Fei quickly changed clothes and took photos in the mirror. Not to mention, this physical condition is really unique, and it is rare to have a dry climate that keeps the skin moist.

In a short while Luo Ru came in with Yue Li, Luo Ru took some makeup things in his hand: "Second brother, come, draw a thrush, paint some rouge!"

Luo Fei was scared to quickly stop Luo Ru's hand: "Don't stop! I don't like this, you keep it!"

Yue Li also said with a smile: "I also feel that this is fine. But can you order a red dragonfly? Look at the celebration, or it will be too good."

Luo Fei didn't want to point anything, but he couldn't help but persuade a room, and finally he made a small point in his eyebrows. But it was such a small red dot. When I clicked, I didn’t feel what it was. After the point was finished, the whole person’s temperament became more vivid. It turned out that Luo Fei after the shower was particularly clear and moving, but now it has a little more charm, and it is really necessary to take away the soul of the people.

Not to mention Zhang Yangfan and Xi Yanqing, now anyone can see it and can't help but take a look.

"Second brother, brother, you want me to wait for the girl's family to live without a road!" Luo Ru turned around Luo Fei for two laps. "It's so beautiful! It's so good!"

"Must, then can I have something to eat next?!" I didn't eat it early, but I took a shower. I was hungry and crying at the moment. I screamed for a while, called this one. Wronged.

"You can only lick Apple." Luo Yi gave Luo Fei an apple.

In the end, it is not the season of eating apples. This apple is not so special, but it is better than nothing.

Luo Fei sat on the donkey to eat apples, and chatted with Han Xu who came to help.

"Do you cover the hijab for a while?" Han Xu asked.

"It should be covered." The younger brother is not rigidly required to cover the hijab. Of course, there is nothing wrong with it. Luo Fei didn't want to cover it, but he always felt that he was looked awkward and simply blinded himself. Others couldn't see him. He didn't have to look at other people. It was good to go to the banquet.

This is still the case with the original daughter's plot, and I have done this thing with the suit early, otherwise he has not yet covered it.

Han Xu’s “噗嗤” sounded out: “I want to show your most beautiful side to your brother?”

Luo Fei was told by him that he felt that the goose bumps would come out. But it seems to be true. If this is covered with a hijab, besides his family and Han Xu and Yue Li, can you only see the feast? !

Luo Fei didn't know that just the night before, the banquet had thought about his appearance as a wedding dress, and he also covered his head. He covered this thing, it was just the right to have a feast.

This kind of thing is exclusive to every man, and naturally there will be no less feast.


In fact, in order to save costs and not to delay farming, the majority in the countryside is still arranged in the summer. At that time, there was not much living in the field. There were a lot of fresh vegetables in the garden. Just buy some fish and meat. It’s like this time, there are fewer vegetables. If you want to look good on the table, you need to get more. Meat can be.

Xi Yan bought a lot of meat, but he did not ask for a lot of people, basically those who have always had a good relationship, and then his time to meet is also in the morning. Perhaps most people think that he is trying to take care of those who want to work in the fields, but only he knows that he just wants to get Luo Fei by himself.

The firecrackers had been hung up at the gate. The dinner was almost prepared in the courtyard. The guests also came a lot. They rode a black horse with red silk and rushed to Luojia with a band.

Xu is too close, and the people who join in the fun are not too troublesome. They went out with Xi Yanqing, and they don’t have to worry about going back and forth.

Luo Fei just finished an apple, but he still feels hungry and is more hungry. Because it is inconvenient to go to the huts on the way, it is not too much to eat. This is too pit. He was just looking forward to the banquet. The family is really not to eat! Luo Fei couldn't wait to erect his ears to listen to the outside movement, so he almost got up and rushed out when he heard the sound of the outside blowing. Where is the sad expression on the white face? It’s just the excitement of seeing the braised pork!

Meat! There must be a lot of delicious food at the Banquet!

Luo Fei's eyes were green and he licked his lips. His face looks like a wolf directly to the tears that Li Yuehua just shed.

"You! You bear child!" Li Yuehua poked at the chest of Luo Fei with a smile, "Come on the cover!" She has heard the little son shouting several times the groom's official!

"Okay." Luo Fei patted Li Yuehua's hand. "Mother, you better not cry! I don't cry, we are all happy. Anyway, I can come back to see you every day."

"I know I know." Li Yuehua still wiped his tears. "Go."

The firecracker sounded outside, and the banquet turned over and went down to the door. As he walked toward the station, he sneaked at a hill like Luo Tian: "Rober, I am coming to pick up Luo Fei, can I ask him to come out?"

Luo Tian nodded, letting the body, there is a fiery red figure behind the morning light was helped by Luo Ji and Luo Yi.

Xi Yanqing saw the red hijab, and his heart was soft. He took the first two steps and took Rolf's hand: "Is it waiting for a long time?"

Luo Fei whispered: "Can you go faster, I am so hungry and back!"

The banquet was quiet and laughed: "Yes." He quietly stuffed a piece of millet into Luo Fei's hand: "I will eat it later."

Luo Feiyi was eating, the excitement was broken, and his footsteps became lighter. If it wasn’t because he heard Li Yuehua crying, he forgot that he also had to respond. He followed the screams and then went to the banquet to clear the horse. After a while, I went to the house to visit the house, and his mother would still follow.

As soon as he got on the horse, Luo Fei was stunned by Xi Yanqing from behind. His body instinctively stiffened, but considering that it was outside, he did not push the banquet, just bit his teeth, turned his head and whispered to the banquet and said, "Hey! What am I doing?!"

Xi Yan’s low-pitched voice sang in the ear of Luo Fei’s ear: “I am jealous of my new wife, is there something wrong?”

"Of course!" Luo's ears strangely heat up, "If my father beat me to force me to get married with you, I did not marry you."

"Hey, I know that I can’t escape but I have to pay for it. You go out without IQ?"

"I have a kind of family name, you don't go to bed at night!" Dare to say that he does not bring IQ? !

"Oh..." The banquet was originally on the horse and walked in front of it. At this moment, suddenly "driving!", let the horse run. His original body has passed through the battlefield, and the ability of Hummer is naturally a matter of course.

Luo Fei was shocked and busy looking for something to rely on. The spring breeze made a joke at this time, oh~ I blew his hijab away. Then the white tender cheeks, the long black hair raised by the wind, the bright red wedding dress, jumped into the eyes of everyone. At the same time, in the eyes of the people who jumped into the crowd, there was also a feast of Xi Fei, who was holding on to Luo Fei.

The two were a little dazzling, a beautiful and beautiful, one carefully guarding the person in the arms, one relying on the other. A new couple is like a wall painting, as if it was frozen at the most beautiful moment.

Zhang Yangfan, who had changed his clothes and let out the wind, looked at this scene and felt that he had never felt embarrassed in his heart. His soles are like roots, and they can't move half a step.

In the end, what kind of magic is the only way to give up such a person and choose Jiang Baining? Is he jealous?

My heart is full of embarrassment. However, this kind of cockroach is still not hungry. Luo Fei squatted ahead and poked his elbows to banquet: "Hey, are you still eating? I am not full."

Xi Yanqing's lips gently rubbed Luo Fei's ear: "Yes, I secretly let you put it in the new house. After a while I am toasting outside, you are eating in the house, but don't let people find out."

"Yeah." The feeling of tickle faintly came from the ear, and Luo Fei’s face was red. He lowered his head and touched the tip of his ear. Suddenly he thought that he was still guessing whether he liked him before he went out. And now, he can almost be sure.