MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3010 it's too late

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As everyone knows, the contents of this hard drive are more than useful to Lin Yu, it is simply crucial!

This hard drive is the detailed evidence that Woods has carefully accumulated over the years!

Just to leave one last trump card for myself!

But in the end, he did not use this trump card in exchange for his own life, but in exchange for his daughter's life!

He took it out at this time, not to take revenge on the World Medical Association and the Du family, and come to a dead end!

Instead, I want to use this as a bargaining chip to find a shelter for my daughter!

He knew that as long as this thing was handed over to Lin Yu, Yan Xia would definitely accept Annie and fully guarantee her safety!

"Dad, you don't know what!"

Annie cried and said, "In this world, not everyone is the same as you, you must have the value to use, and then you will help!"

"Even without this hard drive, Ho will definitely protect it.

I! "

Hearing her words, Woods was stunned for a moment, then sighed and smiled bitterly, "In the end, I still lost to He Jiarong!"

"But the funny thing is, maybe he never regarded us as a rival!"

"Maybe it's because we don't deserve it, or maybe... He just stood in the perspective of justice from beginning to end and did everything he should do!"

At this time, he suddenly realized that maybe he and Logan and the entire World Medical Association were never worthy of Lin Yu's opponents!

And the reason why they have been fighting against Lin Yu for so many years is only because Lin Yu is from the angle where doctors should stand, and they happen to be on the evil side!

In fact, he used to be as upright and determined as Lin Yu, and the doctor was benevolent!

It's just that after so many years of ups and downs, the impact of power and greed has long since kept him away from his original heart!

To this day, he can't tell the difference, he has been so many years

The confrontation with Lin Yu, is it against Lin Yu or against the former self!

He couldn't tell whether the paranoia and madness over the years were right or wrong!

"Dad, it's not scary when people do wrong things and go the wrong way!"

Annie said anxiously, "As long as you are willing to make corrections, everything is still too late!"

"It's too late, it's too late!"

Woods let out a long sigh, feeling overwhelmed in his heart for a while, and murmured, "It's too late, it's too late..."

Everything is too late, too late to regret, too late to remedy!

"Dad, no matter what happens, don't think about it!"

Annie panicked and comforted, "You come back first, as long as you come back, everything will be fine!"

"Okay, I'm going to hurry back!"

Woods looked straight and said solemnly, "Did you find that hard drive as I said?!"

"found it!"

Annie in a hurry

He ran into the study, and found the hidden hard drive according to the hidden space that his father said.

"If I don't go back within half an hour, you will immediately take the hard drive to the airport and head to the hot summer!"

Woods continued, "Don't contact anyone before the plane takes off, remember, it's anyone!"

His meaning is very clear, even Logan and others must not be contacted!


"Answer me, remember?!"

Woods asked sharply.


Annie answered hastily.

Woods didn't wait for her to say more, and immediately hung up the phone.

Then he dialed a phone number again, and after the call was connected, he said in a deep voice, "You guys can leave my house, I have discussed with Mr. Logan, you don't need to monitor Annie any more! You guys can leave my house. Evacuate from outside my house immediately!"

"Yes, Mr. Woods!"

on the other end of the phone

Without any hesitation, the person immediately agreed.

Soon, several members of the Special Intelligence Service who were guarding the door of Woods' house quickly evacuated.

Annie didn't feel any excitement watching this scene, but became more and more frightened.

The moment Woods hung up the phone, two shadows appeared in front of him and behind him in the alley.

The moment he saw these two people, the heart that Woods had been holding on to, instantly calmed down.

It's finally here!

"Are you from the special love department?!"

Woods asked in a deep voice, "Did the Du family send you here?!"

The other party did not answer.

"I'm all about to die, can't you just let me die?!"

Woods smiled wryly.


The person in front then said in a low voice, "Mr. Jeremy is afraid that you know too much and can't keep his mouth shut, so let us give you a ride!"

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion