MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1002 Sukarno's legacy

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   In the direction of the Middle East, the Soviet Union has the Red Flag North Caucasus Military Region, the Red Flag Transcaucasus Military Region, the Red Flag Turkestan Military Region, and the Mediterranean Fleet. Although Serov is not a military expert in the army, he is no stranger to the army of the Soviet Union itself. All three military regions were dispatched, with about 600,000 soldiers and more than 9,000 tanks. Nearly seven thousand armored vehicles.

  Selov Judging from the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War that has not yet happened, these large-scale transoceanic operations of the US military, the limit number of the US military dispatch is the same as that of the three major military regions that the Soviet Union is now facing in the Middle East. During the Korean War, the U.S. military sent 500,000 troops. At the peak of the Vietnam War, the U.S. military had a little more than 500,000 troops.

However, it can be seen that after the Second World War, the limit of the US military to invest in one direction is about 500,000. The US military has done its best in the Vietnam War, and the number of soldiers has approached 600,000, but this time has continued. Not long, it can be used as a reference for the U.S. military to fight with all its strength.

   Under this assessment, Serov believes that the 600,000 Soviet Red Army in the three major military regions of the Soviet Union, plus its own military strength in the Central and ASEAN countries, is completely sufficient. You must know that the Soviet Union has supported a group of countries in the Middle East whose military strength is not in line with national strength. Although there is no such situation as Saddam's self-proclaimed third military power, the two Iraqi together are similar.

   And the capabilities of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman on the opposite side are indeed limited. Egypt and Syria are enough for them to dare not act rashly. "We also need to consider Turkey. With Greece and the Kurds restrained, Turkey will not make waves. However, Israel is a problem, and Egypt and Syria should be prepared to take precautions, Assad. And Mubarak can move or move."

   From this point of view, the Soviet Union took Iraq and Iran to face off against Saudi Arabia and Qatar brought by the United States. As for Kuwait, Bahrain, countries that are not much bigger than a football field, starting a war is the result of being killed by a second, so don't take it into account.

"It's still evenly matched. Don't say that I bullied you." Shelov finally drew a good map into a ghost symbol, and anyone who saw it except he could understand it would throw it into the garbage heap. Lu Zhan, or you will be embarrassed this time!" Why do you say that?

   From the land, the Soviet Union still has an advantage. In terms of land-based fighters, the Soviet Union has a slight advantage. The navy is a disadvantage, but with the backfire bomber group, it can completely deal with eight aircraft carriers to build a battle group.

   In fact, the real gap is that the Soviet Union has always had an overwhelming number of nuclear submarines. This is where the Soviet Red Navy has the biggest technological gap compared to the US Navy. Shelov opened his mouth to search for three hundred nuclear submarines, more than half of the nuclear submarines in the United States. In fact, they did not carry as many nuclear warheads as their American counterparts.

  To this day, Serov dares to say that the fighter jets of the Soviet Air Force are no worse than the United States. With the powerful ground tank army, the power on land is definitely stronger than the ground power of the US military, and it is much stronger. But nuclear submarines dare not say that. The first generation of the Soviet Union's first generation of nuclear submarines, the Viktor III-class lead boat K-254, was launched in the mid-1970s, but the USS SSN688 "Los Angeles" was already in service in the same year. !

   And the Acura Shark class, which is really close to Los Angeles in performance, has not been in service until now. Almost ten years in between. And the U.S. wave class is close to being built. To be honest, the U.S. nuclear submarine is stronger than the Soviet Union’s. In order to bridge this technological gap, the Soviet Union's method was to directly use the best materials, and use titanium alloys if the strength of the steel was insufficient.

   It is because the Soviet Union has a high degree of secrecy, and the Soviet Union itself has many nuclear submarines that are particularly powerful in certain aspects, such as the world record for diving depth, the world's largest nuclear submarine. Serov only opened his mouth from time to time to scare the United States with three hundred nuclear submarines, but Serov, who knew the US underwater power, knew that the Soviet nuclear submarine was not an opponent of the United States.

So when Defense Minister Marshal Ahromeyev mentioned the submarine division of the Black Sea Fleet, he did not want to say much, because he knew that the Soviet nuclear submarines were definitely not the opponents of the US nuclear submarines, unless they were dispatched collectively. In order to maintain the balance of power, the Soviet Union is already the country closest to the United States in the field of nuclear submarines, and other countries cannot approach it at all.

   "No wonder there is a saying in later generations that the distance between Chinese nuclear submarines and American nuclear submarines is not far away, and there is only one Soviet Union. I feel desperate when standing in the Soviet Union!" Fortunately, the Soviet Union can reach the Middle East from land, otherwise this is really a problem.

  The nuclear submarines of the Soviet Union and China are worse than those of the United States. In addition to technical problems, there is another important reason, that is, the fate is not good. This is especially obvious in the Soviet Union. Just as the Soviet Union could almost attack hotspots like Europe, the Far East and the Middle East on land, the Soviet Union's geographical disadvantage in the ocean was so great that it was as big as the Soviet Union's land advantage.

   Don't say that in terms of precision, the Soviet Union itself is a little worse, even if the Soviet Union's technology is stronger than the United States. Nothing is made stronger than America. The United States can deploy nuclear submarines in European/Alaska bases for a long time. At this time, if it needs to attack the Soviet Union, it only needs to be within 3,000 kilometers. The Soviet Union does not have a suitable overseas base. If the US territory is attacked at the home base, of course, it is not attacking places like Saipan, Alaska, Hawaii, etc. , then a range of at least seven thousand kilometers is required.

  Built large submarines, and when the situation was tense, they immediately sailed to the coast of the United States, cruised there for a long time, and then launched missiles about 2,000 kilometers away to attack. Create large missiles with a range of more than 8,000 kilometers, which can be attacked at any time. The large amount of supplies and long-range missiles used for long-distance voyages are not fuel-efficient lamps, so his body is extremely large. The protruding large backs of the Soviet nuclear submarines also need to open the ice cap of the Arctic Ocean to launch nuclear missiles, but this design will bring about noise problems.

  The United States has 100 raw materials to make excellent nuclear submarines, and the Soviet Union also has 100 raw materials, but because of the very bad marine situation of the Soviet Union, the goal must be set at 200. This is also true of China, not to mention that the Soviet Union and China themselves are the chasers. Even if they are the leading party, the United States can use the global naval bases to easily offset your technological advantages.

   Even the Soviet Ministry of Defense itself believed that this battle plan was just one of the imaginary enemy battle plans developed over the years, and this kind of plan exists for every country. This is normal between countries. The United States has made plans to attack Canada, and other countries are not surprised.

   "It's finally over, get off work!" Serov stretched his waist and got rid of his fatigue a little.

  KGB family area, Serov, who was resting at home today, saw a rare guest as soon as he opened the door, and asked curiously, "Princess, didn't you go to China? Come back? How do you feel?"

   "It's not bad, I went to some cooperative enterprises that we built." Yulia saw her father nodded slightly, and said with a very elegant look, "I went to the Amur River, there are so many Chinese."

"There are not many people in Northeast China. You only know what it means to have more people when you go to the south." Shelov took off his coat and hung it on the hanger and asked, "Is there anything profound to talk about? After all, it is my original hometown. I'd love to hear it."

"Nothing to say. I just went to see a few Chinese forestry companies that cooperate with our company, but I saw some volga cars, and they seem to be very popular there." Yulia sat down very ladylike, In front of her father, she was still obedient.

   Shelov nodded. This era should be the time when Santana dominated the world, but in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Soviet cars were indeed popular in northern China for a while. It is not too late for Soviet cars to enter China, and they are also well-known in the eyes of some people in northern China. How did the Soviet car disappear in China? It's very simple. The country is gone, and the large and well-known car factories are struggling to survive. How can they be qualified to expand the market?

   "There is actually a Volga, it seems that there are people with good conditions in China." Serov thought for a while and asked, "Then what is the special car that receives your business leaders?"

   "UAZ-469 military vehicle, can't you see that this kind of military vehicle is very popular in Chinese enterprises?" Yulia laughed when she thought of this and said, it seems that it is very interesting to see the local Soviet military vehicle in a foreign country.

   "It's called a 212 jeep." Serov also laughed. He had seen this kind of jeep when he was a child, but it basically disappeared when he was in elementary school. Now it is full of memories when he thinks about it. When he was a child, the special car of the director of the Forestry Bureau was a 212 Jeep. The two chatted for a while, and the whole family had a dinner. Because of the return of the eldest princess, the meal was quite lively. Yulia was also surprised. It seemed that her father had never been out, but she knew where she was going.

   "Father, did you send someone to follow me?" Yulia looked suspiciously at her father and asked.

   "No!" Whether Serov denied it, and then said, "But the law and order in China is very poor. Next time you go, bring more people." The law and order in China in this era has gone through the worst time, but there are still many car bandits and road fighters. The national environment and security are closely related, and he does not want his daughter to encounter advance.

In Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, in front of a magnificent building, a huge statue of Indonesia's founding father, Sukarno, is shining brightly. It seems to be watching everyone who passes by here. This is the headquarters of the Sukarno Alliance Front. The Sukarno Alliance Front inherited Sukarno's legacy, smashed Malaysia, recaptured New Guinea, and built a big Indonesia, but it has never been successful.