MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 981 hacker attack

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  Why not? Yes, some companies on the KGB list have been targeted, General Electric Company, Telegraph and Telephone Company, Coca-Cola Company, Westinghouse Company, Express Company, Boeing Company. It must be pointed out that this order was not issued by the general secretary, but by Tikhonov, chairman of the Council of Ministers. How can the general secretary have this ability, financial knowledge is basically zero, not to mention zero.

   On the contrary, Tikhonov, who is in his 80s and has maintained the planned economy for so many years, although the economic laws of the United States are not his expertise, he can also make decisions on the basis of Serov's judgment.

   And the computer system of the New York Stock Exchange almost fell into a state of paralysis on this day. The New York Stock Exchange has 200 microcomputers, and the system has never handled transactions of this magnitude. When stock trading data floods into computers, computers can barely process them. When the sell orders flood in, the processing speed of the information system lags far behind.

  The computer of the 1980s, as Serov said, can be beaten by someone trained to have a good brain. It's just that such people are very hard to find, but computers can be mass-produced.

   Less than an hour after the market opened, the computer was actually 20 minutes slower than the actual transaction speed due to the large number of selling orders; at noon, the designated order conversion system in the computer system took 80 minutes. More than a third of the total number of sell-offs has yet to be executed, and at the same time, investors who have already felt the seriousness of the situation have piled up the sell-off again.

The fake propaganda department of the KGB released long-established fake news, spread it in the exchange, and aggravated the panic of ordinary shareholders. These news are specious, but they all seem to be true. At one o'clock in the afternoon, a terrible news spread to Wall Street. The stock market, SEC David Luther said in a speech in Washington: "At a critical time, although we do not know when this critical time will be, I will discuss with the stock exchange to temporarily close the exchange."

   This news caused even more panic. Because once the exchange is closed, traders will not have time to dump their stocks in the future, their stocks will be worthless, and thousands of dollars will be reduced to ashes. As a result, they had to "dump stocks" quickly. The Dow Jones Industrial Average tumbled like an obsession. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, it had dropped 300 points, more than 400 million shares had changed hands, and the computer was 100 minutes behind the actual trading speed. During this time, SEC officials came forward to clarify that they had not discussed closing the exchange. However, it was too late and the disaster could no longer be contained.

Those who are still on the sidelines of the inducer stepped up to sell the inventory in their hands, don't think about turning over again, and later, there is no need for fake news, "The news is true? Now I have a question, that is, are Americans really very good? Afraid of me, the American media has been brainwashing for so many years, is there any result?"

Serov didn't gloat over the misfortune, because it wasn't enough, he also wanted to add a fire way, "Is Comrade Erich Honecker up? I want him to release a message that the Soviet Union is going to throw out all foreign exchange reserves. Also, short selling…”

   He just wanted to release this fake news to see if it would affect the New York trading market, to see if the brand of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was useful or not. Serov himself didn’t know it, he just wanted to try it.

   But Serov couldn't do it himself, he came forward to release fake news, it would be embarrassing if it was useless. If it's useful, it's too much hatred. The United States, which has jumped off a lot recently, doesn't hate itself. Now he can't forget the scene where Italians jumped from upstairs after seeing the proliferation of pyramid schemes in Italy.

   That experience, Serov didn't have much impact. Mendelev, who witnessed a man fall into pieces, has changed his personality since then, and finally became the head of the KGB's special murder operation.

   The stock market crash of the New York Stock Exchange is no longer a matter of the United States itself. The so-called circuit breaker mechanism in later generations refers to the measures taken by the exchange to suspend trading to control risks when the volatility of the stock index reaches the specified circuit breaker point. It doesn't exist now, because this is a defense mechanism that only appeared after the U.S. stock market crash, which has just happened...

Sydney Futures Exchange, a large-scale sell-off also started at the same time. It seems to be corresponding to the United States. It is running more than anyone else. The sun is like an invisible line, reminding the world's major exchanges to open. Time, wherever it goes, is all bleak green, and even the Japanese stock market has not been spared. Today is destined to be bleak green, but Serov knows that the Japanese stock market has two years to go up, and he doesn't care about the small profits that are currently lost. .

   The New York Stock Exchange was overcast and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Prices change rapidly, telephones are not enough, and the prices on the screen cannot keep up with the actual market prices. One trader said his screen showed the Dow Jones Industrial Average down four points, when in fact it was five hundred.

At this time, an explosive news came. Erich Honecker, general secretary of the United Socialist Party of the Democratic Republic of Germany, announced that in order to prevent the stock market disaster in the United States, Japan, and Australia from spreading to Greece, he had spoken with the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Serov, to consider Sell ​​the dollar to prevent the Greek stock market from collapsing in the ruble.

  The Soviet Union was silent, neither admitting nor denying it. This attitude immediately caused a huge shock in European and American countries. The brother of the GDR, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange of the Federal Republic of Germany, was instantly knocked down by its own compatriots, the stock selling speed was even faster than that of the United States, and the dollar was rapidly weakened by Erich Honecker's position.

  Erich Honecker, of course, did not have this ability. In one sentence, the Federal Republic of Germany suffered a stock market crash, and the GDR did not have many dollars in reserves, only a few billions, which was less than one-tenth of the Federal Republic of Germany. However, it is different with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union controls the vast majority of countries in the entire Eurasian continent. These countries look inconspicuous by themselves, but when dozens of countries are added together, the dollars in their hands far exceed those of any other country except the United States. one country.

  Erich Honecker's remarks as a prince who is under the command of the emperor, coupled with the ambiguous attitude of the Kremlin, has caused a heavy blow to the confidence in all securities, futures, and currency trading markets.

   Even if half a day has passed, many Americans themselves do not know that the New York Stock Exchange has broken out. But the Soviet Union and many countries in the socialist camp already knew it. This is because there are two computer networks in the world that do not interfere with each other. One is the Internet vigorously promoted by the Soviet Union, and the other is a network covering the United States and some of its allies. However, due to the influence of computers, news organizations have not yet published According to reports, Americans do not know the occurrence of the stock market crash.

"Many Americans who hold shares may not know that their stocks are worthless. It will be interesting when they know about the stock market crash tomorrow. Remember to let the Komsomolskaya Pravda tomorrow follow up on the jumping incident in the United States!" Shelov said General Chebrikov laughed, "At the same time, criticize the shortcomings of capitalism, and let us Soviets give some sympathy to the United States."

Such an opportunity for the Soviets to be educated, it would be silly to let it go. Serov knew very well that Ligachev should be promoted according to a topic, analyze the causes, processes, and results, and finally list the big data, how much People jumped off the building, how many people became beggars, and finally praised how great socialism is.

   On a normal day, the trading volume is about 100 million shares, but on this day it was 1 billion shares. About half of the orders were not executed due to the lag of the computer system, and many investors, especially small and medium investors, didn't know their shares were not sold until two or three days later. In addition, the U.S. government bond market is in chaos due to changes in stock prices. The news organizations, due to the influence of computers, did not report the closing price of the stock market until five and a half hours after the close.

   Five and a half hours can change a lot, especially with the Soviet Internet going. Mexico is close to a border city of the United States. In a huge villa here, the latest computers are densely placed, and there is only the sound of fast keyboards.

  Everyone, male or female, was meticulous, staring at the screen without moving. The outside of the villa area has been surrounded by Mexican militants, and no one will come in to disturb the work of this group of people at this time.

"Comrades, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our feedback from China has shown that the Internet in the United States is in a state of overload, and now is our chance for revenge." A middle-aged woman with glasses said coldly. Yan's voice shouted, "Five years have passed, and this time we want to take revenge."

The hacking incident was born at the same time when the computer first appeared. The Soviet Union suffered the biggest loss because the KGB's activities attracted the retaliation of the Central Intelligence Agency. A virus was run in the Soviet Union's Internet, and finally The Soviet Union's computer network that regulates natural gas pipelines was paralyzed, resulting in the explosion of the natural gas pipelines.

   "Currently, the computer network in the United States has experienced a delay of six hours. The firewall has been overcome, and the programs developed by the Central Academy of Sciences have been buried, so that Americans can also know how powerful we are."

What responded to the middle-aged woman was the sound of a neat keyboard. After the explosion of the natural gas pipeline, it took a long time for the seventh and eighth general bureaus of the KGB to determine that they were overshadowed by their peers. The KGB presidium ordered these people to be punished, and at the same time Waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, until today, they finally waited for the opportunity.