MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 997 dormant

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   It is not easy to establish a peer-to-peer system that is opposed to an already developed system. Aircraft carriers have been around since the beginning of the century, and anti-ship missiles have only been around for three decades. Even if the Soviet Union catches up, it will not be easy to close the decades-long time gap, and Serov also knows that his pressure is not justified. But who wants to give up halfway?

   has put so much energy into it and must not stop in the middle. The hard work of the predecessors cannot be in vain. Shelov does not believe in the omnipotence of missiles, and also knows that aircraft carriers still have potential. It doesn't mean that he has to learn everything about the United States. He has his own ideas about the Meteorite universal missile that replaces granite.

"The next launch, whether it is a success or a failure, aim it at Tokyo, the capital of Japan." Serov came down from the observatory and said to Marshal Gorshkov next to him, "I'm not joking, tell others what I mean. people."

   "We are going to attack Japan?" Marshal Gorshkov was surprised, and his first reaction was to object. The idea of ​​the general secretary is very dangerous. Could it be that he was infected by Reagan and wanted to use a country to sharpen his knives?

This kind of thinking is not something that a politician can come up with. A big mouth will start a war. Only a gambler country like the Third Reich can make it. Look at Reagan's foreign interference in the past few years, what kind of reputation has the United States become? .

  Actually, the Soviet Union in the 1970s also had a bad reputation. People hated breaking the existing pattern. Otherwise, Reagan would not have received the support of many countries in the few years he took office. The instructions soon found that other countries found that Reagan's policy was no different from the Soviet Union's strategic offensive period, and they all began to oppose it.

Serov stopped, tilted his head and glanced at the commander of the Red Navy, and said in a long voice, "It is normal for a new weapon test to have a little accident. We can explain that it was an accidental bombing. As we all know, our anti-ship missiles It is easy to be interfered, and under complex electromagnetic conditions, the situation is normal. If Reagan thinks that sending troops can solve the problem, let him come. Otherwise, we will be scolded by the newspapers. We have passed this kind of life for decades. ,no big deal."

   "Is that okay?" Marshal Gorshkov felt that this excuse was a bit too imperial.

"Nothing can't be done. Improving reliability is serious. It has been successful in recent times. This trend is very good. Once commissioned, at least we don't have to worry about how to fight against American aircraft carrier battle groups for 30 years." Shelov let out a sigh of relief. Said, "The Red Navy is the country's last shortcoming. As long as it is made up, there will be no rivals in the world."

   Shelov believes that he is very practical. The Meteor anti-ship missile was initially designed with a range of 5,000 kilometers, not to mention that it is no problem to use it as an intercontinental missile outside the combat radius of an American aircraft carrier. The attendant problem is the slow progress of the entire general-purpose missile. The radar scans the contours of the surrounding terrain to match the internally stored digitized map, similar to the U.S. military's Tomahawk cruise missile, which is more complicated than the principle of radio altimeters. However, during the test, the Soviet Union found that many technical problems occurred in the radar image correction system.

  In the end, the different indicators proposed by the various Soviet services were turned into a heavy anti-ship missile project against the US aircraft carrier battle group, so that the range of 850 to 900 kilometers was sufficient. It will not suffer in the face of American heavy carrier aircraft. And as far as he knows, even if it is an American heavy carrier aircraft in the 21st century, the combat radius is about 1,000 kilometers.

  The current early American F18 carrier-based aircraft has a combat radius of only 600 kilometers, which is only 50 kilometers longer than the range of the Soviet Granite anti-ship missile, and has no essential advantages. The combat radius of the US carrier-based aircraft reaches 1,000 kilometers, which is a matter of the 21st century.

   After inspecting the progress of the Red Navy, Serov went directly to the Kharkov Tank Factory. The Red Navy is important, but for the long border of the Soviet Union, the world's largest territory, the Army is the foundation of everything. The Red Navy could be the icing on the cake, and the strength of the Army was fatal to the Soviet Union. Ground armor, the cornerstone of the Soviet Army.

  The status of the Soviet armed forces in the world depends entirely on the strength of Soviet tanks. Although the T80 tank is very powerful, for the pursuit of military power, the Soviet Union will never think that its weapons are not sophisticated enough.

Five years ago, the Soviet Union launched the development of the fourth-generation main battle tank T-95. The new T-95 tank weighs about 50 tons, and the length and width are basically the same as the T-72 and T-80 tanks. -The various advantages of the 80U tank and giving it more special performance are required to exceed the new main battle tanks being developed by the United States in many aspects,

   A new type of suspension device will be adopted at that time, which can not only ensure that it runs smoothly at high speed on undulating land, but also can adjust the height of the vehicle's bottom from the ground at will. There is also a new compartmentalized design layout with guns mounted on smaller unmanned turrets. A new fire control system is installed, and target information will be obtained through optical, television and infrared channels, hinged to it is a laser rangefinder.

"It's not bad. I believe that when he comes out, the whole world will be shocked." Shelov appreciated that the new T-95 tank is actually the direct originator of the T14 Armata tank. The reason why it is called the T-95 tank is because, The Soviet military is expected to enter the Soviet army on a large scale in 1995. However, it is well known that the Soviet Union disintegrated, and it was not until nearly three decades later that it entered the Russian army in the name of the T14 Armata tank.

The fate of the   T-95 tank was lucky, and it was finally resurrected on the T14 Amata tank. Compared with the weapons projects that were abandoned halfway through the disintegration of the entire Soviet Union, Russia, which also attaches great importance to land power, can still pick it up.

   After coming out of the Kharkov tank base, Serov wondered if he should go to see the ground effect aircraft, and finally thought about it. Go directly to Kyiv, the home of the First Secretary of the Ukrainian Party Committee, Shcherbitsky.

  Sometimes you really need this Brezhnev's direct disciple to come up with an idea. From the perspective of ingenuity, Sierbitsky is not lost to anyone at all, but this person is just a little bit unlucky.

"The Katyn massacre was really done by the Soviet Union?" Sherbitsky also knew about the recent public opinion war, but he didn't know about it. Only the general secretary and the chairman of the National Security Council had access to those files. . At present in the entire Soviet Union, only Shelepin and Shelov know.

   "Guess what?" Serov was noncommittal, neither admitting nor denying. It's up to Shcherbitsky to guess, he can't say. What's more, the evidence has long been destroyed, and no one can find out.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know, you'll handle it." Sherbitsky chuckled, "You should use your half-talking to arouse other people's curiosity. I've already gone through that. age of curiosity."

"Well! To be honest! I feel that the frequency of picking things up is too intensive. There are too many major events in a year. If everything is related to us, even a fool can see the problem." Shelov pondered, "I don't know if it is I'm not the only one feeling this way."

"Looks like you've found it!" Sherbitsky nodded in approval, "Yes, in a few months, the INF treaty, the retreat of the northern cluster, the U.S. stock market crash, and the Rhine base. Things are a bit too dense, and everything is Regarding us, even if you only do things and don’t talk all the time, you can hardly hide your true purpose. Even if you still have plans in your heart, you should stop temporarily and let the passage of time dilute the memory of this period of time. When the time comes will be easier."

Isn't    just the truth that you have to give up? Shelov nodded, but everyone can tell the truth. If someone else said this kind of chicken soup for the soul, he would definitely not care. But Shcherbitsky said it differently. If this guy is not far from Moscow, but works in the central government, it is far more difficult to deal with than Chernenko.

   "You mean I need to rest for a while!" Sheloff stood up and walked to the window, looking at the scenery outside and said, "Okay, that's it for now, wait until the storm is completely over."

"I'm surprised that you can listen to me." Sherbitsky rubbed his head with a smile and asked the question in his heart, "How far do you think we are from defeating the United States? way to go?"

   He wanted to know how Serov understood this issue and what constituted a victory in the Cold War.

   Actually Serov is also very vague on this issue. What is the point of victory, so that all countries in the world think that the Soviet Union is stronger than the United States? Is the U.S. willing to end the Cold War with the Soviet Union? Still unable to bear the arms race and conceding defeat, these conditions are all different.

"If all countries think that we are the first and the United States is the second. Then there is still one last step to remove the bundling and settlement of the US dollar and Middle East oil. And this key point is Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Gulf countries." Shelov thought After a while, Ai slowly opened his mouth and said, "If it succeeds, in my imagination, the United States will not be able to make a comeback. Both human and geographical advantages are on our side. The United States only has capital advantages, which are based on oil. This has been It is the last advantage of the United States, and if it succeeds, all the advantages will be on our side." The Soviet Union was based in Eurasia and controlled a larger population than the United States.

   "The last blow?" Sherbitsky said silently for a moment, "If that's the case, we can climb up for a while, and in the darkness before dawn, we must not fall ourselves."

   Shelov nodded, it was time to dormant for a while, this confrontation was about to enter the final countdown.