MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 795 : Gene grafting! Be sure!

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With the two-way foil, it is indeed a special life-saving weapon.

If the earth did not escape from the solar system according to its expected period, by that time, it could only use the two-way foil to directly devour the huge sun.

And the crisis of the sun can be lifted directly.

Without the sun, mankind can not escape the end of destruction, without the sun.

What would happen without the sun? The energy of its own ecosystem is derived from light energy. If there is no sun, the ecosystem will be destroyed due to the lack of energy input, and all living things will die in a short period of time. So some people think that the Earth has been hit by comets and flew in the past. The rising dust covers the earth's surface for a long time, isolating the light energy, so that the species is extinct.

The consequences of not having the sun are very serious. Since it is the escape from the solar system, is it still missing the sun?


There are countless such suns in the countless galaxies of the universe.

The sun is formed naturally by the universe and is due in every star field.

Just like humans, they are two legs and two arms, which is inherently true, as is the universe.

The same is true of the sun.

Therefore, while escaping from the solar system, the earth will come to another galaxy, the existence of another galaxy, maybe there are two big suns, maybe three or five, and so on.

There are many variables.

Humans will not die quickly because there is no sun, but under the attack of the two-way foil, without the sun, then humans will certainly not be able to adapt in a short time, and humans will definitely perish in a long time.

If you did not escape from the solar system.

Therefore, two-way foil can only be used as a life-saving means, but also a huge hole card.

If there are other civilized races in the real universe, then they push the earth to escape from the solar system, escape from their hometowns, and enter other star fields to belong to the invaders. By that time, war is essential, and the ushering of war can What means?

Two-way foil, that is equivalent to the existence of Muhai bomb on the ground.

A real overlord killer.

With such a thing, you can walk sideways in the universe.

Exchange two-way foil value: 200W.

Prestige value is more than 2 million, is it expensive?

It seems that it is not expensive at all. Ye Fan is now a person worth more than 20 million worth of prestige. Two million is not in his eyes, but in his heart.

One and a half million is currently the largest amount of exposure.

Nor is it how much trauma two million will bring to the human body.

The exchange value of these two million reputation points is equivalent to more than one million before. At that time, I hadn't taken the gene sequence medicine.

Save it first.

When you really need a two-way foil, you can exchange it. At this time, you must exchange it. You definitely want to produce it. You want to manufacture it. What will you do when you make it?

When a man is full, he will die.

If some lawless people master the two-way foil, it is equivalent to the forest law that directly controls the entire universe.

What does the forest law mean? The forest law is a law created by mankind, which literally refers to a law that runs in the natural world in the forest, that is, "weak meat and strong food", the weak are eliminated by natural laws, and the strong survive and reproduce ,evolution.

And this set of laws, whether it is a forest, the universe, or a human social group, exists at any time and any place.

Ye Fan saved the two-way foil technology.

Scroll through other lists immediately.

The two-way foil just makes one's eyes shine.

There is nothing that really makes one's heart move.

Super genetically modified food: genetically modified food is the use of biotechnology to transfer the genes of certain organisms to other species, transforming the genetic material of the organism, so that it can be transformed into the goals that humans need in terms of traits, nutritional quality, and consumption quality. Foods produced by using genetically modified organisms as direct food or processed as raw materials are genetically modified foods.

According to different sources of genetically modified foods, it can be divided into plant-based genetically modified foods, genetically modified yeast vaccines, genetically engineered bacteria antibiotics, animal-based genetically modified foods and microbial genetically modified foods.

It can survive in harsh environments and reproduce very quickly.

Ye Fan quickly browsed, and his heart jumped wildly. This super genetically modified food seemed to be what he wanted.

First, planting environment.

This super-transgenic food can grow in harsh environments.

It seems that the output is not small.

And the reproduction speed is extremely fast, especially stable, without any side effects.

What is the speed of reproduction?

It's like wild grass.

Weeds can't be burned and can't be removed, you can remove the roots, and after a while, they will blow and grow again.

With just a little sample of genetic plants, he can grow through the soil without water or problems, but without soil.

There is no problem if you do not water it, it can still grow and grow.

The output is extremely high and is currently higher than that of sweet potatoes.

The most important thing is that there are no side effects. Basically, all the nutrients required by the human body are fused through biotechnological means, so the side effects are basically no.

If this technology is available, wouldn't major underground cities solve the food crisis?

With this technology, can the greenhouse area be planted?

And this technology can genetically graft any food or any plant.

Such as chili.

There are many varieties of peppers.

Thai pepper.

green pepper.

Red pepper.

and many more.

If three kinds of peppers are fused for gene grafting, their voices and reproduction will be speeded up countless times, and the output is sufficient.


There is no problem that the soil cannot be grown.

There are many underground cities that are growing peppers, but because of environmental impact, it seems that the effect of planting is not very good.

This technique can.

Must be exchanged.

Ye Fan was very happy, and finally found a technology that made him very satisfied.

Super genetically modified food technology: 1.5 million!

One and a half million yuan, just within the scope of their own tolerance, nowadays, they can exchange the technology worth one and a half million yuan, it seems that there is not much harm to the body.

The harm is minimal.

Side effects are also What are you waiting for?

Ye Fan directly exchanged his technology.

A large amount of memorized data directly impacts the brain.

While Ye Fan was absorbing all the technical data, many people in Tianchao's major underground cities were already injected with gene sequence drugs.

They are waiting for fermentation.

Although the gene sequence agent is injected into the body, it takes three days to slowly absorb it.

And within these three days, everyone needs to exercise to absorb all the energy in the body.

Achieve perfect genetic status.

Only in this way can your body be considered a pass.

Countless people are paying attention.
