MTL - Black Clover: Runaway Asta-Chapter 133

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"But the opponent is the captain of the Knights of the Aqua Deer. Although the Aqua Deer is at the bottom this time, it seems to have a weak sense of presence at ordinary times. I have never heard of the deputy leader of the Coral Peacock, Keirs, or the Golden Knight. A strong man like Liming's deputy head Rangers, but to become a head, he is destined to have strength, if we just blindly defend, I'm afraid we won't be able to defend at all!" Weinz-Lee has a unique insights.

"I think Weindsley is right. We may lose when attacking, but if we defend, we will definitely lose!" Knicks also nodded.

Roland is not a pedantic person. Seeing that his teammates agreed to launch an attack, he immediately decided, "Okay, let's discuss the attack strategy!"

While the three of Roland were discussing, Lille seemed to be sketching. He actually looked at the sky and said that the sky was so blue. If it was made into a painting, it must be very beautiful.

"Captain Lille, the competition seems to have begun!" Nils, a member of the same group, reminded in a low voice.

"It seems that Captain Lille is completely immersed in his own world, what should we do!" Another member of the same group, Rube, couldn't help but said.

"For now, let's just keep an eye on the crystal!" Nils said helplessly.

"Plant Enhancing Magic Magic Pollen!" Roland had already led his team to attack Lille and the others, and saw a wave of light blue pollen with a paralyzing effect rushing towards Lille and the others.

"Flame Magic, Flame Nails!" Weindsley's goal was very clear, and a ball of fire nails gathered in his right hand was thrown towards the crystal on Lille's side.

"Ice Magic, Extreme Cold Storm!" Nix squeezed his hands above his head and released the range magic.

"Look at how powerful their magic is!" Noelle couldn't help but said after seeing it.

"Sure enough, those who can participate in the King's Choice Magic Knights are not ordinary people!" Mimosa also sighed.

"This ice and fire is so beautiful, the magic of painting, the double haze of flame and ice!" Lear looked at the extremely cold storm and flame nails rushing towards him, his eyes burst with unprecedented excitement, The canvas reproduces both of these magical abilities.

"Boom!" Shuanglan of Yan and Bing defeated the three of Roland magnificently, and the audience was shocked again.

"Just one move to end the battle?"

"As expected of the leader of the Magic Knights!"

"I really want to have such a teammate, it's just lying down and winning!"

"Yeah, look at the members who teamed up with Rangers and Giles in front, all of them easily won!" All the members of the Magic Knights on the viewing platform exclaimed.

"Lille's ability is really easy to use. It can reproduce all the magic that I have seen!" Julius couldn't help but commented, and then announced, "Now the next game starts. , Winston against Puli, Klaus, and Lark in Group K!"

····Ask for flowers·····0

"It's finally me!" Lak jumped up excitedly.

"Senior Lark, work hard!" Asta laughed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win without accident!" Lak said excitedly.

"Don't say it so early, Rope is very strong!" Klaus couldn't help but said.

"Although it's unreliable to form a team with two men, there is no other way, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!" Puli of the Blue Rose comforted himself, and walked to the side of Lak and Klaus. .

"Come on, Puli!" Sol yelled heartlessly. At the same time, Charlotte also turned his attention to Puli, but Asta was also nearby, so it was inevitable Seeing Asta, when Charlotte saw Asta for a moment, her heart couldn't help but jump.


"The leader is looking at me too, I must work hard!" Puli thought Charlotte was looking at her, and couldn't help being happy.

"Okay, everyone, get ready to start the game!" After Julius finished speaking, Lark and the others were teleported to the battlefield.

"Water Magic, Surging Waves!" France in group 1 took the lead in attacking, and a powerful torrent rushed towards the crystal of Lak and others.

"Steel creation magic, the armor wall of the steel city!" Klaus rushed forward to block France's attack without hesitation.

"Wind magic, the storm in the world of Shenluo!" Luo Pu, as the captain of group l, released his super big move as soon as he came up, and saw that the battlefield was ravaged by the strong wind for half a day.

"It's so blowing that people can't even open their eyes!" Lak said excitedly.

"Look at me!" Puli said as he spread his wings behind him and flew into the air, "Wing Magic Angel's Wings!"

"Sister, Puli used this trick so quickly!" Sol couldn't help but said.

"Their battle was intense." Charlotte whispered.

"What a beautiful magic!" Julius's eyes lit up again, and after Puli used the angel's wings, a hurricane of white feathers also blew up. The difference between her move and Ropp's is that , her feathers are very sharp, and she could attack the enemy with the hurricane blown by her wings, but at this time, because Luo Pu also blew a strong wind, the wind strength of the two was exactly equal.

Chapter 322 The last group!

"Rock Magic Mountain Shaking!" Winston from Group 1 was not surprised and swore to move a hill more than ten meters high towards Lak.

"Damn it, the rock magic in group l is really powerful!"

"If this is put in other groups, it won't win directly?"

"Right now, the one with the black bull is left without making a move, but the one with the black bull should not be able to defeat such an opponent, right?" Everyone on the viewing platform had different opinions.

"You charge behind me!" Winston turned his head and said.

"Okay!" France said quickly.

"You guys go, I can't move for the time being!" Luo Pu is still fighting with Jade Wild Rose's puli. It can be said that both of them can't move now, because whoever withdraws the magic, the other party's storm will sweep his teammates , the situation will instantly fall to the disadvantage of "290".

"They hide behind the hill and can't attack at all!" Puli couldn't help saying.

"Look at me, Thunder Magic·Super Thunderbolt Jade!" Lak flew into the sky, and released the Super Thunderbolt Jade with one hand, and saw super-sized Thunderbolt Jade with a diameter of more than three meters continuously smashing towards Winston. .

"Bang bang bang!" Soon, most of Winston's hill was cut off.

"The boy in black bursting bull is so fierce, I can't shake the top of the mountain!" Winston couldn't help saying.

"Water can conduct electricity, and I can't do anything!" Fascist said helplessly.

"Where are you looking? I've been inspired by Asta these days, and I'm constantly getting stronger!" Klaus said, and released the steel creation magic - Spinning towards Winston. Blaster!

I saw a rapidly spinning steel gun hitting Winston with his hands up, and Winston quickly turned his head and said, "You must have a way to deal with this!"

"Leave it to me, Water Magic Beam Shield!" Fascist quickly stood on the ground with one hand, and saw a five-meter-long stream of water rising into the sky, just blocking Klaus's whirling Jasmine.

"The quality of this group is really good. It was an evenly matched confrontation!"

"What surprises me is that the boy who is black and hot is also very strong!"

"Why did the members of Black Burst become so strong this year!" Everyone on the viewing platform was puzzled.

"Lack and Klass haven't used their full strength yet!" Asta exclaimed.

"That's right, neither Mr. Lark nor Senior Klaus has used the magic obtained in the small world!" Mimosa said, nodding her little head.

"Luck, you're really playful, obviously using that trick can solve the battle in an instant!" Magna couldn't help complaining that Lark wasted time.

"It's so boring, hurry up and end the first round, the second round will be the collision of the strong!" Gulobal XIII had already dozed off, but when he yawned, he saw Lak Suddenly it became a bolt of lightning!

"I won't play with you anymore, Thunder Magic Rage!" Lak turned into a beam of light after speaking, and when he finished casting the spell, the crystals in group l had been smashed by him!

"This, this, this, what speed is this!" Guloba XIII was startled, which is almost comparable to people with light magic!

"It seems that this combative kid has also become stronger under Ye Jian's hands!" Magic Emperor Julius announced with satisfaction that Lark's K group won.

"Let him show off this time!" Klaus pushed his glasses.

"You actually won by lying down!" Puli was very excited.

"How is it possible, how could he have such a fast speed!" Luo Pu was dumbfounded when he saw the Lak people beside him. You must know that his wind magic, the storm in the world of Shinra, has the ability to slow down the enemy and speed up his own people. effect, but Lak's speed didn't slow down at all in the storm of his Shinra world!

"It's actually the black bull that ended the game?" Lak's blow can be said to have shocked the audience.

"Hahaha, good job, little ones, today really gave me a face, I feel that after today, I can order things in installments again!" Ye Jian laughed loudly.

"Don't get carried away!" Jack the Ripper was furious. What he disliked the most was the complacent see you at night!

"This year's Black Burst is a bit fierce, and almost every contestant has a brilliant performance!"

"We still have to look back, I don't believe that every contestant in the Black Bull is good here!" Many members of the Magic Knights were not convinced, because the Black Bull was at the bottom all the year round, and they were used to watching from above. It's a bit uncomfortable to look up at the members of the black bulls like this!

"The next round will be the last match of the first round. Team o will fight against team p. The members of team o are Alquedra, Demitori, and Solid, and the members of team p are Noelle, Yuno, and En." !" As Julius announced the list of the final group, Solid Shelba, Noelle's brother, walked towards Noelle with a look of disdain...

"Brother Solid..." Noelle saw Solid walking straight towards him, and couldn't just take a step back, at this moment Asta walked in front of her.

"Get lost." Asta looked at Solid and said lightly.

"Oh." Solid turned around and returned to his team.

ΩДΩ)!" Mimosa was stunned. Cousin Solid is notoriously poisonous, how could he be so obedient!

"It's mainly domineering." Asta touched his nose.

"Okay, I hope you two groups can have a perfect ending battle for the first round!" As soon as Julius finished speaking, Noelle and others were teleported to the battlefield.

"Big~home~want~a~up~hard~strength~ah~" En Lingard began to cheer up as soon as he was teleported to the battlefield, but the weak voice, coupled with the bony face 5.0 , it seems that it has really declined to the extreme.

"Are you sure you can still be moved?" Noelle couldn't help but looked at En Lingard who seemed to fall down at any moment.

Facing this honor of En Lingard, Yuno couldn't help cast a suspicious look.

"Although it's a bit old, it's okay!" En Lingard affirmed.

"Then let me be the main attacker, and you will assist from the side!" Yunuo said.

"Okay!" En Lingard replied very simply.

"My princess has also learned attack magic, so I should be the main attack!" Noelle said without hesitation.

"Can you fly?" Yuno glanced at Noelle lightly.

⊙o⊙)...!" Noelle was dumbfounded for a moment, how realistic it is! .

Chapter 323 The second round of selection begins!

"They're coming!" Yuno looked forward suddenly, only to see a black shadow the size of a mosquito at first, and then getting bigger and bigger.

"Why are they so fast?" Noelle was dumbfounded.

"This is compound flying magic, no wonder it's so fast!" En Lingard sighed.

"It seems that this is their strategy. They leave their crystal behind, and then use compound magic to quickly fly to us to fight, but are they sure they want to compete in speed?" You Nuo just finished speaking, and directly cast Feng Shenyi came to the side of Alquedra, Demitori, and Solid in the blink of an eye.

"What is this!" The three of them were startled, and then they found out that it was Yuno.

"Thank you for the crystals you sent." Yuno finished sarcastically, flapping his wings and scraping the three of them to pieces. By the time the three of Alkdra stabilized, Yuno had already arrived at their crystal. In front of him, just a wind blade solved the crystal.

"too frightening!"

"What a speed!"

"That's how you win?"

"You have to know that team O is all old people, and Alquedra is also a long-established leader in Golden Dawn. Why did they lose?"

"If you want to really fight, Solider of the Silver Winged Giant Eagle's regiment is also very powerful, but I don't know who came up with such a bad idea. He actually competed with a wind mage for speed. This is good, just hand over the crystal People!" All the members of the Magic Knights on the viewing platform were stunned. They thought that Langiers's victory speed was fast enough, but compared with Yuno's speed, it was as slow as a turtle!

"It's a lowly low class again!" Langiers realized that he wanted to defeat a lot of people this time. The first one was Fenlaar. He wanted to prove to everyone that Fenlaar was a waste. The one to defeat is Asta, mainly to avenge the scare of Qidian Town, and the third one is Yuno who is in the limelight. Although both of them belong to a magic knight order, Yuno has always said that he wants to be The leader of the Golden Dawn, what if he doesn't exist?

"It's so fast, it's indeed the magic wings from other worlds!" Julius's eyes had already seen stars, and he wished he could go over and admire the pair of Fengshen wings immediately.

"Win?!" Noelle's beautiful eyes widened. The result was really unbelievable. She didn't even release a single magic during the whole process, and no one even released offensive magic. This game was so dramatic. it's over.

"Sure enough, if you follow the young people, your luck will be much better!" En Lingard said with relief.

"Solid, look at the good deeds you have done. You lost before the fight, and you actually let me lose to a young man!" Alquedra grabbed Solid in annoyance.

"I, I didn't know that his speed could be so fast, but you, Yuno and you belong to the same magic knight order. Don't you know that his speed can be so fast? When I proposed this plan just now , you fully agreed, and now not only you are upset, but I am also angry that I lost to that useless sister!" Solider roared.

"I two calm down, although I am also very annoyed, but this is the arena, and many people are watching!" Demitori persuaded.

"Group O members calm down, you can leave the arena now!" Julius' voice came at this moment, and Solid and Alquedra could only eat Coptis chinensis in silence, but their compound magic didn't work either. Bai Fang, at least when returning to the sightseeing platform, it was very fast...

"Congratulations!" Asta knew that Noelle couldn't fly, and Yuhoen Lingard didn't say that he would bring Noelle back, so he jumped down on his own initiative.

"Zhengchou how to go back!" Noelle couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Asta coming to him.

"We can finally start the second round of selection that we are looking forward to, but before we start again, we need to change the battlefield again!" Just as Julius finished speaking, a group of magic guards began to cast magic, and soon castles one after another Mountains, rivers, sandy land, and forests have sprung up.

"Good, so shocking, directly using magic to change the battlefield!"

"The venue for the second round is at least twice as large as the venue for the first round, and the terrain is more complicated!" All members of the Magic Knights present were shocked by the scene in front of them. can do it!

"Boss Julius knows how to do these tricks!" Ye Jian had a cigarette in his mouth, obviously used to big scenes.

"It makes me want to go in and fight!" Banasa said excitedly.

"Haha, it's a good thing that all of our competitors have advanced, maybe we will meet again on the battlefield!" Magna said.

"I like complex terrain, which is more challenging!" Lak said excitedly.

"Did you find out that there are too many black bulls advancing to the second round!" Just as Asta and others were chatting, a magic knight of the Red Lotus Lion King was shocked.

"Good guy, it's really true. There are 8 teams in the second round of selection, and four of them have members of Black Bull!"