MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 186 clue

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  Chapter 186 Clues

   "Maybe we can start with the gradual disappearance of the spiral creations, and use this important information to get a trading point from the white dwarf market."

"Here is the complete technology tree we need, which directly saves a lot of time to explore. In the next few years, as long as we gradually realize the results on the technology tree one by one, we may be able to receive [alien friends] with ease. .”

Anti-gravity technology, anti-matter technology, dark matter, curvature navigation, gravity bombs, etc., human beings are just at the beginning. Although some achievements have been made, they are all obtained by tricks. In fact, human beings are far from fully mastering them, and there are still quite a few theories Needs to be perfected.

  For example, the energy shield developed by humans can defend against the gravity artificially created by gravity bombs, but it cannot counteract the natural gravity of massive stars.

  However, Zerg spaceships can achieve this, which is why they dare to directly drive large spaceships into the star system, otherwise the time distortion of gravity can make them directly locked in it.

  Human energy shields fail to resist the gravitational force of celestial bodies. This phenomenon is caused by a certain principle that humans have not yet understood. The most direct reason is that the scientific theory for constructing energy shields is still not perfect.

  If it can be supplemented from the technology tree to the theory that the shield is missing, it will undoubtedly make the spaceship much stronger.

  Scientists at Base Zero even speculate that the reason why human space technology has not progressed is that there is too much lack of relevant detailed theories, which makes it impossible to build the basis of space theory.

   With such a supplementary opportunity in front of us, why not let everyone have great interest.

  【Antimatter foundation and related extended technology tree】

  【A review of dark matter research and basic theories】

  【Thirty thousand conjectures of space theory】

  Experts quickly sorted out a large list from the huge and complex database information, which contains all the scientific and technological theories that humans currently need to supplement.

   To buy all the theories on this list, at least one billion trading points are required.

  The poor and happy human beings just finished the list. As for how to get the trading point, we can only try to check out the sub-civilization of the Huan tribe!

   Judging from the market situation, No. 7 still can't analyze whether the base has been affected by the erasure effect, but it has to try to confirm.

  【The reasons for the mysterious disappearance of super civilization creations】

  No. 7 will soon put information products on the shelves. Of course, the price will not be directly marked. Lu Yu looks forward to slaughtering the civilization that really needs this information.

   Unfortunately, although this information has been read by many civilizations, only one person actually came to inquire.

   Facing the price of 500 trading points offered by Anonymous Civilization, Lu Yu didn't want No. 7 to reject it directly.

  For civilization, there is too much information in the big universe.

Perhaps a certain civilization was destroyed for a certain reason, or maybe a brand new star-level civilization was born in the star field, and since then there has been less information such as a mining area. For these star-level civilizations, it is really suitable for them information of interest.

   And the intelligence of those super civilization creations is like stars hundreds of millions of light years away, elusive.

  So why spend a huge price to buy information that has no effect on civilization?

   And Lu Yu's target customers are not them, they are just sub-civilizations of the Huan tribe from beginning to end.

What surprised Lu Yu was that it seemed that the sub-civilization of the Huan clan really had no interest in this information. After a few days in a row, no civilization came to inquire about the price. Slowly, this information product was squeezed out to the point that no one cared about it. The bottom layer of the database.

  Lu Yu didn't care too much. On this day, he was browsing spaceships in the technology category.

The most basic feature of Level 5 civilization is anti-matter technology, which allows the spacecraft of Level 5 civilization to be bigger and more powerful than Level 4 civilization, and its weapons and defense performance are far beyond Level 4 civilization. Many derivative technologies of the foundation.

  At this point, the spaceship with the size of a blue star has become the main battleship of civilization.

  In the market, there are more than 37 million types of spaceships for sale, and there are only more than 100 types that really reach the level of stellar-level text capital ships.

   "If we sell one of the Zerg ships, we can afford most of the technology."

   "If the three spaceships of the Zerg are sold together, then we can directly buy the technology tree of the fifth-level civilization."

   "Hmm... It seems that I have found a way to earn trading points. I hope the third fleet of the Zerg can provide me with more spaceships."

   Lu Yu, who suddenly realized that he seemed to have a fortune, was thinking about connecting number seven to the folding space that he hadn't paid attention to for a long time.

   "Our friend, Horn civilization!"

   "I kept you waiting for a long time."

  The delta spaceship finally ended its communication with the sub-civilization and returned to the docking position of the Silver Star.

   "We just issued an intelligence reward, and we didn't expect much."

   "It's just that I didn't expect that there was an unexpected harvest!"

   "A star-level civilization accidentally captured a deep-space satellite of a first-level civilization, and there are relevant clues in it!"

   This was beyond Lu Yu's expectations, because in his opinion, a civilization with such traps would never let a star-level civilization discover the clues.

  However, the image data transmitted by the delta spacecraft was quickly sorted out by No. 7 and played in front of Lu Yu. He had to pay attention to what was in front of him first, and temporarily suppressed his thoughts.

  The first thing that appeared in front of us was a seemingly crude technological creation, which seemed to be captured in a certain isolation cabin, and the whole process of the instrument being disassembled was recorded by the multiple observation instruments outside.

   "Cosmic high-energy particle detection module, fission battery, stellar wind detection module, infrared camera, communication module..."

   "Is this a deep space satellite?"

  Lu Yu quickly analyzed the function of this technological creation from the disassembled instruments.

This detection satellite is quite simple, it does not have any defense and attack modules, and its mobility is also very poor. It does not have the solar light sail of the third-level civilization, nor does it have a nuclear fusion engine. satellite.

  It is very similar to the human satellite, but the difference is that it seems to carry more information.

  As the dismantling progressed further, a computer that was still working was found from this simple satellite.

  From this computer, more information is known to the civilization that captured this satellite.

  The detection satellite has been away from the star system where the civilization is located for 3.27 million years. It is not the original product of that civilization's exploration of the starry sky, but a swan song from a civilization.

  As a human being, Lu Yu knows how difficult it is for a first-level civilization to explore the universe. This is a rigorous operation that cannot tolerate any mistakes.

  The resources it consumes cannot be supported by any individual organization. Only an entire country can support this huge consumption.

  Any small interstellar probe in the solar system has a huge team behind it. This team needs to consider many things, such as fuel consumption, reliability of instruments, gravitational influence of various stars during travel, adjustment of its own orbit, etc. Any mistakes in any place may mean a lot of social resources wasted.

  The civilization in this star system is at the same level of technology as human beings. Being able to manufacture this detection satellite that has been drifting in the big universe for so long is probably the limit that this civilization's technology can reach.

  A civilization that can’t even emit its own flashes in the big universe, its final story can only be known to more civilizations through the last satellite released.

  The star system where civilization was born, its stars are only 0.8 times the mass of the sun.

   During the formation process of a star system, there will always be a lot of waste materials, and these waste materials will generally obtain a relatively stable orbit during the long operation process, which forms the asteroid belt.

  It can be said that in a star system, there is no explanation for the absence of planets, but there are not many without asteroid belts. The only difference lies in the number of asteroids.

  In this star system, there is an asteroid belt with a very rich number of asteroids. For the birth of civilization, a large number of asteroids is not a good thing.

  But on the second planet in this star system, life was born, intelligent races evolved, and civilization was created.

   This planet was lucky to usher in the stable period of the asteroid belt for millions of years, which also allowed this civilization to slowly develop.

  The long and ignorant tribal era.

  Starting the era of budding technology endeavors.

  The feudal era of the development of the humanities.

  The industrial age when productivity exploded.

  After years of polishing, this civilization has become a late-level civilization. They finally began to look up at the stars to find the future of civilization.

  This star system has a vast asteroid belt, and the exploration target of this civilization is looking there.

  Because they also discovered the hidden threats facing their own civilization.

  Thus, what was thought to be the beginning of a vigorous era of star system exploration, but the first batch of exploration satellites of this civilization discovered something hidden in the asteroid belt.

  It is hazy in the three-dimensional observation, and it looks like a mosaic material appears in the three-dimensional world.

   This civilization found it in the asteroid belt, and then the cataclysm happened.

   The asteroid belt, which had always been relatively peaceful, immediately began to become chaotic. Lu Yu saw through the image that a large number of asteroids were smashed to pieces by an unobservable force in an instant. After these fragments had a very high initial velocity, they began to hit other asteroids, and the changes in the orbits of the remaining asteroids would affect more asteroids.

   Thus, a chain reaction began around the entire asteroid belt.

   Such drastic changes in the star system are fatal to a first-level civilization that failed to immigrate on a large scale.

  The parent star they depend on for survival will even cause a large number of asteroids to hit the planet because of this change, resulting in the large-scale destruction of the ecological circle.

  This civilization has ushered in an era of disaster.

   Asteroids are constantly breaking away from the asteroid belt and attacking this life planet.

  The two satellites of the planet can't stop the dense asteroids, and finally the fruits of civilization can no longer be seen in most areas of the planet.

  A planet is a world. This living planet, this little world is in the process of being destroyed.

   Asteroids fell one after another. At the peak, hundreds of kilometer-level asteroids fell on the planet in a day.

  The highest peaks on this planet are even 10,000 meters high. Now, these majestic peaks are collapsing rapidly, and endless rubble is rolling down under its own gravity, like an avalanche. But after these gravels landed on the ground, it seemed that some kind of extremely violent force acted on them again. They were like bullets shot out of the muzzle of a gun, and they shot rapidly into space.

   This is the huge impact caused by the impact of the asteroid, and even the geology has collapsed and changed, let alone the civilization building that has just been able to launch a detection satellite into the universe.


  The end of civilization.

  After recognizing this point, a religion was even born in the refuge of this first-level civilization. They worshiped the mosaic of the asteroid belt who did not know what it was, and regarded it as a god, praying for the end of such a disaster era.

   But in fact, there are no gods in the big universe, only civilizations, and only civilizations that master technology.

   After more than ten years of such a turbulent disaster era, this civilization has finally reached the brink of extinction.

  The last member of civilization, made the final decision.

   They did not choose to linger on, but used their last strength to create the last ten deep space satellites.

   Inside are the stories and encounters of this civilization.

  This is their last statement, this is the last trace of this civilization in the universe.

  Then this successfully launched deep space satellite recorded the end of the entire civilization and the planet.

   At the moment of completing the final civilization plan, this unknown civilization ushered in the grandest funeral.

  The planet that gave birth to them collapsed.

  Because its core disappeared, it disappeared very abruptly, just like the space transfer station made by the Huan civilization.

  Then this civilization was buried in the collapsed planet, and only the mosaic-like unknown object still stayed silently on the asteroid belt.

   destroy you, what has it to do with you?

   Fortunately, matter will not disappear out of thin air, nor will it appear out of thin air. Even if this planet explodes, its constituent matter will still be the same as before. Water will still be water, and at most it will change into hydrogen and oxygen.

   Although the planet's core suddenly disappeared, causing it to be completely, it still left an endless stream of asteroids and rubble. These asteroids and debris vary in size, with large ones weighing hundreds of billions of tons and small ones weighing only a few grams. They have formed a new asteroid belt, orbiting the star.

   Just like those satellites flying into the deep space, they rushed to the big universe with the last story of this civilization.

I'm afraid that the unknown object didn't expect that there would be a deep-space satellite that survived three million years, was picked up by a curious star-level civilization, and now, it was sold to the ring that was looking for clues. ethnic civilization!

   Is this a miracle of civilization?

  Maybe not, because the civilization that made it has been completely destroyed.

   But it is already meaningful. At least three million years later, there will be a higher civilization that sincerely thanks the unknown civilization for doing all this, even if it is only a first-level civilization.

  【Huanzu story +1%】

  (end of this chapter)